27/09/09 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 09/04/71

The experience of all virtues when in the avyakt stage.

Do you like the stage of being beyond sound or the stage of staying in sound? Which stage do you love more? Can you have both these stages at the same time? Do you have the experience of that? What virtue can be seen practically when you have this experience? (Being loving and detached.) This stage is like the stage of the seed in which the whole tree is merged. In the same way, in this avyakt stage you experience at that time all those special virtues which you speak about in the confluence age, because you are then a master seed and also knowledge-full. So you do not just experience peace, but, as well as peace, you also experience the main virtues of knowledge, supersensuous joy, love, bliss, power, etc. Not only do you experience those, but many other souls also experience all those virtues from the face of a soul who is stable in this stage. What did you experience through the corporeal form? You used to experience all the main virtues in the one moment, because all the virtues are merged in one main virtue. Just as in ignorance, all vices are deeply connected with one vice, in the same way, all the main virtues have a deep connection with one main virtue. If someone says that he is stable in the stage of an embodiment of knowledge, then, as well as being an embodiment of knowledge, many other virtues are also definitely merged in that stage. What would you call this stage in one expression? That of a master almighty authority. All powers are imbibed through such a stage. So the creation of such a stage is the stage of being equal and complete. Do you serve while stable in that stage? When you come onto the stage to do service, first of all, stabilise yourself in this stage, then come onto the physical stage. What will you experience through this? Even whilst being in a gathering, you will be seen as an alokik (unique) soul. At present, together with having an ordinary form, your stage is also seen as ordinary. However, by having a unique, extraordinary stage whilst in the ordinary form, you will be seen as the people who belong to Allah whilst being part of a gathering. In the beginning, you had the intoxication of such a stage. Just as in a gathering of stars, the sparkle of special stars is lovely and unique when seen even from a distance, so all of you stars should also be seen as special souls amidst ordinary souls.

When something extraordinary comes in front of people, then, even against their conscious wish, the attention of all of them is drawn to that. So, come onto the stage having stabilised yourself in such a stage that people's vision is automatically drawn to you. The stage secretary should not have to give everyone your introduction, but your stage itself should give your own introduction. Can a diamond not give its own introduction whilst being hidden in the mud? So, at the confluence age, a life as valuable as a diamond can automatically give its own introduction. What has been the result up to now? Do you know? What value have you reached now? What is the result of the lectures you give? At the present time, very few number one subjects emerge. There are more ordinary subjects that emerge, because, together with having an ordinary form, your stage over a long period of time also becomes ordinary. Now you yourself must experience the extraordinary stage whilst in the ordinary form and also give this experience to others. At the time of becoming extroverted, you must also keep the stage of being introverted. This does not happen. Either you become introverted, or you become extroverted. However, first of all, become introverted and then become extroverted. You need to pay individual attention to yourself in order to practise this. There is greater attraction to being extroverted than to the stage of being introverted. The reason for this is that you do not always remain stable in your elevated form or elevated intoxication. Therefore, your stage does not become powerful.

Together with being knowledge-full, become powerful and then give knowledge and you will be able to make many souls experienced. At present, there are many who relate knowledge, but very few who give an experience. There are many who relate knowledge (outside knowledge), but you are the only ones who can give an experience. At the time of doing service, have the aim that, whilst giving a donation of knowledge, you also have to donate the virtues of the Father and the self. No one except you can give a donation of virtues. Therefore, if you are an embodiment of the experience of all virtues, you will be able to make many others experienced too. Have you become like a lotus flower? It is the image of your life that has been portrayed, is it not? Or, is it the image of the life of some other maharathis? You say that it is your image, do you not? Why are images created? An image is created of the lifestyle and activity. So you have such activity and character, and this is why your image has been created. Keep this one image in your consciousness whenever you perform any action, and you will be able to remain detached from everything else. At present, you only remain in this stage temporarily. No matter what the atmosphere is like, simply remember this image, and you will be able to remain detached from that atmosphere. At present, you become influenced by the atmosphere. You have the very elevated aim of being the ones who will even purify the five elements, that you will transform them. So, can you come under the influence of that atmosphere? You are those who bring about transformation, not ones who are transformed due to the attraction of matter. Only then would you be able to remain like a lotus flower all the time.

What day is it for this group today? Today, the theoretical paper has been completed, and you are now going to take the practical paper. Now, what special task will this group perform compared to the other groups? How many heirs will you create and in how much time and bring them here? You will make many souls heirs in a short time, will you not? You have made many promises. You hold a function for making promises. In order to fulfil all the promises you make, simply remember one principle. What is that? (To die alive.) Do you have to die alive again and again? BapDada constantly has every hope in every soul. However, those who fulfil these hopes reveal themselves numberwise. This is why this group has to remember one main promise. What is the essence of the entire course? Out of all the pictures which picture would you show everyone in a practical way, through which you can reveal BapDada? What is the essence of all the teachings? That you are seen to be angels whilst performing any action: whilst sitting, walking, waking up and sleeping etc. There should be this uniqueness, spirituality, in every action. There should not be anything worldly in any of your actions or sanskars. Have you brought about such transformation? The aim of elevated effort-makers is special. Their thinking, doing and speaking are all equal. They would not say: I was thinking that I should not do this, but I did it; no. Their thinking, doing and speaking would be equal and similar to that of the Father. Have you become such elevated effort-makers? Achcha.

If this group becomes as powerful and spreads as much in all directions to the same extent as it is large, the Shaktis can spread the sound of the cries of victory. Do not be subservient to your sanskars. Do not be subservient to anyone's love or subservient to the atmosphere either. Do you understand? Do not let such words as, "What can I do, I am compelled?" emerge from your lips, let alone letting them emerge in your thoughts. Even if any individual or the atmosphere compels you, you must not be compelled, but instead, become strong. Do you understand? There should not be this complaint again. Did you complain about your effort before you began the bhatthi? What was that? It was that you became influenced by bad company because you were weak. Are you going from here having finished this complaint? None of you will be able to go into such bad company, will you? What if Maya tries to make you her companion in a Godly way? Just be careful and remember the promises you have made. Remember the slogans you speak of: We are one, we will belong to One and we will follow the directions of One. Always keep this firm all the time. Maya will come in front of you in such a Godly way that you will need to recognise her very carefully. Are you going from here having imbibed the power to discern? Always keep this with you eternally. Now, we shall see the result. Do not show a temporary result, but show the perfect result of all time. This group has made promises and maintained courage but what would happen if Maya compels you to break those promises? You have made many good promises, but what will you do if someone compels you otherwise? If you yourself are compelled by that, how will you be able to battle?

Do you know what truth is? No matter what emerges in your thoughts, not to hide that even in your thoughts is called the truth. If you make effort and experience success, then, even if you are defeated, telling Baba clearly the news of both situations is the truth. Only those who speak the truth will be able to fulfil their promises. Achcha.

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