17-03-91         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Today, BapDada is seeing His jewels of contentment from all four directions. The confluence age is the age for remaining content and making others content. Contentment is the speciality of the Brahmin life. Contentment is the greatest treasure of all. Contentment is the personality of purity of Brahmin life. With this personality you easily become a special soul. If there isn't the personality of contentment, you cannot be called a special soul. Nowadays, two types of personality are praised. One is the bodily personality and the other is the personality of position. The personality of contentment is visible in the expression of a Brahmin soul who has the greatness of contentment in his Brahmin life. And only the personality of the position of his elevated stage is visible. The basis of contentment is to be complete with all the attainments that have been claimed from Baba, that is to say, the soul is overflowing. Any lack of attainment is the reason for discontentment. All attainments bring about contentment. Therefore, what is it that BapDada gave all you Brahmin children as soon as you took Brahmin birth? Baba gave you the full inheritance, did He not? Or is it that He has given less to some and more to others? Is this what He has done? He hasn't, has He? BapDada always says to all the children: Remember Baba and the inheritance. The inheritance is all the attainments.

All the powers are included in this. All the virtues are included and gyan is also included; all the powers, all the virtues and the complete knowledge. It isn't just knowledge but it is the complete knowledge. It isn't just the powers and the virtues but all the powers and all the virtues. The inheritance is everything, that is, it is complete; there is nothing lacking. Every Brahmin child receives the full inheritance. You don't receive half the inheritance. It isn't that out of all the virtues, you receive two virtues and someone else receives another two virtues. The full inheritance means it is complete and perfect. Since each one receives the full inheritance, what would there be where there are all attainments? There would be contentment, would there not? So BapDada was seeing the personality of contentment of all the Brahmins and was seeing to what extent each one has developed this personality. There is no name or trace of discontentment in Brahmin life. This is known as experiencing the pleasure of Brahmin life through this personality. This is the life of pleasure, the life of enjoyment. The meaning of tapasya is that the personality of contentment should be visible in your eyes, in your face, in your expression and your activity. Baba was creating the rosary of such jewels of contentment. How long must the rosary have been? Would it have been a long one or a short one? A jewel of contentment means a jewel without any flaw. The sign of contentment is that a contented soul will experience the self to be satisfied and others would be satisfied with that soul. In the stage of being satisfied, the heart is not asking questions. One is a heart that is satisfied (prasann), and the other is a heart that is asking questions (prashan). Prashan means questions. One with a satisfied heart remains satisfied because of being knowledgeful about the drama, and does not ask questions. Whatever questions arise about the self or others, you yourself get the answer first. Baba told you before, did He not, not to ask what or why, but to put a dot. Change that which is one second, the detail, into the essence in the next second. One who is satisfied to such an extent always remains carefree. So check: are there such signs of a jewel of contentment in me? BapDada has given the title, 'jewel of contentment' to everyone. BapDada is asking all the jewels of contentment: Hey, jewels of contentment, are you content? (Hanji). Achcha, are you always content with yourself, that is, with your effort, with the effort of transformation of your sanskars, in the percentage of your effort and your stage? You didn't say 'hanji' to this. Why? You don't say 'hanji' when the aspect of "always" comes. Achcha. Second question, are you always content with your mind, words and actions, that is, in service which takes place through relationships and connections? In all three, not just in one type of service, but are you always content with all three types of service? So what would you say? Are you checking yourself to the extent you are this? Third question, are you always content with yourself and with others when coming into connection and relationship with all souls? Are you, or are you thinking about it? Because during the year of tapasya, this is the fruit of success of tapasya that you have to attain. There should be contentment with the self, with service and with others, with everything. You have had yoga for four hours; that is very good. You will reach eight hours from four hours; this is also good. Yoga is the method to achieve the result of yoga, but what is the result of the method? To have yoga is the method. The attainment through yoga is the result. Just as you have had the aim to have eight hours yoga, in the same way, keep a clear and elevated aim to achieve the result of these three types of contentment. Some children consider themselves to be content out of their own cleverness. Don't be content in this way. One is when your heart accepts and the other is when your head accepts. You are content with yourself, with your head thinking, "What worries do we have? We are carefree." To consider yourself to be content with your head is not contentment. You have to understand this in an accurate way. The signs of contentment should be experienced by the self. Is your heart always satisfied, is there that personality? If you consider yourself to have that personality but others don't consider you to have that personality, it means you consider yourself to be clever. So there shouldn't be contentment of this kind, but you have to become a contented soul with accurate experiences. Contentment means that the heart and the head will always be in rest. They will be in the stage of comfort and happiness. There will not be restlessness. They will be happy and comfortable. Such jewels of contentment always sparkle as the jewels of Baba's forehead. Check yourself. Contentment enables you to receive blessings from Baba and all others. A contented soul will experience himself to be flying on the viman of the blessings, of Baba and all others, from time to time. These blessings are the flying vehicle for that soul. He will constantly experience himself to be flying in a flying vehicle. He will not ask for blessings, but blessings will come to him automatically. To be such a jewel of contentment means to be a tapaswi who is the embodiment of success. It is not success that is temporary. This is eternal and spiritual success. Baba was seeing such jewels of contentment. Let each one ask the self: Who am I?

You have very good zeal and enthusiasm for the year of tapasya. Each of you is doing it according to your capacity and also has enthusiasm for the future. This enthusiasm is also very good. Now reveal the attainment that is claimed through tapasya in your life and in relationships and connections with all others. You experience this in yourself, but don't just keep your experiences in your mind and intellect. Bring them into your activity and onto your face. Bring them into your relationships and connections. After they are first revealed within yourself, they will then be revealed in your relationships. After that, they will be revealed on the stage of the world. Then the drums of revelation will beat. As your memorial, in the scriptures, they say that Shankar opened his third eye and destruction took place. Shankar means the bodiless stage, the tapaswi form. This me and to make the snake of the vices a garland around your neck and to constantly experience an elevated stage and be seated on an elevated seat. The third eye means the eye of becoming perfect, the eye of becoming complete. When you, the tapaswis are in your complete stage, and have the thought of world transformation, this nature will dance the dance of complete upheaval. It will dance the dance of creating calamities. You will be unshakeable and it will create upheaval. Why is that? Who will clean up the whole world? Can human souls do this? So the upheaval of this air, this earth and the water of the ocean will clean everything. You have to create such a complete stage with this tapasya. Nature will accept your order through your thoughts when first your constantly co­operative senses, the mind, intellect and sanskars, accept your order. If your constant co­operatives do not accept your order, how will nature accept your order? There should be such an elevated stage of powerful tapasya that everyone should have the same thought at the same time; then there will be transformation. When you have a thought in one second, nature should be present. At the moment, Brahmin souls of the world have world peace yoga at the same time; everyone at the same time has one thought of remembrance. In this way, with everyone's thoughts, nature will start the dance of upheaval. This is why you say that there will be world transformation through self­transformation. How will this old world be transformed and become new? Through the powerful thought of all of you. Everyone will have the same thought collectively. Do you understand what you have to do? Who are you? Jewels of contentment? Achcha.

This is the double foreigners' turn. They have gone fast in their last turn. BapDada always remains pleased seeing the double foreigners. This does not mean that Baba is not pleased seeing the Bharatwasis. At the moment, it is the double foreigners' turn. Baba is always satisfied with Bharat. This is why He has come in Bharat and has made all of you into Bharatwasis. Who are all of you at this moment? Foreigners or Bharatwasis? Not just Bharatwasis but you like being Madhubanwasis.

Now finish service quickly so that you can become Madhubanwasis. When you quickly finish giving the message to the whole world, you will then come here, and you will not then be sent away. By that time, the place will also be ready. Look, there is a very big land, it is already booked, is it not? Arrangements will be made there before hand, and then there will be no difficulty for you. However, when the time comes, you will even sleep on your suitcase. You will not take a bed. That will be a different time altogether. That time is different and this time is also different. Now the message through service should be the same in your mind, words and actions; it is then that the speed of service will become fast. Be powerful with your mind, knowledgeful in your words, and loveful in your relationships and connections, that is, in your actions. When all three experiences are given at the same time, service will take place with a fast speed.

Are all the double foreigners staying comfortably? Was there any difficulty? There was difficulty for those who are living far away. Are those who are staying in the hotels experiencing any difficulty? Is it difficult or is it easy? Are you all content with your living accommodation? Achcha. Are all of you all right with your body? There isn't along queue in the hospital is there? Achcha. Is the mind all right? You come from far away, and so BapDada is happy seeing the children who have come from far away, happy. But still, even though you come from far away, you are all right because you come by plane. Achcha.

BapDada is giving special love and remembrance to those who have come for the first time in this kalpa. Those who have been before and have come again, raise your hand. But still you have good courage. You go back to collect money for your ticket and come back. This also is a method to have remembrance: We have to go, we have to go. Where do you have to go? When you come here, you think that you have to go to foreign lands, but as soon as you leave you think about coming back here. When you have arrived here, you think about going back. Now inspire the intellect of the Government of Rajasthan so that they make all arrangements for you. The time will come when that Government will think that these Brahmin souls are the beauty of Abu. Achcha.

To all the great contented souls in all four directions, to the elevated souls who constantly have a satisfied heart, those who remain carefree, to the souls who are servers, who do service with a fast speed with all three types of service at the same time, to those tapaswi souls who are seated on the seat of an elevated stage, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.

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