01-03-90         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

The foundation of Brahmin life is a divine intellect and spiritual vision

Today BapDada, the Bestower of a divine intellect and the Bestower of spiritual vision, is seeing the children from everywhere who have received a divine intellect. At the moment of Brahmin birth each Brahmin child received both these blessings. Everyone has received a divine intellect and spiritual vision as a birthright. These blessings are the foundation of Brahmin life. The attainment of these two is known as Brahmin life, transformation of life or dying alive. The difference between the past life and the present Brahmin life is particularly based on these two aspects. The number for the effort­makers of the confluence age is based on these two things. To the extent that you use both of these constantly in your every thought, word and action, to that extent you claim a number ahead. Through spiritual vision, your attitude and actions are automatically transformed. Through a divine intellect, decisions are always made accurately and automatically in every situation for the self, for service and for relations and connections in the Brahmin family. When there is an accurate decision made with the divine intellect, then the self, service and the relations and connections become accurate and powerful on the basis of that decision. The main thing is of the vision and a divine intellect.

Today, BapDada was checking the divine intellect of all the children. The first sign of a divine intellect is that the soul will recognise the Father, the self and each Brahmin soul as they are and what they are, and will constantly continue to attain the right to take from the Father through that form as much as he wants. The soul will recognise the self with regard to what Baba has made him, the service for which he has been made an instrument, the specialities and divine virtues of Brahmin life that Baba has given him, and the role in which Baba has made him an instrument and he will make himself move forward accordingly. This is known as knowing the Father, the self and Brahmin souls as they are and what they are and to make them move forward. This is the first recognition of a divine intellect.

A divine intellect means a "holy swan intellect". A swan means cleanliness; it means to differentiate between milk and water or pearls and pebbles and to imbibe the pearls. It knows which one is a pebble and which one is a pearl and it does not imbibe the pebbles. That is why a holy swan is shown as the vehicle of the confluence­aged goddess of knowledge Saraswati, the embodiment of knowledge. All of you are embodiments of knowledge. That is why you are the lords of knowledge and the goddesses of knowledge. This vehicle is a sign of a divine intellect. All of you Brahmins travel through the three worlds with the yoga of the intellect. The intellect is also called a vehicle. The vehicle of the intellect is the fastest of all vehicles. The divine intellect is also called the power of the intellect because it is only with the power of the intellect that you are able to catch all powers from Baba. This is why it is called the power of the intellect, just as there is the power of science. The power of science shows so many limited wonders. Many things which people today find impossible, science demonstrates to be possible. However, that is perishable power whereas the other is the power of the divine intellect. Science is power of the intellect, but not the power of a divine intellect; it is a worldly intellect, and it is therefore only able to think about and work for this world and matter. The power of a divine intellect makes you a master almighty authority and brings you recognition of God, a meeting with God and the experience of attainments from God. Whatever you want, and however you want it, a divine intellect will make possible the impossible. Through a divine intellect you can experience God’s love (pure touching) in every action and experience success in every action. A divine intellect can defeat any attack of Maya. Wherever there is a touching from the Supreme, a pure touching where there is no mixture, it is impossible for there to be a touching or attack from Maya. Let alone Maya coming, she cannot even touch you. In front of a divine intellect, Maya becomes a garland of success; it does not remain Maya. It is just like the rajoguni rishi and muni souls who used to calm down a lion with their power; the lion would become their companion; it would become their vehicle and their toy, because it had been transformed. So you who are satopradhan, master almighty souls who are blessed with a divine intellect, what is Maya in front of you? Can Maya not be changed from an enemy? The power of a divine intellect is an extremely elevated power. Simply use it! Use it in the right way according to the time and all success will be in the palm of your hand. Success is not a big thing; it is simply the cleanliness of a divine intellect. Just as magicians of today show the cleanliness of their palms, so the cleanliness of a divine intellect brings all success into the palm of your hand. All of you Brahmin souls have attained all success, and it is divine success, not ordinary. This is why, even today, devotees go in front of your images in order to attain success. It is because you became embodiments of success that devotees go to ask you for things. So, did you understand what the wonder of a divine intellect is? Did the wonder of a divine intellect become clear? But, what did Baba see today? What would Baba have seen? Teachers speak!

You teachers have become master teachers like the Father, have you not? A teacher means one who is engaged in service in every thought and word at every second. Only such a server does BapDada call a teacher. You cannot serve through words at every moment; you would get tired. However, you can serve with your features all the time. There is no question of getting tired in this. You can do this, can you not? Teachers can only serve through words according to their capacity and according to the time. However, your features should be that of the future angel. Angels are the future of the confluence age; if this is visible from your features, such good service would take place. Since your non­living images, even in the last birth, are doing service through the features, then you, the living elevated souls, can easily do service through your features. Your features should always have the sparkle of constant happiness, peace and joy. No matter how unhappy a soul is, how peaceless or troubled he is, he will be able to make his future elevated through your features. You have this experience, do you not? Check your features at amrit vela. Just as you check the features of the body, in the same way, check that the make­up of happiness, peace and joy are all right in the angelic features. Check this and service will easily and automatically continue to take place. Do the teachers find this easy? You can do this service for 12 hours. You would serve through words for only 2 to 4 hours. When you carry out the work of planning and giving lectures, you get tired; there is no question of becoming tired in this. It is natural, is it not? All are experienced, but... BapDada has seen that in foreign lands, people keep many dogs and cats as pets, and you bring such toys here. You have many good experiences, but sometimes a ‘dog’ or a ‘cat’ enters, and you take time to chase it away. However, you were told today that Maya will become a garland of success. There is a garland around the neck of all the instrument servers. Is there the garland of success? Or is it that although the garland is around your neck you sometimes do not see it? You search outside for success. You tell the story of the queen who had the necklace around her neck and yet she was searching for it outside. You do not do this, do you? Success is the right of every Brahmin soul. All you teachers are embodiments of success, are you not? Or are you an embodiment of effort and the embodiment of labour? Efforts should be easy efforts, not laborious efforts. The definition of accurate efforts is 'natural attention'. Some say: We have to pay attention. However, they are not aware when attention changes into tension. Natural attention means an accurate effort­maker.

BapDada loves the teachers, and He therefore does not allow them to labour. This is the love of the heart, is it not? Achcha. Next time you will be told what else Baba saw. He will tell a little at a time. All of you are able to visualize your own picture, are you not? There is the great splendour of service in this land and in the foreign lands, and the conference of Bharat was very successful. The sign of success is that souls with zeal and enthusiasm are increasing in number because of the fragrance of success. A sign of something good is that there is an increasing desire in everyone to see, hear and attain it. This is the sign of something good. So, do not think that numbers will be very small. If you are doing something good, their desire will increase and the numbers will also increase. Whether it is a retreat of the foreigners or a conference, day by day, the results of both are looking good. The best result of all is that, previously, in foreign lands they used to think that no one would come because of the name of the Brahma Kumaris. Now they understand, “People are going directly to the Brahma Kumaris ashram for a retreat and to learn Raj Yoga.” You have come out from behind that curtain. Now the veil has been removed. The Madhuban residents and the servers who came from all the different places of Bharat did service. The Madhuban residents and the servers from everywhere did not consider the situations around them; they did not think about their rest, but did good, tireless service with love. This is why BapDada is giving congratulations for service to the special children from everywhere who attained success through tireless service. He is giving congratulations from the heart. The sound is echoing in all directions. Achcha.

To all the souls who are blessed with a divine intellect and spiritual vision, to the souls who are the embodiments of knowledge and who constantly use the power of a divine intellect according to the task and according to the time, to the souls who always do constant service through their angelic features and are natural and easy effort­makers, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

Personal Meetings with Avyakt BapDada:

All of you are invaluable jewels. How invaluable are you? No word of this world can be applied to you. You are very elevated jewels. This is why the temples that have been built from the copper age onwards are studded with jewels; they even decorate non­living images with jewels. Since the non­living images become so invaluable, how elevated and invaluable are you in the living form? And, what will these jewels be when you are in your own kingdom? Just as stones here are used for decoration, so the palaces there will be studded with jewels. Do you remember what you did in your kingdom? Do you not remember the things that you have done countless times? Even if you look at your present, what has your life become from being like a shell? It has become a diamond­like life, has it not? You will have countless jewels and diamonds. Always think about your future on the basis of your elevated present life, as to what fruit of your actions you will receive and how powerful the seeds of actions that you are sowing are. So you will also receive good fruit, will you not? No one else can receive any better fruit than this. Do you have this intoxication? Achcha.

All of you remain busy, do you not? Maya cannot come to those who remain busy because you don’t have time to receive her. So, do you remain that busy or do you sometimes receive her? Why have you become Brahmins? It is in order to remain busy, is it not? BapDada jokingly says that it is those who remain busy who are the biggest of all businessmen. Throughout the whole day you do such big business. Do you know accounting? Do you know how to keep your accounts? You have an income of multimillions at every step. To earn multimillions at every step ­ no one else can do such business throughout the whole cycle. So you have the happiness of however much you accumulate. Who has the most happiness of all? Say with intoxication: If we don’t remain happy, who will? Have this intoxication, but also remain humble. The sign of a good tree is that it will be full of fruit, but it will be bowing down. Do you have such intoxication? So, the two happen simultaneously. This has become the natural life of all of you. Whoever you look at you will see them with the awareness that they are souls of the one family. This is why it is not intoxication that can cause damage. Love from your heart automatically emerges for every soul. There can never be dislike for anyone. There cannot be dislike even if someone insults you; there cannot be any questions. Where there is a question mark there will definitely be fluctuation. One who applies a full­stop passes fully. Only those who have a full stock of powers are able to put a full­stop. Achcha

Blessing: May you become powerful and experience problems to be the means for the ascending stage and always remain content.

Powerful souls overcome problems in the same way as when you travel on a direct path. Problems for them become the means for the ascending stage. Every problem is experienced as something familiar. They are never amazed but always remain content. They never use the words “because of this”, but, at that time, change excuses into solutions.

Slogan: To be able to overcome all adverse situations by remaining stable in your original stage is greatness.

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