18-01-1997         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Reveal the personality of the Father through your own face and the drums of revelation will beat.

Today, BapDada is seeing two huge gatherings. One gathering is of you, who are personally in front of Baba, and the second is the unlimited avyakt gathering. All the many children in all directions are, at this time, personally seeing and listening to the Father through the avyakt form. Each gathering is more loved than the other. Today, remembrance of Brahma Baba has especially emerged in everyone's heart because Brahma Baba has a special part in this drama. All the children have a lot of love in their heart for Brahma Baba because Brahma Baba also has a lot of love for each child. Just as you children remember Brahma Baba's virtues and duty in the corporeal form, in the same way, Brahma Baba is also singing praise of the children's specialities and their service. Is the avyakt sound of Brahma Baba reaching all of you? Father Brahma continues to smile on hearing the heart­to­heart conversation and the sweet talk that all of you children have from amrit vela. And what praise does he sing? Wah, my long­lost and now­found children who are going to reveal the Father, wah! Do you know what pure hopes Brahma Baba has of you children? Baba desires every child of His to reveal the Father's personality through his image. You have different features, but Baba's personality should be visible through your own image. Whoever sees you and whoever comes into relationship with you should see you but forget you and see the Father in you; only then will there be the completion of time. The sound that should emerge from everyone's heart is: My Father has come; He is my Father. He is not just the Father of the Brahma Kumaris, but my Father. When the sound of "My Father" emerges in everyone's heart, then this sound will echo in all directions like drums. Whatever facilities of science you have, through those facilities, the drums will continue to beat: My Father has come. Whatever you have done until now, you have done very well and you are also continuing to do it very well. However, now, all of you have to beat the drums at the same time. Wherever it is heard, only the one sound will be heard. "The One who had to come has come." This is known as a clear revelation of the Father. Now, just your name has been glorified. The first step is that the name has been revealed and that the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are doing very good work. At the moment they sing praise of the University, your task and the knowledge and you feel very happy. They understand that no one else can do this task. They have reached this stage. This much has become clear for them. In all directions, there is praise of these aspects. It hasn't yet become as clear that BapDada has now come. Now, the curtain has started to open a little, but it isn't very clear. They know that your backbone is some authority, but the barrier of knowing that He is BapDada and that they have to claim their inheritance from Him is still only slightly being removed with zeal and enthusiasm. So, that has to happen now. When they take a step, that is a step of co­operation. They have started to take the first step. They are being inspired to give their co­operation. Now, the second step is for them to have the enthusiasm to claim their inheritance. When both steps come together, then the drums will beat in all directions. Which drums? That of, "My Baba". Not, "Your Baba", but, "My Baba". Just as they praise your task, in the same way, they will dance and sing praise of Baba who is Karankaravanhar. This will happen. You are able to see this scene in front of your eyes and in your heart, are you not? Bap and Dada have come to give all the children their inheritance. Whether it is of mukti or of jeevanmukti, they are definitely going to receive their inheritance. No one will be deprived, because Baba is the Master of the unlimited. He is the unlimited Father, and so the unlimited have to claim their inheritance; but only when they know the Father. If they just know that the Father has come, then even if they are not able to cut away the sins of many births with the power of yoga, by having the slightest recognition, they will at least claim a right to their inheritance. The Father has the thought to give the unlimited inheritance and so it is guaranteed to happen. Therefore, do all of you also have unlimited good wishes and pure feelings in your heart for your unlimited brothers and sisters to claim a right to their inheritance? When will you reveal these good wishes and pure feelings? Fix a date for this in advance in your heart; before fixing it in the gathering, first fix it in your heart and then the date of destruction will automatically become clear by itself. You do not have to worry about that. You have the mercy of having claimed a right and are enjoying that pleasure. It is very good that you enjoy yourself, but you are the children of the Merciful Father and so you have to have mercy for the unlimited. When you have mercy for others, you automatically first have mercy for yourself and you won't have to make effort for the little thing that you are making effort for now. Be master merciful! Become merciful! Let this virtue emerge, for by having mercy for others, you automatically have mercy for yourself.

BapDada told you earlier what He doesn't like in the children. Do you know what that is? BapDada does not like the children to labour hard and battle again and again. Baba even calls you yogi children; not yoddhe (warrior) children, but yogi children. So, what is the duty of yogi children? Is it to battle? Do you like battling? You become distressed and then you battle. Today, day you promise that you will not battle any more and then, after some time, instead of being a yogi, you become a warrior. Why is this? BapDada knows that children like battling. You have less love for yoga and more love for battling. So, what will you do from today? Will you be warriors or constant yogis? BapDada saw that so many 18ths January have gone by, have they not? BapDada and especially Brahma Baba is invoking you children. In which aspect? That his children should become the same as him and come to the subtle region. Come to the subtle region. Do you not like the subtle region? Do you like it? Or, do you still like battling? Do not battle any more. From today, stop battling. Are you able to do this? Say yes! When you go back. do not write a letter saying: Maya has come and you battled and chased her away. Do not write such letters. Some people experience their own Maya, whereas others become affected by the Maya of others. "Why is this like this? What is this? You take someone else's Maya into yourself. Do not do this any more. It is Baba's duty to free you from Maya and all you have to do is just become intense in making effort for the self. Then, with your attitude, vibrations and good wishes, the Maya of others will easily go away. If you start asking, "Why? What?" etc., then neither will your Maya go away nor will that of others. On New Year's Day, you bade farewell to the old year. Would you say it is 1996 any more? You would call it the year 1997, would you not? If someone says that it is 1996 by mistake, you would say it is not 1996, but 1997. Now, bid farewell to "Why? What? Like this, like that etc". Do not have question marks., but put a full­ stop. Otherwise, when you ask a question, you start the account of wastage. And when the account of wastage begins, all power finishes. Then, when power is finished, Maya comes in different forms and under different circumstances and makes you her customer. What do you become then? Yogis or warriors? Do not become warriors. Have you made a firm promise? Or, have you just said yes because BapDada is asking you? Have you made it firm? Or will you become slightly weak when you return to your own place? Will you become a little weak? What do the Shaktis say? Will you become weak or not? Not everyone is saying yes, and this means there is still a little doubt. There is doubt in the self. Yes or no? Just be careful, your photo is being taken on the T.V. BapDada will then send you the cassette of the T.V. because Baba has love in His heart for the children who have said, "Baba", from their heart, whether they are new children or old. However, it is not for those who have only said it in words, but for those who have accepted it and are also moving along according to that. It is not love just in words. BapDada is seeing the wonderful games of the children. Today, you say: Baba!. Oh Baba! Oh my sweet Baba! What can I say? What can I not say? You are my world! You speak very sweetly and then after two to four hours, if something happens, it's as though an evil spirit has entered you. It is not the situation that comes, but just an evil spirit that comes. BapDada has a picture of everyone when an evil spirit entered them. Look, there is also the memorial to the Lord of Spirits and so BapDada sees where the evil spirits have come from, how they have come and how the children chased them away. Baba continues to observe this game. Some become afraid and disheartened. Then, BapDada has the pure thought that He should give that person the life­giving herb through someone and bring him back to life. However, that soul is so caught up in being unconscious that he doesn't even see the life­giving herb. Do not do this; do not lose total consciousness. Remain a little conscious. If there is even a little consciousness, you will remain safe.

Today, Brahma Baba was especially seeing the result of all the children, because you call today the day of remembrance and the day of power. So Brahma Baba was seeing how many anniversaries of the day of remembrance you have already celebrated, and to what extent you have developed that power in yourself. What would Baba have seen? According to the present result, you, who are going to be knowledge­full, you also have to become knowledge­full of Maya. How many knowledge­full souls have emerged who are full of Baba's knowledge as well as Maya's knowledge? How many are able to recognise Maya from a distance and be able to catch the vibrations that something is going to happen on that day so they have to remain powerful? What do you write in your news to Baba? "Maya came, I chased her away and she went away." But, why did she come? Did you give Maya permission to come? Have you given her permission to come sometimes? If someone comes without permission, do you allow that one to enter? You do not have mercy for Maya, do you? The poor thing has been your companion for half a kalpa! Do not have mercy for Maya. At least, first have mercy for all those unlimited souls. In the result, Baba saw 50­50 in the first and second number; not just the first number, but the first and second numbers together were fifty per cent. However, BapDada is very happy that children have love for the Father and so, through Baba's love, they will become victorious.

Now, the tilak of victory should be so clearly visible on each one's forehead that others experience you truly to be a victorious jewel. BapDada has told you earlier also that, in this final study, each child has to claim three certificates. One is the self­certificate of being content with the self; the second certificate is from BapDada and the third certificate is from those who come into connection and relationship with you. When you have received these three certificates, you can understand that your study has finished. Do not think that BapDada is happy with you. He may be content, but you have to claim all three certificates. Just one will not do. Check how many certificates of the three you have received. You cannot receive anything without the Father. You can receive a lot by receiving the certificate of contentment from the family. However many souls you receive a certificate of contentment from, however many Brahmins you make content, you can understand that you will have that number of bhagats. They will worship you with contentment and not allow anything to be done just in namesake, but from their heart. However many become content in their heart with one another, that many will become worthy of worship. One has love and regard for those who are worthy of worship. However many Brahmins have love and regard for you, here, in this Brahmin life, so too, your non­living images will also receive that much love and regard when they are worshipped. The reward for the entire kalpa has to be created now; not just the reward of ruling for half a kalpa, but the reward of being worthy of worship for half a kalpa is also created at this time. Do not think that everything will be O.K. with just Baba being content; no. Baba has so much love for the family. He has so much love, does He not? Does He have love just for Himself? He has a lot of love for the family. So, follow the Father! You saw Brahma Baba; no matter what the child was like, Baba, as a bestower of teachings, gave that one teachings and also had a lot of love in his heart. The sign of love is to have good wishes and pure feelings for every soul, no matter what they are, who they are, and to be able to transform a soul no matter what type of Maya's influence that soul may be under. It is not to have feelings of dislike and think that this one is never going to change anyway; that this one is like this anyway. You were told that you now need to be merciful because many children are not able to overcome their problems with their own power because of being weak, and so you have to become co­operative. How? Not just with correction. Nowadays, no one can take any correction if it is given without love and good wishes. That is like giving the final result. Correction alone does not work, but correction given with pure feelings and mercy can achieve a lot. Look at Brahma Baba: he would be aware of a child having made a mistake on that day. However, whilst knowing this, he would give correction to that child with such yukti and with so much love that the child would understand that Baba had love for the child. Within that love was also merged the power to realise the mistake. You remembered Brahma Baba a lot today, did you not? So follow father. Do you have the courage to become the same as the father? Do you wish to become the same as him? Congratulations for your courage! BapDada hears the applause of your heart in advance. You clap with a lot of happiness, but the applause of your heart reaches BapDada in advance.

BapDada is going to tell you something amusing. Brahma Baba was conversing with Shiv Baba. Brahma Baba said that he was date­conscious about one thing in particular. Children are told not to become date­conscious. But Brahma Baba is date­conscious of one thing; of which date? Of when every child of his is to become jeevanmukt. Do not think that you will receive liberation­in­life at the end; no. The practice of being jeevanmukt over a long period of time will enable you to claim the fortune of the kingdom of being jeevanmukt for a long period of time. Prior to that, when you become jeevanmukt now, then your jeevanmukt stage will influence the souls who have a life of bondage and enable them to break their bondages. Do you not want to do this service? You do wish to do it, do you not? You should give a response to Brahma Baba's being date conscious. What will be the date when all of you become jeevanmukt, when you don't have any bondages? It is not a long list. You make a long list of your bondages. When you take classes you make a long list of the bondages. However, Baba says: Out of all the bondages, the foremost bondage that you have to become free from is the consciousness of the body. When you do not have a body, all other bondages automatically finish. Instead of thinking that you are a teacher, a student, a server etc., practice thinking at amrit vela: I, an elevated soul, have incarnated from up above. I have entered this old body in this old world to do service. Now make the lesson of the soul even more firm. Adopt soul consciousness and your soul consciousness will finish the consciousness of Maya for all time. You should now have the awareness of the soul in your intellect as you walk and move. You should do this even more now. Look how Brahma Baba made the lesson of the soul so firm from the beginning. He filled so many diaries: I am a soul, this one is a soul, this one is also a soul. Have you made the lesson of the soul so firm? You have made it firm that you are a server, but make it firm that you, the soul, are a server and you will become jeevanmukt. Incarnate into your body every day and think: I am an incarnation. I am an incarnated soul. Then you will not have to battle. You have a list of many titles. Every day, keep a new title in your intellect: I am an elevated soul. Is this easy or difficult? When the soul is stable in the point­form, then the point of the drama will also be useful and you will be able to apply a full­stop to all problems within a second. You will become a point and go to Paramdham as a point. You have to return, do you not? Or, will you go directly to heaven? Where will you go? Will you go home first or to your kingdom first? Do you have to go with the Father up to your home or will you go straight to your kingdom? Will you not tell the Father? You first have to become a point and return home with the Father who is a point. Otherwise, you will not get a passport to heaven. You will automatically receive a passport to go from Paramdham to your kingdom. No one will need to give it to you. The closer you are, the closer you will come numberwise into the kingdom from Paramdham. Which souls will leave Paramdham first? Whom will you go with? You will go with Father Brahma. Will all of you go to the kingdom together? Or, will you go in the second or third birth? You do wish to go, do you not? You do have love, don't you? You will not leave Brahma Baba alone, you will go with him. So, will you tell BapDada the date or not? Will you tell Baba? (Baba should tell us.) BapDada says that you should become this now. Through this, even Baba will change from being date­conscious. Did Brahma Baba believe in tomorrow? He believed an immediate donation is the greatest donation. His first effort was intense effort. Did he believe in tomorrow? He didn't. What will happen tomorrow? How will the family continue? Did he think about this? Whatever is happening today is good and whatever is to happen tomorrow will also be good. This is why he believed that an immediate donation is the greatest charity, and so he became the foremost great donor. Now, children should become immediate donors. As soon as you have a thought, you make the great sacrifice by donating immediately. When Baba asks you which ones will go into the first division, all of you raise your hand. If Baba were to do this now, all of you would raise your hand. BapDada knows that none of you will keep your hand down. Since you wish to come into the first division, at least follow the number one soul. It is easy to follow. Put your feet in Brahma Baba's footsteps. Simply copy. Do you know how to copy or not? Do you know how to follow? So simply follow; what else do you have to do?

You are very happy to see the huge gathering, are you not? (The whole gathering clapped very loudly.) Teach everyone the clapping of one hand. (Everyone waved their hand.) That's better. Achcha.

This time, people from all zones have come. There is a majority from every zone. Those from Maharashtra and Bombay, raise your hands! Maharashtra is instrumental for service. You are giving good proof of service. All of you are serving with great happiness. Do you feel sleepy or does even your night pass by in service? Doing service day and night is great charity. Even if it is night, the servers are ready to serve. Is it like this for those from Maharashtra? The result is good. Gujarat did it, and now it is Maharashtra's turn. Each group of servers has their own speciality. Gujarat was given a turn. It is good. Look, because of service, you have received a double chance. You can come when it is your turn to meet and you can also come as servers, and so servers have a double chance. Achcha.

Those from Karnataka and Andhra, raise your hands. There are more mothers in this group. Those from Delhi. Delhi is celebrating the completion of the Diamond Jubilee Year. It is good. The sound from Delhi spreads in all directions very easily. You are working with great courage and the completion of the Diamond Jubilee has to take place with great splendour. Achcha.

Gujarat: Gujarat are neighbours and they are present as soon as you clap. (BapDada met all the different groups, asking them to raise their hands. The groups were: Punjab, Eastern Zone, Nepal, Assam, Orissa, Indore, U.P., Banaras, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Agra, Madhuban and double foreigners.)

Double foreigners are the decoration of the gathering of Madhuban. Double foreigners are very clever in giving and receiving love and remembrance. Bharat is Bharat, but the foreign lands are no less. They send their remembrance in a different way every time. Even now, many children sent their remembrance for the New Year and many children remember this day with a lot of discipline. They send remembrance from their heart and also through cards and letters. BapDada had received special letters and cards from double foreigners. BapDada is giving multimillion­ fold love and remembrance. Even now, many of them have reached this gathering in Madhuban in their angelic form. BapDada is seeing them in front of Him and giving special congratulations for their zeal and enthusiasm for remembrance and service. Now, double foreigners have become experienced in remembrance and service and will continue to become more so. Now, the mischievous games of childhood of the majority have finished and are continuing to finish. This is why BapDada is giving the double foreigners this slogan as congratulations for their intense effort: May you constantly remain safe from Maya's vision and constantly keep Baba merged in your vision. When Baba is in your vision, Maya cannot cast her spell on you. Therefore, children, you have constantly been safe and will remain safe. Achcha.

All those who are sitting here, stabilise yourself in the bodiless stage in one second. Do not come into body consciousness. The soul is celebrating a meeting with the Supreme Soul. (BapDada performed drill.) Continue to practise this again and again whilst performing actions. As soon as you put the switch on, become bodiless in one second. This practice will enable you to experience the karmateet stage.

To the constantly powerful souls in all directions; to the easy effort­making children who constantly follow BapDada; to the children who are constantly with the one Father, those who have a stable intellect and are stable in a constant stage; to the children who become a point and return home with Baba, the Point; to all Baba's loving, co­operative server children, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

BapDada speaking to the Dadis: The mela has now finished, having been free from all obstacles, has it not?

(BapDada was given news of Sister Shelley, from Sheffield, who was in Madhuban, that she left her body at 7.30 pm.) Some people leave behind a memorial. Whatever part each one has, no matter where you are or what happens, that part has to be played. Double foreigners are also needed in the advance party. (Shelly had been practising silence in the past few days.) A variety of flowers is being gathered together for the bouquet of the advance party. (She was fully surrendered and had been in Madhuban for the last three months and left her body when the song for traffic control was played at 7.30 pm) Such good souls who are able to do something through vibrations are needed. You would not say that this going is going, but coming for service. She has become an instrument to inspire many souls to have unlimited disinterest. To leave this huge mela is also to play an unlimited part in the unlimited mela. You may ask: Has she gone? No, she has not gone, but she has come to play a different part in a different costume. (Everyone in London was having special yoga for her.) Tell them this news and they should continue to give their co­operation of remembrance and these vibrations. (Nirwairbhai related the news to everyone and the whole gathering donated yoga to that soul for one minute.)

At the time of taking leave: Do all of you like this huge hall of Shantivan? (Ha ji.) Who made it? This huge hall has been prepared with the finger of co­operation of all of you. Baba is there anyway, but the children's finger of co­operation is also needed. Do you like it? Achcha, should we build a hall bigger than this? It is good. It has been built with the co­operation of all the children. Whatever work still remains, that will also be accomplished. Do all of you like this mela and to eat and sleep on the floor? Is this not difficult for you? Did you have any difficulties? You had many melas on the path of bhakti. In those, together with the food, you also ate the dust, you slept on the floor and you ate in the dust. However, you received very good Brahma Bhojan, did you not? Did you receive good Brahma Bhojan? Did anyone have any difficulty with Brahma Bhojan? No one's health was spoilt, was it? Did those who were ill become well? So this mela of Shantivan was especially for Brahmins and will continue to take place. But also use Shantivan for service. Brahmins means servers. Those who are in contact with you and wish to have a chance to be served, those whom you cannot serve, due to a lack of space, can now be served with a big heart. You can now serve thousands, whereas up in Madhuban, you are given limits. Here, in one hall, you can have two or three groups doing yoga camps at the same time. You can even give courses here and also create heirs. It will be very easy to create heirs with the sustenance given here, because the atmosphere here and the drishti and the sustenance of the experienced Dadis will easily allow transformation to take place. One programme should be for the refreshment of Brahmins and another programme for service in different ways. You can have separate groups in the one hall and even in the accommodation blocks. Just as you have come now, so too, now create a programme for those who are in contact with you. Do not think: How will we be able to use this huge hall? It can be made small from big and big from small. So, will you prepare that many numbers? Now, use this hall and create 900,000. Are you able to do this? (We should have each one teach one.) It is a good idea. How many will there be if all of you sitting here bring one with you? Now, according to the time, do unlimited service on a grand scale. You have small groups even up there (in Madhuban), but here, you can create a larger number of subjects. You can even create royal subjects and heirs. Do you like this? So, what will you do next time? However many of you there are sitting here, bring that many with you. You may bring more, not less.

Do you want to be refreshed? Should we have bhattis for you? It should not be that you have bhattis here and go and sit down when you return home. Do not do that. A bhatti means transformation for all time. Now, create a plan so that everyone becomes happy. The Ministers and Prime Ministers and Presidents should all be impressed with your experience. At least the government should say: If there is to be benefit for Bharat, it will be from here. So now, do fast service. Do you understand? Now, continue to finish whatever is left. When there are people who want to do something, then together they can even lift a mountain, and so what is this in comparison? Achcha.

Even BapDada likes huge melas. When the children have courage, the Father helps. Achcha.


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