30-03-2000         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

In order to keep your mind healthy, take five seconds every now and then to exercise your mind.

Today, BapDada, the Resident of the far­away land, has come to meet His children who live in the various countries of the corporeal world. BapDada sees all of you residents of the various countries as residents of the one land. No matter where each one of you has come from, you have all originally come from the same place. So, you do remember your eternal land, do you not? You do love it, do you not? Together with loving the Father, you also love your eternal land, do you not?

Today, BapDada is seeing all of you children in your five forms. Do you know what those five forms are? You do know them, do you not? Brahma with the five faces is also worshipped. Therefore, BapDada is looking at all the five forms of all you children.

First: Your eternal form of a point of light. Do you remember your form? You don’t forget it, do you? Second: Your original form of a deity. Have you reached your deity form? Have you entered your deity form? Third: Your worthy­to­be­worshipped form of the middle period. Do you remember that? Is it all of you that are worshipped or is it the residents of Bharat who are worshipped? Are you worshipped? Kumars, speak! Are you worshipped?

So, the third form is your worthy­to­be­worshipped form. Fourth: Your confluence­aged Brahmin form, and finally, your angelic form. So, do you now remember all your five forms? Achcha. Are you able to experience all these five forms of yours in a second? You can at least count: one, two, three, four, five! All of these five forms are so lovely!

Whenever and in whichever form you want to stabilise, as soon as you think of it, you experience it. This is a spiritual exercise for the mind. What does everyone do nowadays? They exercise, do they not? Just as in the beginning of your world ­ and the golden age was your world, was it not? At that time, you had natural exercise as you walked and moved. You didn’t exercise by standing in one place and saying, “One, two, three”. Therefore, now that it is the end, BapDada is making you also do this exercise. Your body becomes healthy by doing physical exercise. Similarly, continue to exercise your mind whilst walking and moving around. You don’t need to find a special time for this. Are you able to take five seconds at any time or not? Just 5 seconds! Are any of you so busy that you can’t find even 5 seconds? Is there anyone? If so, raise your hand! You do have that time, do you not?

Therefore, you wouldn’t say, “What can I do? I don’t have any time!”, would you? You wouldn’t say this, would you? Do you have time? So, every now and then, perform this exercise. No matter what task you are doing, exercise your mind for 5 seconds! Your mind will thereby remain constantly healthy. It will always be fine. BapDada says: Perform this 5 seconds exercise every hour. Are you able to do this? Look, you are all saying that this is possible to do. Therefore, remember to do it! Remember this Om Shanti Bhawan. Do not forget it! You have many different complaints about your mind. “What can I do if I can’t focus my mind?” You make your mind (man) weigh a ton (mann). You make it heavy.

Earlier, for measuring weight, you used this system of measurement. However, that system of measurement has now changed (to metric). You make your mind weigh a ton, that is, you make it very heavy. However, if you continue to perform this exercise, you would become very light. You should then develop this practice. Whenever you want to stabilise in any particular form, for instance, the Brahmin form, then you will experience the Brahmin life. Say, “Angel”, and you become an angel. Is this difficult or not? Kumars speak! Is it difficult? Is it a little difficult? Are you angels or not? Is it you who are angels or is it someone else? So, whoever are angels, how many times have you become angels?

You have become this countless times. Are you the ones who have become this? Achcha. Is something you have done countless times difficult to repeat once more? Is it sometimes difficult? Now practice this! Wherever you are, take your mind on a 5 second tour. You like touring, do you not? Teachers, is this OK? You know how to go on a tour, do you not?

Go on this tour and carry on occupying yourself in your work. Go on this tour every hour and then occupy yourself in your work. You can’t leave your work. You have to fulfil your duties. However, you can take 5 seconds, not even a minute, but seconds! Are you not able to find time for this? Can you find this time? Are you able to find this time whilst you are in the U.N. Office? You are master almighty authorities! Therefore, what can master almighty authorities not do?

BapDada is very sweetly amused seeing one thing in the children. What is that? You issue challenges, you have leaflets printed, you give lectures and courses. What else do you do? You say that you will transform the world. All of you say this, do you not? Do all of you say this? Or, is it only those who give lectures who say this? On the one hand, you say that you will transform the world, that you are master almighty authorities. You also say that your mind belongs to you, that you are the masters of your mind; that you are master almighty authorities. Even then, on the other hand, you still say that it is difficult! So would Baba not be amused by this? He would be amused, wouldn’t He? So when you think that your mind is not listening to you, then you too should be amused with yourself. BapDada sees the three types of lines that are remembered for when anything enters your mind. One is a line drawn on water. Have you seen a line drawn on water? As soon as you try to draw such a line, it is instantly erased. You do draw this line, do you not? The second is to draw a line on paper or on a slate. However, the biggest line is a line carved (drawn) on stone. It is very difficult to erase a line carved on stone. BapDada sees that, sometimes you children carve a very deep line in your mind like a line carved on stone. You can’t then erase it even when you try to do so. Is such a line good? You promise so many times, “I will now stop doing this. This will not happen any more”, but you then become influenced by something.

This is why BapDada does not dislike you children, but He has mercy for you. You are influenced. Therefore, one feels mercy for someone who is influenced. When BapDada sees you children with His vision of mercy, then what appears on the curtains of the drama?

The question “For how much longer?” Therefore, you have to reply to this. Will you reply? How much longer? Can you kumars reply? When will all this finish? You kumars make many plans, do you not? So, for how much longer? Are you able to reply to this? How much longer is this to continue before it eventually stops? Speak! Do you know the answer? Dadis, speak! (It will continue a little whilst it is still the confluence age.) But, for how much longer is the confluence age going to continue? (Until we become angels.) But when will that be? (Baba should tell us.) Is it you who have to become angels or is it the Father? Therefore, think about the answer to this. Baba would say “Now!” So, are you ready? You didn’t raise your hands for even half the rosary!

BapDada constantly wants to see you children in your perfect form. You say that Baba is your world (sansar). All of you do say this, do you not? Do you have any other world? If Baba is your world, can there be anything outside this world? It is just a matter of transforming your sanskars. In your Brahmin life, for most of the time, it is sanskars that cause obstacles, whether they are your own sanskars or the sanskars of others. All of you have knowledge, all of you have the powers, but what is the reason for obstacles? Whatever particular power you need at a particular time emerges a little later than it should.

Afterwards you think, “Instead of saying that, if I had said this, it would have been better.” “Instead of doing that, if I had done this, it would have been better.” However, the time you had to pass that test has by then passed by. You even think about all the powers you have: I have the power to tolerate, I have the power to discriminate, I should use this power. There is just the difference of a short time. What else happens? OK, you were not able to use that power at that time, and you even realise what you should have done instead of what you did. You realise later what you should have done. Having made that mistake once, you should become experienced and realise what your mistake was so that you don’t make that same mistake again. Even then, there can be progress. At that time, you can understand what is wrong and what is right. You should make yourself realise very clearly so that you do not make that same mistake again. However, even in this, the full percentage of you are not able to pass. Maya too is very clever. She comes to test you again in the same thing. For instance, if you lack the power to tolerate, then even though you have realised that once, Maya will again bring about a situation for which you would need the power to tolerate, but, at that time, she would change her form a little. It is the same thing, but Maya changes her form a little. It is the same old thing, but as happens nowadays, something old is polished very well and made to appear almost new, so, Maya too, comes polished in such a way, that you don’t recognise that the significance of the situation is the same. For instance, you may have become jealous. Jealousy too is of many types, not just of one type. So, the seed would be of jealousy, but it would come in a different form. It will not come in the same form, so you would sometimes think, “The thing that happened before was different. This thing is totally different.” However, the seed is the same. It’s just that its form has been transformed. What power do you need to recognise this? The power to discriminate. For this, BapDada has also told you earlier to pay attention to two things. One is to have an honest heart. Honesty! Do not keep anything hidden within you. What happens when you keep it within you? What would happen if a balloon were to be filled with too much gas? It would eventually explode, would it not? Therefore, keep your heart honest. OK, perhaps you hesitate a little before speaking in front of other souls. Perhaps you are a little ashamed, worrying about how they would see you. However, with realisation, have an honest heart and put it in front of BapDada. Don’t say, “I have already told BapDada about the mistake I made.” Don’t say it as though you are issuing an order, “Yes, I made this mistake.” With your power of realisation and your honest heart, place it in front of BapDada ­ with your heart, not your head ­ with your heart. Your heart will then be emptied of that rubbish; it will be destroyed. Your heart becomes full of little things, and they are always little things, those things are never big. You fill your heart with all the little things you collect. Then your heart is no longer empty, and when your heart is not empty, where can the Comforter of Hearts sit? There should at least be a place for Him to sit! Or not? So, the Lord is pleased with an honest heart. Whatever I am, however I am, Baba, I am Yours. BapDada knows that everyone is going to be numberwise. This is why BapDada doesn’t see you with that vision. However, you must have an honest heart.

Secondly, the line of your intellect must always be clear. There should be no disturbance in your line. The line should not be cut off. Otherwise, you become unable to receive the extra power, blessings and help that BapDada wants to give you at your time of need. If your line is not clear, if it is not clean, the line is cut off, then you are unable to attain what you should. Many children say – if they don’t say ­ they think, “Some souls receive a lot of co­ operation. They receive it from Brahmins, from seniors and even from BapDada. I don’t receive as much as they do.” What is the reason for this? Baba is the Bestower, He is the Ocean. Any of you can take as much as you want, because BapDada’s treasure­store has no lock or key. There are no guards. As soon as you say “Baba”, Baba replies, “Ji Hajir” (I am present.) As soon as you say, “Baba”, He gives. He is the Bestower. He is the Bestower and He is also the Ocean. So what could He lack? Therefore, pay attention to these two things: An honest heart, a clean heart. Do not try to be clever! Many of you become too clever! You try to be clever in different ways. Always check that you have a clean and honest heart and that the line of your intellect is always clear and clean. Even when there is a little disturbance with facilities of science, you can see that it stops it from being clear. Therefore, definitely do this. (Pay attention to these two things.)

This is the last turn of the season. This is why Baba is telling you this. It is not just for the double foreigners, but for everyone. Because it is you who are in front of Baba in the last turn, Baba is saying this to you. BapDada has seen that there is still one particular sanskar. Or, you can call it nature. Even though each of you has your own nature, it is only when you have love for everyone and everything, when your relationships are successful, your thoughts are victorious and your words are full of sweetness that you are called one with an easy nature. You should not have a careless nature. Carelessness is something different. An easy nature is recognising the time, the person, the circumstances and thus making yourself easy. To be easy means to be in harmony. Do not have a tight nature of being too official. It is good to remain official, but not too much! If you become official at the wrong time, then for that time, it no longer appears to be a special virtue. No matter whether you are young or mature, you should be able to mould yourself and be flexible. With the grown­ups, you should be able to become like them, and with children, you should be able to become like them. With your companions, you should be able to continue with them as their companion. With the elders, you should be able to carry on with them and have regard for them. You should be able to mould yourself easily. Some people keep their bodies easy (flexible), so that they are able to turn as they want. However, if they are too tense, they are unable to turn themselves. You shouldn’t even be careless. It isn’t that if you are easy, you can become easy and careless about everything! No! Do not then say, “Well! BapDada told us to be easy and so we have become easy!” To have an easy nature means to be able to adjust your form according to the time.

Achcha, you double foreigners have received a good chance. Look, even the Madhuban residents have not had a chance this season, and yet the foreigners had two turns!

Therefore, you are the especially loved ones! Even BapDada loves the double foreigners because you are making progress very well with your courage. You have very good courage. You are courageous, are you not? You are not those who become confused, are you? Do you become confused? You are not saying “yes”. BapDada has seen that previously you used to become very confused. However, there is now a difference. You have courage, and, because of your courage, you also receive BapDada’s help. There is a difference, is there not? It is different from before, is it not? There are now less stories, are there not? Keep them short! Do not tell long stories! Definitely speak! Don’t keep it in your heart! Definitely speak, but keep it short! Instead of expanding something by using 10 words, you can relate it in two or three words. The number of you is going to increase.

Even now, they have increased, have they not? The number of double foreigners has increased. They are going to increase even more! Since the number of you is increasing, you will have to keep everything short. Nevertheless, most of you have a clean heart. You don’t hide things so much. However, BapDada calls a clean heart a heart that doesn’t have any old rubbish of nature, sanskars, words or thoughts.

When will the day come when both Bharatwasis and double­foreigners all form a queue and say, “OK, OK”. When will such a day come? All of you made the application for everyone to come and take a second’s drishti. BapDada says: OK, your desire will be fulfilled today. However, you should also bring about such a day, when all of you form a queue and come in front of the Dadis or in front of BapDada and say from your heart that you are OK. Is this possible? Kumars, is this possible? (Then Baba asked the whole gathering.) So this is very good news. But, when will it be? Again, the question arises, “When?” You should say when it’s going to happen! You senior brothers should give a date. (Now.) Achcha. BapDada is giving you time. If you were told the time is now, then you would think that you still have something within you, and that you will first remove that before coming in front of Baba. Should we have such a queue of souls in the next season? You have six months. It is in fact eight months. Do you agree to this? Say, “OK” from your mind! It shouldn’t be that you just continue to say, “OK, OK”, just for the sake of it. The kumars who are ready, raise your hands! Half of you are ready and half are not.

So how much time do you want? How much time do those who haven’t raised their hands need? Do you need a full year? Will you be ready in one year? Those who will be ready in one year, raise your hand! Achcha. You want one month. Those of you who haven’t raised your hand should write a note telling how much time you want. Is that all right? Achcha, if the sisters are ready, raise your hand! Achcha, those who are saying that they are ready now, raise your hand! (Will BapDada give a certificate?) BapDada will garland you. You should wear a garland, should you not? Those from abroad who pass with honour will enter the rosary, will they not? In that case, the rosary will soon be ready. You are strong, are you not? Do not become weak. It is good. Those who maintain their courage definitely do receive extra help. Look at those whom you call Dadis. How did they become Dadis?

They maintained their courage and made a firm promise to themselves, “I must do this! I have to become this!” This is why, today, they are in the list of Dadis. The double foreigners will be placed in the front of the rosary of 108. Therefore, get ready! Then we will hold a ceremony of the beads who become part of the rosary of victory. Anyone can come, not just those who are sitting at the front. Anyone can come, and BapDada will hold a ceremony for the victorious jewels. All of you sitting at the front, do all of you want to come? You want to become part of this, do you not? Say, “Why should we not come? If we don’t, then who would?” By having this intoxication and faith, it isn’t a big thing. You now belong to the Father anyway. You are not going to go back to anywhere now. If you do go back, then you would neither belong to that outside world nor would you belong to this world (with Baba). Therefore, you can’t go anywhere. You simply have to move forward.

Since Baba has become your world, what else remains? BapDada has very high hopes in you double foreigners. Baba hopes that some of you jewels amongst the double foreigners will emerge and enter the list of those who have come last and are going fast, and will then come first. Those from Bharat will come, but because you double foreigners are sitting in front of Baba today, Baba is saying this to you. It will be such a wonder when those who have come last go fast and come first! It will definitely happen! It will be revealed who comes first. What do those who live in a centre think? Will you go fast? Very good.

BapDada is pleased that those who have courage are definitely going to become victorious.

There is no question whether you will or not. You definitely will become that. Do you kumars have such hopes in yourself? Who has come here from the farthest land? Has BapDada come from the farthest­away land, or have you? No matter how far you say you have come, no one can be further away than BapDada. So, are you content? Are you double foreigners content? You received a special chance. So, are you happy? Then, you won’t say that you did this and this still remains, will you? Achcha.

The Bharatwasis who are sitting here, raise your hand! Those from Madhuban, raise your hand! Those from Madhuban are clever. Madhuban niwasis have complained that they didn’t receive toli. Therefore, BapDada says: This season you should all eat Dilkhush toli from BapDada. BapDada has received the plan for those of Madhuban, Shantivan, Gyan Sarovar and the Hospital. Then no more complaints will remain. Those from Madhuban have to be made happy. Otherwise, how will you all come here? You (Madhuban niwasis) have a first chance according to the effort you make in every way. Therefore, you should receive the instant fruit of all the hard work you do. It is just that there isn’t time.

Nevertheless, BapDada always remembers the Madhuban niwasis first.

Who has come from the newest country? From which country have souls come here for the first time? Kuwait, Curacao (a Caribbean Island) and Egypt. Congratulations! When a new child is born in a family, congratulations are given. So, there has been an addition in your family too. Therefore, you are happy, are you not?

Achcha. Those who live in a centre and are sitting in front of Baba, raise your hand! Those who live in a centre have to be very firm. You have had this stamp applied on you, have you not? Has the stamp of the Almighty Government that says you are “always firm and strong” been applied on you? Has this stamp been applied firmly or very lightly? Can it be erased? It is not like that, is it? All those who live in a centre think that they will live as BapDada’s companions till the end and then return home with Him. You will remain companions now and then return together. Those who think it is like this, raise your hand.

Record it on T.V. BapDada will keep your decorated photo in the subtle region. Very good!

Congratulations in advance for staying till the end. It is good, is it not? If even one companion fluctuates, you don’t like it, do you? Therefore, all of you have to return home together. You will not follow one behind another, but will all go together. You will live together, do service together and then return home together. Then will live in your kingdom with Brahma Baba. Is this firm? What will you become? A friend. A friend of Krishna. (I will become his sister.) This is good. (Baba is personally speaking to those who are sitting right in front of Him.) If you are with the Father here, then you are promised that you will live with him there. Baba promises this. If you are together with Him here, then you are guaranteed to be together there. Will all of you live together or at a distance from one another? You will go to meet one another sometimes. You will study with Shri Krishna, dance with him, tour around with him. Will the Pandavas too dance with him or will it just be the sisters who do this? Both of you have this chance. Whoever wants to do this can because all the seats are not yet fixed. Only two seats are fixed. From number three onwards, they are still empty. The seats have not yet been announced. You can still claim a number. Achcha. The kumars had a very good bhatthi. Who was their teacher?

(Youth from abroad had a retreat in Gyan Sarovar): Was it good? Achcha, who was the most happy seeing everyone? BapDada is pleased anyway, then who else? Each one of you would say that you are the most happy. Very good! The Dadis too are very pleased. They don’t tire you out, do they? Do the Dadis have greater happiness than you? Or, do you? (Both of us are happy.) Achcha. Baba has now met the double foreigners personally. Baba has also had a chit­chat with you. Whilst sitting far away, you are close.

There are many teachers. It is good that you are playing a double role. Those who play a double role receive double help. You have good courage. Achcha. Do all of you remember the drill? Or, have you forgotten it? All of you perform this drill right now. Go on a tour. Achcha.

To all the most elevated souls everywhere. Those who sent love, remembrance and news and those who have also sent very good love­letters of their various relationships, their service news and very good plans have reached BapDada. Each of those who has written and made that effort should personally accept love and remembrance from the heart of BapDada, the Comforter of Hearts, by name. Children love the Father and the Father loves the children multimillion­times more. This will always remain immortal. You loving children can neither become separated from the Father nor can the Father become separated from you. You are together and you will remain together.

To all the children everywhere who make themselves equal to the Father; to those who are constantly close to the Father and in His eyes, in His heart and on His forehead; to those who constantly remain in the one world of the Father; to those who constantly follow BapDada at every step; to those who constantly maintain the faith and intoxication of being constantly victorious, who have been victorious and who will always remain victorious; to such extremely elevated long­lost and now­found children who are the most loved, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.

Dadiji and Dadi Janki were hugging BapDada: All of you are happy, are you not? Or, are you thinking that perhaps you could be Dadis too? All of you have very good love and it is this love that constantly enables you to give blessings. It is because you have love that you are all very happy. Simply remain happy and never let your mood go off. Constantly have a cheerful face like theirs. Anyone who sees you should experience spiritual happiness. This is the way to do service. On your face, there should be spiritual happiness, not ordinary happiness, but spiritual happiness. Your face should not change. Because your stage is constant and stable, so your face too should always be constant. Is it possible that your mood will remain the same constantly? Is that possible? Or, do you think it will definitely happen in the future? It must be like this from now, must it not? If someone were to suddenly take your photo, then that photo should not be of anything else, but just your spiritual smile. Even if you are busy in some task, even if there is a lot of tension of service, your face should have this cheerfulness on it. You will not then have to work very hard.

Instead of speaking for one hour, when your face has this spiritual smile, that will do the work of speaking for over an hour because there is no need to prove something that is actually visible. Whomsoever you meet, whatever they are like, even if they are those who defame you or insult you, even if they don’t honour you, or don’t give you regard or respect, your face should always remain constant, with a spiritual smile. Is this possible?

Kumars, is this possible? Pandavas, is this possible? You will be saved from making any other effort. You will not find it laborious. “I constantly have to have this spiritual smile. No matter what happens, I mustn’t let go of my smile.” Is this possible? You are thinking about it? (We will demonstrate it in practice.) Very good! Congratulations! Those who are sitting right in front of Baba will definitely have to do it. It is good. If you are happy and others are happy, what else do you need? BapDada is always pleased and the Dadis are also pleased.

(Baba, constantly meet us in this way.) If Baba were not to meet you like this, then would your happiness disappear? When you constantly remain smiling, Baba will continue to meet you. Very good!


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