04-09-2005         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Today, BapDada is seeing the lines of purity on the forehead of all the children, because the foundation of Brahmin life is purity. Do you know what the lines of purity are? Everyone loves purity. Purity is the mother of happiness, peace, love, and bliss. Purity is the true decoration of human life. If there is no purity, human life has no value. You can see that deities are pure, and this is why they are worthy of respect and worthy of worship. When there is no purity, you can see the human life of today.

BapDada gave all of you children this blessing for your Brahmin life: “May you be pure, may you be yogi”. The activity, behaviour and face of a soul who has purity sparkles. This is why purity is that which makes your life elevated. In fact, the original form of all of you children is purity. Your eternal form is also purity. The speciality of such souls is that the personality of purity are always visible in their life. The reality of purity, and the royalty of purity is visible on the face, and in the activity, of such souls. These lines are the decoration of your life. The reality is: “I, the soul, in my original and eternal form”. By having this awareness, you become powerful. The royalty is that you yourself have your self-respect, and you move along giving respect to everyone. The personality is to have constant contentment and happiness: you yourself are content, and you make all others content.

There are also many attainments through purity: you know what attainments BapDada has given all of you children, do you not? With how many treasures has he filled you? If you were to keep these attainments in your awareness, you would become full.

The first treasure you have been given is the treasure of knowledge, through which you become free from sorrow and anxiety, whilst living your life. You become free from waste thoughts, negative thoughts, sinful thoughts, and sinful actions. If you have any wasteful or sinful thoughts, then, through the power of knowledge, you become victorious.

The second treasure is remembrance - yoga - through which you attain the powers. And, on the basis of all the powers, you easily overcome all problems and obstacles.

The third treasure is dharna, through which you attain all virtues.

The fourth treasure is service. By doing service, you receive blessings from those you serve, and you also receive happiness.

All of you children receive all these many treasures from the Father. The Father gives all of you equal treasures: it isn’t that he gives less treasures to some, and more treasures to others. But there is a difference in those who take. Some children attain the treasures and eat, drink, and enjoy themselves, and use up everything in their enjoyment. Some children eat, drink, and enjoy themselves, and also accumulate. Some children use everything, but they also continue to increase it.

The key to increasing the treasures is to use them for the self and for others. Those who use them, increase them. So, ask yourself: “have I accumulated these special treasures?”. Have you accumulated them? What would you say? Yes? Or, only a little? Those who have accumulated these treasures always remain full. Look, anything that is full doesn’t have any fluctuation. When it is not full, it fluctuates and shakes: anything that is not completely full will shake. Here too, if you are not full of all treasures, then there is upheaval.

Always have the intoxication that the Father’s treasures are your birthright. The Father gave them, and you took them, so to whom do all the treasures belong? They belong to you, do they not? Those who have these treasures remain so intoxicated. A young prince, a child of a king, is not even aware of what treasures his father has, yet he has the intoxication that his father’s treasures are his treasures. And he has the happiness of owning those treasures. If there is little happiness, what is the reason for that? The Father gave you the treasures. You heard Baba. However, one type are those who listen, and the others are those who merge them into themselves. So, those who merge them are the ones who stay intoxicated.

Today, new children have come. BapDada is giving all of you lucky children congratulations for your fortune. Have you recognised your fortune? Have you recognised it? You have received God’s love, imperishable love, which doesn’t last for just one birth: this love remains all the time, for many births, because this time that you are now passing through is also the fortunate age of the confluence. The golden age is also said to be fortunate, but the present confluence age is even more fortunate than that. Why? It is only at this confluence age that you receive the blessing and inheritance of constant fortune from the Father. So, at such a confluence age - at such a fortunate time - all of you have arrived here to claim your fortune.

BapDada will tell you children a method for very easy effort, because you want something easy, do you not? You don’t want anything difficult, do you? These children have found the easy method for fortune. You have received it, have you not? It is the easiest of all. Do not do anything else, but just do one thing. You can do one thing, can you not? Say “yes” or “no”. Say “ha ji”. So, the easiest method of all is: from amrit vela, whoever you meet, receive blessings from him and give blessings. Even if an angry person comes, you just give blessings to him, and receive blessings from him, because blessings are an easy tool for intense effort. Just as through science, a rocket carries out its task so fast, in the same way, to give blessings and to receive blessings is a very easy method to move forward. At amrit vela, take blessings from the Father through easy remembrance, and throughout the day give blessings and receive blessings. Can you do this? Can you do this? If you can do this, then raise your hands?

What would you do if someone has bad wishes for you? What if someone repeatedly troubles you? Look, you are bestowers, the children of God, the children of the Bestower. You are master bestowers, are you not? So, what is the duty of a bestower? To give. So, the best thing of all is to give blessings. It does not matter what someone may be like: he is still your brother or sister. The children of God are your brothers and sisters, are they not? So, the other person is a child of God: your godly brother or godly sister. So what would you give that one? Bad wishes? Does the Father ever have bad wishes? Would he do that? Does he do that? Yes or no? Say yes or no. You will then remain very happy (when you don’t have bad wishes). Why? Because, if you give blessings to those who have bad wishes for you - whether they give them or not - you just continue to receive blessings, so why would there be sorrow?

BapDada is giving you children who have come, one blessing. If you remember this blessing, you will always remain happy. Should Baba tell you the blessing? Will you listen to it? The blessing is: if someone gives you sorrow, don’t take it. They may give, but you mustn’t take it. The one who gives it has given it, but you are the ones who take, are you not? The one who gives is not the one who takes. If they are giving you sorrow or anxiety, that is something bad, is it not? Do you like sorrow? You don’t like it, do you? So, it is something bad, is it not? So, would you take something bad? If someone gives you something bad, would you take it? Would you? You would not. So, why do you take it? You do take it, do you not? If you take sorrow, then who is it that becomes unhappy? Do you become unhappy? Or does the other person? The one who takes is more unhappy.

If you don’t take sorrow from now, then half your sorrow is removed. You will not take it, will you? Then, instead of sorrow, you will give that one happiness, and so you will receive blessings, will you not? Then, you will remain happy, and your treasure store of blessings will continue to become full. No matter what souls are like, you just take blessings from every soul. Have good wishes and pure feelings.

What happens sometimes? When someone does something that is not right, you try to give him or her teachings: “I will put this one right”. You give them teachings. Give teachings, but the most elevated method of giving teachings is to give teachings in the form of forgiveness. Do not just give teachings. Have mercy and forgiveness, and then also give teachings. Remember three words: teachings, and mercy, and forgiveness. If you give that one teachings whilst being merciful, your teachings will then work. If you are not merciful in giving those teachings, those teachings will go in one ear and out of the other. Those teachings will not be imbibed. It is like that, is it not? Do you have this experience? You know how to become a teacher quickly, but you also have to forgive: the two have to be simultaneous. Have mercy from now on. The method to have mercy is to have good wishes and pure feelings. You speak of good wishes, do you not? It is said: True love even turns stone to water. True love. In the same way, by giving teachings in the form of forgiveness, the thing that you want someone else to do or not do will take place. The impact of your giving teachings whilst being merciful, will transform the hard heart of the other person.

So, what blessing did you receive? Do not take sorrow and do not give sorrow. Do you like it? Do you like it? Now, don’t take sorrow! Don’t make this mistake. Since the Father doesn’t give sorrow, you have to follow the Father, do you not? So, are you doing this? Sometimes, you tell someone off. Now don’t tell anyone off. Have mercy. Give teachings with mercy. By repeatedly telling someone off, that soul becomes like an enemy, or there is dislike for that one. You are the children of God, are you not? So, just as the Father is the One who purifies the impure, can you not give happiness to those who are unhappy? Now try this out when you go back. Will you try it? You will try it, will you not?

So, first of all, charity begins at home. If someone in the family causes you sorrow, even then, don’t take sorrow. Give them blessings. Be merciful. First of all, become like this with your family members. The impact on your family will then create an impact in your area (community). The community will create an impact on the country, and the country will create an impact on the world. It is easy, is it not? Begin this with your family. Because, if even one person becomes angry, what does the atmosphere at the home feel like? Does it feel like a home, or a battlefield? Do you like it at that time? You do not like it, do you?

This is for all of you too (to the Madhuban residents). With your companions and your workers, do not give sorrow and do not take sorrow. Give blessings and receive blessings. If, at such a time, you say with a right, from your heart, “my Baba... God, my Baba”, it is then said: “God is always present”. If you say from your heart at such a time, with a right, “my Baba”, then the Father, the Lord, becomes present. What is the Father for? He exists for the children, and it is not possible for the Father to not co-operate with the children who have a right. Impossible! So, go back with this transformation. Do not go back just as you came here. Go back with some transformation.

You spent some money on the ticket when you came here: you spent money, and gave your time, and so you will value that, will you not? So, the value is to first of all transform your home with self-transformation. Then there will be the transformation of the country and the world. Your home should become an ashram. It should no longer be a home, but an ashram. The scriptures also speak of “Grasth ashram” (household ashram). However, today, there are none of those ashrams. The ashram is separate from the home. So make your home into an ashram. Give blessings and receive blessings. This is the duty of an ashram.

Your home will become a temple. What does an idol in a temple do? It gives blessings, does it not? What do people say when they go in front of an idol? Give blessings! They cry out: Mercy mercy! So, what do you have to give? Blessings. Give Godly love, soul-conscious love: not physical love, but soul conscious love. Today, the love that exists is selfish love. There isn’t any love of a true heart. If they have a selfish motive, they give love. If they don’t have any selfish motive, they will have a “don’t care” attitude. So, what will you do? Give soul-conscious love. Give blessings. Neither take sorrow, nor give sorrow.

Look, you have all received a chance. Even BapDada is happy. All of you people who have come will make your homes into ashrams, will you not? You will make it like that, will you not? Will you? Are you sure? Or, are you a little weak in this? Some think that, no matter what happens, you will have to tolerate a little, and use the power to accommodate... You do have to tolerate, but the fruit of the power of tolerance is very sweet. So, those of you who will make a firm promise to turn every home into heaven, to build temples, to create ashrams, raise your hands. Do not raise your hands on seeing one another. BapDada will take account of it. Do not raise your hands on seeing someone else doing so, but raise your hands honestly. Raise the hand of your true mind. Raise the hand of your mind. Achcha.

Dadis, what prize will you give them for this? Yes, speak. Dadi, so many temples will be built, so what prize will you give them? (They should bring their family members here). That was not a prize you gave! That is giving them work. (Whatever Baba desires). You will receive a prize. It is not a big thing, but... there is a but... when you go from here, bring about self- transformation through your dharna, and after 15 days or one month, write your result. Those who do not cause sorrow or take sorrow in any situation, for a month, will receive a very good prize. Congratulations if you can come. If you can’t, it will be sent to the centre.

Today, BapDada had to come especially for these souls, did he not? So definitely perform wonders. You are God’s children, and if you don’t perform wonders (kamaal), what will you do?
Do not create upheaval (dhamaal). Perform wonders. If, even by mistake, any bad thought comes to you, what will you do then? What will you do? It will come, because you have given sustenance over a long period to bad things.

When you have looked after an animal, and then left it somewhere far away, it will still come back after you have returned. So, for instance, you raised your hand and you did very well. However, if some weakness comes back by mistake, what will you do? Will you let the weakness come back? Look, Baba is going to show you a method for this too. You have made a promise, and you have given the bad things away. You have given them to the Father, have you not? Okay, when you have given something away to someone, if it comes back to you by mistake, then what would you do? Would you keep it? Would you keep it with you? Or would you return it? You would return it, would you not? Therefore, if the slightest trace of anger, greed, attachment, or arrogance, comes to you, even by mistake, because you have kept them for a long time, then give them back: “Baba, Baba, you look after your things... they are not mine. The Father is the Ocean, is he not? Merge them in the Ocean. You mustn’t use them. It is something the Father has been entrusted to look after. So, one mustn’t be dishonest with the entrusted things. Give them to the Father: “Baba, you know and they know I will not use them”.

You also teach little children not to eat dirt. You do teach them, do you not? However, if the child then eats dirt, he likes the dirt, then what do you do? Do you repeatedly make his hands release it, or do you let him eat it? You make him let it go from his hands, do you not? So, here, you have to make your mind let go. Those things will enter your mind, will they not? So, become a master of your mind, and let go of those things. Is this method okay? Will you do it? It will become easy.

Do not lose courage. One step of your courage, and there are definitely a thousand steps of help from the Father. Experience it and see. Do not lose courage. Do not become disheartened. You are the children of the Almighty Authority. Do not become disheartened. Do not lose courage. Have a determined thought. Success is your birthright.

You have done very well. Achcha. What are we going to do now? This is called the VIP group. Look, you have received a good title. Now, do not be VIPs. You are VVVIPs. VIPs are common, but you are VVIPs: special (vishesh) souls. Achcha.

Today, the Madhuban residents have received a chance. All these Madhuban residents are giving many thanks to the brothers and sisters who have come, for it is because of you that the Madhuban residents will also be able to meet Baba, since your group is small. Otherwise, there would be a group of many thousands. So, after one month, send the result, on behalf of your centre. Then Baba will give a prize. He will definitely give it. Achcha. Achcha, what do we have to do now?

(meet the zones)

(Delhi zone) The Delhi residents have received a very good chance for service. Whatever service takes place in Delhi, it spreads throughout the world. The sound from Delhi reaches the world. So, now start counting from Delhi. How many have come from Delhi? (50). So, if 50 homes in Delhi become ashrams, then your name will be glorified so much. The atmosphere will change, will it not? Everyone tries for every soul in every home to become peaceful and happy. So, when you give blessings and receive blessings, the vibrations in the home will become those of happiness and peace, and that sound will spread into the atmosphere. So, the home will become an ashram and this atmosphere will spread. Double service will take place. So, what place will become number one? Will Delhi become number one, or would number two be okay? Do you want to claim number one, or will number two be okay? You have to claim number one. Achcha. Then everyone can clap. Very good. You courageous children do definitely have multi- million-fold help from BapDada. Achcha.

(Punjab: Hariyana, Himachal, Jammu Kashmir, and Uttranchal) It is good. There are many rivers in Punjab. So, what is the duty of rivers? Rivers give everyone coolness. So you children of God will spread coolness and peace into the atmosphere. In fact, Punjab is also called a lion. Punjab is a lion: a lion isn’t afraid of anyone. It makes others afraid, but is not afraid itself. So you too mustn’t be afraid of Maya. Be master almighty authorities, and oppose her. Is that okay? Do you have this much strength in Punjab? Will you do this? Whether you are from Uttranchal or wherever, will you do this? The children from Punjab are those who remain courageous and receive the Father’s help. No matter what comes, say “my Baba”, and everything will finish. Say it from your heart, not just with your lips. When you say it from your heart, all sorrow will then be removed. Achcha. You may sit down.

(Andhra Pradesh - about 40) Achcha, always consider yourselves to be victorious jewels, because you have God’s company. So, those who have God as their Companion are always victorious. So, always experience yourselves to be the Pandavas: God’s companions. Victory is the garland around your neck. It is, is it not? Victory is the garland around your neck. Always keep this in your awareness. The garland of victory is around your neck. Always have this faith and intoxication. Is that okay? Now, those from Andhra have to claim a number. That group says number one, and you are also number one. If you are going to become something, become number one. What would you do by becoming number two? So, you too must become number one. If you win, then you will become one. You know how to win, do you not? So win, and become one. Achcha.

(Mumbai and Maharashtra) The meaning of Maharashtra is great, so you are great, are you not? Now, make yourself great with remembrance of the Father and with service, and also make others great. As is your name, Maharashtra, so you will perform some great task, will you not? So you have to become great, and also definitely show this by performing some great task. Are you firm in this? Are you firm? Pukka? Those who are great are always strong. BapDada is pleased that everyone who has come is courageous. You are not those who are afraid. Therefore, congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations.

(Karnataka) To those from Karnataka, BapDada says: look, your name is “ perform a play”. This world is also called a play, an unlimited drama. What part will those from Karnataka play in it? Will you play a hero part? Hero. Achcha, so what will you have to do for this? It is a very
small thing. Remember the Zero, and you will become a hero. It is easy, is it not? And you, the soul, yourself, are a zero, and the Father is also the Zero. So, remember the Zero, and play a hero part. Is that okay? Very good. Welcome. Congratulations.

(Tamil Nadu) Look, there were five Pandavas. If you are few in number, it doesn’t matter. Though there were only five Pandavas, they became victorious. So only a few of you have come, but you are victorious jewels, and you will always remain victorious. It doesn’t matter that the number is small, for you are victorious, and you will remain victorious. So, all of you especially have the blessing of victory. Is it okay? You will be victorious.

(Gujarat) What is BapDada seeing on the forehead of all of you? BapDada is seeing the tilak of the three dots on the forehead of all of you. Those three dots are: one, the soul is a point: it is a point, is it not? The Father is also a point, and whatever happens in the drama, a full stop is applied to it. So, what is a full-stop? It is a point, is it not? So, BapDada is seeing the tilak of the three dots on your forehead. Now, every day, everyone wake up at amrit vela, celebrate a meeting with BapDada, take power, take blessings, and put the tilak of the three dots on yourself. A tilak is applied on the forehead, because the forehead is the place of awareness. So, all of you apply the tilak of the awareness of the three dots every day. You know how to apply a tilak, do you not? So, now apply this tilak and you will receive co-operation throughout the day. Be one who is wearing this tilak, and you will become crowned, and seated on the throne. Achcha.

(Eastern Zone) This is the whole Eastern zone: what emerges in the East? The sun rises in the East. All of you have come from the Eastern zone, so what will you do?

^The^Sun^of^Knowledge^has^risen. Give everyone this introduction. Just as the sun gives energy and light to everyone, in the same way, you have all become master suns, have you not? You have become master suns of knowledge, and so what will you do? Give everyone light. Give them energy. This is the duty of the Eastern zone. Is it okay? Very good. In fact, Father Brahma also emerged from the Eastern Zone. You are lucky. So you have become doubly lucky. The place is lucky, and you souls are lucky. Achcha. Very good.

(Rajasthan) The very name is Rajasthan (place of kings). Kings live in Rajasthan. There are no kings now, but they used to be here. So you are also going back having become kings. Have you become kings? Self-sovereignty. You applied the tilak of self-sovereignty, did you not? So, always remember that you from Rajasthan have a right to self-sovereignty. It is understood that those who become self-sovereigns also claim a right to sovereignty of the world. Therefore, never become slack in your self-sovereignty. A king is a king, is he not? Never become influenced by any physical organs. Give orders as a king, be a king, and rule the kingdom lawfully. So, those from Rajasthan have the blessing of being self-sovereigns. Is this okay? You have strong self-sovereignty, do you not? Look, Rajasthan is very close, so those who are nearest are also the dearest. Therefore, experience yourself to be like that. Achcha.

(UP) There are three. The Trimurti is remembered as three. So you are master Brahma, master Vishnu, and master Shankar. You are the Trimurti. Very good. Look, even God is called Trimurti Shiva. So you who are the Trimurti will also perform wonders. BapDada always says that those who are small are said to be equal to the Father. So, you are few in number, but you are equal to the Father. Now, in the next turn, create a bigger gathering, and bring them here. You will create this, will you not? Make them equal to yourselves, and then come and take a prize from the bigger gathering. Achcha.

(Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgadh) It is good. All of you from Indore and Bhopal have to perform wonders such as no-one has yet performed up to today, because Father Brahma established Indore through his thoughts: the speciality of Indore is that Father Brahma’s vision fell on Indore. So, you are those from Indore, Bhopal (in Madhya Pradesh). However, perform such wonders. At the least perform one wonder! It is easy. Prepare one mike or another, and on hearing his sound an impact will be created on many others. He should become an instrument to benefit many. For instance, look how much work this mike is doing. So many are hearing through it. So, someone should speak with such authority that the many who listen to him are transformed. BapDada calls such a soul a “mike”. So, at the least, definitely prepare one mike, and then come. Is it okay? Perform wonders. Simply remember: “my Baba and my service”, and all the work will be accomplished. Achcha.

(Sri Lanka) Look, you have also seen the gift from abroad, have you not? Sri Lanka did very good service. BapDada heard the news of how, in the calamity of water, in the Tsunami incident, those from Sri Lanka gave a lot of help: spiritual and well as physical. BapDada heard very good news. So, you are trying to open a centre where this calamity came, and that is a very good plan you are making. And, on hearing the name Sri Lanka, one has the thought of conquering Ravan. So, no name or trace of Ravan should remain in Sri Lanka. Not that Ravan, but the Ravan of the five defects. There are five vices of the male, and five vices of the female, and so, altogether, they show Ravan with ten heads. But, how would a poor person with ten heads go to sleep? How would he eat? However, those defects are symbolic. So, the residents of Lanka are making a very good plan. The whole Brahmin family is co-operating with you. BapDada is anyway. First, it is BapDada, and then the whole family too is co-operating in this service. You are progressing well. Congratulations for that. Multi-million-fold congratulations. Achcha.

Malaysia also has a lot of enthusiasm for service. BapDada receives all the news. They have even sent their remembrance just recently. They are very interested in doing service in Malaysia. They continue to open centre after centre there, and continue to receive success, and this is why one letter has been sent to all the Brahmin souls of Malaysia who have sent their love and remembrance, and their letters. One letter has been sent to them, but it has multi-million-fold blessings and love and remembrance. Achcha.

All of you Madhuban residents were very happy to see your brothers and sisters, were you not? Are you happy? All of you brought splendour to Madhuban. BapDada says that the children are the beauty of Madhuban. so, just look how those from Madhuban have become very happy on seeing all of you. You gave them a chance for service, and so you did so much charity. This is why they are happy. Achcha. This meeting of today was fixed in the drama, and it was repeated, and will continue to repeat every cycle. Achcha.

BapDada received love and remembrance from all the children from this land and abroad. Whether you sent them by phone, by letter, or with your heart, in return, BapDada is giving to all the children from Bharat and from abroad, blessings and multi-million-fold love and remembrance.

To all the children everywhere who have a right to God’s love... to all the elevated souls everywhere who remain full of all treasures, who are free from obstacles, free from sinful thoughts, and who remain free free from waste thoughts... to all the children who fly with the zeal of bringing about self-transformation, and who also inspire others to transform themselves... to the children with an honest heart who give BapDada their news with an honest heart... multi- million-fold love and remembrance from Baba, in the form of the Comforter of Hearts, in the form of the Father, the Teacher and the Satguru: love, remembrance, and namaste.

(BK guides and servers) BapDada is congratulating the serviceable children for their service. Very good. Good souls have come. You have brought courageous souls. You have brought souls who will show the practical proof of courage. Therefore, whoever and however many you have brought, that many multi-million-fold congratulations. It is good. You also received a golden chance. You received the instant fruit of service. In the same way, definitely continue to carry on with the task of giving everyone the Father’s love, and his message. You have to do it. This is why you are instruments. So, you are the true guides. You took them on such a good pilgrimage. Seeing the service of the children, BapDada is pleased. So, Baba has seen that you are good. You are maharathis. You have come here as maharathis on service. Achcha. The teachers also received a good chance. The Pandavas too received a good chance.

(to the Dadis) Everyone is experiencing happiness on seeing the Dadis. When the Dadis receive love, it means everyone receives it. It is good. Seeing all of you who have become instruments, everyone is happy.

(to the three senior brothers) You too receive the fruit of service. All of you three together are looking after many activities of the yagya. Continue to look after them together. One says one thing and the other person says “ha ji”. It is like that, is it not? BapDada is pleased when you perform any task together successfully. You are doing this, and will continue to do it. Achcha.

(BapDada was given news of the mega programme in Madurai, and also remembrance from everyone there) Give lots and lots of love and remembrance to all the brothers and sisters from Madurai and Tamil Nadu.

(to surrendered brothers and sisters)
Do you know with which vision everyone sees all the Madhuban residents who are Brahmins? Everyone sees the Madhuban residents with very special vision. Just as the place is special and is called the Headquarters, in the same way, they see each one of the Madhuban residents with the vision that they are special souls. Today, it is especially the surrendered brothers and sisters who are sitting here. To be surrendered means - whether it is your body, mind, or materials in whatever form - that whatever you have is surrendered to the Father. That is called surrendered. Surrendered means that which doesn’t have the slightest trace of the consciousness of “mine”. Not even by mistake should there be the consciousness of “mine”. Surrendered means mine is one Baba, and Dada is with the Father anyway. Surrendered means to be equal to Father Brahma in your actions, in the corporeal form, and in the elevated incorporeal stage equal to incorporeal Father Shiva. So, do you consider yourselves to be like that? Neither is there any limited consciousness of “I” nor any limited consciousness of “mine”. Look at the place too: whether it is Pandav Bhavan, Shantivan, Gyan Sarovar, or the Hospital, the places you have are also unlimited. You also have an unlimited gathering.

Those who think that you have an unlimited stage, that you don’t have any limited consciousness of “I” or “mine”, raise your hands. You do not have any consciousness of “mine”? Then the majority of the Madhuban residents have passed So, have you received a pass certificate from the Dadis? Everyone is saying “yes” that they don’t have any consciousness of “mine”, or any consciousness of “I”. (to Dadiji) Have you given them this certificate? (No. Those who have raised their hands should give it in writing and then it will become fixed). Then you have become equal to the Father, have you not?

Look, you have to receive three certificates. One is to give yourself a certificate as a detached observer. Not by raising your hand, because everyone raises their hand. They raise it to any question. Raise the hand of your mind. Firstly, give yourself a certificate by being a detached observer. Secondly, you also need a certificate from the companions you work with. Thirdly you need a certificate from the Dadis. Fourthly, you need it from the Father. The Father sees the condition of everyone’s mind. He doesn’t see the condition of your mouth (words), but the condition of your mind. It is good. You have maintained courage in raising your hands, and so always keep this courage with you. It should be seen in a practical way that those from Madhuban are those who claim every type of certificate, because the atmosphere of Madhuban cannot remain hidden. Those from Madhuban remain close. You are receiving sustenance from the Father and special souls.

Now, BapDada wants one thing from the Madhuban residents. Each one of you, whatever service you are instruments for, the atmosphere in that service should be seen clearly, as though angels as karma yogis are performing actions, because everyone’s vision goes towards the Madhuban residents. “What is happening in Madhuban?... what are the residents of Madhuban doing?”. You are not living in Madhuban, but on the world stage. So, everyone’s vision automatically goes to the stage. It is good. The majority of you have received a very good certificate in service. In becoming equal, you still have to become that, so keep that aim. Your activity and face should be like that of the Father, for only then will the Father be revealed. So now, Madhuban residents have to bring about equality in every thought and every word. And, in your actions, and in your relations and connections: there has to be equality in everything. You have to pay this special attention. It is ordinary and you have to bring equality. The power of service is making you move along. Check yourself in all the four subjects, and then give yourself a certificate. Achcha. Today, you had a special meeting, did you not? The Father fulfilled your desires. So, now fulfil the Father’s hopes.

To be surrendered is not a small thing. Those who are equal to the Father in every subject are said to be surrendered. Everyone sees you all as special. Everyone sees all the souls of Madhuban with a lot of regard. “They are from Madhuban... they are from Madhuban”. So, definitely show this by performing some wonder. Make a programme amongst yourselves of creating small groups to check in which aspects you are equal to the Father, and in which aspect something is still lacking a little. In fact, others cannot do, in the same way, the checking that you yourself can do deeply and accurately. All of you are living comfortably, are you not? You are not lacking anything, are you? This is also a fortune. It is fortune that has made you residents of Madhuban. So, are all of you happy? Do you remain happy or do you become a little upset every now and then?

Realise yourself. To realise means to understand yourself, as you are, and what you are. To think “I am a soul” is common. But, whilst walking and moving around, do you have that realisation of soul consciousness? That is called realisation. You have sanskars, you have knowledge of sanskars, you have knowledge. Have your sanskars finished? Has transformation taken place or not? You should realise these things. “I do not have this... this is okay, this is not okay...”: when others make you realise, you don’t realise it. So, teach yourself the lesson to make yourself realise. Just as you have the seven days course of the soul, God, drama... in the same way realise yourself. Now is the time for
realisation: “am I doing what the Father wants?”. Have realisation in your relationships and connections: “do I have good wishes and pure feelings?”. Is it okay? Have the realisation course for yourself. No one else can do this for you. You have done all the courses: this is the last course, the realisation course. Do not just make yourself simply move along, thinking that it is okay, it is fine. Time should not deceive you. You are residents of Madhuban. So, you are those who will go with the Father. You are not those who are going to get stuck in between are you? So, begin the realisation course by yourself. Realise yourself in each and every aspect. Achcha. You have now met Baba. What are we going to do now?

You want to receive drishti, and so always keep BapDada in your drishti. Do not take drishti just like that. To take drishti means to merge the Father in your drishti. Take drishti in this way. Achcha.

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