06-09-2007          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

On Thursday, 6th September 2007, at the time of offering special bhog for Dadiji - 11.30 am - Dadiji has the button to open the curtain of revelation in her hand; all of you become co-operative in this.

Today, BapDada the Lord became present when the children who are the masters invited Him. BapDada sees every child as the crown on His head. BapDada saw that the beloved Dadiji of all of you, because of her own desire, while staying in her "nirsankalp samadhi" (her contemplation of staying beyond any thoughts) and her sadhana (spiritual endeavour), with her own desire to experience doing fast unlimited service like the Father, and in order to experience the stage of being a companion, a detached observer and equal, reached the Father in the subtle region. Together with that, all of you also experienced that from the beginning until the end, she had altruistic love, and made spiritual endeavour of being beyond any sinful thoughts, and was beyond any situations and praise and loved by all. This impact of her life and the vibrations of pure love spread everywhere in this land and abroad naturally and easily, without any effort and without anyone speaking of it. Even without being called, the zeal and enthusiasm is emerging naturally in each one's heart to give a response of love. This is the visible impact of the stage of being loving, co-operative and equal. In Dadi's life, there was just the one thought: Now, we should spread the sound of the Father's revelation as quickly as possibe. So revelation - through the revelation of Dadi, the first chapter, the short chapter of the revelation of the World Spiritual University and of BapDada, has begun. The question has arisen in the mind and in the hearts of everyone who sees you: Who are these people? What is this spiritual university? First, there is the question: What is this? Who are they? Then, the reply, "This is who they are, this is what they are", will come in front of them. Dadi had just the one enthusiasm to do something new, that service should be of an unlimited form. So, naturally and easily, the big flag of the introduction is being hoisted. Now, all of you have to show practically by being embodiments of love and enable this flag of revelation to be hoisted high. Dadi is holding the button in her hand for putting on the switch for the flag of revelation and opening the curtain of revelation. So, all of you are companions in this, are you not? You have a lot of love for Dadi, do you not? So, Dadi became, ever-ready and free from attachment with her own desire; everyone was standing in front of her, but nevertheless, the image that was free from attachment flew away, in such a way as though Dadi followed Father Brahma. She passed in the part of "suddenly". She gave all of you loving souls a signal of this final lesson. Now, you have to think about yourself. Dadi is holding in her hand the button to open the curtain of revelation. How can you become co-operative in that part? It will not take time to press the button, but before opening the curtain of revelation, are those who are to hoist the flag of revelation high, the companions who have a special part ever-ready? Now, do not think that you residents of a centre or residents of Madhuban are limited servers. No. You are the ones who have a special part on the world stage. Now, together with the revelation of Dadi, the vision of the whole world is on all of you. The vision of the souls of the world is on all of you - who are called Brahma Kumars or Kumaris, whether you are young or old, whether you are an instrument for any task, even if you are an instrument for a small task, the vision of each one is on you. Do you feel that you have this much responsibility on you? Or, do you look at the seniors? The seniors know! The power of the gathering is required for this. This is a spiritual fortress. Every brick of the fortress is responsible. To believe yourself to be a Brahma Kumar or Kumari means that you are a soul who is an instrument for the revelation of this spiritual fortress. Every brick of this fortress is responsible. Whether it is brick at the bottom, a brick in the middle or a brick at the top, if even one brick shakes, it influences everything. So, you have love for Dadi, but what is it that Dadi loves? BapDada saw that, in return of Dadi being an image of love, she received unlimited love. However, what is it that Dadi loves now? Dadi says: Put aside the things of yesterday. Don't even think about the things of today; but now.... Now, you, who are going to raise the flag of revelation high, show your complete form of a high stage. So, all those who are sitting here now - Dadi was saying - ask everyone: In order to fulfil my thoughts and Baba's thoughts, no matter what you have to transform, what you have to tolerate, even if you have to have feelings of mercy, if you have to make your words (speech) pure, if you have to make your natural nature that of good wishes and pure feelings - Dadi had asked Me to ask you - are you ready to accept this one thing of mine, are you ready to become equal to me? So speak! Are you ready? Don't raise your hands, just like that. Raise the hand of your heart. It is not a big thing to raise your physical hands, but in a symbolic way, you still have to raise those (physical) hands. No matter what happens, I have to change. You have to change and change the situations. It should not be: "This one is like this, this one is like that, this one is doing this, this one is doing that". That one will be like that, but what do you have to do? You have to become equal to Dadi, do you not? Dadi demonstrated this by working with so many for so many years. It was not just for one or two years; whether they were young or old, whether they were those who were doing physical work, those who were giving lectures, those from the different zones or Dadis and Dadas. She became free from attachment, did she not? Did she remember anyone at the end? Did she? You were standing in front of her. If anyone had any awareness, that life-force would have appeared. You experienced that she remained a goddess of peace - she showed having equal feelings, elevated feelings and the practical form. No one else has ever renounced their life-force in this way - all of you were standing around her and seeing that she was going, she was going. This was the first example in the history. BapDada was in her heart, but in the corporeal form all of you were in front of her. No one else has taken leave in this way. So, did you hear what you have to do now? Did you hear? Did you listen with attention? Did those sitting at the back hear? Achcha, those who feel that no matter what happens, no matter how much you have to tolerate you have to transform yourself, raise your hand! Is it a firm, strong hand or is there a little fluctuation, internally? It should not be, "We shall see, we will try". No. You are not those who say that you will see about it some time in the future, are you? Is it like that? No. Very good.

Your message was given to Dadi. Dadi says that she will especially come and have a heart-to-heart conversation. The love and feelings of all of you are so clear in front of Dadi that it is as though it is visible just ahead. Dadi has toured around and noted what is really the state of someone's mind. She was saying that she will come and tell about it. No matter how much someone hides something, nothing can be hidden in the subtle region. The instruments there are spiritual instruments. Achcha.

To all the children everywhere who show the practical form of love for Dadi, just as Dadi demonstrated in her practical life by following Father Brahma, in the same way, follow the Father and the specially beloved child Dadi; BapDada is looking at the companion souls who will open the curtain of revelation and hoist the flag of revelation. Children of this land and abroad are making plans to become equal with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. You have to bring that day close. Not when the time comes, but you have to bring that time close. To all the children everywhere who are self-transformers and who have determined thoughts - whether they are seeing this transmission, whether they are in front of Baba (physically present) or not, BapDada and Dadi are also seeing the children at all the Gita pathshalas everywhere. To all of the Father's companions and Dadi's companions, to the Brahmin souls, each one of you accept love, remembrance and namaste according to your name and speciality.

Dadi continues to come to your class. It is not that she doesn't come. She also continues to tour around the samadhi place (where the cremation took place) that you created. However, she wants to have heart-to-heart conversations with you a lot and this is why a little time is needed. However, Dadi's 12 days are now finishing. Dadi is having to play a special part in the corporeal world for name's sake in order to carry out a special, unique and lovely essential task. However, Dadi's birth and her task are extremely unique. Baba will come and tell the detail of that later. BapDada too has to play the part that is fixed in the drama and enable others to play their part. Baba will tell later what the alokikta (uniqueness) of this is. Is this OK? All of those in the first row, are you OK? Are the Dadis OK? Are the Pandavas OK? All the Pandavas are all right, are you not? Double follow. Always remember three words of Dadi. Instrument (nimit), humble (nirman) pure words (nirmal vani). At every moment, before beginning any task, have these words in your awareness. The task may change, but the awareness of these three words should not change. No matter how difficult a task may be, just as you have the three - BapDada, Didi and Dadi, in the same way, never forget these three words. Before beginning any task, first remember this and then begin your task and you will quickly and easily become equal to Dadi. Achcha. What are we going to do now?

All Dadis meeting BapDada: First Dadi Nirmal Shanta met Baba and then the other Dadis.

Dadi Nirmal Shanta: You have galloped well. The aim that you have kept is becoming practical. Congratulations for that.

Manohar Dadi: You have been a co-operative soul from the beginning of the yagya. "I am co-operative and I will remain co- operative". Underline this because the Dadis are the decoration. So, not a single one of you Dadis should be missed. Just say, "Ha ji", and you will receive strength. Say, "Ha ji", and then see. "I have to do this. No matter how much others try to stop me, I have to do this." You are Dadi's friend, are you not? So, Dadi never said "No". In every task, she said, "Ha ji, ha ji". Just do the same.

Ratanmohini Dadi: You are an all-rounder. Now, all the Dadis have to show their special part to the gathering. Everyone's vision naturally goes towards the Pandavas and the Dadis. You are, you are doing and will continue to do. It is good.

What will the Pandavas do? All three of you come! (Nirwairbhai, Rameshbhai and Brijmohanbhai). What do all three of you now have to do? Three words were Dadi's speciality. Young and old, all used to feel that they belonged. Out of everyone, Dadi gave the maximum feeling of belonging to everyone. These Dadis are also like that, but this was Dadi's speciality to a greater extent. So, the duty of all of you should also be like that. The duty and meeting of all of you should be such that everyone feels that you belong to them; they should experience the feeling of belonging; not just those who are performing a duty. The more you bring the feeling, the more.... Why did Dadi receive so much response of love? Whether someone was a VIP or anyone else, they used to feel that they belonged, they used to say, "She is our Dadi". Even now, they are saying, "Dadi maa, Dadi maa". It is not just words, but they are saying it from their heart. This is the result of giving the experience of belonging. Just as everyone's vision is on the Dadis, in the same way, it is also on the instrument Pandavas. So you will have to do this. You will have to do it, will you not? Won't you? You have to do it. Now, whether it was the media people, VIPs or ordinary people, everyone paid a tribute to Dadi, even while sitting at home. Even if they didn't come, the majority of people watched on TV. They became co-operative in paying a tribute, and so this World Spiritual University will not remain hidden. They have opened their eyes towards each of your activities: those who are wrong will see it negatively and those who are right will see it positively, but their special eye is now on you. According to that, all of you together will have to create a powerful atmosphere at all the places, because Dadi has brought you into the vision of the world. Firstly, because of the lady who has to become the President (Mrs Pratibha Patil) and secondly, because of Dadi, you have all come under everyone's vision to a greater extent. So everyone's vision is especially on this university. Therefore, underline this. Did you hear?

Munniben: (Baba, Dadi's cottage now feels quiet.) Even now, keep that as a place of service. (What should I pay attention to?) Just as Dadi used to do, always smiling, a powerful vision, merciful feelings, feelings of contentment, continue to give everyone the apple of contentment. Don't send anyone away empty-handed. (I am remembering Dadi a lot.) Of course you will remember her. How is it possible that you would forget her? Of course you will remember her for some time, because of having been together in the corporeal form; you have lived with her 24 hours a day. Of course you will remember her. Dadi will come to meet you. A date has not been fixed yet, but she will definitely come.

Dadi Janki: (Tomorrow, Dadi is going abroad): You have been given leave, but a short cut (a short trip). It has already been made.

Mohiniben: (Now what should I do?) Give everyone the experience of Dadi. Dadi's part is such that she will come whenever she wants and you will have that feeling. You already have the experience of the subtle region. You will have a feeling of that. BapDada will make her play the best part of all. Simply remember these three words before every action. Do service. Remain busy in all-round service. Remain busy here. Previously, you didn't have time to do all-round service, now give time for that. Good service will take place. Don't worry. The Father is with you.

The group of those who served Dadiji came in front of BapDada: Very good. It is such a good group. Look, according to the drama, each one of you played your own part, and all of you have played a good part, but now, through self-transformation, also transform the atmosphere. The qualifications of the Father should be visible in you. Just as in a lokik way, you see their father's character and features in many children. So, the Father's qualifications should be visible in each one of you. What will happen when you have those qualifications? The aim will become clear. Nowadays, they have an elevated aim, but they don't have those qualifications. You make the aim clear through your qualifications because everyone's vision falls on the qualifications. So, to the extent that your behaviour is full of those qualifications, accordingly the aim will automatically be revealed. "Who are these? What do they want to do?" OK, whoever it is something happens with, situations will happen. It is a rosary, it is numberwise. Don't say, "Why is this one doing this? Why does this happen?" No. What do I have to do? In what way can I help in such a situation? If you are unable to do anything, then step aside! However, don't go along with the flow of that atmosphere. If you instrument souls remain in such a stage, an atmosphere will automatically be created. You won't feel it to be hard work. You just have to do it. That is all. Is this OK?

The Shakti Army is no less. The Shaktis are no less. I have to make the atmosphere elevated. Even if something trivial happens, do not repeat it. To speak about it to one means for it to go to the ears of many. One who is introverted is always happy. Dadi showed the feeling of belonging spiritually, not in a physical way. That is the result of belonging. One is of being beyond and up above and the other is of belonging. She also gave signals, she didn't keep it in her heart. It would be on her tongue and it would finish. She didn't keep it in her heart. In the same way, you are instruments. So, it is most essential for those who are instruments to follow Dadi. Not everyone has power; they are numberwise. Give them co-operation, give them power, have mercy and give them spiritual love because everyone's vision, in this land and abroad, is now on the instrument souls because the media has made it clear about Dadi. Now, everyone's vision is on you. "What is happening? What is happening?" They will think in this way even more. "What is it? How is it?" Therefore, make this fortress strong. You are instruments. Even though only a few souls have come, everyone will hear this. Even so, you have reached here and so congratulations! You have become ever-ready, have you not? Together with Dadi, all of you also played the part of being ever-ready. So, it is fine. Each one of you should consider yourself to be an instrument. I am an instrument to make the atmosphere powerful. Others are not this, they are numberwise, whereas you are instruments. Very good. Is it OK?

Meeting the sisters who served Dadi: You all did very good service. (We remember Dadi a lot.) Of course you will remember her. Will BapDada not remember her when she leaves BapDada's subtle region? Baba willl remember her. However, there is service. She is the Dadi of the world, not just of Madhuban. All of you have served with love, so even now, do the service of becoming equal! This is the return of love. Achcha.

The Pandavas have also been good in service. Pandavas also did good service. You showed the form of love. Everyone gave good co- operation according to your service. Now, become companions in the service of making the atmosphere powerful just as you remained companions in serving Dadi because everyone's vision is now on you and are wondering what you will do. They will see what you are doing. Everyone's vision is here. So, you should do such things that songs of "Wah Wah" begin to be sung. The practical form of Dadi's love should be visible through your behaviour. It will be visible because you had love for her. All of you have passed in the subject of love. The certificate of love is very good. Achcha.

BapDada took leave and went back to the subtle region. When Dadi Gulzar came back from the subtle region, she related the scene of the subtle region.

In fact, Dadi's farewell is to take place in the evening. This is why Baba said: I have come back having met everyone. Dadi also met them. Dadi said: Baba is sending me, but the experiences that I have had over the 12 days were very beautiful experiences, and many things that I would otherwise not have seen, that I had not been able to see, I was able to see. She related this and said: Baba is now sending me and it was my thought that I should not take another birth, but Baba has explained the secrets to me and this is why I am going in happiness. We also felt: How could Baba send her like that? So Dadi said: I have understood Baba's secrets and this is why I am going in happiness. Secondly, Dadi said: Farewell will take place this evening, so watch that and relate it to everyone. On my behalf, say to each one: Dadi has sent you remembrance personally by name. Together with remembrance, love is there anyway. I will relate the message of farewell at another time. Achcha.

* * * * Om shanti * * * *