18-01-2008          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Be truly loving, give all your burdens to the Father, experience pleasure and become liberated from labour.

Today, BapDada is seeing the gathering of His carefree emperors everywhere. Such a huge gathering of emperors only takes place at this time of the confluence age. Even in heaven, there will not be such a huge gathering of emperors. Nevertheless BapDada is now pleased on seeing the gathering of all the emperors at this time. Even those who are far away are visible as close to the heart. All of you are merged in Baba's eyes, and those children are merged in the heart. It is such a beautiful gathering. On this special day, the sparkle of the awareness of the avyakt stage is visible on everyone's face. The remembrance of Father Brahma is merged in everyone's heart. Both Aadi Dev Father Brahma and Father Shiva are very pleased on seeing all the children.

Today, from 2.00 am, there were many different types of garland around BapDada's neck. Flower- garlands are common, diamond necklaces are also not a big deal, but the necklaces of the invaluable pearls of love are extremely elevated. In the heart of every child, on this day, love especially, emerged. Four different types of garland emerged in front of BapDada. The first number garland was of the elevated children who are making elevated effort to become equal to the Father. Such children were garlanded around the Father's neck in the form of a garland. The first garland was the smallest of all. The second garland was of the children who are making effort with love to become close and equal. The first number was of elevated effort-makers and these are just effort-makers. The third garland, which was longer, was of the loving children who are companions in the Father's service. However, they are sometimes intense effort-makers and sometimes they are those who have to face storms to a greater extent. However, those who have a desire have the good desire to become complete. The fourth garland was of those who were complaining. There were the garlands of the different types of children in the form of the faces of the avyakt angels. Seeing the different garlands BapDada became pleased and, at the same time, also gave love and sakaash. Now, all of you should think about, "Who am I?" However, out of all the children everywhere, the special thought that emerged in the heart was, "Now, I definitely have to do something." The majority of you have this zeal and enthusiasm in the form of thoughts. In the practical form, you are numberwise, but you do have it in your thoughts.

Today, seeing all the children, BapDada is giving special blessings from the heart and greetings from the heart on this day of love, on the day of remembrance, on the day of power. Because today is a special day of love, the majority of you are lost in love. In the same way, for effort too, always remain lost in love, remain merged in love. So, the easy method is love, love from the heart. It is love together with the awareness of the Father's introduction. It is love filled with love for the attainments received from the Father. Love is a very easy method because loving souls are saved from having to labour. Because of being merged in love, because of being lost in love, you will experience any type of labour in the form of entertainment. Those who are loving automatically remain beyond the consciousness of the body, beyond the attention of the relations of the body and beyond the attention of the bodily world; they automatically remain merged in love. The love of the heart gives them the experience of closeness to the Father, the company of the Father and of being equal to Him. Loving souls always consider themselves to be worthy of the Father's blessings. Love easily makes the impossible possible. They always experience the Father's hand of co-operation and love on their head and their forehead. They have faith in the intellect and remain carefree. All of you children from the beginning of establishment had the experience in the beginning period; even the children who were instruments for the beginning of service had the experience of the beginning how all of you children had so much intoxication of love with the awareness of having found the Father. You receive knowledge later on, but the first intoxication is of being lost in love. The Father is the Ocean of Love. So, from the beginning, the majority of children are lost in the Ocean of Love. In terms of the speed of effort, you made effort with a very good speed. However, some children become lost in the Ocean of Love whereas others simply take a dip and come out again. This is why the children who remain lost in love find that it takes very little effort, whereas others don't have the same experience. They remain in the experience of both - sometimes effort and sometimes love - but those who remain lost in love always experience themselves to be under the canopy of protection. Children who have love in their heart change labour into love. In front of them, situations as big as a mountain are experienced as cotton wool, not a mountain. Even stones are experienced to be like water. Today, all of you especially stayed in the atmosphere of love; did you experience it to be labour or was it entertainment?

Today, all of you experienced love, did you not? Were you lost in love? All of you were lost in love. Today, did you experience any form of labour? Did you experience labour in any situation? Did you have any thought of "What?" "Why?" or "How?" Love makes you forget everything. So, BapDada says: None of you must forget BapDada's love. You have found the Ocean of Love; move along in those waves as much as you want. Whenever you experience any type of labour, because Maya will test you in between, at that time, remember your experience of that love and labour will change into love. Try it and see. What happens is that the mistake you make at that time is that you go too much into "What? Why?..." Something that has come will also go away, but how will it go away? By your remembering love, labour will disappear because all of you have the experience of the love of both Bap and Dada at different times. You have that experience, do you not? You have experienced it at some time, have you not? OK, you may not experience it all the time, but you have experienced it at some time. Remember that time, of what the Father's love is. What did you experience with the Father's love? With the awareness of love, labour will change because BapDada doesn't like any of the children to have a stage of labour. "My children and they have to labour!" So, when will you become free from labour? It is only at the confluence age that you can become free from labour and simply stay in pleasure all the time. If there isn't pleasure, there is definitely one or another type of burden in your intellect. The Father has told you: Hand over your burdens to Me. Forget the consciousness of "I" and become a trustee. Give your responsibilities to the Father and you yourselves become the true children who are honest in your heart as you eat, drink and enjoy yourself, because out of all the ages, the confluence age is the age of pleasure. If you don't celebrate with pleasure even in this age of pleasure, then when would you celebrate? When BapDada sees that children are carrying a burden and labouring a lot, that they are not handing it over but are carrying it themselves, then the Father would of course feel mercy and compassion, would He not? Labouring at the time for pleasure! Become lost in love. Remember the times of love. At one time or another, each one of you has definitely experienced love; you definitely experience it. The Father knows that you have had that experience but that you don't remember it. You continue to look at the labour and continue to become confused. If today, from amrit vela until now, you experienced the love of both the authorities of Bap and Dada, then, by remembering this day, in front of that love, labouring will end.

Now, this year, BapDada wants to see every child full of love and remaining free from labour. No name or trace of any type of labour should remain in your heart or in your life. Is this possible? Is it possible? Those who feel that you definitely have to do this, those who have this courage, raise your hands. On this special day, every child has a special blessing of remaining free from labour. Do you accept it? Yes? Then, what will you do if something happens? You will not say, "What?" "Why?" etc., will you? Remember the times of love. Remember those experiences and become lost in those experiences. You have promised this. The Father is asking you children a question: All of you have promised that you will claim the status of liberation-in-life for 21 births from the Father, that you will definitely do that. So, can there be labour in liberation-in-life? Out of the 21 births, one birth is that of the confluence age. Your promise is for 21 births, not for 20 births. So, become free from labour from now, that is, liberated-in-life, carefree emperors. The sanskars of the present time will remain emerged in the soul for 21 births. So, you have claimed your inheritance for 21 births, have you not? Or are you going to claim it now? So, attention please! Become free from labour. Remain content and make others content. Don't just remain content; you also have to make others content. Only then will you remain free from labour. Otherwise, every day, one or another situation of burden or labour will emerge in your language in the form of "What?" "Why?" Now, you are seeing the closeness of time. Just as time is coming close, in the same way, the experience of closeness to the Father should now increase. Your closeness to the Father will bring an end to the closeness of time. Can all of you children not hear the sound of the sorrow and peacelessness of all souls echoing in your ears? All of you are ancestors and also worthy of worship souls. O ancestor souls, O worthy-of-worship souls, when will you complete the task of world benefit?

BapDada has seen the news of how those of each of the wings are having meetings and making plans about how to increase the speed of world benefit. You make very good plans, but BapDada is asking you: Eventually, till when? Will the Dadis give a response to this? Will the Pandavas reply - till when? In making plans, those of all the different wings keep the aim of revealing the Father. However, revelation will take place with a determined promise. Determination in your promise; determination sometimes decreases due to some reason or some situations. You make very good promises. If you were to hear these at amrit vela - the Father hears them all the time. Science has not yet given you the facility to be able to hear the sound of each one's heart. The Father hears it: the garlands of promises, the things which you have thoughts of fulfilling are so good that it pleases the heart, such that BapDada says: Wah children, wah! Should Baba tell you what you do? When it is put into action, up to the stage of reading the murli, you are fine up to 75%, but when it comes to karma yoga, there is a difference in that. Some sanskars, some nature: the nature and sanskars oppose you, so that, instead of a determined promise, it becomes ordinary. The percentage of determination becomes less.

BapDada smiles on seeing one game that children play. What game is it? Should Baba tell you? Baba will only tell you if you are going to finish that game. Will you do that? Will you? Today, you have the power of love, do you not? So, will you do this? Raise your hands. Do not just raise your hands; raise the hand of your heart; you will then definitely have to do it. Then BapDada will do something. Should Baba tell you? Pandavas, speak, should Baba tell you? Those sitting in the first row, speak! You will then have to do it practically. Should Baba tell you? If it is "Yes", then those in the first row, raise your hands. Those sitting in the front two rows, raise your hands. Even those from Madhuban, raise your hands. It is the hand of your heart, is it not? Achcha. BapDada feels mercy when He sees these games; He doesn't enjoy it because BapDada sees that the children are very clever in putting the blame of everything of theirs on to others in every situation. What game do you play? You make up stories. You think: Who is seeing anyway? I know and my heart knows. The Father is sitting in the supreme abode and in the subtle region. If you tell someone, "You mustn't do this", do you know what games that one plays? "Yes, it has happened, but...." He definitely says, "but..." But what? "It was like that, that one did that, it happened like that and that was why it happened. I wouldn't do that, but it was because it happened like that. That one did that and that was why I did this. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it." So, what is this? It means a lack of your own realization. OK, for instance, someone did something and that is why you did it. That is very good. That one was the first number and you were the second number; that is fine. BapDada accepts that too. You are not the first number; you are the second number. However, is it OK if you think that you will be fine if the first number person transforms himself? At that time you think this, do you not? OK, for instance, that person who is the first number does transform himself and BapDada tells all the others who are the first number that it is their mistake and that they have to change themselves; that is fine. OK. If the first number person transformed himself, who got the first number? You will not receive the first number, will you? You will not have the first number in the power of transformation. You gave that one the first number and so what is your number? It is the second number, is it not? If you were told that you are the second number, would you agree? Would you? You will not say, "It was like that, it was like that..." This type of language is used a lot in the games. Now finish the games of "like this", "like that", "how?" etc. and think, "I have to transform myself." I should transform myself and transform others. However, if you are not able to transform others, then you can at least have good wishes and pure feelings for them. This is something that personally belongs to you, is it not? So, I have to become Arjuna, the one who takes the initiative. Is it you or the second number person who is going to come close to Lakshmi and Narayan, the ones who have a right to the first kingdom of the world?

This year, BapDada has hopes in all Brahmin souls, Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. When you come here, you put on a badge. All of you put on a badge, do you not? Even when you come here, you receive a badge, do you not? Whether it is of paper, gold or silver. Just as you put on a badge, in the same way, put a badge in your heart and in your mind: "I have to transform myself. I have to become an instrument. In the task of transformation, like Father Brahma, I first". You may remain behind in other matters, in wasteful matters, but in transformation, let it be, "I first". Is that OK? Do you agree? So, tomorrow at amrit vela, BapDada will see. It doesn't take BapDada long. As soon as He puts on the switch, He can see the whole world. So, tomorrow at amrit vela, all of you will celebrate a meeting with the Father, will you not? So, while celebrating a meeting, put on this badge. We will see who applies the badge in a practical way. Not just like that, not just for superficial show, but you have to transform yourself. You have that determination, do you not? You have determination. All of you raise your hands, and so BapDada feels a little: I don't know whether they will do this or not, but it is at least good that you raise your hands, and so the thought of one second is also good. However, you definitely have to put it into practice. "I have to change. I have to change and change others too." Not, "This should change, this situation should change, this person should change, these circumstances should change." No. "I have to change myself. Situations will come. You are going high up, and at high places the problems would also be elevated, would they not? However, just as today there was an atmosphere of the awareness of love numberwise according to your capacity, in the same way, always keep in your mind the atmosphere emerged of remaining constantly absorbed in love.

BapDada receives very good news. Even in the thought form, they are very good, but in putting them into the practical form you become according to capacity. Now, for two minutes, all of you become stable in God's love and the stage of the spiritual pleasures of the confluence age. Achcha.

Every day, from time to time, continue to have this experience. Never let go of love. Learn how to remain lost in love. Achcha.

This time it was the turn of Gujarat Zone to serve: Kumars of Gujarat, stand up. It is good. Kumars means those who are strong physically and also in terms of the power of the mind. You are light in the body and light as a soul. So, are you such Kumars. Wave your hands. Are you like this? There won't be reports of any burdens, will there? From today, there won't be any reports of the Youth from Gujarat, will there? Will it be like that? Will there not be any reports? Or, will there be reports? Those who say that there won't be any reports raise your hands. Yes, take their photograph. You have to make everything firm. It is good. BapDada has also received news of the Youth group. You have made very good effort. You have maintained courage well. The method of the programme is also good. If those of any of the other zones wish to adopt this method, it is good. BapDada liked it. For the programme that you have made and have also just carried out, BapDada is giving the blessing: May it be immortal! Now, all the Youth who have come here, do you agree that from now on you will take the first step for transformation? Is it "First I" or "First the others"? Those who say, "I first", raise your hands. Look, take their photograph very well. BapDada wants to see the result. It is good. The Youth can reveal the result of the whole University. You can remove the problems of the Government, of both Governments. The Almighty Government wants to see you free from obstacles and today's Government also wants to see Bharat free from obstacles. However, it wants to make the Youth the instrument for this. So, definitely do this by demonstrating it. You have to remain immortal. Remain immortal even in terms of fulfilling your promise. However, you are making effort, you have had the thought and so continue to do this and inspire others in the future too. So, from today, the Kumars of Gujarat are free from obstacles. You will remain free from obstacles, will you not? Very good.

Mothers, stand up. It is good. Mothers have a blessing because people of the world also see this newness: that women have become world transformers. So, mothers, always make this lesson firm: We always have to have pure and positive thoughts for the self and also for others. Can you remain like this? Will you? No matter which soul it is, you must always have pure and positive thoughts for the self and others. Do not have any wasteful thoughts; do not have any bad thoughts. Only pure thoughts. Those who have pure thoughts for the self and others claim a right to the inheritance for 21 births. So, remember two words: Pure and positive thoughts for others (subh chintak) and pure and positive thoughts for the self (subh chintan). It is a good number. Never have thoughts of others. Do not have any wasteful thoughts. You will show this result. Teachers, all of these mothers of Gujarat have this blessing. Make it firm with them and give Baba the result. Finish thinking of others and finish having any waste thoughts. May you have pure thoughts for the self and also pure thoughts for others! For every soul, even if that soul is troubling you, and is not such a good friend of yours, even then, just have pure thoughts. Pakka (is this firm)? Mothers, raise your hands. You teachers should see the result. See the result of this every week. Can you see it? Achcha.

Pandavas, stand up. The number of Pandavas is no less either. OK, what will the Pandavas do? What is the memorial of the Pandavas? Pandavas have always been the companions of the Father of the Pandavas. You have been with him and have been companions, and so what is the title of the Pandavas? The victorious Pandavas. You Pandavas are victorious, are you not? Why? Because God is your Companion and is with you. So, from today, do not let go of the Father's company either from your heart or your mind. When you let go of His company, Maya comes. To let go of the Father's company means to open the barrier-gates for Maya. When you open the gates, she will of course come. Why would she not come? She is 63 births old, is she not? So, do not forget the Father. To forget the Father means Maya will come. So, always remain with the Father and in service always remain a companion in the task of world transformation. Be a companion in God's task. In this, be a companion in your thoughts, words and deeds, that is, be a companion through your face and your activity. Do you like this? Will you remain with the Father? Will you remain His companion? So, the gates are closed to Maya. Have you put on a double lock? Do not put on a single lock but a double lock. Put on the double lock of being a constant server and of having constant remembrance. Is this all right? Pandavas are also free from obstacles. Those who are free from obstacles, raise your hands. Are you raising your hands with your heart? Those of you who are raising their hand with their heart, wave it more. Just look, teachers, they are waving their hands. It is good. Gujarat is a neighbour. You are neighbours of Madhuban. So, the neighbours will perform wonders, will they not? Achcha.

Teachers and Kumaris, both stand up. All the Kumaris are also going to become teachers, are you not? What are you Kumaris going to become? You are going to become teachers, are you not? Therefore, you have been asked to stand up with the teachers. Even if you have to go to work, BapDada says: If you have the aim of becoming a teacher and of doing world service, even then, when the Kumaris have leave on Saturdays, you should live at the centres, but, you have to do service there, you mustn't just stay there like that. You have to practise doing service. So, if there are some karmic accounts, then settle those, if it is essential. If you have a job because you are unable to continue to live at a centre then you have failed. Sometimes, there truly are some reasons; some have such circumstances, but others also have this desire. Do service on Saturdays and Sundays. Do full service on Sundays. Create those sanskars. Don't create sanskars of just staying there, but of doing service. Think that you have come to the centre to become serviceable. Continue to practise this. The more you continue to practise this, the more you will enjoy yourself. You can make some excuse for yourself and free yourself. Kumaris are clever; they are not innocent. This is why Kumaris are those who continue to take steps for self-progress at every moment. Not those who just work, but who always continue to take steps towards self-progress. Do not think that you are moving along and that is fine, that you have to have a job, until when will you continue to work, or when will you stop working. No thoughts about this at all. Kumaris are Brahma Kumaris anyway. All

Kumaris are Brahma Kumaris. Even those who have a job are Brahma Kumaris, but a Brahma Kumari is one who has the feeling and desire for world benefit. Then BapDada will see that you Kumaris have become worthy teachers. Do not become teachers who have complications. Become a worthy teacher because there is a need for worthy teachers. What happens nowadays is that you have the training, but when you go to a centre there is a problem and so you cannot become Baba's hands. A Kumari is one who is BapDada's service companion, a companion who is free from obstacles, one who is able to adjust the self. You are those who can adjust themselves, are you not? Or, are you those who are against? Do not go against anyone, but just adjust yourselves. OK, so will you become such a Kumari? Then raise your hand. You are those who adjust themselves. Raise your hand after careful consideration. Remain harmonious with everyone. You are those who make everyone their companion, one who is free from obstacles. Then, many hands can be created. Now, there is a shortage of hands. BapDada is speaking to all the Kumaris. You will become helpers, will you not? Those who would become helpers, raise your hands. Which type of helpers? Those who are free from obstacles. So, now raise your hands for being helpers who are free from obstacles. In advance, congratulations. Congratulations.

Speaking to teachers: There are many teachers in Gujarat. So, what are the teachers going to do now? Teachers have to spread the atmosphere of an attitude of unlimited disinterest, whether at the centre or in the world. Even in the world, there is a need to have an attitude of disinterest because corruption and sin are increasing. Without an attitude of disinterest, those souls are not going to benefit. The task that you are carrying out of giving a message is good. BapDada likes it but you only create co-operative souls and mikes from doing that. Very few become surrendered children, heirs of the Father, the same as you children. There is a need for the attitude of disinterest at all the centres. An attitude of disinterest, not just in terms of your food, drink and clothes and facilities, but totally in terms of your mental attitude, your vision and actions. Now, in all the zones, there needs to be a wave of going beyond with the attitude of disinterest and being beyond the consciousness of the body. An attitude of unlimited disinterest: first of all an attitude of disinterest in the consciousness of the body, and an attitude of disinterest in terms of the things for the body; there also has to be an attitude of disinterest in terms of feelings of the body, and also your intentions. So, BapDada is drawing the attention of all the children: There will elevated progress at a fast speed in Brahmin souls and co-operative souls when you spread the sound of an attitude of disinterest in the self and in everyone. Those of all the wings have this thought and wish to bring about revelation. You also make programmes. However, it hasn't yet happened. Why? The reason for that is that there isn't an attitude of disinterest everywhere in terms of sinful actions, corruption, and in situations and position. So revelation cannot take place quickly. So, now, there has to be an attitude of disinterest. You saw Father Brahma: till the end, he had an attitude of such unlimited disinterest. He even had an attitude of disinterest in his own body, and in terms of relationship with the children. So what will you do? Put this aim into a practical form. Achcha. Those from Gujarat are those who are always ever-ready for service. The growth of service is good and the numbers are also good. Now, heirs and mikes. Prepare such mikes who create an impact through their sound. It should emerge from everyone's mouth: "This one is saying this. This one is saying this." Something will happen. Achcha. Congratulations for service, and many, many congratulations for doing service that is free from obstacles.

Doctors (Medical) and Engineering Wings: Both wings are very essential. BapDada has heard the plans of both the wings. The plan that the doctors have made is good. BapDada likes it. Congratulations. Why does Baba like it? Because all the details are very clear: what you are going to do, who is going to do it, when you will accomplish it and what result you expect from it. All of this has been thought about very clearly. The Rural and the Youth group made such a clear plan and did it practically and that is why BapDada is giving congratulations for the plans and practical form of both of these wings. In the same way, the plan that the doctors have made is very clear. And, hearing health being mentioned, everyone has a desire because, day by day, new illnesses are emerging. Many cures as well as illnesses are emerging and people are fed up with illnesses. So, seeing this plan, service can take place easily. So, you have maintained courage well. Very good co-operative souls have also come now, and you have made a plan to spread the sound everywhere. It is not just of the one zone, but of the whole of Bharat. So, by the sound being spread everywhere, a very good sound is spread everywhere. Congratulations. Now continue to put the plans into a practical form. Success is your birthright. The number of doctors is also large. If you put the doctors of the whole world together, it would be a big number. Doctors will be useful. At the end you will have to do a lot of service. You will have to finish a lot of suffering; everywhere there will be crying and you will be serving as a double doctor - of the body and the mind.

Engineering and Science: Both departments are very good and so create such a plan. Just as science is showing practical examples, in the same way, with the power of silence, show practical examples because nowadays, instead of listening, people want to see the practical proof. So, create such practical proof. Science is able to prove that this is the proof of science that there has been this benefit or transformation. In the same way, you too must find practical proof of the power of silence. Then people will be attracted. Is this OK? Now, this year, make a plan in this way. It can be done; you are clever. You will make it. It is good. Service has grown from the time that the wings have been created. Achcha.

Double foreigners: BapDada likes it very much. The foreigners have been very clever. They take their chance in every turn. From how many countries have all of you come? From 35 countries. So, the 35 countries are being benefited. Wherever you have come from, that country is benefiting. So, this title is accurate, that you are world benefactors. No corner should be left out. BapDada has heard the news that abroad, too, no corner should be left without having received Baba's message. You have made such a plan, have you not? You have made it. So, you have put into practice very well the Father's title of a World Benefactor. Previously, Baba was just the Benefactor of Bharat and, now, He says with spiritual intoxication that He is a World Benefactor. So, you double foreigners have put into the practical form the Father's title of World Benefactor. And the foreigners everywhere are clever in one thing. Should Baba tell you what that is? Foreigners always walk hand in hand. You have this habit. So, are you double foreigners those who move along with your hand in the Father's hand? Is your hand in the Father's hand? Which hand is it? The Incorporeal One doesn't have hands. The hands of the Incorporeal One is His shrimat. So, you are those who move along with your hand in His hand of shrimat, are you not? You never become tired of putting your hand in His hand, do you? Do you become tired? A little perhaps? To constantly put your hand in the Father's hand of shrimat means to be a co-operative companion. You do whatever the Father says. You are like that, are you not? Are you like that? Those sitting ahead, are you like that? Just be careful. BapDada will see your register. When the Father says something and the child does it, that is being a worthy child, not one who thinks: "Should I do this or not? Will this happen or not?" "The Father said it and I did it." This is what it means to be a true heir. Not those who think about it, but those who do it. Some children say they will do it. "Just look out; I will definitely do it." Not like that. Instant action! People speak of an instant donation, but to follow instantly every action is great charity. There is a difference between charity and great charity. You must have seen on the path of devotion that the sacrifice made with one stroke is said to be mahaprasad (the great offering). If the sacrifice is made with thought (a little at a time), that would not be said to be mahaprasad. So, to follow shrimat instantly is said to be great charity. Is this all right? You are very sensible. BapDada likes it. BapDada likes this group of Sindhis too. You are the decoration of Madhuban, are you not? So, it is very good. So, double foreigners are double effort-makers. In the earlier group, you were given the blessing: Double foreigners means double effort-makers: not effort-makers who think about everything. Achcha. You are doing service, and wherever you have come from, you do good service. You pay attention to making effort for the self and in the future let it be intense. You are making effort, but let it now become intense because time is now moving very fast. Anything can happen suddenly. Achcha, blessings and love from the heart to everyone. Achcha.

To all the yogyukt, yuktiyukt, raazyukt (understanding all secrets) children who remain happy themselves and who make others happy - you mustn't remain happy by yourself, but also make others happy too - to the children merged in the love of the Ocean of Love, to the intense effort-making children who are always making effort to become equal to the Father, to the elevated souls who easily make the impossible possible, to the very lucky and lovely children who are always with the Father and are companions in His service, on this avyakt day of the avyakt angelic form, love, remembrance and blessings from the heart. Achcha.

Today, the scene in the subtle region was very good. Today, BapDada had invited all those of the Advance Party to the subtle region. Those of the Advance Party said: Give love and remembrance from all of us of the Advance Party to those who have the advance stage. You are those with the advance stage and they are from the Advance Party. They gave lots of love and remembrance to you. Today, BapDada had made both Dadi and Dadi Gulzar, who have been instruments for playing the avyakt part for so many years, sit with Him. The alokik part has lasted longer even than the part of service through the corporeal form. So, today, BapDada gave lots and lots of love to both, and those from the Advance Party also welcomed them very well. BapDada garlanded both of them with the garland of His arms, embraced them and spoke of the tasks both of them have been carrying out. For Dadi, Baba said: Dadi has made the family, service and service companions move along very well. She was the instrument to make them continue and she interacted with everyone considering herself to be an instrument. And child Gulzar carried out the task of accommodating BapDada. So, the tasks of both were very special and this was why both were specially welcomed to the subtle region. Together with that, they also welcomed those Dadis who were the original jewels at the very beginning. BapDada related their speciality, that the result of their success was that neither of them had the consciousness of "I". Baba also praised child Gulzar that she was pure and humble and she became an instrument for service and, according to her power to accommodate, she received the power to accommodate both the Supreme Soul and the soul - the soul of Father Brahma and the Supreme Soul - and she used that. At the end, Dadi was willed will-power by BapDada by taking her hand in his hand and Dadi carried out the task making it free from obstacles with that will-power. So, the speciality of both is no less. Both played their good parts, the best of all parts and even now, will continue to play their parts. BapDada said: Those who become instruments for a special task definitely receive congratulations from BapDada and the Brahmins. You receive a lot of congratulations, good wishes and pure feelings for that. So, the parts of both are unique, and they were successful and will remain successful. The avyakt part is continuing and it will continue. Dadi's part of giving sakaash and of bringing time close will continue very well. Together with this, BapDada made emerge all the sisters, the instruments for service, who lived with both Dadis, who served very well by being yogyukt and are continuing to do so and gave them the blessing: Always continue to move along whilst yogyukt and raazyukt in the same way. The Father's hand of blessings is over your head. There was such a scene in the subtle region and all those of the Advance Party and the original jewels who have been service companions were also made to emerge there. Today, in the subtle region, all of them showered both with golden flowers. Have you seen golden flowers? They are very light. They are not heavy that they would hurt you. They are not like that. They are very light wafer-thin and of various, colourful designs. So, after relating the speciality of the part of both of them, BapDada made all of them shower golden flowers on both. BapDada gave a lot of love to both. Both were saying, "Baba, Baba" and were singing the song, "Baba, You have made it happen. Baba, You have made it happen." This was today's scene in the subtle region. Achcha.

To the Dadis: The original jewels are the original jewels. The sparkle and beauty of the original jewels are unique. BapDada has seen that all of you who have become instruments - this whole group is of those who are instruments - and so the whole group of instruments is good. You are continuing to move along by giving one another co-operation; you are continuing well. Seeing this, BapDada is giving blessings. One said something and the second one accepted it and the task was successful. You are advisers and also administrators. However, all of you are doing it together. Whether the Pandavas or the Shaktis are instruments, everything is functioning well and will continue to do so. This is BapDada's blessing.

To Dadi Nirmal Shanta: You remain happy; you remain in happiness. Even in illness, you don't cry and that is very good. You are also having very good yoga. That is very good. (Dadi sang a song: May you remain happy and fruitful.) This lesson is very good. You are playing a very good part.

To Dadi Shantimani: It is good. Continue to make the body function; it will continue because you have that will-power. The will-power of so many years is helping you now. You are using that and will continue to do so. You are doing good service.

To Dadi Manohar: The original jewels are in everyone's vision. No matter what they are like, or where they are, in everyone's vision the original jewels are the original ones. All of you are original jewels. You have will-power.

(Dadi Janki said: Baba is very good.) Children are also good. The good Father has made you all equal to Himself. Achcha.

Today, Father Brahma specially remembered each one of you and garlanded you all with the garland of his arms. (Should we demonstrate it practically?) It cannot happen practically because it is not one person, all of you are included in this. All have a right.

Father Brahma has a lot of love for the children. In the same way, Dadi also cannot forget it. Again and again she remembers and asks: How is it all? How is everything happening? Keep me informed on how everything is happening. She continues to ask all the time. She would remember her friends. She also remembers the Pandavas and continues to ask: Is all the activity continuing well? Is it? It is continuing well, is it not? Dadi is happy and Brahma Baba is even happier than that. (What is Dadi's part?) Dadi will give sakaash and touchings and will make them work fast. From childhood she will have many plans in her mind. (Has Dadi taken birth?) Not yet. She will take birth on time. She hasn't taken birth yet. To take birth on time is accurate according to the present day. However, she will continue to meet all of you in the subtle form.

(Rameshbhai told Baba that he was going to Somnath, Baba's memorial place.) Everyone receives a message, but now, such a mike or an heir has not yet emerged; so find such ones. In terms of devotion, there are many of them. It is fine to give a message, but someone should become an instrument. Now make effort for this. Such souls can emerge; it just requires a little effort because there is still the influence of devotion.

Speaking to Dada Narayan and Manojbhai: Do you remain happy? You are not worried about the livelihood of your body, are you? Does this one have any worry? No. Are you carefree? Never think about this. Your family is unlimited and therefore, remain carefree. No worries at all. (Baba, engage me in service now.) OK, Baba will think about it and then let you know.

To Bhopalbhai: BapDada remembered everyone and garlanded them with the garland of His arms. Baba remembers everyone. Dadi has not forgotten her arms either. Let alone the seniors, she has not even forgotten her arms.

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