22-02-2009          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

In order to claim the gift of going fast and coming in the first division on your birthday, your breath and thoughts should be powerful. Let your heart be big and true and your every need will be fulfilled.

Today, the Zero Father has come to meet His hero children. On this day, all of you have come to celebrate the Father's birthday, and, together with that, you have also come to celebrate your own birthday. BapDada is giving all the children from everywhere - whether they are sitting personally in front of Him or far away but close to His heart - congratulations with all relationships. In that, there are congratulations from three relationships in particular: Baba is especially giving greetings from the Father, Teacher and Satguru in the form of sustenance, study and blessings to all the children from everywhere. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to all the children.

Devotees also celebrate this special birthday, but you children know that this birthday is the birthday of the imperishable love of the Father and the children. From the beginning, the Father and children have been together. Together with that, the Father has been with the children in the task of world transformation because there is a lot of love between the Father and the children. You are together now and you are also going to return home together. The Father cannot go without the children and the children cannot go without the Father because you are together with the love in your hearts. After going home, when you go to your kingdom, you will rule there with Father Brahma. So, out of all births, this birth is the loveliest and the most unique. No other birth out of the 84 births do has the same value as this birth in the whole cycle. Such a lovely birth in which you also have the company - this is the special birth as valuable as a diamond. So, have all of you come to celebrate your birthday or the Father's birthday? Or, has the Father come to celebrate the children's birthday or have the children come to celebrate the Father's birthday? Everywhere, devotees celebrate Shiv Jayanti or Shiv Ratri; they celebrate with a lot of love. Seeing the devotees, BapDada gives them the fruit of their devotion. However, there is a difference in the way that they celebrate and the way that you celebrate. They celebrate the night whereas you celebrate amrit vela. Amrit vela is the most elevated period. It is at amrit vela that BapDada fills the aprons of all the children with blessings. The aprons of all of you are filled with blessings, are they not? Every day you receive a blessing from the Father, the Bestower of Blessings. Each one of you children has received so many blessings from BapDada. Your apron is filled with those blessings, is it not? So, all of you have arrived here with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada is very, very pleased to see all the children and continues to sing the song: Wah, children! Wah! Children say: Wah Baba! Wah! And the Father says: Wah children! Wah! All those who become the Father's children are the handful out of multimillions of souls. There are millions of souls in the world, whereas you are the handful of children out of those souls, whom the Father calls His lucky and lovely children. Do you have the intoxication that in every cycle you are the handful of children out of multimillions? No matter how many souls with such a great position there may be at present, there are only a handful out of multimillions children from all corners who have recognised the Father and are celebrating His birthday. Do you have the happiness that you are a handful out of multimillions? Do you have that intoxication? Raise your hands! You have imperishable intoxication, do you not? It is not the intoxication that is there only sometimes, is it? It is always there and it will always remain. Maya does test you, and you have that experience, do you not? Maya also has a lot of love for God's children, but children know that Maya has had a relationship with God's children from the beginning until now. Maya and God's children have a connection with one another. Maya's duty is to come whereas what is the duty of you children? It is to chase Maya away from a distance. Do not let her come! Or, do you allow her to come? No. Chase her away from a distance! When you allow her to come, she develops the habit of coming. She also feels that you allow her to come and so comes. However, the Father sees that some children not only allow Maya to come, but they also offer her hospitality, and they offer her tea or coffee. Do you know what hospitality you offer her? You come under Maya's influence and think that the board of "too late" has not yet been put up, and that there is still time; that you are making effort and you will reach your destination. So Maya also feels that you allowed her to come, and, secondly, you also give her your company; you offer her hospitality. Some children are able to recognise Maya. Some children make a mistake in recognising Maya and wonder whether it is Maya's directions or the Father's directions. Because of not recognizing her, they come under the influence of Maya. BapDada is telling His lucky mahavir victorious children: Do not allow her to come! Now, do not spend your time in allowing Maya to come and then chase her away because there is little time left and the promise you have made of carrying out the task of becoming world transformers and world servers and giving souls of the world the Father's introduction and giving them their inheritance of liberation is not yet accomplished. Use your time in accomplishing that task. If you use your time in chasing Maya away, then how will you fulfil your promise of becoming world transformers? You are the Father's companions, are you not? You have promised Him from birth: We will remain with You now and return home together. Therefore, now chase Maya away from a distance on the basis of the powers you have received from the Father. Do not use your time for that. Look, you have been making effort for 70 years. Now is not the time for Maya to come and for you to chase her away because you know her. You are knowledge-full, are you not? You have the knowledge of the whole drama. Therefore, knowledge-full children, in what do you have to use your time? You have to accumulate two treasures a lot. Which two treasures? One is the treasure of thoughts and the other is of time. Both treasures are great and all of you know this because you are the knowledge-full children of the knowledge-full Father. You are master knowledge- full, are you not? Are you full? Some are knowledgeable, they are not knowledge-full. Who are you? Are you knowledge-full? Raise your hands! Are you knowledge-full or knowledgeable? All of you are knowledge-full? You raised your hands. Good! Wah! You have got full knowledge. Do you have the knowledge to chase Maya away? Do those sitting at the back have this? Achcha. You are all waving your flags. Do the mothers have it? Are the mothers knowledge-full? Double foreigners? Double foreigners are also waving their flags. Achcha. Just see how beautiful this scene is. The flags are looking very good. So, to be knowledge-full means to chase

Maya away from a distance. So, are you like that? BapDada has already told you that it is only at this time of the confluence age that the bank exists in which to accumulate your treasures. Then, throughout the whole cycle, you will not have the bank in which you can accumulate. Whatever you have accumulated at this time, that will continue to be useful. However, the bank to accumulate it only opens now, at the confluence age. Therefore, what do you tell people? You tell everyone when giving this message: If not now, then never! So, do all of you remember this? If not now, then never? Do you always remember it? The birth of the confluence age is the smallest of all, but it is the invaluable birth. The value of this birth continues throughout the cycle. So, you do check how much you have accumulated, do you not? Are you accumulating as much as you want to? BapDada has already told you that the time for walking has now finished. It is now the time to fly. The time for making effort has finished and it is now the time for making intense effort. This too is a short time. This is why BapDada has given the double foreigners the title "double intense effort-makers". Speak, are you double intense effort-makers? Raise your hands! Double intense effort-makers, pass! Achcha. Together with birthday greetings, BapDada is also congratulating you. Multi, multimillion-fold congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

BapDada saw that some children have paid attention to the homework that He gave of being o.k. Only a few have claimed 100 marks. There are more with 50%. However, BapDada wants that.. should Baba tells you what He wants? BapDada's hopes in each one who is a lamp of Baba's hopes, the mahavir children who fulfil BapDada's hopes, is that according to the time if you do not accumulate over a long period in the chart of intense effort from now, then BapDada reminds you of three expressions from time to time: Suddenly, ever- ready and accumulating in your account over a long period of time. BapDada wants that in your kingdom..., and you are happy that your kingdom is now about to come. At present you give the message that the Father has come, in the same way, you also give the good news that your divine kingdom, the kingdom of peace and happiness is about to come. When you give everyone this message, only those who have accumulated intense efforts in their account over a long period of time will claim a right to the full fortune of the kingdom from the first birth to the 21st birth. Keep this account of "over a long period of time" in your awareness because there is pleasure in a new home. If you come after two to three births, if a building were to be two to three months old, then what would you say? Is it new or three months old? BapDada wants that each of His specially beloved children, the most wonderful children, the children seated on the Father's heart-throne should come in the first birth as Father Brahma's companions. Do you like this? Do you like it? Achcha. So, what will you have to do? You will have to do something, will you not? You like it, and the Father also likes it and so what will you have to do? From now, let the past be the past, BapDada will forgive you for that. That is the past. From now, what will you give BapDada as His birthday gift? You will give some gift, will you not? You have come to celebrate the Father's birthday and so what gift will you give Him? Baba's hope in each child is that even now, in the last period, you can go fast. Those who have come for the first time, raise your hands! Achcha.

To all the children who have come last, BapDada is giving multimillion-fold congratulations to those who have come here for the first time. Fortune is now showing that there is still a margin to create fortune because the board of "too late" has not yet been put up. If someone who has come last makes fast effort, then he can be "last so fast and fast so first" and come in the first division. Not the first number because that is already known, but he can come in the first division. Do you like this? Do the new children who have come like it? You have a chance. BapDada will give you a seat, but you will have to do something for it. Pay attention at every breath and in every thought. Every breath and every thought should be powerful. It should not be wasteful because what is the title of all of you, those who have come for the first time and those who have come many times? You are the powerful children, not the weak children. What is the love and remembrance that BapDada gives? The love and remembrance every day is: Beloved, long-lost and now-found children seated on the heart-throne. This is why BapDada is giving this golden chance but those who wish to take it can take it. The Father will give, He is bound to do that. Are there any intense effort-makers? You have a chance. Once the board of too late is put up, everything will be finished. However, what will you give BapDada as His birthday gift? You have come to celebrate the birthday, have you not? BapDada has given all of you children a special gift on your birthday and that is that if you make 90% intense effort from today till the end, then BapDada will increase it by 10%. Do you agree? Now, anything wasteful should finish. When the deities of the golden age come, they don't understand the language that you speak here. When you use the word "effort", they would ask, "What is effort?", because they are the ones who are experiencing the reward. In the same way, you intense effort-makers should have completely finished everything wasteful in your dreams, thoughts and practical actions. Do you have this courage? Baba will give you 10% grace marks. Do you agree? Raise your hands! By what percentage are you certain? 100%? No; 101% because BapDada does not like it without the children and their company. The Father believes that since you have said "My Baba" and Baba has said, "My child", you have to become equal to the Father. Now, there is a need for determined thought. You have had a book printed, have you not? "Determined thoughts are the key to success". Do not allow your thoughts to become common. Who are you? Would it look good if the President here were to act in an ordinary way? And who are you? You are the residents of three thrones. The biggest throne of all is BapDada's heart-throne. So, those who have the heart-throne will at least become the companions in the first birth. Although only one will sit on the throne, you can at least become the ones who have a right to become part of the royal family of the kingdom. So, those who fulfil the companionship, you will at least go together until you reach home. BapDada will take you somehow. Whether He takes you via somewhere or directly, He will definitely take you back! Then would you remain sitting in the home? Would it be good if Father Brahma goes away and you remain seated there? You are Raja Yogis, are you not? What title do you give yourselves? And what do you teach others? Raja Yoga or Praja yoga (yoga to become subjects)? Even if there are royal subjects, you are not the subject yogis. You are Raja Yogis. So, will all of you remember the gift that the Father has given all of you? Till when? Till the end. BapDada has seen that you make a lot of effort, and when BapDada sees the children working very hard, He doesn't like to see the children labouring. Therefore, remain lost in love, and effort will then finish. When you say, "My Baba", then all other "mine" finish. When you say "My Baba", then "mine" for everything else finishes in that, does it not? You bring a toy in which you have so many, one inside another (Russian dolls). There are 10 to 12 merged in one. You show that toy, and you are those who say "My Baba, My Baba", are you not? He is my Baba, is He not? He is not the Baba of the maharathis. My Baba. Since He is "My Baba", then merge everything of "mine" that is limited in "Yours". Instead of mine, say "Yours", and there will be so much difference. How much difference is there between mine (mera) and "Yours" (tera)? Just the letters m and t. There is the difference of just one letter. So, it is firm, "My Baba", is it not? Is it firm? How much percentage? 100% or 101%? Show one finger for 101%. Those who are saying 101%, raise your hands! BapDada is seeing it. It is also being shown on the TV.

When you celebrate Shiv Ratri or Shiv Jayanti, you specially celebrate three things. It is a wonder of those who have copied the methods for these festivals. BapDada is congratulating them too. They specially celebrate in three ways. Firstly, they observe a fast. They have copied you, but in a temporary way. You have also observed a fast in two things from the time that you belonged to the Father. One is purity and that is not just celibacy, but being Brahma-chari. What do some children do? They observe the fast of the main big vices, but they allow freedom to the little vices. However, the little ones will become a great sacrifice. The little ones are no less. It is the little ones that deceive you at that time; just like a mouse which is small, but is number one in biting. It blows and bites so that you are not even aware of it. For the little vices and for anger, some children think that that happens all the time and that they have to get angry. Would such a soul be called a perfect soul? You adopted the vow with the children and the progeny, with the small and big vices that you will always remain pure. You promised this, did you not? Or, have you just taken the vow of observing celibacy? What is your title? "Completely viceless, the highest beings following the highest code of conduct". This is your title, is it not? Or, is it that a little less maryadas are allowed? Those who believe that you have said, "My Baba".... All of you raised your hands for "My Baba", and since you said, "My Baba", you will have to become equal to the Father, will you not? Let there be the difference of just the one letter. Whenever there is the consciousness of "mine", then remember "Yours". By remembering the difference of just one letter, you will become residents of the three thrones. One fast and vow is to have purity for all time. You adopted the vow of following the highest code of conduct for all time whereas they observe this for just one day. They at least copied you, but it is like a pinch of salt in a sackful of flour. At least they copied you. They are wise, at least! And the other fast is of food and drink. All of you have also observed the vow of having pure food, have you not? They have at least copied you. You have also observed this fully. Or, do you sometimes feel like eating anything when you are a little tired? It is not like that, is it? Perhaps when you are tired or fed up? What do the Youth do? Those who are kumars, raise your hands! Kumars! Achcha. Very good. Kumaris, raise your hands? The foreign kumaris, the ones with the light (wearing a band with a small light bulb on their head.) Have the kumars observed this vow fully or do you sometimes become tired? The kumars who come and who even now observe this fast of food and drink in the right way, raise your hands! You have passed. Congratulations! Multimillion-fold congratulations to you. It does require some effort, but, because of love for the Father, this is not effort but love. So, at least they have copied you. They observe a fast for one day whereas you observe the fast for your life. This fast of one life will then automatically continue all the time. Then you won't have to make effort. There definitely is some effort required in the one short birth. There is renunciation. Renunciation creates fortune so what else do they do? Jagran (Staying awake through the night). In what way do you have jagran? They renounce their sleep and you also renounced the sleep of ignorance, that you will not allow the sleep of ignorance, the sleep that comes at the wrong time, to come. You will not doze off. You will not nod off, but always remain alert. You have taken this vow too, have you not? Some have a habit of dozing off.

BapDada says: If you have renounced something and had a determined thought, then, why do you allow that thought to become a little lost again and again? Do you not know how to tighten a screw? The screwdriver with which to tighten it is a promise. What is the task that still remains now? Speak! That of revelation. This is what you are making effort for, is it not? Why do you hoist the flag, "My Baba has come"? Whenever you carry out any task, you hoist a flag. Today too, you will hoist a flag. Whose flag will you hoist? Of BapDada, of service, of the birthday. When hoisting a flag, until it is completely opened, you will continue to open it. The flag hoisting finishes when the flowers shower from it. So, what is the revelation that you want? Revelation of the Father. The firmer your promise of staying awake and of observing the fast is, the sooner revelation will take place. You want revelation to take place, do you not? Who is going to bring the time close? It is all of you, is it not? All of you true servers are going to bring the time close. You are the world- transformer children. So, do you agree with the gift for the birthday? To give it and to receive it, Baba told you about both. You are not just going to give it, you are also going to receive it. Those who are going to do both, raise your hands! Those who are going to do both? Achcha. Very good. Achcha. Your photo is being taken by the T.V. We will send this photo to those who fail even a little. Raise your hands once again! The photo is being taken here. Achcha. It is good. Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

Multimillion-fold congratulations from everywhere have reached BapDada. Each one says it from his or her heart, or writes through the letters or e-mails, "Give my greetings first of all!" BapDada says: BapDada has accepted each one's greetings first of all. He hasn't placed a number on it, but has accepted each one's greetings from the heart at the same time. Look, those who are sitting and watching from far away are clapping and in people's hearts everywhere, the song of "Congratulations, congratulations" is playing. This is not just a song, but a song from the heart which begins to play without any effort whenever you have happiness. Happiness is the key to the songs of the heart. "Wah Baba! Sweet Baba" - to say this is the key. You do have this key, do you not? You don't have this key only sometimes, do you? Always happy. Whenever BapDada sees that any child's face, words or actions are filled with a little bit of concern or worry, with waste thoughts or of some type of problem, He doesn't like it. If the children of God are not able to remain constantly happy, then who will? It is only you who can, is it not? Your face should never be showing worry; pure thoughts. Whenever any type of worry comes, then remember, "The Father is combined with me." Hand the worry over to the Father. You become one with pure and positive thoughts because BapDada always remains happy. So, should the children be wilted? Whose children are you? You are the children of God! Your face should never be like that, even if a mountain comes, you can change the mountain into cotton-wool. What will happen if you keep yourself combined with the Father? The mountain will become cotton-wool because you have made the Almighty Authority your Companion. You may be weak, but when you have the Almighty Authority combined with you, then use Him at a time of need. Do not use Him just in name. Then your face will always be happy and your heart will also be happy. Should BapDada issue a challenge that if anyone wants to see a happy and fortunate face, they should come to God's centres? Should Baba make this challenge? In that case you should never wilt. Why should you wilt? You would wilt if you have something lacking. What do you lack? You have the nourishment of happiness. For example, if you lack something in terms of health or wealth, then what is said about happiness? "There is no treasure like that of happiness". So, that is health, is it not? So, you have wealth. Do you have happiness? Raise your hands! You have happiness, do you not? So you have wealth. There is no food like that of happiness, there is no nourishment like that of happiness. Even if you have 36 varieties of food, if you don't have happiness, then that is dry, whereas if you have happiness, then even dry chapatis will give you the happiness of 36 varieties of food, and the Father promises that those who have a true heart, a clean heart and a big heart - if you remember three things - a true heart, a clean heart and a big heart, if you remember these three things, then at any time, no matter what the conditions of the world may be like, if you have these three things, then the Father will feed you dal and roti. He will not feed you two to four varieties of vegetables, but He will definitely feed you dal and roti. "Eat dal and roti and sing God's praise!". You have experienced that, have you not? Those who came in the beginning have experienced this. Did you ever starve? In fact, BapDada used to make jaggery into "Bournvita" (melted jaggery with a little oil or ghee and some bicarbonate soda then set to make it crispy like toli) and feed the children with His own hands. And their stomachs would be full from eating chapatis made by BapDada. Do you know how to make "Bournvita"? You don't? No matter what the circumstances are like, if you don't have any vegetables etc, this "Bournvita" will give a lot of happiness. Learn how to make it. Everyone should learn it before you go from here. This "Bournvita" will be very useful at a time of need. However, remember four things. It should not be that if one thing is missing, you would have to look for it and won't be able to find it easily. Therefore, check these four things: Honesty, of the body, mind and wealth, of relationships and connections, honesty of the heart, a big heart. When you have a big heart, then, whatever desires and needs you have definitely become fulfilled. Try it and see. When you have a big heart, all desires are fulfilled. If you have a small heart, then all creations become small. If the Father is happy, then what would be lacking? So, just make effort! And then you can applaud for the congratulations.

It is the turn of Karnataka to serve 8000 have come from Karnataka: Achcha. There are many teachers. BapDada is especially giving birthday greetings to all the teachers. Why is He giving special greetings? Why? Because you have been made so worthy (yogya) in order to be worthy for serving the yagya. Whether it is 10 days or 11 days of serving the yagya, you served the yagya in the right way systematically and so serving the yagya for 11 days enables you to attain 11 births. This is why the charity of serving the yagya is happiness at the present time. You are experiencing happiness, are you not? You have extra happiness, do you not? To reach Madhuban means to receive extra treasures of happiness. So, you have brought them here having made them so worthy. You have been inspired to make effort. This is why Baba is congratulating the teachers. And mothers, mothers, raise your hands! All the mothers from this zone. There are many mothers. Why are even the mothers congratulated? Because mothers look after Madhuban and they also look after the centres. From the beginning, BapDada has always said: Where there are mothers at the centres, their bhandara (kitchen) and bhandari (Baba's box) are always flourishing. Achcha. Special congratulations to them. And Pandavas, those who are half kumars, raise your hands! Half-kumars, look, you have a speciality too. Just as the mothers have a speciality, in the same way, the half-kumars also have a speciality. Why? What is your speciality? When both come, they are one another's companions and so there are no obstacles and they are united. Otherwise, when there are two opinions, there is conflict. However, when both become united, then the half kumars can go ahead in service a great deal. You can then make time for this. Youth also make time, but half kumars do double the work. What double work do you do? Firstly, you can give more time to world service. Secondly, you can use your wealth in a worthwhile way as much as you want because both of you are willing to do this. Half kumars can accumulate as much as they want, you can use way as much as you want in a worthwhile. Why? What is the reason for this? There are no obstacles. Obstacles of your own mind are a different matter, but you don't have any obstacles in relationships. This is why you have a special part in the yagya. When people see the half kumars and kumaris, expansion takes place very quickly. Others see in a practical way that people from all professions come here, that they are living with their family, they are doing everything and are able to create their fortune. Previously, there was the atmosphere that we make them renounce their home and family, and they were afraid, whereas now they understand that they can do double work and that they receive help. Do you understand? Achcha.

1200 double foreigners have come from 80 countries: Do not say double foreigners, but double intense effort-makers. You like your title, do you not? Double foreigners is common, and there are many of those double foreigners. BapDada is pleased with the foreigners because the foreigners have become the decoration of Madhuban. Look, so many come from the different states of India and so why should the foreigners be any less? You have raced very well in this too. Children have come from 80 countries. BapDada is pleased about one thing on seeing the majority of the children: that all those who come have now become those of one culture. All now belong to the one Brahmin culture. Do you not? Raise your hands! Now, you are not those with a foreign culture, but all of you are those with the Brahmin culture. When you came, you were all with different cultures, but you have now gone beyond cultures. This was a big barrier. However, you have now crossed this big barrier. Now, it doesn't feel that you are different. Now, watch at the TV: all are those with the Brahmin culture. Just the one culture feels good, does it not? When the children came to Baba in the beginning, they were from the different branches of the tree. They had come from their different families with their family members. However, BapDada had said from the beginning: Although all of you who have come here are different branches of different trees, here, all of you will become merged in the one sandalwood tree. A sandalwood tree will be created here. The original jewels, the children who came in the beginning, became a sandalwood tree and that was how they spread the fragrance of sandalwood. It also reached abroad, did it not? This is why you all came. So, all those from abroad also came from different cultures, but you are all now with one culture. Do you like this? Do you like it? Raise your hands! You don't sometimes find this difficult, do you? Yes, you wear coloured clothes at work, and that is allowed. What is another thing about the foreigners that BapDada likes? It is a speciality of those who are instruments for service and are looking after centres. They prepare their own food, look after the classes and also look after the students and also have a job outside. What did the children from Bharat who went there in the beginning see? They saw the speciality: As soon as class finished, they would make dough and make bread enough for seven days. When the class finished, they would eat their cereals with milk and then rush off work. They did everything very actively and brought about expansion. Previously, there was just London; those from London, raise your hands! The Londoners have become many from just one. This is why BapDada has given you the title: Double effort-makers. And by serving abroad, they have prepared those of other religions. There are the Christians anyway, but even in Muslim countries, so many children who were hidden have emerged and are moving forward. They are doing that in a different way.

BapDada had remembered the child. What is her name? The one who is opening centres. (Wajeeha). Those from Nairobi are also doing good service. They are making people emerge. So, do you like the title: double effort-makers? Are you this? Double effort. Achcha. The instrument teachers have worked hard. This is why BapDada is giving special greetings to the instrument teachers. You are now eating the fruit of your efforts. You were told earlier too that BapDada's title of "The World Benefactor" is proved right by world service. To all the children who have specially come from the different countries, together with the Brahmin family including the people from your own countries, multimillion congratulations for your birthday. And BapDada specially likes it that all of you together have special meetings. The RCs and NCs get together and make a plan for the whole year and you go back from the atmosphere of Madhuban carrying with you the good wishes and pure feelings of BapDada and the special Brahmin instruments. The result of this is very good. BapDada had hopes - at one time, He had the hopes, and He is now seeing the result of that. Congratulations for this too. BapDada is singing the song of "Wah! Wah! "Wah children! Wah! Wah, lovely children! Wah, lucky children! Wah!" and giving congratulations.

All those who have come here from the different wings, you are having meetings, are you not? You may have meetings and you should have meetings because you have not yet done what BapDada has asked you to do. This is why you should have meetings and just as BapDada has said: You should get everyone together at any one place so that you can know how many loving and co-operative souls from the different wings have emerged, who have emerged and how many have emerged. It is good that everything is functioning well. Continue to do that. Achcha.

To all the children from everywhere who are seated on BapDada's heart-throne, to all the intense effort-makers from everywhere, to all the children from everywhere who have accepted the gift that BapDada has given and to those who have given BapDada a gift through their thoughts, to the determined effort-makers who constantly make that thought determined, to all the children who make a promise and bring about revelation, lots and lots of love and affection from BapDada's heart. Please accept love and remembrance from the heart. To all the children again and again, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

BapDada meeting Dadis: All of you sat together and each one of you gave your own ideas. The ideas will be different, but understand those ideas, give regard and clarify them with one another. Do not keep it inside yourself without clarifying it. By keeping it inside, it becomes like rubbish. What would happen if you kept something inside and did not clean it? BapDada calls you instrument children the especially beloved children. There are the Pandavas too. However, those who are the instruments are the especially loved children, and the gathering of the specially loved children very quickly put zeal and enthusiasm into everyone. BapDada is seeing that you have all had very good thoughts, that you have to make everyone dance. You have to put into each one the four things that BapDada spoke about. If these four things are inculcated into the majority of children, you can understand that the time is almost here. So, you are instruments and everyone should understand that you are not 10 to 12, but just one. BapDada is seeing that you all have this thought in your heart. It isn't that you don't have this thought, but continue to increase this thought. And all are your companions. Achcha. (Mohiniben and Munniben returned from their tour to Indore.) Whenever any maharathi goes somewhere, everyone becomes refreshed there, and they will continue to be refreshed. It is good.

(BapDada placed His hand on Dadi's head.) BapDada's hand is on everyone. This one is the main instrument, this group is the instrument and that is why it is special. (My head never becomes heavy.) Baba is combined with you. (We Ganges are on the head of Bhagirath.) The Pandavas are also the Ganges, for this is why they are doing service. Achcha.

Makhijhabhai (Vice President of Larsen & Toubro - India's largest engineering and construction conglomerate) and his family meeting BapDada: BapDada has seen that you maintained good courage to fulfil the thought that you had and those who have courage receive extra help from BapDada. Did you hear, you maintained good courage, did you not? It happened, did it not? Now, don't lose courage in any situation. Do not say, "What should I do?" No. You have to do it. When you say, "What should I do?", there are more obstacles, whereas if you say, "You definitely have to do this," then all obstacles will move away. When mosquitoes come, you light some incense and the mosquitoes fly away. So these things of Maya come, but what would the mosquitoes do if you lit the incense sticks of courage? They would fly away. This one has courage and is worthy of receiving co-operation. So, it was your help and your courage (speaking to each of the couple). BapDada knows that you will move forward in your efforts. Each of you will give your support to one another. This speciality has brought you here. It is good. Achcha.

Munniben's brother and sister-in-law: It is good that you are Munniben's brother and sister, but BapDada says that you are lucky. You are lovely and also lucky. You have created your fortune. Look (seeing their son), this one is so good, take his photograph. Always remain like this. You have done well. To be Munniben's helper means to be a helper in the Father's task. To serve the yagya is such great charity. So many receive that charity. You are very lucky. Very good.

Speaking to Dr. Ashok Mehta: BapDada saw, for and He also comes to tour the hospital. You instruments have very good courage. This is why you receive offers. Those who maintain automatically receive help. For you to receive offers is also a sign of courage. It is good. (Speaking to Shireenben, Ashokbhai's wife): The strength of your heart has made him move along. You have been the instrument. You have made the family move along, and you have never had obstacles in your effort. You are one who chases obstacles away. You have courage, you have a lot of courage. Even with a little courage, you receive offers. BapDada likes this very much. To receive offers by themselves is the fruit of courage. (Speaking to daughter and son-in-law.) And you are their companions. You are always doing something or other, are you not? They are companions. The whole family is lucky.

(The sisters who were instruments to help look after the chariot of Dadi Gulzar were called on to the stage.) Congratulations to all those who stayed awake through the night and served the chariot. You got the chariot ready. Very good. You are incognito. Now reveal yourselves a little. Become companions.

BapDada hoisted the flag: BapDada has already given greetings for today's birthday. This flag should always remain high and be hoisted in the hearts of all souls. This is the thought in the hearts of all of you. And you give everyone the message. The Father has come and so come to the Father and claim your inheritance. By giving this message, the day will eventually come when everyone will say: Our Baba has come. He has come to give us the inheritance. And with the drishti of your courage, you will enable them to receive their inheritance of liberation and so the flag has to be hoisted in the hearts of all of you. That day is now almost here. Om Shanti.

BapDada meeting double foreign senior sisters: BapDada is pleased to see the gathering of all of you. (Dr. Nirmala has been appointed to take Manohar Dadi's place in Gyan Sarovar). This one has worn the crown of responsibility. You have maintained courage and so special congratulations for that. (BapDada placed His hand on her head.) You have maintained courage very well.

BapDada likes your system of meeting one another, and, seeing your gathering, BapDada also remembered Gayatri and Judy. Gayatri has shown good courage. She showed the example to the lokik family and the neighbours who hear how someone can be a help at a time of need. And the child (Uncle) is very yogyukt. BapDada is especially giving love and remembrances to the child while sending him rays of power. Love and remembrance to the whole family. (First time that they are not here for Shiv Jayanti.) This is why BapDada remembered them.

The form of meetings is changing. It is getting better and better. Those from India are also mixing and that is also very good. You all maintained courage and so they are becoming your helpers, and they will continue to be helpers and so continue to move along in the same way. BapDada is especially giving congratulations to those who have become instruments. Continue to move forward. You will continue to move forward.

Maheshbhai from London gave special remembrance: Those who use everything in a worthwhile way according to the directions received from time to time receive success. He has faith in the intellect, the family is good and they will continue to move forward. He has received such good sustenance. And so he is giving the return of sustenance. Send him some toli.

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