09-03-2009          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

Every day, wear the angelic dress, the special gift of Holi every now and then and burn the Holi of old sanskars.

Today, the holiest Father has come to celebrate Holi with His holy children. All the children are holy children. All of you have also come to celebrate Holi. Just think about which colour you holy souls are coloured with that you have become holy. There are many colours but which colour are you coloured with? What is the most elevated colour with which you have become holy? The greatest colour of all is the colour of God's company. You have easily become holy by being coloured with God's company because God's colour is the colour of imperishable company. Other colours are only for a short time, but, by being coloured with the colour of God's company, you have easily become holy, that is, pure. The colour of souls has become pure from impure because all of you have made God your Companion; you have sought His company and this is why you have become combined. You love this combined form, do you not? This combined form can never be separated. You have this experience, do you not? You remain constantly combined, do you not? Not alone. Maya tries to isolate you, but those who always remain combined can never be separated. Maya isolates you and then makes your old sanskars emerge and when the old sanskars emerge, the pure sanskars become merged. The old sanskars are of carelessness and laziness. When these emerge in various forms, the combined form becomes separated. So, each one of you should check yourself to see whether you always remain combined or whether you become separated. You now know the many forms of Maya, do you not? She cleverly colours you with her colour. To be separated means to be coloured with Maya's colour. This carelessness and laziness come in many forms. Maya attracts you towards herself through carelessness and laziness which are the treasures of Ravan. They are not the Father's treasures, but the children refer to Ravan's treasures with great intoxication and say: I didn't wish to, but that is my sanskar. They begin to say that those are their sanskars. Are these God's treasures? Or are they Ravan's treasures? Just think about it: Is it right to say that they are your sanskars? To make them yours is Maya's cleverness. Are the Father's treasures lovely or are Ravan's treasures lovely? In a common way, in order to free themselves, children say, "My sanskars are like that. I didn't wish to do that." Just think: Are they "mine"? The Father says that by making Ravan's treasures yours, your pure sanskars also gradually finish: the colour of God's company begins to fade away and Maya's colour begins to emerge. So, whilst moving along, you have to check yourself to see which colour you are coloured with. What do people do at Holi? They first burn away the bad things and then colour one another; they celebrate. BapDada has coloured you with the colour of His company, and, together with that, He also continues to colour you with the colours of knowledge, powers and virtues.

So, all of you are coloured with this spiritual colour, are you not? Raise your hands! You have been coloured with the spiritual colour. It will never fade away, will it? Those who are coloured with the imperishable spiritual colour cannot be coloured with any other colour. How holy have you become with this colour? You have become so holy that, throughout the whole cycle, no one can become as holy or pure as you. Your purity, the colour of God's company and the experience of being combined with God is most lovely and unique. For others, even though the soul becomes pure the body does not, whereas you become so holy and pure that both your soul and body are pure. Purity is said to be the mother of happiness, peace, love and bliss. Where there is purity, happiness and peace are with it because where the mother is, the children are also there. The Father comes and makes you so holy that, even in the last birth of the Iron Age, you can see your images - they are worshipped with such discipline. This is the speciality of purity and, no matter how many great souls and religious souls have become pure, none of them have temples built to them. No one else is worshipped with such discipline, and even until the last birth, your images continue to give blessings. They give the experience of peace and happiness for a short time. There is so much difference between your Holi and the Holi of the people of the world. Yes, for entertainment, you also celebrate a little, but you celebrate the true Holi of the colour of God's company and of the combined form. People also celebrate Holi in various ways. You know the meaning of the word "Holi". Only you know this and you celebrate it in that way. Holi means ho li, that is, whatever has happened has happened. So, all of you have said, "Past is past" to the old life, old situations, old sanskars and old waste thoughts, have you not? To let the past be the past means ho li. So, have you done this? Or do the old sanskars emerge by mistake even now? Since your birth is a new birth - all of you have died alive, have you not? Have you? Have you died alive? Raise your hands! Achcha. This is your new birth. So, how come you remember your old birth? The past birth has become the past. What would you say if the things, thoughts or sanskars of the past emerge again? Is that having celebrated Holi? It means you haven't let that be the past. It means that you have not been coloured by God's company very well. To be coloured by God's company means to forget the past birth and the situations of the past. This is because you have died alive, have you not? When you physically die in one birth and take another birth, do you remember your past birth? So, all of you have now adopted the Brahmin birth. You say by mistake of the sanskars of the past birth, that they are your sanskars. Are they yours? Are they? Are they the sanskars of the Brahmin birth? Sometimes there is carelessness, sometimes a royal form of laziness. There are many different forms of laziness. Conduct a class on this at some point! There are so many types of laziness and they come in such royal forms!

So, Brahmin life is a new life and there cannot be anything old in it. So, today, you have come here to celebrate Holi, have you not? Holi means ho li; so, today, to celebrate Holi means to burn the Holi of old sanskars. It is only after burning these that you can celebrate. So, your form now is that of celebrating. You have already burnt the old and you will now celebrate. You are going to enjoy the colour of God's company. You are going to experience remaining combined. Why? The holiest Father has coloured you with the colour of becoming holy and pure.

So, what Holi are you celebrating today? Especially today, don't allow any old sanskars to come; this is celebrating Holi. Are you able to celebrate it in this way or will they sometimes come again? From today, with the method of determined thoughts, finish the royal words "I did want to do that, but those are my sanskars." Do you have the courage to celebrate such a Holi today for all time? Or will you only celebrate it sometimes? You are those who feel that, from today, you have let the past be the past with your old sanskars, and that this is your new birth and the old birth is finished; you are the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children of the Father who have such courage, are you not? So, do you have the courage to have, not just this thought, but this determined thought? Raise your hands! Look, all of you have maintained courage. OK, some may have been left out, but all of you are companions, are you not? All of you are firm companions, raise both your hands! Take everyone's photo of this. Achcha. Double foreigners are also raising their hands!

BapDada is giving you multi-multimillion-fold congratulations for celebrating Holi by letting the past be the past. Now, do not let these words emerge from your mouth even by mistake: "My sanskars". For Ravan's sanskars you say, "My sanskars", it is a wonder! Ravan is said to be the enemy. It is a matter of amazement to make the treasures of your enemy your own. You also must be amazed at what you are saying! You say that by mistake. You say that, and your conscience then bites inside and you also realise that. You even speak to the Father about it and ask for forgiveness; "Baba, from tomorrow, I will not do that". And then you do just that! So, what should BapDada do now? Should He just continue to watch that? Now, burn the Holi of these words. In burning also, Baba will tell you something very good. A koki (sweet thick chapatti) is cooked with a thread around it and when it is cooked, the koki is cooked, but the thread doesn't get burnt. This is a sign of the first lesson you learnt of the soul being imperishable and the body being perishable. Those who have created these festivals and scriptures are also the Father's children, but you are the long-lost and now-found children. BapDada is seeing that their wonder is no less. It is like a pinch of salt in a sackful of flour, but they have made it in a very entertaining way. If you look at it, they have made a memorial of every festival. However, they have given a physical form to some things that are subtle, but they have at least created a memorial. They haven't done any less in devotion. In devotion too, in the copper and iron ages, they have kept some things of your awareness. These have saved you from becoming extremely full of vices. So, BapDada definitely gives those who have created this paraphernalia, festivals and scriptures their fruit. At least they remember some things in devotion and they are saved from the vices for a short time.

So, which Holi did you celebrate today? Which Holi did you celebrate? Ho li, everyone say, "Ho li"! Do like this (pushing it away). This is firm, is it not? Have you celebrated? Have you? Good. Then, tomorrow, Maya will come because Maya is listening, but you must not welcome her. There is pleasure in this, is there not? Stay in this pleasure.

Remember the Father and see how He is colouring you with the spiritual colour with which you have become holy swans. Holy swans are the holy swans with the power to discern. Whenever you have to carry out any work, first fix a seat. Set yourself on that seat and then decide. You know that seat. It is the seat of being trikaldarshi. First of all, set yourself on the seat of being trikaldarshi and consider all three aspects of time. Do not consider just the present, but look at all three aspects of the beginning, middle and end. Is there benefit or loss in all three aspects of time? Some children are very clever. Should Baba tell you about their cleverness? What do they say? "I had to do that in that way, and so I made do with that. I feel that I should not do that, but I just did it." OK, you have done it and so you will definitely receive the fruit of action, will you not? So, do not be clever in that way. You try to charm the Father. You make a mistake and you then tell BapDada such things as: Baba, You are Merciful, are you not? You are the Ocean of Forgiveness, are you not? You remind the Father of who He is and tell Him: You have said to tell You about it and finish it. However, finish it by telling Baba about it with realisation. You make one word firm of telling Baba about it. But you have to first transform yourself with determined thought, and then tell Baba about it. You charm the Father a great deal, saying, "Baba, You have said this, have You not?" You remind the Father: You said this and You said this. You are very clever. Now, do not be clever in that way. Have courage. "I have to do this". Do not say, "I will do it, I will do it!"

Throughout the day, BapDada hears many songs of "I will do it, I will do it!" I will do it, I will show them, I will become", but at what speed? Will those who leave it to the future in this way be able to return with the Father? The Father is ever-ready and those who say they will do it are not ready. So, how will you return with the Father? You will be left watching how others are going back with the Father. The Father has multimillion-fold love for each child. The Father doesn't want His children not to return home with Him. Will you not return home now that the time has come for you to return home? You have to go home first and then come into the kingdom. If you don't return home together, you will not come into the kingdom with Father Brahma, you will come later. What is your promise? That you will return together or that you say that you will get there by yourself? Will you leave this to the future too? "I will reach there. Just see, Baba, I will definitely reach there." So now, finish this language.

Today, BapDada celebrated Holi in the subtle region too. With whom? You will celebrate it now. Baba has already celebrated it with the advance party. That is the advanced party; their name is the advance party. So, BapDada celebrated Holi in advance. Do you know what type of Holi Baba celebrated? There were all those of the advance party - the new and old - because you also remember the maharathis who have gone recently, do you not? Baba made them emerge too because those who have gone recently have also played their part of service from childhood till now, that is, for a long time. You also remember those companions, do you not? That space has to be filled, is it not? Today in the subtle region, the Trimurti of Mama, Didi and Dadi were specially asked to stand up. There were other companions too, but these three were asked to stand up because of their special part and they were reminded, and of course they remember. However, they have to serve in an incognito way. They too are made to emerge in the subtle region at amrit vela and they go on service. The special souls have not stopped serving. It is fixed for them to come to the subtle region at amrit vela, to emerge in their real Brahmin life and do one or another type of service everywhere through the mind. With their mind and intellect they do the special service of attracting the mind and intellect of souls.

So, today BapDada asked this Trimurti what they were doing. The Father knows anyway, but still He has to ask. So they replied that they are inspiring in two ways. One is inspiring those who are creating upheaval and the other is inspiring those who are going to be the instruments for the new world. So they are still waiting. Then Mama said: We have been waiting for a long time. So, ask our friends: Are you going to keep us waiting (intezar) even now or are you going to make some preparations (intezaam)? There are many friends of Mama, Dadi and Didi sitting here, brother-friends are also sitting here. There are brothers as well as sisters who lived with them, and so they have a question for you: It is our duty to wait, but what is your part, the part of those who have the advanced stage? We are waiting; your duty is to make the preparations. It is our duty to wait. So, when will you fix a date? When all of you Baba's children become equal and complete, the preparations will be made. Didi said: On my behalf, ask all of them one question. What did Didi ask? All of you know and you also speak about being ever-ready. Are you ever-ready in becoming equal and complete? And what did Dadi say? They were having this heart-to-heart conversation today. Dadi said: Whenever anyone was meeting me and everyone also used to say, that Dadi had only one concern and that was of becoming karmateet. We will also go home with you, will we not? So, even now, I tell my companions that you have to become karmateet. When? When will you change "kab" (at some point) into "ab" (now)? The Father continues to smile. So, today, this heart-to-heart conversation was going on and others were also with them saying: "Mama, what you said was very good. Didi, fill them with a little force", and they were telling Dadi, "Dadi, you gave your support to everyone." All of us remember in our hearts this aspect of Dadi and how she played her part after Baba became avyakt. All their other companions said: Dadi, now let us remember what you said. Brahma Baba is an avyakt angel and Shiv Baba is Incorporeal, however, Dadi was in the corporeal form. At least we should try and demonstrate whatever you had thought. We should at least try and take the responsibility that Dadi had taken. So today all of them were having a heart-to-heart conversation to their heart's content. Did you hear? What do we have to do now?

You have now celebrated Holi, have you not? Even what happened yesterday is the past, so why should think of your previous birth? While everyone was having chit-chat, BapDada started to celebrate Holi. All of them were in their white dress, and in the subtle region, they were in their angelic form. Suddenly, without telling them that BapDada was celebrating Holi, all of them were sitting in a semi-circle, they were not standing, they were sitting in four to five rows. They were sitting in an organised manner from the small ones to those older then them and then those who were the oldest. What did BapDada do? BapDada crushed diamonds of seven different colours into powder. He sprinkled that powder over everyone; they were already in their sparkling angelic dress, and then the powder of the seven colours fell on them. Just picture this and see what the sparkling dress would look like when the powder of seven colours fell on it. You will not find such a dress even in the golden age. So, all of them were sparkling; and, when this dress was sparkling, Didi became so intoxicated that she began to dance as she used to when she was young. They danced holding one another. Then BapDada made ghevar (sweet like jalebi) that you prepare in Madhuban, emerge in the subtle region. This sweet hadn't come from Madhuban, and so Baba fed everyone ghevar. So, everyone celebrated with great pleasure. Just as you change your other dresses, in the same way, every now and then throughout the day, change into your angelic dress and have that experience. Make yourself emerge in the angelic form for five minutes or ten minutes. Visualise changing your costume from ordinary into a dress of the angelic form with BapDada throwing the colours of knowledge, powers and virtues on you. In the angelic dress, be an angel and have that experience for 5 to 10 minutes and then change your costume again. You are karma yogis, are you not? So, whenever you find time during the day, wear the dress of an angel and experience that you are being coloured by the Father. And if you start practicing from now onwards wearing the angelic dress, you will be intoxicated and also receive help to become an angel. So, BapDada is giving all the children from everywhere this gift for Holi. Continue trying to wear the dress of an angel; do not forget! You are being given the dress of an angel as a gift for Holi. So, every now and then, practise this. It is easy, is it not? You know how to change your dress, do you not? Do you know how to do that? You know how to do that, do you not? Just as you change the physical dress every day, in the same way, try changing into the dress of an angel and see. It is so beautiful and sparkling. Achcha. Did you hear?

Today, Baba related news of the subtle region. All of you also remember those who belong to you and have gone to the advance party, as different souls have gone from one place or another. You do remember all those who have gone, do you not? BapDada too also gets the advance party to do service at amrit vela because, at that time, the whole world is sleeping and they (advance party) come to the subtle region after having changed into this dress. Did you hear? What will we do now? Do not forget this drill. Change your dress; for however many times you are able to sit in the angelic dress throughout the day, even if it is only for three minutes, but definitely sit! Definitely change into that dress! Instil those sanskars from now as you cannot become a deity without becoming an angel. Achcha.

BapDada is seeing all the children from everywhere and even while sitting far away, at the majority of places, at the centres, they continue to watch BapDada. As you eat toli here, there too, they distribute toli. BapDada is watching everyone how they are sitting far away and experiencing themselves to be close. To all the children everywhere who have imbibed constantly determined thought to become equal and complete like the father, and from time to time, they continue to give the power of determination to that thought. To all such children everywhere who have imbibed pure thoughts; together with that, to the stars of hope who are going to fulfil the Father's hopes; as well as those who remember Dadi's words: "I have to become karmateet, I have to become that, I have to become that"; and Mama's words which she always spoke: "Whatever you want to do, do it today, do not leave it for tomorrow", and Didi's words: "We now have to return home" - these words should echo in your ears again and again. Simply have this one concern: I have to become karmateet and return home now. To the powerful souls who bring these words into their awareness again and again, congratulations for Holi to BapDada's holy children. Together with this, before getting the ghevar of Madhuban - everyone open your mouth and eat ghevar. Did you eat it? So, lots and lots of multimillion fold love and remembrance to all the children from BapDada and the advance party souls and namaste from the Father.

It is the turn of UP, Benares and Western Nepal to serve: Together with UP, Mohiniben, stand up! It is good. What is the speciality of UP? When the centres first opened, the centre in UP was special. BapDada and Mama first stayed at the centre in UP. There is also the confluence of the rivers of knowledge in UP. The biggest rivers - the Ganges and Jamuna - Jamuna is in Delhi and Ganges is in UP. What is the praise of the River Ganges? It is the purifier. So, those in UP must always have this concern of becoming purifiers and giving a drop of one thing or another to impure souls. Now, centres are increasing in UP, are they not? Have they increased? In the beginning, there was great splendour there. The surrendered couples first came from UP. So, even now, UP should demonstrate by doing something new. The functions and conferences will all continue, they will continue to take place, but you now have to demonstrate this by doing something new. All the Zones are thinking that they should definitely demonstrate this by doing something. Those of you from Delhi are also thinking this, are you not? It is good. Continue to do something or other so that one or another piece of news continues to be printed in the Brahmin world. You also have the news magazines, do you not? There should be some new news printed in the papers. UP is no less in serving the yagya. A good number have come. BapDada is pleased. There are many teachers too, but which teachers? You know that BapDada wants teachers who show everyone their future through their face and activity. What is the future of the present time? Angel. And the deities are the future of the future. So all the teachers - the future of the present time is the angel, and you will become deities in the future, but the angelic form of the last moment, those features, that is, it should be very clearly visible in your face and activity. When you went out on service in the beginning, you took with you the support of your 14 years of tapasya and also the sustenance of BapDada and Maa, so when you first went on service, some students were able to see on the forehead of some of you server souls a crown of light or a sparkling light in the centre of the forehead. You had a very sharp power of discrimination so that when anyone with an impure nature came to you, because you were kumaris, they were not able to do anything. You had so much power that they themselves fell at your feet and said: What did we think about you and who are you! This sparkle of purity that you had was in your practical activity and even in your dreams. There wasn't the slightest impurity, not even in your dreams. It was like that; it is not like that now, it was like that. Now, once again, continue to put this determination of light and might in your companions. Do not be slack. All of you understand that you teachers are instruments on behalf of Baba. And BapDada has a lot of love for all the teachers, whether they are young or old because you are co-operative in the Father's task. You are instruments and co-operative. You teachers are in front of the students in the corporeal form everywhere. In the avyakt form, there is BapDada and the advance party continues to give you sakaash. When they come to the subtle region at amrit vela, they remember their friends and also the centres. So, UP has to become number one. You are becoming that. You will perform wonders. You definitely have to do this.

SpARC and Scientists & Engineering Wings meeting: You continue to have meetings and you do that with good zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada continues to see and hear about this. You also continue to make plans for imbibing this. BapDada heard the news. All of you continue to make new plans for your self-progress and also for service. Now, you have to keep the aim that there is a need to give assurance to the people of the world. Seeing the circumstances, the poor people are afraid and fear is spreading. At such a time, you have to give assurance to all souls, but especially to the people of your wing, that if they do the meditation course, their fear and tension will finish. Do not give them knowledge first, but invite them to learn meditation first. Have more programmes of giving them an experience of a tension-free life. You do do this, but now do it more. Give them an experience of spiritual power. Let it not just be lectures, but give them an experience. You may do this with small groups or big groups, but definitely give them an experience. A person who has had an experience can never stay without sharing that experience. And the authority of experience is number one. Someone who has experienced something cannot be influenced by others. He cannot be afraid in such situations because through meditation, he experiences power. So, give them greater experiences of the temptation of meditation. You continue to have programmes anyway. They will continue and you have to make them continue, but also pay special attention to this. Anyone who came and did the course, together with that course, did he also have an experience or did he just take the knowledge? Definitely give an experience of anything. It could be any experience. In terms of knowledge, let them experience that this is God's knowledge. Through yoga, let them experience powers in them. Let them have courage. Enable them to have the courage to find a solution to any problem and also have the courage to imbibe this. Otherwise, when they hear of having to imbibe these things, they become afraid. First of all, tell them about the attainment and what that attainment is. With the attraction of the attainment, they will all begin to come. When you give God's introduction, first tell them what attainments they will have and, on the basis of the attainment, they will be attracted. Tell them the things of the experiences of what they will receive, what they will become and how they will easily find solutions to problems. BapDada receives the report of how you all meet one another. BapDada is pleased that there is this harmony in these gatherings and that the Brahmins receive refreshment. You all meet one another and you give one or another form of advice to one another. Both wings are doing well and will continue to do so in the future too. BapDada is pleased. Achcha.

Double foreign brothers and sisters have come from 80 countries: This time double foreigners have had programmes of different groups such as couples, teachers etc. Those couples who have come here, raise your hands! BapDada has seen that very good couples are ready, but you have still not fulfilled Baba's hope. What is that hope? To make a Mahamandleshwar (a guru) bow down at your feet because you people can easily fail them. Tell them: You people say that that is not possible whereas we have achieved that easily. You can make them bow down with the authority of your experience for only then will the God of the Gita also be revealed. Couples have this power. When those people become weak, they will begin to accept everything. BapDada likes it that the couples can perform great wonders. Why? You have already done that. You couples have been following this path, and you have now become old, and the numbers have increased so much from seeing and hearing about this. You have at least done one thing. You have increased zeal and enthusiasm in people that they too can do this; that they will not have to renounce anything, because people are afraid of having to renounce everything. However, you didn't renounce anything, you made yourselves. Did you renounce anything? You wore a white dress. You are not forbidden to wear coloured clothes, but a school does have a uniform. You are not forbidden anything. The couples can perform great wonders and issue a challenge. Make such a programme. We shall see which couples become ready. First of all try this. Try it on someone with whom you have some connection. If one person is willing to accept this then others will do the same. So, BapDada likes the gathering of the couples. Achcha.

Centres Coordinator teachers, stand up! Do you teachers feel that it is good to receive this training? Those who feel that this is essential and good, raise your hands! Congratulations to the instrument teachers (seniors) because you have worked hard. These teachers will do the service directly and you instruments will receive the charity of it. This is good. New ones continue to become teachers and that is also a part in the drama. Look how so many new centres continue to open abroad and it is a matter of great happiness that you take training and become instruments to make the ones who come now fly quickly. BapDada gives congratulations for one thing to all the foreigners which is that you have a job and you also look after a centre. Everyone may applaud. In fact, to be a teacher and to run a centre is very great fortune. It is not a common thing because to become a teacher means to become a master of the Father's gaddi at the present time, and that is to read the murli and to refresh souls through the murli. BapDada calls the teachers "guru-bhai" (next in line to the guru) because you claim a right to the throne to read the murli; you become instruments. There are the benefits (faida) and also the laws (kayda): there are both. However, BapDada is pleased that all of you have made the time to come here from your own interest. BapDada loves everyone to receive training. So, it is very good that so many of you had the training. You are instruments and the fruit of being an instrument is to accumulate hugely in your account of charity. Do not let go of the feeling of being an instrument. Do not have the consciousness of "I". "I" is a snake, it is an ugly snake. It will swallow you. I am an instrument and Karavanhar (One who makes everyone perform) is making me do it. The One who is making everyone move is making me move. And remain combined. Do not remain alone. When you become alone, you open the door to Maya. Baba is pleased and giving you congratulations. Achcha. All double foreigners continue to do something or other every year. It is good. You also continue to make service plans. To continue to increase the zeal and enthusiasm of one another is the greatest service of all. The instrument teachers who conducted the training, stand up! This one is also good. (Speaking to brother Charlie.) Brothers take a change in everything and that is very good. BapDada is pleased to see the result of your service. Zeal and enthusiasm are visible on everyone's face and that is very good.

Achcha, now does everyone remember what gift you have to give for Holi? Do you remember it? BapDada has special love for each child. It is not that He has love for only those who are instruments, but each child is one of the lucky handful out of multimillions. Even the last number is one out of multimillions. So, those who are a handful out of multimillions are great, are they not? No matter what someone, even the last one, is like, always look at one another with a vision of respect in order to make him move forward. Each one has self-respect, even the last number has his self-respect, he is one out of multimillions. He is better than the President. He has at least had recognition and says, "My Baba". So, maintain your self-respect and give respect. Unity. Even the last number is child of Baba. Bring Baba in front of you, do not bring that one's mistake in front of you. He belongs to this family. Give him zeal and enthusiasm. Yes, they do make mistakes and BapDada knows what mistakes they make, these cannot be hidden, but each one of you should ask yourself: Why did I become a Brahma Kumar or Kumari? What was my aim? The aim that you kept, not that of just saving yourself, that you are receiving dal and roti and that this gathering is good and in Brahmin life, you have been saved from conflict. You have not come here with that aim. You brought a very good aim with you, but, at present, in some cases, there is a difference in the aim and its qualifications. BapDada knows everything, still He is not mentioning any names. But that time will also come. Whoever does something - BapDada has seen that the majority is influenced by company and their conscience also bites them. They feel that they should not do something, but they are coloured by the company. They are not so much coloured with the colour of the Father's company and this is why they are coloured with another colour. Nevertheless, BapDada still gives love to all the children and says to them: Make your present and future free from obstacles. Do not be influenced by company. You become influenced by company because there is temptation. Do not be influenced by company. Do not be attracted by limited attainment because BapDada feels mercy: You say, "My Baba". You say "My Baba", and what do you do? So today is Holi and, therefore, be sensible and burn such things. Change before the board of "too late" is put up. BapDada will help, but only those who have a true heart. When your heart is clean, your hopes will be fulfilled. Try this with your heart and see. It is not possible when you have a true heart that your hopes are not fulfilled. At Holi, they colour everyone and even in a wrong way. So, today, celebrate Holi. Colour the wrong way of colouring with the Father's colour. Achcha. Today is Holi and so BapDada has said what He wanted. He feels mercy. Achcha. Om shanti.

Speaking to the Dadis: Today, the advance party made the ghevar emerge (sweet toli, similar to jalebi). You were also fed that. Didi was very enthusiastic. Dadi too. They were responsible ones and so they remember their responsibilities even now. It is good.

To Dadi Nirmal Shanta: You continue to show the Father's image through your face. Seeing you, everyone remembers Father Brahma. It is good. You are looking after your health carefully. Very good. (Par Dadi's alokik birthday is on the day of Holi.) It is your birthday. You have accumulated so much charity. Achcha, it is Par Dadi's birthday. (BapDada garlanded her with a garland of flowers. She remains very happy.) This is the speciality of the old ones. They are the original jewels, and so they are not afraid. They remain happy.

To Dadi Shantamani: Continue to do one or another service - whether of reading the murli or meeting everyone. You are doing it and will continue to do it. They are all idols.

To Brother Brijmohan: The programme you made for Delhi is good and will be good.

To Rameshbhai: the meeting that you have amongst yourselves is very good because there is attention paid to your own efforts and also to service. The points that you extract are good and BapDada is pleased.

Speaking to a VIP group: All of you are loving. You are also co-operative. You have love for the Father, do you not? And, from time to time, you are also co-operative. What do you now have to become? You are loving and co-operative and so what do you have to become now? (To become a child of Baba) Achcha, do you want to become a child or are you that already? Are you a child or do you want to become one? What would you say? Are you a child? So, you have to become equal to the Father. So, it is good that it emerges from your heart, "Mera Baba". Now, gradually, increase your part in this service a little more. You have to do your own work and that is good. It is also good that you have recognised the Father. Now, in service, whether in serving the yagya or in serving people outside, increase your part of doing this service a little more. You will have to give a little more time because when others see you and hear your experience, they feel enthusiastic and their fear is removed. So you should do service. (Kanupriya - sister who interviews people on Astha Channel on TV.) This one has received fortune; you have received fortune while sitting at home. You show the path to so many souls. You serve through words anyway. That is good.

Achcha, no matter what, you belong to Baba. Continue to move forward with this awareness and day by day, check whether you are moving forward or stuck in the same place, because there has to be progress. So day by day, check how much you moved forward and what addition there was. Achcha.

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