15-12-2010          Om Shanti            Avyakt Bapdada            Madhuban

Transform "mine" into "Yours" and become a carefree emperor. Practice putting a full stop to all waste in a second and use your every thought and time in a worthwhile way.

Today, Baba is looking at His children everywhere who are the carefree emperors. It is only now that such a gathering of carefree emperors is visible because it is only now that the Father takes your worries away and makes you into carefree emperors, and this is why this gathering of yours is only visible at this time. From the time you wake up in the morning you remain stable in a carefree stage. While eating, drinking and performing actions you have no worries. When you sleep you are carefree. You are an emperor and yet carefree: do you experience this as you wake up and when you go to sleep? All of you have given your worries to the Father and taken that spiritual intoxication and this is why you have become carefree emperors. If you have any worries while moving along, what does that worry then make you? When you have that spiritual intoxication, the sparkle of the light is then visible on your forehead. If there is any worry, a basket of burdens appears there. So, speak: do you like the sparkle of light or a basket of burdens?

Carefree emperors love themselves and when you are flying in such a stage, others who see your sparkling light have so much love for you. This is why BapDada always makes you children remain stable in the awareness of being carefree emperors. This is why your devotees show your images as those who are double crowned. One is a crown of light and the other is a crown of sovereignty of victory attained over your vices. They show the double crowns and this is why BapDada always gives this teaching to all the children: it is very easy to remain constantly in pleasure. What is easy? Simply hand over any limited consciousness of "mine" to the Father. When you change "mine" into "Yours", you become carefree emperors. There is the difference of just one letter - (t)era (Yours) and (m)era (mine). With the difference of this one letter, you become carefree emperors. This is easy, is it not? You have become carefree emperors, have you not? Or, do you still have some worry? If, at any time, you have worry instead of spiritual intoxication, the difference is because of accepting everything that is "Yours" as "mine". So, is the aim of all of you now practical, that you have handed over all your worries? Or, do you now and then let go of your spiritual intoxication and become worried? Do you have any worries or do you remain constantly carefree? Those who remain constantly carefree emperors, raise your hands! Carefree emperors, are you sure? Or, only sometimes? Carefree emperors, raise your hands high! Even those who are this only sometimes! To worry about service is a different matter. However, that worry is a means to make others carefree. If you have sanskars of worry, then, at that time, change that "mine" into "Yours". Hand your worries over to the Father and take that spiritual intoxication because the Father has come to take the children's worries away and give them intoxication. So, check within yourself: Do I sometimes let the sanskars of a long period of time emerge again? This is because, for sometime, BapDada has been telling you children that, according to the present time, anything can happen; it can happen at any time and this is why each of you children has to pay attention to the self: Am I able to put a full stop in a second when I want? For instance, when you have any waste thoughts, are you able to finish the waste in a second by putting a full stop? Do you have such practice? Or, is it that, at that time, according to the circumstances, you would need to make effort to finish the waste? You try to put a full stop but instead you put a question mark. If, at that time, you continue to think "why?, what? or how?", then the aim that you have of returning with the Father - the Father will return in a second. He is a point and a second is also a point and a full stop is also a point. Do you have such practice? If you practice this from now, then, by putting your hand in the Father's hand of Shrimat, the same as the father, you will be able to reach your home. This is why BapDada had told you earlier too, to underline paying attention to two things. What are those two things? One is the treasure of thoughts and the other is the treasure of time. You have received many treasures: the treasure of knowledge, the treasure of powers, and you have also attained all the main methods for becoming complete through yoga. Because this time of the confluence age is the most special and invaluable time of the whole cycle, you can attain as much attainment as you want at this time. This one birth is a very elevated birth.

You have to create a reward for many births in this one birth. You must not waste even a second of the confluence age. One second is connected with many births. One year of accumulation is equivalent to many years of attainment; therefore, the value of this time is not just seconds and minutes, but even one hour is great. Even one second is great; and thoughts are the main basis for this birth of the confluence age.

Look, when you have yoga, you say "Manmanabhav" and this is the basis of your foundation. The mind's work is to have thoughts and it is only through your thoughts that you experience the pilgrimage of remembrance. You specially make others practice this by giving different thoughts to one another, do you not? So, check everything. Was the value of time throughout the day while moving along, performing actions and coming into relationship with others used in an invaluable way? Because time is invaluable, thoughts make you an almighty authority.

BapDada repeatedly tells you: O beloved children of BapDada, children who live in My heart, now finish your account of waste. Use everything in a worthwhile way. To use everything in a worthwhile way is to have success. Do not think that just one second has gone by. You definitely have to pay attention to yourself to the extent that every second and every thought is used in a worthwhile way. Check yourself to this extent in terms of putting a full stop. Do not become careless: "BapDada did say this but I didn't understand it. I didn't think about the time." Time is going by so fast and it will go. BapDada now wishes to take carelessness away from everyone. Baba doesn't want to hear "I didn't understand", or "I didn't think." Now, the New Year is going to come. So, before the New Year begins, finish carelessness as well as laziness in the Brahmin world. There are different types of laziness. Now begin to practise in the time that still remains of this year and when the New Year starts, have courage and place this thought in front of BapDada and bid it farewell. Together with the year, also bid farewell to this. Can you give it? Can you give it? Those who can bid it farewell, raise your hands! (Everyone raised their hands!) Wah children!

Wah! You have pleased BapDada very much by raising your hands. BapDada has seen that many children remember to give a return for something they have raised their hands for, whereas some become careless in remembering this. You have very good heart-to-heart conversations with BapDada. "It will happen. Baba, You just watch; it will happen just now. It will happen now." BapDada smiles when He hears this from the careless children. What else can He do? It is good. You think that you are going to do it, you are going to do it.... Many think this, but what can be said in their checking themselves as to whether they are doing it or not? They become careless.

Today, BapDada saw that all the children in their countries and at their places are able to hear and see everything very clearly. BapDada is telling the children who come personally in front of Him and also the children who are hearing and watching at their own places: Now underline your efforts, your thoughts and the time of the confluence age. In the subject of love, the majority of you children have passed. You are all progressing very well on the basis of love. Because of love, because of receiving a response of the Father's love, you are moving forward, but the Father feels that, just as you have become experienced in love, in the same way, pay extra attention to the subject of remembrance and to destroying your sins of many births.

Why? Only when your sins are destroyed will you go back with the Father. Otherwise, you will follow Him. The Father feels that a loving response is when you definitely do what the one you love tells you to do. Since you children love the Father, His desire is that you remain together. You came into your kingdom with Father Brahma. To come into the kingdom means to become part of the royal family. You may not sit on the throne, but at least become companions of the members of the royal family. BapDada has already told you earlier how to recognise this. From the time that you have come, however old you are in knowledge, if you have always been seated on BapDada's heart-throne from that time, then for those who have remained seated on the heart-throne for a long period, who haven't placed their feet in the dust, according to that, they will come into close relationship with the royal family. They will become part of the royal family. You have love and those who have love would not hold back in fulfilling the responsibility of love. Those who are seated on the heart-throne will also be in relationship in the copper and iron ages.

They will remain close. That is why those who are fulfilling the responsibility of love always remain seated on the heart-throne and claim their right for birth after birth. Therefore, BapDada loves every child. Baba has given the certificate that, for the subject of love, the majority of you have passed in this . You must now definitely pass in all the subjects. You have to pass and remain close (paas). Achcha.

Those children who have come for the first time, stand up! Those who have come for the first time. Half the class is new. BapDada is welcoming those who have come. Congratulations. Congratulations for coming here for the first time. Though you have come late, you have come before it is too late. Now, pay attention to becoming intense effort-makers in a short time and create as much of your future as you want.

With your intense effort, you can move forward because there is still a margin for making effort even now.

You can move forward as much as you want to. BapDada and this divine family will give you vibrations to move forward with them. Therefore, move forward! Have courage! With your courage and help from BapDada and the family, move forward! Is that all right? Say yes! Move forward! Achcha.

It is the turn of Gujarat zone to serve: Those from Gujarat, stand up! Wave your hands! More than half the people in this hall are from Gujarat. It is good. Those who have come for the first time from Gujarat, stand up! Even out of those who have come for the first time, there are more from Gujarat. Achcha. Congratulations.

Now, those from Gujarat who are regular members and teachers, stand up! Achcha. Gujarat is moving forward in service. What are you going to claim a number in now? You have already claimed a number in the numbers. Now, become free from obstacles. BapDada is saying that, as yet, no zone has given their name for this result. Everyone has the aim but, as yet, no one has claimed a number in this respect.

BapDada has seen that you have an aim of claiming this number, but you are still making plans for putting it into a practical form. Now, each one of you should understand that you have to claim a number in this. Do you want to claim it? If you want to claim this number, then all of you people who are now standing have to pay attention to your own centres and your own areas and make preparations to go to the new world, do you not? There, the kings and the people will all be one, free from obstacles. However, you will not develop these sanskars there; you have to develop them here. Whether it is a small zone or a big zone, BapDada wants to see this result. Speak, instrument Dadis and Dadas: who is to claim this first prize? Will Gujarat claim it? By when? Do you want six months? Six months? You will do it quickly. Congratulations!

Dadis, speak! When will the first number be visible? It shall be visible, shall it not?

Those from Madhuban, stand up! Those from Madhuban. Achcha. Wave your hands! Those from Madhuban, raise your hands! Shantivan, Pandava Bhavan, the three places at the top and the one place below, Shantivan, and the fifth one, the hospital. So, there are the five Pandavas. So, will those from Madhuban do this first? Those who will do this, raise your hands! You know how to harmonise, do you not? Those from Madhuban are lucky. Make the gathering a little strong and create your companions. Do not make companions for anything else. Those from Madhuban should make one another their companions for this and claim the first number. Will you claim it? Now, wave your hands in this way! Let the past be the past. Whatever happened, everyone saw and heard, and those from Madhuban have a great golden chance. All are included in Madhuban. If those from Madhuban... and it does not mean that those from Pandava Bhavan are separate or that those from another place are separate - no. Madhuban means all are united. So, do those of you from Madhuban think that you will do it? Those who will do this, raise your hands! Everyone raised their hands. They think that they have to do this and that it is not a big thing because they have BapDada and the Dadis, and so it is not a big thing. What do the Dadis think? Those from Madhuban are number one. It is good. Baba has told everyone to do this and demonstrate it to everyone. However, Madhuban is Madhuban. Those from Gujarat have said that they will definitely demonstrate this by doing it. It is good. Everyone should give vibrations for this and it will happen. It is not a big deal. There should be no name or trace of any obstacles. OK, something may have happened and there was an exchange, but it has finished. Some time ago, when Dadi was here, everyone had made the lesson of "Ha ji" firm. No one said "No", but "ha ji". Very good. Madhuban will come first. BapDada has intoxication about Madhuban. He has intoxication for every zone. Madhuban is now in front of Baba but Baba is telling those of all zones. Ha ji. Sweet souls, is this lesson firm for everyone? Is it firm?

Madhuban should claim this prize. You can let the past be the past in one second. OK, you are effort makers and something has happened, but now, let the past be the past and fly. Those who fly let go of the past for only then are they able to fly. So, very good.

Now, Gujarat should do something new. BapDada has also told those from Delhi to do something new.

BapDada has received the news that the Youth from this land and abroad have started something and there can be a good result from that. This invention has only just begun, but Bharat and the lands abroad can together perform wonders. You have now just begun and those from Delhi have maintained good courage.

You have begun and if this spreads throughout the world, then the lands abroad and Bharat will become one Brahmin family and will unite the world in front of the world. It has already begun. Now, even the Muslims are moving forward. However, now have a big programme in which you have people coming from the main countries and it becomes well known in the world that all are brothers and sisters, children of the one Father. The sound of brotherhood and sisterhood should continue to spread. On the one stage, all the people from the different places should have a special experience. All of you are making plans for this.

You are now going into the unlimited. Everyone should know that this is God's family. This should become well known. All those who are coming are doing service. You are making your own effort and also carrying out the Godly task. This will also become well known in the world. It is one family. Achcha.

Those from Gujarat have had the thought. It is very good. Now bring about some newness. Each zone should make new plans. Just Madhuban and the big cities should make these plans. Everyone's plan has one speciality or another and, while bringing all these specialities together, make such a plan that everyone feels that it is their programme. Anyone who wants to make any additions can give their ideas. Simply spread the sound quickly now. Those who are still left to receive Baba's message should also have some time to claim their inheritance. What would they receive if they come at the end? Therefore, think about this so that they they are able to receive some inheritance or other quickly. Otherwise, they will complain to you: Why did you tell us at the end? You could have let us claim some inheritance! Of course, everyone will receive their inheritance of liberation, but what about the inheritance of liberation-in-life? Achcha.

50 Kumaris from Gujarat have surrendered themselves: Achcha. You received power. To surrender means that you have done what BapDada said. You had the thought that you wanted to do whatever BapDada had asked. Did you have this thought? Yes? Then, raise your hands! You moved forward and had the surrender ceremony, but, as you progress further, what training will you take? Or, will you surrender yourselves? You will become instruments to become free from obstacles when there are obstacles. You have received this strength, have you not? This is also included in surrendering yourself, is it not? So, did you surrender? Claim a number in this. You will remain free from obstacles and you will make your place free from obstacles. You will claim a number in that. It is good. You have taken one step; so, now, continue to move forward. It is good. You will continue to move forward and enable others to move forward. Achcha. Now, open your mouths and eat gulab jamun! BapDada is feeding you toli for surrendering yourselves.

Double foreigners: Double foreigners means double effort-makers, double intense effort-makers. BapDada has seen that you have a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. No matter how it is, the majority of you are able to reach Madhuban every year. You have a lot of enthusiasm to meet the family and BapDada personally. No matter how you save, but BapDada has seen that you have many very good different methods to save for your ticket. No matter how, the majority of you are able to reach here every year. You have made the lands abroad into India. You have love for the atmosphere of Madhuban and BapDada also has this zeal and enthusiasm. Seeing your different methods of saving for your ticket, Baba feels a lot of love for you in His heart: Wah foreigners! wah! At first you used to think it was a big deal, but you now come just like that. In every meeting, just as there are the other groups that come from India, so there isn't a single meeting for which the foreigners have not come. This is having love for Madhuban and for the family of the whole world. Of course you have love for BapDada. All of you say from your heart, "My Baba", because BapDada tours the lands abroad at amrit vela too. How long does it take for BapDada to come and go?

BapDada tours there too and sees how you children are. You have love and are making good effort to remain totally absorbed. There is love for one other thing that Baba has seen in the majority: just as in India there is the concern that no place should be left out, this is also increasing in the lands abroad. As much as possible, Baba continues to serve while touring around. How many countries are being served now? In how many countries abroad are there centres? (Service is taking place in 137 countries.) In how many years have you achieved this? (London will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary of service in 2011.) It is good.

You may all clap. (Many places such as Spain, Mexico and other places are celebrating their 30 years.) It is good. All of you are also happy on hearing this, are you not? Why? Every state of Bharat and every country abroad should at the very least receive the message that the Father has come. They should not say that their Father came and yet they were not given the message. Whether in India or abroad, even if they do not come for a long time, at least everyone should receive the message that God has come. God came and went away having given an inheritance; they should not be deprived of this. It is your duty to give the message and it is then up to them to follow it. However, it is your duty to give everyone the message wherever they are living. Just as the facilities of science are now increasing and everything spreads very quickly, so now make such a plan that the message reaches everyone. Is this possible? Is it? Is it difficult?

No. So, now make a list to see how far Bharat has received the message and how far the countries abroad have received the message. Bring an instrument, and it may be an instrument of science, or it may be a means of just maintaining a relationship, but there should not be any complaints received. Now, there will be many countries who have not yet received the message. Many very good facilities are being invented, but how should we use them? You have to make a plan for that. Achcha.

BapDada is now congratulating all the children from everywhere. Congratulations for moving forward every day, every hour. Time is waiting for you. You must not wait for time. You can bring the time of completion as close as you want. You Brahmins should not think that you will become ready when the time comes. You have to bring time close. Time is telling the Father: Brahmin souls should now bring me, time, close. Matter is also telling the Father: Bring the completion close now. So, what response should BapDada give? What should He reply? Should He say: Time is now almost here. Should He give this reply on your behalf? What should He reply? Speak! What should He reply? Now, bring the completion close, that is, make yourself complete and perfect because BapDada will not go back alone: He will return with the children. So, fix a date! By when? You have been given some work and so now discuss it among yourselves. What reply should BapDada give to the elements? The elements are very distressed. Unhappy souls are crying out in their minds. Now increase service through the mind. You are serving through your minds, but this should continually increase. Increase that even more now because the elements and unhappy souls come to the Father and are crying out in distress. So, you should give them an experience of peace and happiness. They want one second of peace. "Give us a little peace!" When a person is hungry, he wants something, even a little, and so, now, increase service through your mind. You are doing service through words and BapDada is pleased with that. Achcha. Remember the homework that BapDada has given and remind others of it too. Achcha.

To BapDada's children who are seated on His heart-throne, to the children who constantly move forward in the task of world benefit, as well as giving drishti, BapDada is giving love from His heart and congratulating you. Congratulations. While sitting far away, each child is experiencing himself to be personally in front of Baba and, while merging all the children in His heart, BapDada is saying, "Namaste, namaste."

To the Dadis: (Baba's force is inspiring everyone to quickly receive Baba's message.) It is reaching them but there are those sanskars. When you hear Baba, you have this force, but then those sanskars put up a curtain in between. The Father is doing this, but everyone in the gathering should promise that all of you together will definitely demonstrate this and meet every day those with whom you are staying and have an exchange to complete the day before going to sleep.

To Mohiniben: It will happen. It was a little mistake made in between and it therefore grew. Pay a little attention to your food and diet. Do everything according to the instructions you are given and it will happen.

(Baba, make our bodies young.) This is in the hands of the drama; it is not in Baba's hands. (It is in BapDada's hands.) That is only for making everything work temporarily.

To Par Dadi: Look, this one remains happy.

To Rameshbhai: The plans that you have made are fine. You can do it. You can sit and make plans and then start it. Look at the new inventions that are being made and see how we can benefit from them.

Whatever is happening is fine: now bring about some newness.

To Shantiben: You now know very well how to conduct yourself in an illness. Not like someone who is ill, who just sits there saying: I am ill! I am ill! No. You know how to conduct yourself. (Baba, it is thanks to You.) Thanks to you that you now know how to handle your body.

Brother Golo who is working on the project of Solar Thermal Electric Panels being put up in Shantivan: You are no longer afraid of what is going to happen in the future or how it is going to happen, are you? It is everyone's thought and everyone has enthusiasm and so it has to happen. This is why everyone is having this thought.

* O M S H A N T I *