03/04/2020        Om Shanti        Madhuban


In order to fulfil the responsibility to the family, become knowledge-full, become equal to the Father and remain stable in the stage of a detached observer. Have faith in the intellect In terms of the Father, the self, the drama and the family and become victorious.

Today, the Powerful Father is seeing His powerful children because each child is making effort with deep love to become equal to the Father (Bapsamaan). BapDada is pleased to see the children and sings songs of the wonder of the children in His heart – Wah children, Wah! The children are the crown on the Father’s head. The children are worshipped in two forms whereas the Father is worshipped in just one form. So, the children go ahead of the Father through the Father and this is why the Father is pleased on seeing the children’s effort. Of course you are numberwise, but having an aim in your effort is making you move ahead. Today, at amrit vela, Baba saw one aspect which is the foundation of knowledge in all the children everywhere. The foundation is faith. It is said: Those who have faith in the intellect are victorious. So, Baba saw the faith of all of you. Numberwise, of course, everyone has faith in the Father, and the sign of that is that you have all recognised the Father and belong to Him and have also come here to meet Him. Each child has unbreakable faith in the Father, but, as well as faith in the Father, faith in other things also has to be firm. There has to be faith in the self. As well as that, there has to be faith in the drama and faith in the family. To be firm in these four types of faith means to have faith in the intellect and to be victorious on that basis. So, check: Am I firm in these four types of faith? In having faith in the Father, all of you say: My Baba and I belong to the Father. You say “mine” for the Father and have claimed a full right over the Father. You have claimed a constant right from the Father and claimed a right to all the treasures. Together with those, faith in the self is also essential. Why? If you do not have faith in the self, you become disheartened. The faith in the self is I am an embodiment of the self-respect given to me by the Father; I have a right to self-sovereignty. The Father Himself has given me so much self-respect. Bring each point of self-respect into your awareness and you become so intoxicated ! Nowadays, if people receive any title they consider it to be their fortune, but who has given you children each and every point of self-respect! BapDada Himself has made each child an embodiment of self-respect. Remembering each point of self- respect you fly with happiness. So, constantly have this much intoxication of faith in the self: “I am one out of multimillion souls who has self-sovereignty through the Father and am an embodiment of self-respect.” Just as you have faith in the Father, in the same way, it is essential to have faith in the self because when you have faith in the self, you then have faith in the intellect in every action, that is, you have self-respect and are victorious. The meaning of faith is success. It is not “I have faith in the Father”. It is very good that you have faith in the Father, but, together with having faith in the Father, it is also essential to have the intoxication of “Who I am!” Remember each and every point of self-respect and faith, and intoxication will then be visible in your activity and your face. It is visible and it will continue to remain visible. As well as this, the third thing is faith in the drama. This is also necessary because, within the drama, there are problems and there is also success. If you have firm faith in the drama, then those who have faith in the intellect based on their faith are able to change problems into the form of a solution because faith means victory. So, whom do you attain victory over? By transforming it, the problem becomes the form of a solution in a second; you would then not come into upheaval. You will remain unshakeable because by having the knowledge of the drama, you become unshakeable and immovable. You have the faith that you were an embodiment of solution in the previous cycle too, that is, you were a successful soul, you are that and that after a cycle too, only you are going to become that. So, this intoxication enables you to make your faith in the drama very firm. You then have this spiritual intoxication (fakhoor) and intoxication (nasha): I was that, I am that and I will become that. Therefore, it is essential to have faith in the drama in this effort- making life. As well as this, the fourth thing is to have faith in the family because the Father created the family as soon as He came. Just as you have faith in the Father, it is essential to have faith in the family too because, after all, whose family is it? Who else can have such a huge family? It is extremely essential to have faith in the family because who else in the world has such a big family? You can check as many families as you want in the world: does anyone have such a family? Not even a divine father has such a large family because they have followers whereas here it is a family. It is with the family that you stay in service and in relationships. It is not that you have a connection with only the Father, and so what does it matter if you do not have it with the family? Your faith in the family has to last for 21 births. You know that, do you not? It is by coming into connection with the family that you come to know that you are moving along with everyone in the big family with faith in your intellect. In order to move along with the family, you have to pay this attention. Each one in the family has and will have different sanskars. Your memorial is the rosary and if you look at the rosary - look at the first number and the 108th number because there are those with different sanskars in the family. So, you have to move along in such a big family understanding one another’s sanskars. It is one family, one Father, one kingdom and so we have to move along united. Just as it is a big family, so you have to have a big heart with everyone and move along with everyone while stable in the stage of having good wishes and pure feelings for everyone because it is within the family that there are the sanskars and nature. Some may think: What does it matter with the family? I have faith in Baba. However, here, both a religion and a kingdom are being established; it is not just a religion. All the other founders of religion who came simply established a religion, not a kingdom. Here, all of you are also going to rule. In a kingdom, a family is needed and you have to live with the family for 21 births, in different forms. You cannot leave the family and go away anywhere. So check this. Do not think: The Father knows and I know. Everything is to do with the Father, but if one type of faith is lacking from these four types of faith, then there will be fluctuation. Of course the Father is with you as your service Companion to give sakaash, but who are your companions? The physical company that you have is the family. So, the Father saw that the majority of you are moving along well in having three types of faith, but you also have to fulfil your responsibility to the family; you have to harmonise your sanskars; you have to see and move along with one another with feelings of benevolence. Many children move along according to their capacity in this. However, the Father has seen that those who are knowledge-full in having faith in the family and who constantly move along and live with the stage of a detached observer, like the Father, are the ones who become number one or come in the number one division. So check: nature and intentions are within the family, trivial mistakes happen in the family; obstacles come in terms of a family. So, it is most essential to pass in terms of the family. If there is anything lacking in terms of moving along with the family and fulfilling your responsibility, then whether it is a small or large obstacle, it causes trouble. It is only in connection with the family that questions arise: “Why is this like this? How is this like this?” So, instead of asking “Why”, realise that you have to move along together and fulfil the responsibility of a family because this is the Father’s family. It is God’s family; it is not an ordinary family. You should have the faith: Wah Baba! Wah drama! Wah “I, the self”, and wah the family! Is this all right? Do you check this? Have you passed in all four? In all four? Not lacking in even one? Check this. Check right now because this is the only method to become victorious. It is in the family that sanskars emerge and in order to harmonise those sanskars, you have to transform them (the sanskars) and also look at the family with such elevated vision. BapDada has told you earlier too that BapDada looks at even the last child as being most fortunate. Why? He has recognised God. He has recognised the Father who is in an ordinary form; such great mahatmas have not been able to recognise God, but even the last child of BapDada says, “My Baba”. He says from his heart, “My Baba”. Just as BapDada gives love, and love and remembrance to the children, so seeing the speciality of even the last child, He gives the same to the last ones too. So, check whether you are OK in three or in all four, or in just two or just one. Have you checked? Did you check? Those of you who think that you are all right in having faith in all four - the Father, the self, the drama and the family – those who have faith in all four, raise your hands! You are OK? You are OK? Should Baba test you? Yes, raise them! OK? Have you passed in the subject of the family? You have to come into relationship with the family, because you are not going to leave the family; you have to live in the family and fulfil your responsibility. So, have you passed in this? Do you ever think: It would be good if this one were not here! Why is this one doing this? Why does this happen? Do you have such thoughts? Such complete intoxication of the family! One who has faith in all four will not have such thoughts about “like this or like that”. It may enter your thoughts, “Why does it happen like that?”, but the question of “Why?” or “What” should not shake you; it should not change your mood. This is known as passing in all four. You raised your hands and pleased BapDada, but BapDada sometimes has to hear and see a lot when it comes to this thing about the family. You should have a totally big heart. Everyone has to be put right with good wishes and pure feelings because it is just the one family. All have to move along together united and make others move along. You are not going to make just yourself move along in this way, but make others move along in the same way too, because this is why BapDada is drawing your attention to this: Those in the family who pass in any upheaval and who do not have any waste have to make others like that too. At present, how many of you live at your centres? At the most, it may be a maximum of 25 to 50; there aren’t that many, but if it is a big place, perhaps there may be 50 to 60, or at the most, say there may be a 100. There aren’t that many, but just think that there are many. BapDada has made the children of all centres, even the last one, move along saying he is a loved child. The sign of love is? What is the love and remembrance that BapDada gives every day? Sweet, sweet children (sweetest children). Knowing that there are also sour children, has Baba ever given love and remembrance saying, “Sweet and sour children”? He calls them loved ones too, and not only does He say this, but He believes that that child is “My child”. He makes that one move along with the feeling that he belongs to Him, because He knows that, within the drama and the rosary, not everyone is number one, that that is the result. There are different sanskars and there have to be; otherwise, everyone would be a king: who would then be the subjects? Over whom would you rule? Good people are also needed – royal people; this is a kingdom. In this way, each one should check the self. Within a family, someone may have bad sanskars in some respect, but what are your sanskars? If seeing the bad sanskars of someone else your sanskars also become bad, then you too have become bad. The bad also spoils the good.

At the time of establishment, BapDada has looked after 350 to 400 all together. At present, no one has a family living together like that. OK, you may have different duties, but that is a duty and in a family there are duties. An ordinary family, ordinary duty, you spend the day in an ordinary way. It is not like that. This is a unique and lovely family. To be disturbed in this and then you give the excuse that it happened because that one did that; that happened because that one did that…. However, did the father not have to face any opposition? There were those who went away! Was that not opposition? Even then, though some went away, the Father said: Send them toli and try to call them back. Serve them and remind them. So, do you have to pass in having all four types of faith, or just three or two? You have to claim number one. For this, though the preparations for destruction are made, destruction is still waiting to take place. Nature comes to the Father. Nature, the elements, says: Now, the burden is too much! Even the elements want to be liberated from the burden. Maya also says: I know that my part is now about to finish, but there are such children in the Brahmin family who become my companions over trivial matters. They make me sit down with them. In bringing about your own kingdom, faith in these four things is still a percentage and this is why time is also waiting. However, both Maya and nature are ready. Now, speak: Should Baba give them an order? If the children are not ever-ready, should Baba give an order to Maya and nature? Should He? Raise your hands! Are you ready? Do not raise your hands just like that! A test will come; a paper will come. Are you ever-ready?

Now, BapDada has the hope in each child that you finish “kaise?” (how?) and instead say, “aise!” (like this!). Not “How should I do it? How will it happen?” Instead, “It is like this”. Not, “What shall I do?” but “Do it like this.” By when will you satisfy this hope? How much time do you need? Everyone has to become ready. If you are ready and have put your hand up, then what is your duty? To make one another equal to yourself. Those of you who have raised your hands, are you able to make others like yourself? Are you able to make the family ready? Raise your hands for this! Are you able to do this? OK, how much time do you need? How much time do you need? One year? How much do you need? How much time do you need? Teachers, you should say how much time you need. Pandavas, speak! You raised your hands, so how much time do you need? It is a family and so you do have to give co-operation in a family. You cannot cut yourself off from the family. You are not going to leave the family. You have to live here, and so you will have to get the family ready, will you not? In worldly life too, when they had good intellects, not nowadays, they used to be co-operative with one another and make them move ahead. They would consider the village to be their family; so this is the alokik family. The conflict that arises, the Maya that comes, it all comes in family situations, in relationships. Waste thoughts arise in connection with relationships.

The Father says: One strength and one support. If you have both these things, then what is not possible? The father played his part of establishment for such a short time. Now, all have become knowledge-full. You have also become double light. BapDada knows that you have to pay a little attention to this subject.

So, what are we going to do now? Light the fire of love. You definitely have to do it. In this, all of you have passed in one thing. Those who think that you have 100% love for BapDada in your heart, raise your hands! 100%? Raise your hands high! So, what is the return of love? The return of love is to become equal, to become complete, to become perfect. So, BapDada is now going to show you one drill. All of you say that you have love for both Bap and Dada. You raised your hands. It would be numberwise but you raised your hands and so BapDada believes you. You have love for both, do you not? You have love for Father Brahma and Father Shiva. You have love for both, do you not? Raise your hands! Achcha. You have love for both. Very good. Thank you. OK, you wish to become equal to both. Do not raise your hands, but nod! Achcha. You have love for both, and Father Shiva is incorporeal, right? And Father Brahma is an angel. He is an angel, is he not? So not from tomorrow, but from today, from now, during the whole day, you have love for both, and so sometimes practise the incorporeal stage the same as the incorporeal Father. Follow Father! Then sometimes become an angel, not the corporeal Brahmin form. You are Brahmins anyway. You may perform actions, but while performing actions, stay in the angelic form and the burden of the action will not influence you in any way. You have love for Father Brahma and he performed all types of actions. He became an instrument, and how many burdens did Father Brahma have? None of you have as many burdens. Is there anyone who has a burden or responsibility greater than that of Father Brahma? Then raise your hands! None of you are raising your hands. So, while fulfilling so much responsibility, what was Father Brahma like while carrying out all his tasks? Even in performing actions, he was in the angelic form, was he not? So, you too have love for Father Brahma. So, practise sometimes staying in the angelic form and sometimes in the incorporeal stage. Saying Brahma Baba, become an angel the same as Father Brahma, and, remembering the incorporeal Father Shiva, become stable in the incorporeal stage. Are you able to do this? Are you able to do this or is it difficult? Those who are able to do it every now and then, do it every now and again such that it becomes continuous. Whatever is your daily duty, fix a time according to that. At the very least, every day become an angel 12 times and stay in the incorporeal stage 12 times; are you able to do this? Raise your hands! Are you able to do this? It is not difficult, is it? It is easy, is it not? Is it easy? Raise your hands, those who think it is easy! Achcha, You have to do it. Make this firm.

All of you should have the faith that you have to claim number one in this. You are not going to be numberwise but number one because time comes to BapDada a lot. Nature is screaming; it is not able to tolerate the burden. Maya also wishes to bid farewell, but she says: What can I do? Under the influence of their sanskars Brahmins perform such actions that they invoke me and so I am forced to go. So, what response should BapDada give? For this, as time is moving ahead, all of you are seeing the difference in the service too, are you not? Now, everyone wants a return of the service. Something should happen! Something should happen! What the Brahma Kumaris used to say is now happening all right. Previously, they used to say: Do not speak about destruction. Now they are asking: When will it happen? You give us the date! Now, they are willing to listen. Previously, they used to make excuses and so there is that difference now. You are seeing it practically and this is why you have to continue to fulfil the promise that you have made to BapDada. Is that all right? BapDada heard the result of all the news, of all the programmes that have taken place. They were good and the result is also good, filled with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. Therefore, now have the aim that it has to happen, that you have to do this. Bring completion close. When you fluctuate a little, completion goes a little further away. You are the ones who have to bring completion close because what will time do if those who are going to rule are not ready? Therefore, now stop making excuses or giving reasons. Put the solution in front. Although only a few of you raised your hands, the aim of all of you is to give the message to those who are suffering in sorrow and to liberate them. You cannot go into liberation without liberating them. So liberate them! The Father has come and so He will give the inheritance to the children of the whole world, will He not? He will give you the inheritance of liberation in life, but all are the children. He will give them an inheritance too, will He not? So, their inheritance is liberation and your inheritance is liberation in life. Until you give them liberation, you cannot go back either. For this, perform this drill. 24 times. Day and night are 24 hours and you have to do this 24 times. You may sleep at the time for sleeping. BapDada is not saying that you must not sleep. Sleep, but increase this during the day. When you have functions , you work through the whole day. You remain awake, do you not? Achcha. Now, with this drill, everyone has to make the speed of their effort fast for all time because a long period of time is needed. You can do it at the end, but it is also connected to a long period of time and this is why everyone has to pay the attention, “I have to do this. Whether others do this or not, I definitely have to become ever-ready.” Achcha.

Now do this quickly. Anything can happen suddenly such that you will not have time to do any service. Such circumstances can come in between. Therefore, just as you have created a group of intense effort- makers, in the same way, prepare a group of those who do intense service.

To all the children from everywhere who are loving to the Father, because those who are loving are definitely co-operative, and the return of love is that, in a practical way, in every task, they will definitely be co-operative with one another through their body, mind, wealth and relationships, to such loving and co- operative children who are constantly absorbed in the Father’s love, not just in love, but those who remain absorbed in love, and who always engage their time and thoughts in all the Father’s tasks, because at the confluence age, time and thoughts have a lot of value, to those who create a reward for many births in one birth, to such intense effort-makers who use every virtue and every power according to the time, to the children who are filled with virtues and powers, lots and lots of, multi, multimillionfold love, remembrance and namaste.

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