09/10/95 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 02/08/75

The importance of Godly service in the foreign lands.

Which children constantly remain personally in front of BapDada? What is the speciality of the children whoconstantly remain in front of BapDada? BapDada has to celebrate a meeting with such special souls in a special form. Such children are called the stars of the eyes or the light of the world. Just as the most special and essential senses ofa physical body are the eyes, for without the eyes, there is no world, in the same way, such children are rememberedas the most special children. Because of being serviceable, such children are like the light of the world. Just as eyesare essential for one's life, in the same way, light is essential for the world. If such souls were not to becomeinstruments, the world would become like a jungle, that is, the world would not be a world any more. In the sameway, do you constantly perform every action considering yourself to be a star? And, in that too, a sparkling star?Only such children are constantly merged in Baba's eyes. That is, they are constantly absorbed in Baba's love.Together with this, BapDada is constantly merged in their eyes. Such children, who are the light of the eyes, see butdo not see any person or any object except the Father. Have you created such a stage or are you even now looking atsomething else? Can you see the slightest sweetness in any other person? Do you experience the world to be withoutany essence? Do you intellectually experience everyone in this world to be dead? Would you desire something froma corpse? Would you experience any relationship with a corpse? Have you become one who is completely ignorantof even the knowledge of desire, and who therefore constantly experiences the sweetness of One and who has createda stable stage? Or, do you even now desire to attain something from a corpse? Or, is some perishable sweetnesspulling you towards itself? Whilst you have a desire or wish to attain something, or whilst you are attracted by someother sweetness, you cannot become the stars of BapDada's eyes and BapDada cannot constantly be merged in youreyes. There are such special souls who are called the jewels of light, the stars of the eyes or the light of the world.But the first number is the light of the eyes.

What is the second number? Just as the jewels of light and the light of the world are very well known, so too, inwhich form are the second number very well known? In the form of the arms. Many arms of Brahma have beenshown. Those of the second number are the arms, that is, they are co­operative. So, do you consider yourself to bethe first number or the second number? Which number are those from the London group? The group of doubleforeigners have specially invoked BapDada. All are foreigners, but these are double foreign. So the doubleforeigners in particular have to reveal BapDada. You will only be able to do that when you become the light of theeyes, not the arms. Foreigners should create new plans for service. Just as the serviceable souls resident in Bharatcreate new inventions, so too, what invention have the double foreigners created? Just as the inventions made inBharat are sent abroad, so too, the inventions created in the foreign lands should be sent to Bharat. The exhibitions,fairs, projector shows and Gita Pathshalas etc. are the inventions of those resident in Bharat. What invention have theforeigners created? (They invited the Prime Minister of Mauritius.) Inviting someone began here, but it firsthappened practically there. This is O.K. Baba congratulates you for whatever you have done so far. But have youcreated a new invention there? The foreigners have to create an invention to do fast service in the foreign landsaccording to the circumstances, so that in a short time, the message is able to reach everywhere. Whatever you haveappearing on the T.V. and radio is a common matter for all of you there. Just as your material appears in the media,so does everyone else's. Although the same thing is common in many places, in India, this is something great.BapDada gives you the title of being last­and­so­fast for whatever effort you have made and for having progressed inservice in a short time by having courage and giving zeal and enthusiasm.

But now, all of you together should create amongst yourselves an invention which creates such a loud sound in theforeign countries that it reaches the people of Bharat. Service in the foreign countries is the main foundation for theKumbhakarnas of Bharat to awaken through the sound from abroad. This is the aim and object of service in theforeign lands. When you show something of the foreign countries in the foreign countries themselves, that is not abig thing. The service of the foreign countries with that aim is already fixed in the drama. And, even now, the soundof any invention has been coming from the foreign countries. Although an invention may have been invented inBharat, the people of Bharat would only accept it as having come from abroad. In the same way, it is the service inthe foreign countries that will glorify the sound of the Godly revelation in Bharat. The foreigners are instruments forthis task. Therefore, now create such an invention, make such a soul an instrument who would spread the sound, notjust through words, but through his experience. The sound of experience of someone from the foreign lands shouldreach Bharat. Why has the service in the foreign lands been given so much importance at the final time, when eventhose who are being sent there from here have the thought: Why are we being sent there at such a delicate time whenwe are coming close to the end? After all, at the end, we will have to leave the foreign lands and go to Bharat. Eventhen, service in the foreign lands is moving ahead fast. Very good hands are being sent to the foreign countries forservice, even though there is a need for them in Bharat. They have invitations here; so why then are they still beingsent away? You even know that the many different sects etc. do not have a part of going to heaven, but you are beingsent there to bring back those who have been transferred or converted into other religions. Why the service in theforeign lands is the main basis or the foundation is that it is fixed within the drama for the sound from the foreigncountries to reach Bharat. This is why the service in the foreign lands has been given the first chance. To haveopened Gita Pathshalas or to have spoken on the radio or T.V. is not your aim and object. All those are the methodsto reach your aim and object. Do you understand? So now have such discussions amongst yourselves about how tomake the sound reach Bharat as quickly as possible. How can the sound of the foreign lands reach Bharat?

Today, even BapDada has to become the Foreigner especially for the double foreigners. If BapDada were not tobecome the Foreigner, He could not meet you. The foreigners are special souls who have become instruments for aspecial task. In order to meet such a group in the corporeal form, the Incorporeal and the angelic have to take thesupport of the corporeal form. Such special souls should consider themselves to be so special and continue toperform special actions through their thoughts, words and deeds. The groups from both sides are very good. Becauseof you, many other souls received a chance, and all souls, especially the Madhuban niwasis, should considerthemselves to be the luckiest. This is because BapDada cannot celebrate a meeting anywhere other than inMadhuban. (Why does BapDada not come in Lusaka?) BapDada can go anywhere in the subtle form. When such atime comes, then the circumstances and the time will easily and automatically call Baba there. Achcha.

To those who know themselves and the time; to those who are detached from all other tastes and constantly have thesweetness of the One; to the stars of BapDada's eyes who constantly have BapDada in their eyes; to those whoconstantly move along considering themselves to be the stars of light; to such lovely and unique and most elevatedsouls, and especially to the double­foreign souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

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