31-12-90         Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada             Madhuban

Tapasya is the greatest celebration of all. Tapasya means to experience pleasure with the Father.

Today, BapDada is giving congratulations of love to the children in all directions, to the children who experience a new life, a new attitude, new vision and a new world through the new knowledge. At the present moment, children everywhere are watching the present divine scene on the television of their heart. Everyone has only one thought: To experience closeness while being far away. BapDada is also seeing all the children. BapDada is hearing the music of greetings from the hearts of the children of their new zeal and enthusiasm. Everyone’s sound of the variety of music filled with love is very beautiful. This is why BapDada is responding in return. Congratulations for all time, for the New Year, for the new zeal and enthusiasm and for bringing about divinity in yourself at all times. Greetings are not being given just today for the New Year but every moment of the confluence age brings about newness in the life of the children who fulfil the responsibility of eternal love to the eternal Father. This is why, at every moment, you receive imperishable congratulations from the imperishable Father. All the Brahmins are moving forward due to BapDada's special congratulations of happiness. The basis of sustenance in Brahmin life are congratulations. You are continuing to move forward with the happiness of congratulations. You receive congratulations at all times from the form of the Father. From the form of the Teacher, the words “well done, well done” make you pass with honours. From the form of the Satguru, blessings for every elevated action give you the experience of life being easy and enjoyable. This is why you are multimillion times fortunate. You have become the children of God, the Bestower of Fortune, that is, you have claimed the right to the whole fortune. People give special greetings on special days. Do you receive greetings only for the New Year? After the 1st, when it becomes the 2nd, will the greetings finish? For you, every moment is always special. The confluence age is the special age, the age of greetings. Every day at amrit vela, you receive greetings from the Father, do you not? This day is being celebrated as New Year, in name, but always remember that every moment is a moment of pleasure. There is pleasure and nothing but pleasure, is there not? If anyone were to ask you what you have in your life, what would you reply? There is pleasure and nothing but pleasure. You experience all the pleasure of the whole cycle in this life because the experience of the pleasure of meeting the Father gives you the experience of having a right to the kingdom and a right to becoming worthy of worship for the whole cycle. It is at this time that you have the knowledge of both – being worthy of worship and of ruling. This is why you now experience pleasure.

What will you do this year? You will bring about newness, will you not? This year has to be celebrated as a year of festivity. Are you thinking: Are we going to do tapasya or are we going to have festivities? Tapasya is the greatest celebration of all, because you are not going to do hatha yoga anyway. Tapasya means to experience pleasure with the Father ­ the pleasure of a meeting, the pleasure of all attainments, the pleasure of the experience of closeness and the pleasure of the stage of being equal. So, this is a celebration, is it not? You will not have very large celebrations of service, but the atmosphere of tapasya will pull souls and attract them to Baba even more than the celebration with words. Tapasya is a spiritual magnet which will enable souls to experience peace and power from a distance. What newness will you bring about in yourself? It is newness that everyone loves. So always check yourself: Today, what particular speciality did I bring about in my mind, that is, in the power of my thoughts? And to what extent did the service through my mind, that is, through the method of good wishes and pure feelings for other souls increase? That is, what newness did you bring about in your elevated stage? Together with that, to what extent did I bring about the newness of sweetness, contentment and easiness in my words? The words of Brahmin souls are not ordinary words. Let there be the experience through words of these three aspects for yourself and for other souls. This is known as newness. Together with that, newness in every action means that every action should give the experience of attainment for the self and for other souls. There should be the experience of instant fruit as well as the accumulation of the future fruit of karma. At the present time, experience the contentment of happiness and power as the instant fruit and experience the accumulation for the future. You will then constantly experience yourself to be full and complete. Let the seed of karma be filled with the tree of attainment; it should not be empty. A soul who is full naturally has spiritual intoxication. Have you performed actions of such newness? Together with that, what newness do you have to bring about in your relationships and connections?

This year, let there be the experience of the consciousness of being master bestowers, children of the Bestower. Whether you come into connection and relationship with a Brahmin soul or an ordinary soul, that soul should experience attainment through a master bestower. They may receive courage, they may receive zeal and enthusiasm, they may receive peace or power, they may easily progress or receive happiness ­ they should find an easy method to experience themselves to be growing in their experiences. You have to give something or other to each one. You must not take, but give. The receiving is merged within the giving. However, “I the soul, have to be a master bestower”. In this way, you have to bring about the newness of becoming the same as the Father in your nature and sanskars. There should not be the consciousness of “my nature”. Whatever is the Father’s nature is “my nature”. The sanskars of Brahma are the sanskars of Brahmins. In this way, bring about newness in yourself every day, and the new world will then automatically be established. So, do you understand what you have to do in the New Year? Celebrate the completion ceremony of that which happened in the past year, and celebrate the present equality and closeness to Baba. Also have a celebration for the constant future success. Celebrate the year of festivity and keep flying.
The double foreigners prefer to stay in pleasure, do they not? In order to stay in pleasure remember two words. Firstly, dot and secondly, not. You know what to say 'not' to: Maya is not allowed. Do you know how to say ‘not’? Or will you allow her a little? Put a dot and it will become not. You have double intoxication, do you not?

What will the resident of Bharat do? Bharat is the great land. This is the slogan nowadays. The great souls of Bharat are remembered as the mahatmas. So, since Bharat is great, the people of Bharat are great souls. Through your greatness at all times you make Bharat into the place of great souls, the place of the deity souls in the corporeal form. The images will finish and the place of the living deity souls will be revealed to everyone, will it not? So, you aren’t double foreigners and Bharat residents, but both are now Madhuban residents. Achcha.

To all the souls everywhere who are master bestowers, to the special souls who constantly receive greetings from the Father, to the fortunate souls who constantly stay in pleasure, to the great souls who constantly bring about newness in themselves, to the most elevated souls who are to become angels and therefore deity souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and greetings at every moment and namaste.

BapDada meeting groups:

Do you experience yourselves to be unshakeable and immovable souls? On one side is upheaval and on the other side are you Brahmin souls who are constantly unshakeable. The more upheaval there is there, the more your experience of the unshakeable and immovable internal stage increases. No matter what happens, the easiest method of all is ‘nothing new’. Nothing is new. Do you ever feel surprised: What is happening? Or: What will happen? There is surprise when it is something new. If you haven’t thought about something, you haven’t heard about it, you haven’t understood it and it happens suddenly, you feel surprised. So, let there not be any exclamation, but a full­stop. The world is one of confusion (munj) whereas you are those who stay in pleasure (moj). In trivial things, the world will think, “What can we do? How can we do this?” whereas you are always in pleasure, and your confusion has ended. Brahmins means pleasure and warriors means confusion: sometimes there is pleasure and sometimes there is confusion. All of you say that your name is Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. You are not warrior kumars and kumaris, are you? You always maintain the happiness of your fortune. You constantly and automatically have the one song playing in your heart: Wah Baba! and wah my fortune! This song plays automatically. You don’t need to play it; it plays eternally. All cries of distress have ended and you now say, “Wah! wah!” There is a majority of those who cry out in distress, but very few who say, “Wah! wah!” So, what will you remember in the New Year? Wah! wah! Whatever you see in front of you, whatever you hear, whatever you say, everything is “Wah! wah” not “Hai, hai” (cry of distress). Not, “Oh! what has happened now?”, but instead, “Wah! whatever happened was very good.” Even if someone does something bad, transform the bad into good with your power. This is transformation, is it not? In your Brahmin life, there cannot be anything bad. Even if someone insults you, it is the greatness of the person insulting you that he taught you the lesson to tolerate. It is his greatness that he became your master! At least you came to know how much tolerance power you have; so, is that bad or good? There cannot be anything bad in the vision of Brahmins. Nothing bad can be heard through the ears of Brahmins. This is why Brahmin life is a life of pleasure. If at one moment it is something bad and the next minute it is something good, then there cannot be pleasure. You constantly have pleasure and nothing but pleasure. Throughout the whole cycle the Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are elevated. Even the deity souls are nothing compared to the Brahmins. Always maintain this intoxication. Always remain happy and always keep others happy too. Remain happy and keep others happy. Do not say, “Well, I am happy anyway.” No. Let it also be: I also keep everyone else happy. “I remain happy anyway” is being selfish. What is the service of Brahmins? You give knowledge for happiness.

No matter how many elevated souls are remembered in the world, you are so much more elevated than them. The Father now belongs to you. So, you have become so elevated! You have become the most elevated. Always keep in your awareness that the highest­on-high Father has made you into the most elevated souls of all. Your vision has become so elevated, your attitude has become so elevated. Everything has changed. Now, if you look at anyone, you look at them with soul­conscious vision, and your attitude has become benevolent towards everyone. Brahmin life means your vision and attitude have become elevated towards every soul.

Do you experience yourselves to be stars of success? Where there are all powers, success is your birthright. No matter what task you carry out, whether it is for the livelihood of the body or for Godly service, before carrying out that task, have this faith. It is a good thing to have faith, but become a soul who has practical experience and maintain your faith and intoxication. All powers are the easy method for success in this Brahmin life. You are the masters of all the powers. Therefore, whatever power you order at any time, it becomes present in front of you. Some servers become ready for service whenever you order them. In the same way, all the powers should be under your orders. The more you remain set on the seat of a master almighty authority, the more all the powers will remain under your orders. When you get off the seat of this awareness, even slightly, the powers will not obey your orders. Servants too – some are obedient whereas others make a little disturbance. So, how are all the powers behaving in front of you? Are they obedient, or do they come a little later. Just as your physical organs work under your orders whenever you tell them something, in the same way, these subtle powers should also be functioning under your orders. Check: Throughout the day, were all these powers under my orders? Because only when these powers remain under your orders from now onwards will you be able to achieve success at the end. This practice over a long period of time is needed for this. So, in this New Year, have the special practice of making everything work under your orders because you want to attain the kingdom of the world, do you not? Before becoming a world sovereign, become a self­sovereign.

Faith and intoxication are giving every child the experience of the flying stage. You double foreigners are lucky because you have come at the time of the flying stage. You didn’t have to labour to climb up. The tilak of victory is constantly shining on your forehead. This tilak of victory will enable others to receive happiness because the face of a victorious soul is always cheerful. Seeing your cheerful face, everyone will be attracted to that happiness because souls of the world are searching for happiness, and so when they see the sparkle of happiness on your face, they themselves will become happy. They will realise that you have had some attainment. As you progress further, your face with the attraction of happiness will bring souls closer. No one will have time to listen to anything, and so your face will serve those souls in a second. All of you too, seeing the love and happiness became Brahmins, did you not? So, you have to do this type of service in this year of tapasya.

Are you co­operative souls who always remain stable in the stage of belonging to the one Father and none other? It is easy to remember One, whereas it is difficult to remember many. There is so much happiness in letting go of the expansion of many and staying in the experience of belonging to the form of the essence, the one Father. Happiness is your birthright; it is the Father’s treasure, and so the Father’s treasures are the children’s birthright. When a treasure belongs to you, you have the pride that it is yours. So, whom have you received it from? From the imperishable Father. So, whatever the imperishable Father gives would be imperishable. The intoxication of the imperishable treasures is imperishable. No one can take this intoxication away from you and it is not an intoxication that would cause damage. It is the intoxication that brings you attainment. The other intoxication is such that it makes you lose your attainments. So, what do you always remember? One Father and none other. If there is any second or third person, there would be conflict, whereas where there is the one Father, you will have a constant stage. It feels very good to remain merged in the love of One because the original form of the soul is of remaining constant.

Greetings for the auspicious beginning of the New Year at the time of farewell: Congratulations for every moment of special new zeal and new enthusiasm to all the lovely and lucky children from everywhere. You yourselves are diamonds and your life is also a diamond, and so let it always be a diamond morning, diamond evening, diamond night. With this method, you will very quickly establish your own kingdom and then rule there. You would love your own kingdom, would you not? So, now bring it about quickly and then rule there. You can see your own kingdom in front of you, can you not? So, now become angels and so deities. To all the children everywhere, especially accept multimillionfold love and remembrance. Those from abroad and this land have very good zeal and enthusiasm for tapasya and where there is tapasya, there is automatically service. Congratulations for constant success. Each one of you has to show such newness that the whole world looks to you. Become a lighthouse of newness. Achcha. Let each one of you accept for yourself love, remembrance and congratulations.

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