31-12-2007          Om Shanti           Avyakt Bapdada           Madhuban

In the New Year, become an endless great donor, endlessly free from obstacles, an endless yogi and an embodiment of success all the time.

Today, BapDada is seeing a double gathering in front of Him. One are those who are personally sitting in front of Him in the corporeal form and the other are those who are sitting far away but are visible close to His heart. The light of the soul (atam-deep) is sparkling on the foreheads of the elevated souls of both gatherings. It is such a beautiful sparkling scene. All of you, who are absorbed in God's love while stable in one thought and one constant stage, are lost in His love with a concentrated intellect and are looking so beautiful. All of you have also arrived here especially to celebrate the New Year. On seeing the zeal and enthusiasm of all of you sparkling lamps, BapDada is pleased to see the atam-deep (flame of the souls).

Today is the day of the confluence: it is farewell to the old year and there are to be greetings for the new year. The New Year means new zeal and enthusiasm. You have enthusiasm for self-transformation. Seeing that you yourself have attained all attainments, you have enthusiasm in your heart. People of the world also celebrate this festival. For them, it is a festival of just one day, whereas for you lucky and lovely children, every day of the confluence age is a festival because you have the enthusiasm of happiness. People of the world light the extinguished lamps and celebrate the New Year whereas BapDada and you and all the awakened lamps from everywhere have come here to celebrate the festival of the New Year. This custom and system of celebrating is just in name, but, all of you are in fact the awakened lamps. You are able to see your sparkling lamp, are you not? You are the imperishable lamps.

So, for the New Year, have you made some new plans in your heart for the self and for the souls of the world? After midnight the New Year will begin. So, how will you especially celebrate this year? Just as the old year will bid you farewell, in the same way, have all of you had the thought of bidding farewell to the old thoughts and old sanskars? Together with the old year, you will also bid farewell to the old and will put into a practical form the thoughts filled with new zeal and enthusiasm, will you not? So, think about it, what newness will you bring about in yourself? What wave of new zeal and enthusiasm will you spread? Of what special thoughts will you spread the vibrations? Have you thought about it? For the souls of the whole world, all of you Brahmins are the instruments for transformation. You are the foundation of the world, you are the ancestors and worthy-of-worship. So, this year, what vibrations will you spread through your elevated attitude? Just as matter is able to spread vibrations of Winter, Summer or Spring, in the same way, what vibrations will you, the conquerors of matter and masters of matter spread, through which souls will be able to experience happiness and comfort for even a short time? For this, BapDada is signaling you: Whatever treasures you have received, use those treasures in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success. In particular, the treasure of time should never go to waste. Even one second that is wasted should be put to use. Use time in a worthwhile way; use your every breath in a worthwhile way, use your every thought in a worthwhile way, use your every power in a worthwhile way and use your every virtue in a worthwhile way. Celebrate this year as the "Year for Becoming an Embodiment of Success" because success is your birthright. Use that birthright and become an embodiment of success because the success of the present time will remain with you for many births. The reward of you using your present time in a worthwhile way is that you will receive the fruit of success for half the cycle. The reward for using present time in a worthwhile way will be received for all the time. By using your breath in a worthwhile way - look, as a result of your breath being used in a worthwhile way, even in the future all souls will remain healthy for all the time. There will be no mention of any illness. There will be no departments of doctors. What will the doctors have become? They will have become kings. They will become masters of the world. However, at this time, you use your breath in a worthwhile way and all souls receive the reward of remaining healthy. In the same way, as a result of the treasure of knowledge being used in a worthwhile way, everyone becomes so sensible and powerful in your own kingdom that there is no need to take any advice from any advisor there. You yourself are sensible and powerful. As a reward of using all your powers in a worthwhile way, you receive two special powers, two authorities of religion and of ruling the kingdom. You use your treasure of virtues in a worthwhile way and the result of that is a deity status, which means one who has imbibed divine virtues. Together with that, in this last birth, when they worship your non-living images, what praise do they sing? You are full of all virtues. So, you automatically receive the reward of success at this time. Therefore, check: You have received the treasures, you have become full of the treasures, but to what extent have you used them in a worthwhile way for the self and for the world? You will bid farewell to the old year, and so in the old year, what treasures that you have accumulated have you used in a worthwhile way and to what extent? Check this and, in the coming year, instead of wasting these treasures, you definitely have to use these treasures in a worthwhile way. No treasure should go to waste for even one second. You have been told earlier that a second of the confluence age is not a second, but it is equivalent to a year. Do not think that you have just wasted one second or one minute. To allow anything to be wasted is called carelessness. The aim of all of you is to become complete and perfect, the same as Father Brahma. So, Father Brahma used all his treasures in a worthwhile way from the beginning until the last day. You saw the practical proof of that; he became a perfect angel. You also saw your lovely Dadi. She used everything in a worthwhile way and she constantly increased the zeal and enthusiasm of everyone to inspire them to use everything in a worthwhile way. So, according to the drama, she became a special instrument to play an alokik part for world service.

So this year, from tomorrow, everyone should keep their chart every day. What and how much was used in a worthwhile way and how much was wasted? At amrit vela have the determined thought; become an embodiment of the awareness: Success is my birthright. Success is the garland around my neck. To be an embodiment of success is to become equal. You have love for Father Brahma, do you not? So, what did Father Brahma love the most? Do you know what he loved? The murli. Even on the last day, he did not miss the lesson of the murli. In becoming equal, check: Whatever Father Brahma loved, the proof of having love for Father Brahma is that I should also easily and naturally have love for everything that the father loved. What was the other speciality of Father Brahma? He was always alert; he didn't have any carelessness. Even on the last day, he played his part of service with such alertness. Even though the body was weak, he remained so alert and did not sit with any support. And he even made everyone else alert. He departed having given you the mantra of three things. You all remember that, do you not? So, to the extent that you remain alert and follow him, accordingly carelessness will finish. BapDada keeps hearing words of carelessness in particular. You know them, do you not? If you constantly continue to revise and realise these three words (incorporeal, egoless and viceless) in your mind, you will automatically become equal easily and naturally. Firstly, use everything in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success.

Secondly, BapDada saw the children's result of one year. What did He see? You have become great donors, but now become unending donors; underline the word "unending". There is now a need to be unending yogis and endlessly free from obstacles. Can you remain "endless"? Can you? Those sitting in the front row, can you become endless? If you are able to do that, raise your hand. Those who are able to do it, can you do it? You can do it. Even those from Madhuban are raising their hands. BapDada first looks at those from Madhuban. He has love for Madhuban. Baba looks at everyone from Shantivan, Pandava Bhavan, and all Dadi's arms (different places around Madhuban) with a lot of attention. If you have become endless, then remain busy in spreading power through the mind. Serve through words with knowledge and serve through your actions by donating virtues or giving the co-operation of virtues.

Nowadays, whether it is souls who don't have knowledge or Brahmin souls, it is necessary to give them the donation of virtues and the co-operation of virtues. If you yourself in a simple way easily become a sample, then, through your being an embodiment of virtues, others will automatically receive that co-operation. Nowadays, Brahmin souls also want to see a sample; they don't want to hear any more. What do you say among yourselves? Who has become that? So, everyone wants to see others as an embodiment of virtues in a practical way. So, there is a particular need for giving co-operation and donations of virtues through actions. No one wants to hear any more; everyone wants to see. So, now pay this particular attention: I continue to serve through knowledge and words, and I have to continue to do that, I mustn't stop doing that, but through my thoughts and actions, I now have to spread those vibrations through the mind. Spread that current. Vibrations and a current can reach someone even while you are sitting at a distance. With your good wishes and pure feelings and by serving with your mind, you are able to give vibrations and a current to any soul. So, this year, firstly, the vibrations of the power of your mind; a current through the powers and co-operation of virtues through actions. Give the donation of virtues to those who don't have knowledge. You give gifts for the New Year, do you not? So, this year, you yourself must become an embodiment of virtues and give the gift of virtues. You feed the toli of virtues, do you not? When you meet, you give toli, do you not? They become happy when you give them toli, do they not? Even souls who have left Baba become remember the toli. They forget everything else, but they do remember the toli. So, what toli will you give this year? Feed the toli of virtues. Have a picnic of virtues because according to the closeness of time, and according to the signals from Dadi, it is possible that time will be completed suddenly at any time, the same as the Father. This is why you have to become equal to the Father and give the return of Dadi's love. So, whatever need there is in being co-operative through your thoughts and actions, do not think about what others are like, or that "I will become that when that one becomes that". You have to become number one. Therefore, do not think "I will become that when that one becomes that". In that case that one would become number one and you would become number two. Do you wish to become number two or number one? If you were to tell someone to claim number two, would they take it? All of them would say that they want to claim number one. So, become the first instrument. Why do you wait for others to become instruments? Make yourself an instrument. What did Father Brahma say? In every respect, he made himself an instrument and then made others instruments. He played his part of "Hey Arjuna" (I have to take the initiative). I have to become an instrument. I have to do this. Others will do something when they see me doing it. Not that I will do it when I see others doing it. Seeing me others will do it. This was Father Brahma's first lesson. So, did you hear what you have to do? An embodiment of success, an embodiment of success who uses everything in a worthwhile way, an endless donor. Then Maya will not have the courage to come to you. When you become endless great donors, when you remain constant servers, when you remain busy, when your mind and intellect are servers, then where would Maya go? So, what are you going to become this year? The same sound should emerge from everyone's heart. This is what BapDada wants, and what is that sound? No problem, complete. There are no problems, but you have to become complete. Have determined faith in the intellect that you have to become a close bead in the rosary of victory. Is that all right? You have to become that, do you not? Those from Madhuban, you have to become that, do you not? No problem? No complaints? Those who have this courage, raise your hands! No problem. Wah! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!

Look, the practical proof of faith is spiritual intoxication. If there isn't spiritual intoxication, there isn't faith either. It means there isn't full faith, there is only a little faith. So, have intoxication. What is the big deal? Do you remember in how many cycles it is you who have become equal to the Father? You have become that countless times. So, have the intoxication: I became that, I am that and I will continue to become that again and again. This intoxication should always be visible in your actions; not in your thoughts, not in your words, but in your actions. Actions means it should be visible in your behaviour and on your face. So, you have got your homework, have you not? You have, have you not? Now, we shall see whether you become numberwise or claim number one. Achcha.

BapDada has received many cards, letters, e-mails and love and remembrance through the computer and BapDada is making each one emerge in front of Him and giving love, remembrance and blessings from the heart to the children who are seated on the heart-throne while sitting at a distance to each one personally by name and speciality. BapDada knows that everyone has love and remembrance and especially at amrit vela, BapDada specially gives a response to the Brahmin souls for their love and remembrance. This is why you have made many good cards. You place the cards here (on the stage), but they reach BapDada in the subtle region in advance. Achcha.

It is the turn of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Western Nepal: BapDada has seen that whichever zone's turn it is to serve, half the group is from that zone. Now, you can sit down. Those who have come here, who are not from this zone, stand up! Achcha, it is half and half, you can sit down. You receive a good chance. In your turn to serve you bring as many as you want, and so you have an open invitation. One is the chance for a meeting and the other is a chance for service. So, you are those who take a double chance. Do you know what the speciality of UP is? UP is a specially beloved, long-lost and now-found child. Why are you long-lost and now-found? Why are you specially beloved? Mama and Baba toured UP a lot. Just as they went to Bombay and Delhi, in the same way, they toured UP. In UP, there is a memorial of Brahma, is there not? There is a memorial of Brahma. Just as in Rajasthan, there is a memorial of Brahma in Pushkar, similarly, in UP, there is a Brahma-kund. Father Brahma did practical service in UP. He gave a lot of love and affection to the children there. Those who were there at that time were very lovely and affectionate. Achcha, what is UP now doing that is new? In the last murli, BapDada asked you to make a new plan. The exhibitions, conferences and melas have now become common. Many people have seen them many times and so when they hear that a mela or an exhibition is taking place, they say that they have seen it. They may have understood it or not, but they say that they have seen it. Now create a new invention. Now, create an invention that will incur less expense and bring great glorification; something that a small centre can do and even a big centre can do. We shall see which child becomes an instrument to create a new invention. Those from UP will become this. There are many intellectuals in UP; you can create an invention. Another speciality of UP is that many heirs emerged at the beginning of service in UP. Many good heirs emerged. Just as heirs emerged in Delhi and Bombay; so they also emerged in UP. Now, in Karnataka, they are campaigning to create a golden Karnataka. BapDada will see the result as to how many heirs and how many mikes emerge. Congratulations for them at least receiving the message. And in UP too, there are many memorials of devotion. There are many devotee quality souls in UP. There are those with blind faith and also those with deep bhavna (loving feeling). There are both. Now, those from UP should show wonders. You should make number one heir-quality souls emerge and send a list of their names in the last turn and then bring them when you are given a date from here. Do you know the method for creating heirs? Those who have become embodiments of experience themselves and do not just relate their experiences to others, but who, on the basis of being embodiments of experience give others an experience, are able to create heirs. Those who just give knowledge are able to make others good, but they are not able to make others the best of all. The best of all are heir-quality souls. So, we shall see if anyone brings a list in the last turn! Anyone can do this; UP are the instruments this time, but any zone can send a list of heirs. We shall see who becomes number one. Achcha. Congratulations to those from UP. BapDada has heard that you have played the part of serving the yagya very well. Therefore, congratulations for service, and, together with that, you have also played the part of "present, my lord" very well. Congratulations for that too.

Double foreigners (800 brothers and sisters from 60 countries): Achcha, the children have put a symbol on themselves. Have the children been given chocolate toli? Have you? Have you been fed it? Who is their instrument? Children love chocolate, do they not? And have you been shown the method to fly forward? Who is their instrument? Who is instrumental for the children, raise your hands! When these children come here next year, they will have changed even more. Yes children, come to the front. (Children sang a song - Baba, You are so good and so lovely.) You have worked hard. Now, when you come here next year, come as angels flying even more ahead. Is that all right? Next year, you will come having made even more progress. Achcha. Listen, tomorrow give the children chocolate on behalf of BapDada. Achcha. Double foreigners, BapDada had said that you are not double foreigners, but double effort-makers; so are you double? BapDada remembers that in earlier times, BapDada used to say that sometimes the double foreigners would say, "Why? Why?" a lot instead of saying, "Wah! Wah!". You are not those who say, "Why?" and "I", are you? Are you those who say, "Why?" or those who say, "Wah, Wah!"? Wah! Wah! Always? Always "Wah! Wah!" Never say "Why?" in any situation. "Why?" means "Hai" (cry of distress). So, no more cries of distress. Not "why?", but "Wah! Wah!" Whatever is happening is very good, whatever happened was even better than that and whatever is to happen is supremely good. This is a sign of a double effort-maker. You are those who have "No problem", are you not? Is it "no problem" or a little problem? Achcha, leave your problems here when you go, do not take them with you on the plane. Because you have come to the Father, you will show some wonders to the Father, will you not? So, show this wonder. Not those who say, "Sometimes", not those who say that they sometimes have a problem, but always be a spiritual rose. Always a rose in bloom because all of you are very much loved by the people of Bharat, by the Father and also by the Dadis. You are very much loved.

Everyone is very happy to see those from abroad. So, you will also remain constantly happy, will you not? Always remember the word "Sada" (always). Take this gift for this year. Never forget the word "Sada". Don't have the word "Sada" for obstacles coming, but for becoming free from obstacles. It is good. You are the decoration of Madhuban. Double foreigners are the special decoration of Madhuban. The decoration is very valuable. So, you are valuable. It is good. You are doing very well. BapDada has seen that every group is international. From how many countries have children come? (60 countries). So, look, there is splendour, is there not? Children have arrived here, having come running from 60 countries. So, multimillion fold congratulations from BapDada and from Madhuban. Congratulations! Congratulations.

International Youth Group (200 youth): Achcha, it is such a big group. The Youth Group is so big. BapDada heard the news of the Youth Group. The plan that you have made among yourselves is a good plan, but, first of all, put into a practical form the plan for self-progress because people of the world also have an expectation that the Youth will perform some wonders. The Government also expects the Youth to demonstrate this by doing something, by becoming something and making others become something too. You have made a good programme. The system that has been created is good. Baba is congratulating those who made the systems. Now, continue to send your results to the instruments because, if you continue to check, change will then take place. If there is carelessness in checking, you won't be able to change. Therefore, continue to send your report as per the directions you have been given. Don't send a bad report, send a good one. Continue to give your chart. Don't become tired of this. Don't become careless. Then the Youth from abroad will be shown to India. We will get you to meet the Government and get the Youth from India to meet Governments abroad. So, become ready. We will show them the chart of how you are making your own efforts, bringing about transformation and have become successful in that. Is that all right? You have done very well. Continue to do this. Achcha.

Jurist and Cultural Wings: It is good that all the news reaches BapDada. Both wings continue to make one or another plan and are also making good progress. What has the SpARC wing researched? After having done your research, has anyone become the practical proof, just like heart patients gave the proof that they have become free from illness. Baba also heard news of the Youth that very good proof is reaching the Government. Similarly, in serving the rural areas, the practical proof is that Gita Pathshalas have opened. That record is good. Similarly, those from SpARC and those from the Cultural Wing, you are standing here now and so have you created such a special example showing that, by doing research, this is the sample of transformation that has taken place. BapDada wishes to see and hear about that sample: What did you research and how many were benefitted through that research in a practical way. This is what Baba wants to see. In the Cultural department, have you prepared any departments in which people say that through the spiritual culture they have experienced these things in a practical way, and that all their departments have now changed? In this way, BapDada is telling those from all wings: Now prepare seven to eight, ten to twelve such examples so that you can tell the Government what work the different wings are doing. Then it is possible that you will receive help from the Government. BapDada heard that one department had said that they have the money and that we have the resources. Show them these samples by letting them see the practical proof of such resources. Otherwise their treasures will be wasted just like that. They don't know how to use them, you can make them use these in a worthwhile way with your influence. So, all the wings together should make such a plan that the proof of every wing is visible in a practical way. (Ushaben related news of the Chandrapur, Bhopal Cultural programme). You did the programme very well and congratulations for that. Now, demonstrate by making them good.

Do all of you know the "mind dance"? Do you know how to dance in the mind? So, throughout the day, how many times do you perform the dance of happiness in the mind? There is no question of becoming tired in this. It is not a question of feeling pain in your joints. It is not a question of being busy. It is not even a matter of having to give time or of any expense. So, what should you do? Whenever BapDada switches on the TV, what should He see? That every child is busy dancing in the mind. If you always remain busy in this, then, when BapDada switches on the TV, He will see who is dancing. The dance of happiness is good, is it not? So, always continue to perform this dance. Achcha. What are we going to do now? BapDada has become busy in celebrating a meeting. Achcha.

To all the children from everywhere who are the sparkling lights of the soul, to the children who always use everything in a worthwhile way and are embodiments of success, to those who are endlessly great donors, endlessly free from obstacles, those who are endless in knowledge and in being yogyukt, to those who do three types of service at the same time - by serving the atmosphere through their mind, by serving through words and by serving through actions through their behaviour and face - when all three types of service take place at the same time, you will then create an impact not on those who say that this is good, but on those who are to become good. To all the children who become an image of experience and give others an experience, multi, multimillion fold love and remembrance from BapDada for the New Year. Blessings and the throne of the heart always make you seated on the heart. Therefore, to all the children everywhere who are either personally in front of Baba or who are far away but seated on the heart-throne, to all of you personally by name and your speciality, love, remembrance and namaste.

Those who have come for the first time, stand up. Wave your hands. Look, half the class has come for the first time. Those who are at the back, wave your hands. It is being shown on the TV. There are many of you. Lots and lots of congratulations from the heart of BapDada to those who have come for the first time. Also accept love and remembrance from the heart. Just as you have come now, those who have come now have a blessing from BapDada: May you remain immortal!

To Dadi Janki: You are looking after everything very well. You are content. If the seed is content, everyone is content. The canopy of protection of Dadiji is also there. You also have her drishti. It is just for service that she has been called, but otherwise, it is as though she is still on service anyway.

To Manohar Dadi: You are playing your part well. It is very good that you give your presence in the class. It is good because you yourself become refreshed and you also refresh others. Don't stop doing this. You have had the thought that you will remain OK without the doctors. You will become fine.

To the three senior brothers: Is the trimurti fine? You are a trimurti, are you not? Now, just as the Father is well known in the form of the Trimurti, in the same way, the three of you should perform such an unlimited task that everyone says, "Wah!" and they all sing songs of "Wah! Wah!" for the self and also for service. For the self also, you are not three, but one. One says something and the others accept. One just gives a thought and makes others content. Everyone wants to see this. You will have to do this, will you not? Each one of you should step forward to become an instrument; "I have to become an instrument". Each one should think for the self: "I have to become an instrument". You will receive a prize, will you not? Love from the heart is the biggest prize of all. You receive love because of this. Generally, there is love for you all, but for the one who wins love in this respect: that is receiving love in the form of a prize. Is that all right? Achcha.

BapDada's Greetings for the coming of the New Year 2008: Lots and lots of greetings and blessings for the New Year to all the lucky and lovely children from everywhere. In the New Year, always have new zeal and enthusiasm and through your new thoughts, let there be expansion in service. By attaining success through your own intense efforts, continue to fly and make others fly. Good night for now and, together with that, now that the morning has begun, good morning and good night. Achcha.

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