Avyakt    BapDada    Om Shanti    05/12/2017


Om shanti. All the maharathi children are lost in Baba’s love, and all the children are merged in so much love. This meeting of the Father and the children is very, very priceless. Everyone remembers Baba so much. Just as pearls are threaded on the necklace, so, all the children are threaded on the thread of love. Each child knows what they are saying in their own minds, but I know that at this time each child is merged in love just as pearls are merged in a necklace. It is emerging from each one’s mind and mouth, “Wah special Pearl who is merged in my heart! Wah!” At this time, each one considers the self to be a pearl who is merged in Baba’s heart. See how it is sparkling, and its sparkle make everyone sparkle. So, BapDada is pleased to see this scene of the meeting of the children with the Father. Wah children! Wah! The Father is in the children’s hearts and the children are in the Father’s heart. This scene of being merged is very sweet. What is each one of you experiencing in your heart, each of you is lost in that experience and all of you are happy on seeing one another.

Nirwairbhai asked Baba: Baba, now the year 2017 is ending and the New Year is about to come. So what enthusiasm should there be in everyone’s heart?

Everyone is so glad. This year is the “Year of Love”. All of you will experience being merged in love. A diamond of love is sparkling in everyone’s heart. Each one of those diamonds is giving its own experience. If anyone comes and sees, they would understand: Where have these souls come from? Don’t know what kind of sparkle do they have on their face. That (sparkle) is pulling them. They consider the Father to be God, but they haven’t seen how God the Father, and the children meet one another. All of you are experiencing how the God and the children meet. This meeting is unique. In each one’s mind is the song, “I have seen and I have attained Innocent Lord Shiva!” He is so sweet! This is not something to be described in words, but it is something to be merged in. The meeting of Baba and the children is a very sweet meeting. Each one is happy to see one another.

Baba, 22,000 have come. It is the turn of Punjab and Rajasthan to serve. This meeting that is taking place now is of Rajasthan and Punjab. Each jewel that is here is so valuable. When you see one another, so much happiness and enthusiasm is arising. Each one’s heart says, “Wah, wah!” Why does this “wah!” emerge? Because Baba, God, Himself, has found you children and made you children so worthy that when anyone sees you, a song automatically emerges from his or her lips, “Wah the children of God! Wah! Wah Baba! Wah! What emerges from each one’s heart? Wah Baba! wah! Wah meeting! Wah! Achcha.

05/12/2017 Om shanti Avyakt BapDada Revised video of 15/12/2006

Be an embodiment of remembrance, an experienced image and pass with honours by bringing about transformation in the speed of a second.

Today, BapDada is seeing three lines of special fortune sparkling on the foreheads of all the children everywhere. Everyone’s forehead is sparkling with the lines of fortune. One is the line of fortune of Godly sustenance. The second is the line of the fortune of the teachings received from the elevated Teacher. The third is the line of fortune of shrimat received from the Satguru. In fact, all of you have plenty of fortune, but, nevertheless, Baba is today seeing these three lines. You are also experiencing the sparkling lines on your forehead, are you not? The most elevated line is the line of the sustenance of God’s love. Just as the Father is the Highest on High, so Godly sustenance is also the highest on high. So few of you receive this sustenance, and all of you have become worthy of this sustenance. This sustenance is received only by you children only once in the whole cycle. If you don’t receive it now, you can never receive it. This Godly sustenance, God’s love and Godly attainment is experienced only by a handful of souls out of millions. All of you are experienced, are you not? Do you have this experience? You have experienced the sustenance, the study and also shrimat. You are experienced images. So, can you always see this star of fortune sparkling on your forehead? All the time? Or, does the sparkling star sometimes become a little dull? It should not become dull. If the sparkling star becomes dull, do you know what the reason is for that?

BapDada saw that the reason is: You have not become embodiments of remembrance. You think that you are a soul, but you become an embodiment of the thought, you don’t become an embodiment of the awareness so much. Unless you always remain an embodiment of remembrance, you cannot have power because this awareness brings power. An embodiment of remembrance is an embodiment of power. This star of fortune sparkles little. Ask yourself what you are for a longer period: Is it an embodiment of thought or an embodiment of awareness? By being an embodiment of thought, you think very well, “I am this, I am this, I am this”, but, because of not having that awareness, waste thoughts and ordinary thoughts become mixed in your thinking. In fact, if you look at it, your eternal form is the form of awareness and power. Your form is not just of thoughts, but it is the embodiment. In the beginning too, you receive the reward of having been an embodiment of awareness at this time. So, eternally and originally, you are an embodiment of awareness and at this time, at the end and at the time of the confluence age, too, you become an embodiment of awareness. So, in all three aspects of time – at the beginning, eternally and at the end - you are an embodiment of awareness. You are not an embodiment of thoughts. This is why BapDada told you earlier too: To become an experienced image at the present time is the elevated stage. You consider yourself to be a soul, you have the Godly attainments, but there is a big difference in understanding this and experiencing it. An experienced image can never be deceived by Maya or experience any sorrow. The games of Maya that you see every now and again, or the games that you even play yourself are because of the lack of being an embodiment of experience. The authority of experience is the most elevated. BapDada saw that some children think about this, but that they have little experience of being an embodiment.

In today’s world, the majority of souls have become tired of seeing and hearing and wish to have some attainment through an experience. Only those who are experienced can give an experience. An experienced soul will always continue to move forward; they will continue to fly because an experienced soul constantly has zeal and enthusiasm in an emerged form. So check: Have you become an image of experience of every point ? Is the authority of experience visible in your every action? Is your every word and every thought based on the authority of experience or is it simply based on your understanding? One is to understand and the other is to experience. To speak about the points of knowledge for every subject can also be done by outside speakers who give many speeches. However, to become an embodiment of the experience of every point means to be an enlightened soul. There are many who have yoga, there are many who sit for yoga, but the experience of yoga means to be an embodiment of power, and an embodiment of power is recognised by being able to invoke a particular power that is needed at that time and becoming an embodiment that is free from obstacles. If even one power is lacking, if you speak about it but are not an embodiment of it, then, too, you can be deceived at that time. If you need to have the power of tolerance but you use the power to oppose, you cannot be called yogyukt or an embodiment of experience. What would be the sign of your being an embodiment of awareness and an embodiment of experience in all four subjects? In your stage, you would have the consciousness of being an instrument; in your attitude you would always have pure feelings, soul-conscious feelings and altruistic feelings. In the atmosphere and in relationships and connections, you would always be humble and your words would be pure and gentle. These specialities would be the natural nature at every moment of one who is an experienced image. Natural nature . At present, some children sometimes say: I don’t want to do this, but it is my old nature. Your nature naturally does that work, and you don’t even have to think about it. Your nature is naturally doing that work. So check yourself: What is my natural nature? If I have even the slightest trace of my old nature, then, by it being used again and again, it becomes a firm sanskar. In order to finish the old nature and old sanskars… even though you want to do this, you are unable to do it. What is the reason for that? You have become knowledge-full in everything. You don’t want something to happen and yet it happens; so what is the reason for that? There is little power of transformation. In the majority, it is visible that the power of transformation… (is lacking). You understand it, you speak about it, and if you were all asked to write or give a lecture on the topic of the power of transformation, then BapDada feels that all of you are very clever and you could even give very good lectures and write very well about it too; and, if others come, you could also explain to them very well - “Don’t worry, just transform it.” However, you yourselves lack the power of transformation, and knowing the importance of the present time, you should not take time to bring about transformation. It is the power of transformation in a second, because, since you understand that something should not happen, and though you understand, if you are unable to transform yourself, the reason for that is that you think about it, but you don’t become an embodiment of it. You become an embodiment of those thoughts for a longer period throughout the day; the majority of you lack being an embodiment of awareness and so an embodiment of power.

It is now the time for intense speed, the time for intense effort. It is not the time for ordinary effort. Transformation in a second means that through your being an embodiment of awareness, you should become free from negative and wasteful thoughts in one second. Why? You are instruments to bring the time and completion close. So, according to the importance of the present time, and since you know that every step has multimillions merged in it, you keep the awareness of increasing that in your intellect, but you should also keep the awareness of losing that in your intellect. If you are creating multimillions at every step, you are also losing multimillions in a step, are you not? So, now, the question of a minute is over. You say for others that they should stay in a minute of silence, but for you people, it is now a matter of a second. How long does it take to think “yes” or “no”? A second. So, such fast transformation power is required. You understand that something is fine or not fine. Put a full-stop to that which is not fine and make that which is fine practical . Now use the importance of the full-stop. You know about the three dots, do you not? However, use the dot (full stop) at the right time. Scientists are doing everything quickly now and they are also using the power of transformation a lot more. So, those with the power of silence, now keep the aim, that is, if you want to bring about transformation – you are knowledge-ful, but now become powerful , in the speed of a second. “We are doing it, it will happen, we will do it….”; no. Is it possible or is it difficult? Because, at the final moment, it will be the paper of a second, not a minute. So, only if you have the practice of a second over a long period of time will you be able to pass with honours in a second. You are Godly students, you are studying the Godly study and so you definitely have to pass with honours . So what if you claim pass marks? Pass with honours! What aim have you kept? Those of you who believe that you have to pass with honours , raise your hands! Pass with honours! Underline the word honours! Achcha. So, what will you now have to do? “A motor a minute” is common; it is now a matter of a second.

Yes, those from Punjab, it is now a matter of a second. Who will be number one in this? Punjab. What is the big deal? You speak with such intoxication, you speak very well with such intoxication that when BapDada hears it, He is very pleased. You say: What is the big deal, because BapDada is with you. So, you have the Authority with you; so what are you now going to do? You now have to become intense effort makers. You are doing service, and what else would you do without service? Will you sit idle? Service is the religion (dharma) and action (karma) of Brahmin souls. However, now, together with service, become an embodiment of power. BapDada is pleased with the extent of zeal and enthusiasm for service you have shown and is also congratulating you.

It is the turn of Punjab to serve: Half the class is from Punjab. You have done very well. You arrived here being ever-ready for service. Achcha. Are those from Punjab making some new plans ? Have you been touched to carry out a plan of something that no one has so far done? It is possible. It will happen by the morning. Do something such that all Brahmins will give you thanks, congratulations and sing songs of praise.

Rajasthan (15-11-08): Both zones are doing service very well, but one thing that BapDada had said is still left to do. You do know that, do you not? How many good heirs have emerged from Rajasthan? Rajasthan is the place of the kings. This is why it is called Rajasthan. So how many have you made emerge who have a right to the kingdom in the future? All the centres, have all of you noted down how many you have made emerge to become those who have a right to the kingdom? So, each centre should write how many you have of those who are going to claim a right to the kingdom. You are doing service and thinking of service plans , but now, according to the time, at least finish the complaint of souls in your own areas. Within the area of the centre and the areas around it, do not make effort and just give them the message, but at least enable them to claim their inheritance from BapDada. They should not complain that the Father came and yet they were deprived of their inheritance. So, now, this service should be completed everywhere as soon as possible. One zone is the instrument, but BapDada is telling all the zones. No area, no village, no colony should be left deprived.