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Long Lost and Now Found Child in Company of the Supreme Soul

First Awareness

The moment I open my eyes, I realize:  I am a soul.  I descended from the Sweet Home of Light in order to give radiant light to the world.

Who am I?

I am a long lost and now found child of the Supreme Soul.  I know that Baba cherishes me with great love and respect. 

To Whom do I Belong?

Soul converses with Baba:

Good morning sweet Baba.  Baba, I realize that you came looking for me to give me the sovereignty of the Golden Age.  Your one pure desire is that I become worthy to claim this sovereignty. You never take anything but always give.   

Baba converses with the Soul:

Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me. I come from the Supreme Region just to find and teach you.  I don’t come from London, America, or India, but from a place far beyond this world.  Imagine, I come from such a far away land to find you and teach you and I don’t charge any fee for this. Is there any greater joy than to learn from God Himself?  Remain always in this happy consciousness.  

Receiving Inspirations

I take a moment to quiet my chattering mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of Silence. In this silence, I receive from Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for service. 

Receiving a Blessing from Baba

I manifest my angelic form before sweet Baba in the subtle regions.  With much love and powerful drishti, He gives me this blessing:  

You emerge the awareness of being the one with all spiritual powers every morning at the hour of nectar. This daily practice has made you a constant yogi who is always blessed with help from the Father. Because of this, you are destined to conquer maya with grace and ease. 

Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15 minutes)

I bestow on the world the blessing described above.  I take this blessing from Baba and gift it to the whole world through my pure thoughts.   With my angelic costume, I circle the earth globe and give this blessing to all souls. 

Before Going to Bed

I steady myself in the stage beyond sound. I mentally check: was I disobedient in anyway during the day? If so, I admit it to Baba. Did I succumb, mentally or physically, to any attractions, attachments, or selfish preferences?  I chart my actions, and remove the impact of faulty actions with 30 minutes of yoga. I go to sleep with a clean and clear heart.