Enchanted Murli


For June 09, 2015

Smriti or to Remember

Sweet child, I am the altruistic Server. No human being can be altruistic. They would starve to death! I will not starve to death. I am beyond experiencing the fruit of anything. I give you children sovereignty over the world and then go and rest. My part comes to an end. It then starts again on the path of devotion.

Sweet Baba, today I will remember You as the altruistic Server. You are so altruistic because You are beyond experiencing the fruit of anything. You are so beautiful because You are selfless. I feel deep gratitude for Your supreme altruism and Your unlimited, pure concern for my well-being. Your one desire is to give us the sovereignty of the world. You expect no compensation or benefit when You serve. Thank you for doing such tireless, selfless service.

Samarthi or Power

I constantly plug myself into the power that is received from the above smriti. I become aware how my smriti is recharging my self-respect. I pay attention to how my smriti is giving me strength and is allowing me to operate with equanimity and patience in an ever-changing world.

Mano-vritti or Attitude

Baba to Soul: May you be as loving and detached as a lotus flower and protect yourself from any conflict of sanskaras with the specialty of being knowledge-full.

I maintain the attitude of a spiritual lotus flower – in the mud but beyond the mud, both loving and detached. I make my life free of subservience to my own, or other people’s, sanskaras. With the power received from the above smriti, I go beyond the conflict of sanskaras. I realize that this is my true nature - to remain detached. With these realizations, in all relationships I maintain the attitude of a spiritual lotus.

Drishti or Pure Vision

Baba to Soul: In order for you children to become fragrant flowers, consider yourselves to be souls and remember the Father. Don’t become thorns. Here, all are very sweet flowers, not thorns. This is a garden. In a garden, there are very good flowers. In this garden too, some are becoming first-class flowers, just like the very good flowers in the Mughal Gardens.

Today I see everyone as beautiful roses. A rose has thorns and yet is so beautiful. I choose to look at the flower and not the thorns. Every part of a rose is useful; we need the stem to hold the rose. So, I learn to see the goodness in everything. With great wisdom, I transform my drishti so that I only see what is good. When I take care to do this, my drishti brings me happiness, and, I become an instrument to give happiness to everyone.

Creating a Wave

I will do mansa seva and be part of creating a beautiful wave of pure remembrance and attitude spanning the whole globe during the 7:00pm to 7:30pm meditation. I will engage the smriti, mano-vritti, and drishti from above and give sakaash to the whole world as a humble instrument.