Enchanted Murli


For June 16, 2015

Smriti or to Remember

Sweet child, there is the feeling inside you that you are to become the master of the new world. We are now going to the gates of heaven. Constantly ask your heart: How much difference is there in me? The Father has made me belong to Him and completely changed me from what I was.

Sweet Baba, during the course of the day I will reaffirm the awareness that I am to become a master of the new world. I remember again and again that I belong to Baba. I experience the change that occurs when I remind myself of this simple but powerful thought.

Samarthi or Power

I constantly plug myself into the power that is received from the above smriti. I become aware how my smriti is recharging my self-respect. I pay attention to how my smriti is giving me strength and is allowing me to operate with equanimity and patience in an ever-changing world.

Mano-vritti or Attitude

Baba to Soul: You have to study and teach others for as long as you live. This study echoes inside your intellects. To the extent that you study, you experience happiness accordingly. Everything depends on this study. Human beings can become so elevated by studying. Those who have it in their fortune put their hearts into the study.

I am determined to adopt an attitude of being a life long student. To do this, I focus on the study of Raja Yoga to become a prince and princess. With my heart and attitude, I’m determined to study with Baba and become elevated.

Drishti or Pure Vision

Baba to Soul: Then, when the time comes, we will go and build our palaces in the new world. The Father shows you how you will once again build such golden palaces. There is a lot of gold there. The Father gives you infinite wealth. Heaven is gold and hell is stone.

In my drishti today, I envision the golden palaces of the new world. I’m in the old world but don’t see it. I keep only the infinite treasures of the new world in my drishti.

Creating a Wave

I will do mansa seva and be part of creating a beautiful wave of pure remembrance and attitude spanning the whole globe during the 7:00pm to 7:30pm meditation. I will engage the smriti, mano-vritti, and drishti from above and give sakaash to the whole world as a humble instrument.