
Diamond Dadi

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For Week of June 01, 2015

Humility and Respect

A few years back, high level Religious and Spiritual Leaders gathered at the Global Retreat Centre. There were about 35 participants from most of the great faiths. The theme was the 'Inner Voice' and we experimented a lot with silence in dialogue. Dadi arrived for the second day and met the group. I was alone with her in her room just afterwards and I asked her, 'Dadi what do you think of this gathering?’ She looked very thoughtful and said, 'This is a gathering to learn a lot from'. I was very touched by Dadi's humility and true respect for those who respect and love God in their own way. She could feel the sincerity of those souls. I also had the fortune to accompany Dadi on her first visit to Jerusalem. We took her to the Western Wall. As she saw the very orthodox women walk away from the Wall backwards, so as not to turn their back to the Wall, Dadi started to do the same. Again I was touched by her humility and respect. I realized how Baba has prepared her to be an instrument to serve the whole tree.

Words of Wisdom:

I need humility and sweetness in my thoughts, honesty and patience in my thoughts. I should pay attention not to have unnecessary thoughts. Let me not spend my energy on that. Then the power I accumulate inside will let me do everything with love. I should pay attention to have the same quality of thoughts as Baba. I used to watch Brahma Baba reading a letter of complaint about others – his face did not change at all. I have to think of what my memorial will be like. If I keep creating upheaval then what will my memorial be? We have found the end of God but we cannot go to the end of a human being because they have all sorts of things inside them. To think about others spoils you completely. My duty is just to create a good atmosphere. It is not to go into the details of anyone else. To unite east and west, we need a lot of yoga power. Do this and people will feel that this is truly the golden age. You have to let go of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. I have to come so close to Baba and the yagya that I can bring others close. In order to uplift others, I should give them my company.

If self-respect is missing, you are not able to love yourself or others. Don’t ask for respect but become worthy of respect. You need to have attention to accept good wishes from others. With the power of concentration, you are able to become sensible and wise. Those who pay attention can have the power to remain peaceful in all situations. With peace, you are able to do everything with understanding. With understanding you can easily become one who is truly knowledgful, peaceful and loveful.

Drishti Point

I understand that all souls have their special place on the tree. Let me today remember that each soul I meet is a child of God and has love for God in their own way. I can respect each one and in all humility send light and pure wishes as I keep them in my vision in this way.

Karma Yoga Exercise:

As I turn myself to each task I need to do today, I remember that I give power to the tree of all souls by remaining connected to one Baba. I stay connected throughout all interactions with everyone I work with so that I may treat them with the utmost spiritual respect.