Addiction to Alcohol

Alcohol Abuse and Dependence

Most people love alcohol. Though not everyone becomes addicted to it, people usually consume it to lighten up their spirits. However, there are a few unfortunate people for whom alcohol becomes a major problem. The worrying thing for such people is that alcohol is even more damaging than dangerous drugs like marijuana and heroin.

Alcohol works as a tranquilizer that can easily become addictive and is the number one reason why so many people end up in hospital suffering from different ailments related to alcohol abuse. It is also the number one reason why people meet with accidents.

Alcohol is a drug, just like heroin or cocaine. It causes changes in the body and alters moods and behaviors. If you drink, be fully aware of what you are doing, because alcohol can become addictive.

What are Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Dependence?

Drinking now and again on a social occasion doesn't necessarily mean the person will become dependent on alcohol. But it can happen. If drinking becomes heavy and regular, there can be a lot of damage to the body - the heart, pancreas, liver, muscles, stomach, nervous system, brain and lungs.

Alcohol abuse means having unhealthy or dangerous drinking habits, such as drinking every day or having too much at a time, or you continue to drink even though you know your drinking is causing problems.

If you continue to abuse alcohol, it can lead to Alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is also called Alcoholism or Alcohol addiction. You are physically or mentally addicted to alcohol. You have a strong need, or craving, to drink. You feel like you must drink just to get by.

What are signs of Alcohol dependence?

You might be dependent on alcohol if you have three or more of the following problems in a year:

· You cannot quit drinking or control how much you drink.

· You need to drink more to get the same effect.

· You start to drink earlier and earlier

· You begin to ‘binge drink’ (more than 8units a day for men and 6 units for women)

· You have withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. These include feeling nausea, shakiness, and nervousness.

· Your life revolves around drinking related activities and you have given up other activities so you can drink.

· You have tried to quit drinking or to cut back the amount you drink but haven't been able to.

· You continue to drink even though it harms your work, relationships and physical health.

What are the warning signs of Alcohol abuse?

If you drinking alcohol for the following reasons then you are likely to eventually start abusing it:

· To escape problems with family, job, etc.

· As a way to deal with fears and lack of self confidence

· To block out painful feelings of loneliness,  anger, anxiety or depression

· As a substitute for ambition, close relationships.

You are abusing alcohol if your drinking is causing you to experience the following:

· You get hangovers regularly

· Your drinking is starting earlier in the day

· You lie to your family or friends about the amount you drink

· Your drinking makes you disgusted, embarrassed or angry with you yourself

· Others think that you become aggressive, embarrassing, and troublesome when drinking.

The difference between the heavy drinker and the alcoholic is that the alcoholic...

· Cannot control his drinking ?

· Drinks more frequently ?

· Drinks until he is completely drunk ?

· Cannot do without drinking

What factors lead to Alcohol abuse or Alcohol addiction?

People who are likely to become alcohol dependent usually -

· Have a family history of heavy drinking or alcoholism

· Come from non-drinking families, but where there has been a very strict upbringing

· Come from unhappy homes

· Have a family history of depression

· Are also heavy smokers

· Are single, or divorced

· Have more likely to abused physically or sexually abused as children.

What kinds of problems does excessive alcohol consumption cause?

Drinking too much alcohol can cause a number of problems because of drinking too much and at the wrong time. Drinking impairs judgment and it prevents you from thinking normally. You are more prone to risks and alcohol makes you become more vulnerable. Drinking often leads lowering of inhibitions and make you indulge in arguments, fights and risky behaviors or casual, unsafe sex. It can also lead to monetary problems and it can cause family disagreements.  Excessive drinking causes accidents at home and on the roads as well as in other places. It causes physical health problems as well as mental health problems.

Physical health problems

When a person consumes excess alcohol he or she can develop a serious hangover. It causes severe gastritis or stomach ulcers that can even make you vomit blood. Alcohol can also knock you unconscious, pass out and it can even lead to a fatality. It can cause ‘blackouts’ where you don’t remember what happened while you were drinking. When a person consumes too much alcohol over longer periods of time it can damage the liver and increase the likelihood of cancer. It can also cause heart diseases, especially among those who are over the age of 40.  Severe alcohol addiction can also result in brain damage and memory loss.

Mental health problems

Most people consume alcohol to feel lighter and good, but if they start drinking it in copious amounts then it can lead to mental health problems like depression. People with an alcohol problem are also known to attempt suicide as they can turn impulsive and do self-harm. People who have indulged in heavy drinking for years can also start hallucinating or hearing voices in their heads.

How do I deal with my alcohol problem?

If you have an alcohol problem then the first thing that you should do is talk to somebody close like a friend or family member. In addition, you need to take steps that will help to change your behaviour and dependence on alcohol. Also, try and control your alcohol problem before it truly becomes a very serious problem. Here is what you can do to deal with your alcohol problem:

Maintain a diary

The first thing that you need to do is maintain a diary in which you should write down your thoughts about drinking and why it has become a problem for you. Be frank about your problem and ask your friends to help you out.

Ask for help

If you find that you are not able to control your alcohol problem on your own, then do not hesitate about asking for help. You should talk to a doctor or you should approach an organization that deals with alcohol problems and ask them to help you out. In case your alcohol problem makes you feel shaky or restless or even jumpy then you need a doctor or professional to help you out. They will probably give you medications to control your problem. In case your problem is so severe that even your doctor is not able to help you out, then you will need to speak with a mental health specialist.

Make changes to your  drinking habits

Making changes to your habits can be difficult. However, there are steps that you can take to help yourself and these include:

· Fix a target –quantity, day, time – to reduce the intake

· Drink alcohol of lower strength like beer or wine

· Try not drink on an empty stomach

· Avoid the typical places or situations in which you are more likely to drink

· Explore alternative activities to drinking

· Involve a friend or your partner to support and keep track of your progress

There are many alcoholics who drink in order to cope with the stress and worries they are facing. The best person to help you out is either a psychiatrist or a psychologist. They can help you find a way by which you can overcome your worries and cope better with stress without resorting to drinking alcohol. You can also join a group that has people with the same problems. A good self-help group can also help you overcome your alcohol problem.

Fortunately, most alcoholics do not have to be hospitalized to overcome their problem. However, if you are an alcoholic then you should try and avoid going to pubs and other places where alcohol is served so that you do not get tempted into drinking. Even a brief alcohol treatment can help an alcoholic break his or her habit. Medications are also effective in helping an alcoholic ‘dry out’ and stay away from alcohol. Do not use tranquilizers or self-medicate to cope with your alcohol problem!!

What quantity of alcohol is unsafe to consume?

Depending on how strong the drink is you will need to know how much of it is unsafe to consume. Keep in mind that one unit is equal to 10 ml of alcohol. Compared to men, women who are of the same weight as a man and who drinks the same amount of alcohol will have more quantity of alcohol in her organs as compared to men. This means the safe limit for a woman is lower than the safe limit for a man. Women should not drink more than 14 units of alcohol in a single week while men should not drink more than 21 units per week. As we grow older we need to be even more wary, as due to muscle loss, alcohol ends up in the vital organs of the body more readily.

What are the treatment options for Alcoholism?

In some ways, Alcohol dependence is like a disease. Today, the medical profession sees it as a condition of body and mind, which requires medical and psychiatric treatment, and not as mere social misbehavior.

Alcoholism is treatable. In most cases, the psychiatrist may advise a short period of hospitalization, while the alcohol is allowed time to get out of the system. Medicines are needed to help the person overcome the uncomfortable ‘withdrawal symptoms’ that can occur from stopping alcohol There are also many new forms of medication available, to help a person give up alcohol. Some of these can create a strong dislike for alcohol, so that the person no longer wishes to drink. However, these must always be used with a psychiatrist's supervision, as they can be harmful if used improperly. A good diet and vitamins are needed to make up for all the nutrients lost from drinking. Alcohol dependence can lead to many psychiatric disturbances besides blackouts - mental confusion, hallucinations, memory disturbances - these require to be treated. The psychologist can carry out several tests, among them tests of personality, tests for the detection of psychological problems, and tests for determining level of current functioning. These can be very valuable in planning the person's treatment. Family therapy is necessary to help build up support for the person, as well to help the family members cope with the problem. Because alcoholism leads to problems in family relationships, these too may require working through with some outside help. Cognitive Behavior therapy may help the alcoholic change some of his habits and develop other skills to cope with his daily stresses and alter his or her beliefs and perceptions about the reasons for drinking. Relaxation therapy may be taught by special methods, to help the person have an alternative means of lowering his or her stress levels. Support groups like Alcoholic Anonymous (Al Anon), and Group therapy are proven to be quite effective.

All the above strategies are long term, and focus on sustained treatment, relapse prevention and rehabilitation as a complete and holistic approach to the problem of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence.  
