02-03-85 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The present Godly birth is an invaluable birth.
Today, the Father, the JewelMerchant, is seeing His invaluable jewels. This is the court of invaluable alokik jewels. Each and every jewel is invaluable. If you were to accumulate all the property of the world at the present time or if you were to accumulate all the treasures of the world, compared to those, each and every Godly jewel is so much more valuable. In front of one of you jewels, all the treasures of the world are nothing. You are such invaluable jewels. You invaluable jewels cannot be found at any time of the cycle other than the confluence age. The part of the goldenaged deity souls comes second behind the part of the confluenceaged invaluable Godly jewels. At present you are the children of God whereas in the golden age you will be the children of the deities. Just as the name, praise, birth and actions of God are the most elevated of all, in the same way, the value of the Godly jewels or souls who are the children of God is most elevated. The memorial of this elevated praise and elevated value is even today remembered and worshipped in the form of the nine jewels. The nine jewels are remembered as destroyers of various obstacles. As is their obstacle, so they make a ring accordingly and wear that, or they make a locket or they place that particular jewel in any form of ornament in their home. Even now, in your last birth, you can see your memorial in the form of the destroyer of obstacles. You are definitely numberwise, but, whilst being numberwise, all of you are invaluable and destroyers of obstacles. Even today, souls give you jewels regard in your elevated form. They look after them (your idols) carefully with a lot of love and cleanliness, because even if all of you don't consider yourselves to be that worthy, the Father has made all of you souls worthy and made you belong to Him. He has accepted: You are Mine and I am yours. A soul that has the vision of God fall on him, definitely becomes invaluable through having God's vision on him. Because of God's drishti, such a soul definitely becomes an elevated soul of the spiritual world, of God’s creation. When you come into the company of the Lord of Divinity (Alchemist), you are definitely coloured by the stone (alchemist’s stone). Therefore, because you receive the drishti of God's love, your memorial exists throughout the whole cycle. Whether in the form of living deities or in the form of nonliving images of half the cycle, or in the form of various memorials, or in whatever form the memorial is of you jewels, there is a memorial of you, even in the form of stars. In whatever form there is a memorial of you, you have been loved by everyone through the whole cycle, because the loving drishti of the imperishable Ocean of Love has made you have a right to receive love throughout the whole cycle. This is why devotees are desperate for even a moment’s glimpse, or even half a moment, so that they can go beyond with just a glimpse. This is why the vision of love received at this time makes you worthy of imperishable love. You automatically have imperishable attainment. He remembers you with love, keeps you with love and looks at you with love.
Secondly, cleanliness, that is, purity. At this time, you attain from the Father the birthright of purity. You know your original religion of purity, that is, of cleanliness. This is why, because you have adopted purity, wherever there is a memorial to you, purity and cleanliness continue to exist there as a memorial. For half the cycle there is the pure sustenance and the pure world. So, for half the cycle you are born through purity and you are sustained with purity, and for half the cycle you are worshipped with purity.
Thirdly, He looks after you with a lot of love from His heart; He looks after you, considering you to be elevated and invaluable. This is because, at this time, God Himself in the form of the Mother and Father looks after you children, that is, He sustains you. So, because your sustenance is imperishable and because you are looked after with imperishable love, you are looked after throughout the whole cycle with great royalty, love and regard. You become worthy to be looked after eternally with such love, cleanliness, purity and love. So, do you understand how invaluable you are? Each jewel has so much value! So, today, the Father, the JewelMerchant was looking at the value of every jewel. All the countless souls of the world are on one side, but you 5 Pandavas are more powerful than the countless. The countless are not equal to even one of you; you are that powerful. Therefore, you have become so valuable. Do you know your value? Or do you sometimes forget yourself? When you forget yourself you become distressed. Don’t forget yourself. Always continue to move along considering yourself to be invaluable. However, don’t make a tiny mistake. You are invaluable, but you are invaluable because of the company of the Father. If you forget the Father and simply think of yourself, that is wrong. Don’t forget the One who has created you. You have become this, but you have become this through the One who created you. This is the way to understand it. If you forget the method, then the understanding changes into a form of senselessness. Then there is the consciousness of “I”. By forgetting the method, you don’t experience success. Therefore, know yourself to be invaluable in the right way and become the ancestors of the world. Also, don’t become distressed thinking that you are nothing. Neither think “I am nothing” nor think “I alone am everything.” Both are wrong. I am that but the One who creates me has made me that. When you remove the Father, that becomes a sin. When the Father is there, there is no sin. Where there is the name of the Father, there is no name or trace of sin. And, when there is sin, there is no name or trace of the Father. So, do you understand your value?
You have become worthy of God’s drishti. This is not an ordinary thing. You have become worthy of sustenance. You have claimed a right to the imperishable birthright of purity. This is why your birthright is never difficult. It is attained easily. You yourselves have the experience of being the children who have a right and therefore don’t find it difficult to observe purity. Those who find purity difficult fluctuate a lot. Purity is the religion of the self. It is your birthright, and so it would always seem easy. Why do people of the world run away? They find purity difficult. Those souls, who don’t have this right, would definitely find it difficult. Souls who have a right would immediately have the determined thought as soon as they come that purity is their right from the Father, and that they therefore definitely have to become pure. Their heart would be constantly attracted by purity. If, whilst moving along, Maya comes to test them in the form of their thoughts or dreams, then, because souls who have a right are knowledgefull, they will not be afraid but will transform their thoughts with the power of knowledge. Having had one thought they will not create many thoughts. They will not transform a trace of something into the form of its progeny. “What happened? This happened….” This is the progeny. You were told that, by asking questions, you form a queue. You create progeny in this way. Something comes and goes away for good. It comes to test you, and as soon as you pass, it’s over. “Why did Maya come? Where did she come from? She came from here and there. She shouldn’t have come. Why did she come?” There shouldn’t be this progeny. OK, she came. So, don’t give her a place to sit! Chase her away! If you think “Why did she come?” she will sit down. She came to make you move forward and to test you. She came to make you move forward in class and to make you experienced. “Why did she come? She came like this, she came like that.” Don’t think this. Then you think “Does Maya have such a form too? It is red, it is green, it is yellow!” You go into this expansion. Don’t go into this expansion. Why do you become afraid? Just overcome it. Just pass with honours. You have the power of knowledge, the weapons. You are master almighty authorities, you are trikaldarshi, the triveni (a confluence of three rivers). What are you lacking? Don’t become afraid so quickly! You become afraid even if an ant comes. You think too much. To think means to give hospitality to Maya. Then she makes her home there. What would you do if, whilst walking along a road, you saw something dirty? Would you stand there and think “Who threw this here? What happened? It shouldn’t be here.” Would you think these things or would you step aside and leave? Don’t allow the progeny of too many waste thoughts to be created. Finish it in the form of its beginning. First, it is a matter of a second, and then you expand it into something that requires hours, days or even months. And if you are asked after one month what happened, you would find that it was a matter of just a second. Therefore, don’t be afraid. Go into the depths – go into the depths of knowledge, not into the depths of the situation. When BapDada sees such elevated invaluable jewels playing with small specs of dust, He thinks that these jewels who are the ones who should be playing with jewels are actually playing with specs of dust! You are jewels and therefore play with jewels.
BapDada has sustained you with such loving fondness. So how would He be able to bear seeing you playing with specs of dust? You become dirty and say: Now clean us, clean us! You also become afraid. What should I do now? How should I do this now? Why do you play with mud? And that too, is bits of must that remain in the ground. So always know your own value. Achcha.
To such souls who are invaluable throughout the whole cycle, to the souls who are worthy of God’s love, to the souls who are worthy of receiving God’s sustenance, to the souls who have a right to the birthright of purity, to the souls who always attain success with the method of being together with the Father, to the royal children who become the invaluable jewels and always play with jewels, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting a group:
Do you always consider yourselves to be souls who are merged in the Father’s eyes? Who are merged in the eyes? Those who are very light points. So, you are always points, and you become the points who remain merged in the Father’s eyes. BapDada is merged in your eyes and all of you are merged in BapDada’s eyes. When you only have BapDada in your eyes, you will not be able to see anything else. So always remain double light with this awareness: I am always a point. A point doesn’t have any burden. This form of consciousness will always enable you to continue to move forward. When you look at the centre of an eye, there is just a point (pupil). It is the pupil that sees. When that point is not there, then, even though you have an eye, you are unable to see. So, always keep this form in your awareness and experience the flying stage. BapDada is pleased to see the children’s fortune of the present and the future. The present is the pen with which to create your future fortune. The way to make your present elevated is always to accept the signals from the seniors and to transform yourself. With this special virtue, your present and your future fortune become elevated. Achcha.
Blessing: May you know all secrets and remain free from any attraction, and, whilst making your worldly family content, accumulate a Godly income.
Some children, whilst looking after their worldly work, family, relationships and contacts, also make everyone content with their broad and unlimited intellect. Knowing the secrets of a Godly income, they especially also take their share. Such children who belong to One, and are economical and free from attraction, use all their treasures, time, powers and physical wealth economically in their lokik life and use it generously in their alokik work. Only such children who are yuktiyukt and raazyukt are worthy of praise.
Slogan: Only those who perform every action as an embodiment of remembrance become lighthouses.
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