18-03-85 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today, the Dilwala Father (One who conquers your heart) has come to have a hearttoheart conversation with His loving children who are seated on the heartthrone. Dilwala has come to have an exchange and to ask His children who have an honest heart about the welfare of their heart. The spiritual Father is having a hearttoheart conversation with the spirits. This heartto heart conversation of the spirits is only experienced at this time. You spirits have such power of love that you bring the Father, the Creator of the spirits, from beyond sound (nirvana) into sound to have a hearttoheart conversation. You are such elevated spirits that you even bind the Father, who is free from bondage, in the bond of love. People of the world call out to Him as the One who liberates them from bondage and such a Father, who is free from bondage, is always bound in the bond of the children’s love. You are clever in binding Him. Whenever you remember Him, the Father becomes present. The Lord becomes present. So, today, Baba has especially come to have a hearttoheart conversation with the double foreign children. Now, in this season, it is the special turn of double foreigners. The majority who have come are the double foreigners. The residents of Madhuban are residents of the elevated place anyway. You are those who see meetings with the variety of souls of the world whilst sitting in one place. Those who come here go back, whereas those who are residents of Madhuban always stay here.
Today, Baba is asking the doubleforeign children: Have all of you become jewels of contentment who are sparkling in BapDada’s crown? Are all of you jewels of contentment? Are you always content? You don’t sometimes become discontented with yourself, with Brahmin souls, with your own sanskars, or with the influence of the atmosphere, do you? Are you always content with everything? If you are content sometimes but not at other times, would you be called jewels of contentment? All of you said that you are jewels of contentment, did you not? Then you wouldn’t say that you are content but that others make you discontent, would you? No matter what happens, contented souls would never let go of their speciality of contentment. Contentment is the special virtue, treasure and special decoration of life. When you love something, you never let that thing go. Contentment is your speciality. Contentment is the special mirror of transformation in Brahmin life. There is ordinary life and Brahmin life. Ordinary life means to be sometimes content and sometimes discontent. Seeing the speciality of contentment in Brahmin life, even those who don’t have knowledge are impressed. This transformation becomes instrumental in bringing about transformation in many souls. It emerges from everyone’s lips that that one always remains content, that he always remains happy. Where there is contentment, there is definitely happiness. Discontentment makes your happiness disappear. This is the praise of Brahmin life. If there isn’t contentment all the time, then it is an ordinary life. The basis of easy success is contentment. Contentment is the elevated means to make souls loving to the whole Brahmin family. Everyone will automatically love those who remain content. Everyone always tries to bring them close to themselves and to make them cooperate in every elevated task. They don’t have to make any effort to be brought close or to be made cooperative, or to be put on the list of special souls. They don’t have to think this; they don’t even have to say it. The speciality of contentment itself makes you a golden chancellor in every task. Souls who are the instruments for a task would automatically think of involving the contented souls and would continue to give them a chance. Contentment always enables you to harmonise with everyone’s nature and sanskaras. A contented soul is never afraid of anyone’s nature or sanskaras. You have become such contented souls, have you not? God Himself came to you, you didn’t go to Him. Fortune itself came to you. Whilst sitting at home, you found God, you found fortune. Whilst sitting at home you received the key to all treasures. Whenever you want anything, you have the treasures because you have become those who have a right. Therefore, you also automatically receive the chance to come close to everyone and to come close in service. Your speciality itself enables you to move forward. Everyone naturally has love in their heart for those who always remain content. It is not superficial love. One is to give someone superficial love in order to please him and the other is love from the heart. Sometimes, you have to give love to some so that they don’t become upset. However, such souls are not worthy of receiving love all the time. Contented souls always receive everyone’s love from their heart. Whether someone is new or old, whether that one’s introduction is known or not, contentment itself gives the introduction of such a soul. Everyone would desire to speak to that person and sit with him. So, are you content in this way? You are firm, are you not? You are not saying that you are becoming that, are you? No. You have become that.
Contented souls are always conquerors of Maya. This is the gathering of those who are conquerors of Maya. You are not those who are afraid of Maya, are you? To whom does Maya come? She comes to everyone, does she not? Is there anyone who says that Maya doesn’t come? She comes to everyone, but some are afraid of her and others recognize her and this is why they are able to remain careful. The Father’s obedient children who stay within the line of the code of conduct recognize Maya from a distance. It is when you take time to recognize her or when you make a mistake in recognizing her that you become afraid. You have heard the memorial of the story of how Sita was deceived. It was because she didn’t recognize him. She was deceived because she didn’t recognize the form of Maya. If she had recognized that one as not being a brahmin priest or a beggar, she wouldn’t have had to experience being in the cottage of sorrow. However, it was because she recognized him later that she was deceived, and, because of being deceived, she had to suffer. From being yogi, she became viyogi (separated through lack of yoga). From being in constant company, she became distant. From being a soul who was an embodiment of attainment, she became a soul who was calling out. Reason? Lack of recognition! Because of lacking the power to recognize Maya, instead of being able to chase Maya away, you become afraid. Why is there a lack of recognition? Why doesn’t recognition come at that time, but later? What is the reason for this? The reason is that you don’t constantly follow the Father’s elevated directions. Sometimes, you remember them and sometimes you don’t. Sometimes, you have zeal and enthusiasm and sometimes you don’t. Those who disobey the orders to remain “constant”, that is, those who don’t stay within the line of the code of conduct of the orders received are deceived by Maya at that time. Maya has so much power of discernment. Maya sees that you are weak at that time, and through that weakness, she thereby makes you belong to her. The door for Maya to enter is weakness. When she finds even a little way in, she quickly enters there. What do burglars do nowadays? Even though the doors may be closed, they come in through the ventilators. To become slightly weak even in your thoughts means to give way to Maya. This is why the very easy way to become a conqueror of Maya is always to stay with the Father. To stay with Him means automatically to stay within the line of the code of conduct. Then you will be liberated from making effort to become free from each vice individually. Remain in the company, then you automatically become the same as the Father. Company will automatically colour you. Don’t put aside the seed and labour to cut just the branches – one day you become a conqueror of lust, the next day you conquer anger. No. You are constantly victorious. When you finish the seed through the Seedform, you will automatically be liberated from repeatedly making effort. Simply keep the Seedform with you. Then the seed of Maya will be burnt in such a way that no trace would emerge from that seed. In any case, seeds that are roasted can never give fruit.
Therefore, remain with the Father. Remain content. Then what can Maya do? She will surrender herself. Do you not know how to make Maya surrender? If you yourself are surrendered then Maya is surrendered to you anyway. So, have you surrendered Maya or are you still making preparations? What is your state? Just as you have your own surrender ceremony, in the same way, have you already celebrated the surrender ceremony of Maya, or do you still have to celebrate it? To have become holy means the ceremony has taken place. She has been burnt. Then, when you go back home, you will not write letters saying, “What can I do? Maya came! will you? You will write letters of good news, will you not? How many surrender ceremonies have taken place? Your own ceremony has taken place, but you also enabled other souls to surrender Maya. You will write such news, will you not? Achcha.
To the extent that you have come here with zeal and enthusiasm, BapDada always wants to see you children as contented souls with just as much zeal and enthusiasm all the time. You have love anyway. The sign of love is that you have come close from so far away. You counted the days and nights with love and reached here. If there hadn’t been love, it would have been difficult to reach here. You have passed in having love. You have received the pass certificate, have you not? You have passed in every subject. Nevertheless, BapDada gives thanks to you children because your eye of recognition is sharp. Whilst living far away, you have recognized the Father. Those who are with Him, that is, those in this country are not able to recognize Him, but you have recognized Him whilst sitting far away. You recognized the Father and made Him belong to you and made yourself belong to Him. BapDada is giving special congratulations for this. So, just as you went ahead in recognizing Him, in the same way, become number one in becoming conquerors of Maya and you will definitely become those who always receive congratulations from the Father. Then BapDada will be able to send any soul who is afraid of Maya to you telling them: Ask that child about his experience of becoming a conqueror of Maya. Demonstrate this by becoming such an example. Just as the family that conquered attachment is well known, so the centre that became conquerors of Maya should also be just as well known, that is a centre where Maya never wages war. For Maya to come is one thing but for Maya to wage war is something else. So you are those who will claim a number in this too, are you not? Who will become number one in this? Will London, Australia or America become this? Who will become this? Paris? Brazil? Germany? Whoever becomes this, BapDada will then announce them as such living museums. Just as the museum of Abu is said to be number one in service and also in its decoration, so there should be a living museum of the children who are conquerors of Maya. You have this courage, do you not? How much time do you want for that now? In the Golden Jubilee, those who do something first will be given a prize. Demonstrate this by going fast even though you have come last. Even those from Bharat should race. However, you can go ahead of them. BapDada is giving everyone a chance to go ahead. You can even claim a number amongst the eight. Eight will receive a prize. It is not that only one will receive a prize. You are not thinking that London and Australia are older now and that you are the new ones who have only just come now, are you? Which is the smallest new centre? The youngest are always loved by everyone. To the younger ones it is said: The old ones are old, but the young ones are equal to the Father. All of you can do this. It is not a big thing. Greece, Tampa, Rome. These are the younger centres. You are those who have great enthusiasm. What will Tampa do? Build a temple? That entertaining child who came was told to make a temple in Tampa. Anyone who comes to Tampa should become pleased on seeing each of you living idols. You powerful ones should become ready. Just you kings should become ready and the subjects will then be created very quickly. It takes time for the royal family to be created. This kingdom of the royal family is being created and then there will be many subjects who come. So many subjects will come that you will become distressed just on seeing them. You will then say: Baba, now stop this! However, first of all, let the royal ones who have a right to the throne of the kingdom become ready! Only when those with a crown and a tilak are ready will the subjects say, “Yes, my lord!” If you don’t have a crown, how would your subjects believe that you are the king? It takes time for the royal family to be created. You have come at a good time to have a right to become part of the royal family. The time for the subjects to come is yet to come. Do you know the sign of becoming a king? From now, become selfsovereigns and the ones who have a right to world sovereignty. Those who now become close and cooperate with those who are to become the rulers will also be close and cooperative in ruling the kingdom there. Now you cooperate in service and then you will be cooperative in ruling the kingdom. Therefore, check from now: Are you kings? Or do you sometimes become kings and sometimes subjects? Sometimes dependent and sometimes one with a right. Are you kings all the time? So, how lucky are you? Don’t think that you have come late. Those who really come at the end will have to think about that. You have arrived here at a good time. This is why you are lucky. Don’t wonder whether because you have come late you will be able to become kings or not. Will I be able to become part of the royal family or not? Always think: If I don’t come, who will? You have to be part of it. Don’t think: I don’t know whether I will be able to come there or not? I don’t know whether this will happen or what will happen. No. You know that you have accomplished this every cycle. You are doing it now and will always do it. Do you understand?
Never think that you are foreigners and that they are from this land that that one is an Indian and I am a foreigner. Our way of doing something is our own and theirs is their own. It is just for the sake of introducing you that you are called double foreigners, just as here, too, it is said: This one is from Karnataka, that one is from UP. You are Brahmins, are you not? Whether you are Indians or from abroad, all of you are Brahmins. It is wrong to think that you are foreigners. Your new birth was in the lap of Brahma, was it not? That is said just for the sake of introducing you. However, never think that there is a difference in your sanskaras or in your understanding. You belong to the Brahmin clan, do you not? You are not part of the American or African clan, are you? What would everyone’s introduction be given as? Brahma Kumars and Kumaris of the dynasty of Shiva. It is just the one dynasty, is it not? Never speak about this difference in your words. Not that Indians do it this like this and foreigners do it like that. We are all one. The Father is One. The path is one. The customs and systems are one. Nature and sanskaras are one. So, how can there be a difference between those from this land and those from abroad? By calling yourselves those from abroad, you will become distant. We are all Brahmins belonging to the clan of Brahma. Not that this happens because I am a foreigner or I am a Gujarati. All of you belong to the one Father. The speciality is that all the different sanskars have united and become one. All the different religions and castes and clans have ended. You belong to One. That means you are all one. Do you understand? Achcha.
So you had a chitchat, did you not? BapDada likes this type of sparkle and beauty. There is also the beauty of Madhuban, is there not? Children are always the beauty of a home. There is such great beauty. Madhuban is decorated by all of you. One speciality is very good. You have a lot of love for service. You have love for the study too, but some of you are a little careless in that. The majority of you are good in your love for service, and it is this love for service that is making you free from obstacles. Because of remaining busy, you are liberated from all types of Maya. All of you who have come have love. The result this year is better than previous years. The record of the growth in service is also good. You appear to be experienced souls. Experienced souls don’t fluctuate quickly. Because of not being experienced you go up quickly and you also come down quickly. However, this year, the result is that the majority of you have been good and free from obstacles. Now, quickly claim a number in becoming conquerors of Maya. Achcha.
To the special souls who have the speciality of contentment, to the children who always achieve success in service through contentment, to the elevated souls who always have a right to selfsovereignty and thereby world sovereignty, to the children who always become number one in every task through having faith, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Blessing: May you be a constant yogi and use your mind and intellect in the right way.
A constant yogi means that the mind and intellect are the special means for you to become a master of the self. The mantra itself is manmanabhav. Yoga is said to be yoga of the intellect. Therefore, if these special foundation pillars are under your control, that is, if they are working in the right way according to your orders, then whatever thoughts you want to have, you will be able to have such thoughts and you will be able to focus your intellect wherever you want. Your intellect should not make you kings wander. When it works in the right way, you will be called a constant yogi.
Slogan: Become a master world teacher; do not make time your teacher.
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