09-12-85 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Child and Master
Today, BapDada is seeing His Shakti Army and whether this spiritual Shakti Army are conquerors of the mind and conquerors of the world. To be a conqueror of the mind means to be a conqueror of the waste and negative thoughts of the mind. Children who are victorious in this way claim a right to the kingdom of the world. This is why it is remembered: When you conquer the mind, you conquer the world. The more you keep the power of your thoughts, that is, your mind, under your control, to that extent you claim a right to the kingdom of the world. At this time, you are Godly children and it is only those who are the children now who will become masters of the world. You cannot become a master without becoming a child. Finish whatever limited intoxication you have of being a limited master and become a child, for only then will the child become a master. This is why, on the path of devotion, no matter how great a leader of the country someone may be, although he may be a master of wealth, a master of the family, whilst praying in front of the Father he would say “I am Your child!”. They never say: I am suchandsuch a master. You Brahmin children also become children and this is why you are now carefree emperors and masters of the world in the future, that is, you become emperors. The awareness of being a child and a master always gives you the experience of the incorporeal and egoless stage. To become a child means to transform the limited life. When you became a Brahmin, what was the first easiest of all lessons of your Brahmin life that you learnt? The children said, “Baba!” and the Father said, “Child!”. The lesson of this one word makes you knowledgefull. If you have studied the lesson of the one word, “Child”, you have learnt all the knowledge of not just this one world, but of all three worlds. No matter how knowledgefull people in today’s world are, they cannot know the knowledge of all three worlds. In this aspect, those who are greatly knowledgefull are ignorant in front of you who have studied the one word. You have become master knowledgefull so easily. Baba and the children; everything is merged in these two words. When the whole tree is merged in the Seed, then to be a child (bachche) means to remain always safe (bachche hue) from Maya. Remain safe from Maya, that is, always have the awareness that you are children. Always have the awareness: “I am a child!”, that is, I have been saved. Is this lesson difficult? It is easy, is it not? So, why do you forget it? Some children think that they don’t want to forget, but they do forget. Why do you forget? They reply: It is a sanskar of longstanding or it is a very old sanskar. However, since you have died alive, what happens when you die? You have the cremation ceremony, do you not? It was when you had the cremation of the old that you then took a new birth. If you have had the cremation ceremony, where did the old sanskars come from? When a body is cremated all trace of name and form finishes. So, if you speak of that person, you would say, “There was suchandsuch a person.” You would not say, “There is this person” (in the present tense). So, when the body has been cremated, the body has finished. What do you cremate in Brahmin life? You have the same body, but you cremate the old sanskars, the old memories, and your nature and this is why it is called dying alive. When you have had the cremation ceremony, where do the old sanskars come from? What would you call it if someone who has been cremated appeared in front of you? You would call that a ghost. So here too, if the sanskars that have been cremated are awakened again, what would you say? That is also a ghost of Maya, is it not? Ghosts are chased away. They are not even spoken about. You just deceive yourselves calling them your old sanskars. If you like old things, then remember really old things which are in reality your original sanskars. Those were the sanskars of the middle period. They are not the oldest of all. The middle is the middle period and so to remember the middle means to be distressed in the middle of the ocean. Therefore, never think of such weak things. Always remember these two words: Child and master. The awareness of being a child automatically brings the awareness of being a master. Do you not know how to become a child?
Become a child, that is, become light of all burdens. To say "Yours" sometimes and "mine" sometimes makes it difficult. It is when you find work to be difficult that you say, "You know Your work!" When you find it easy you say, "mine". To finish the consciousness of "mine" means to be a child and a master. The Father says: Become a beggar. Even that home, the body, is not yours. You have taken it on loan. Baba has given it to you for Godly service and made you a trustee. It is God's valuable property entrusted to you. For everything you had, you said, "This is Yours" and you gave it to the Father. You made this promise, did you not? Or have you forgotten? Did you make this promise? Or is it half Yours and half mine? What would happen if you used the things that you have already said are "Yours" (Baba's) whilst considering them to be yours? Will you receive happiness through that? Will you receive success? Therefore, if you consider it to be something entrusted to you and that it belongs to Baba, you will automatically have the happiness and intoxication of being a child and so a master. Do you understand? So, always make this lesson firm. You have made this lesson firm, have you not? Or, will you forget it when you get back to your own places? Become those who don't forget anything. Achcha.
To the children who always have the spiritual intoxication of being a child and a master, to those who always have the awareness of being a child, that is, those who always have the awareness of being a carefree emperor, to the children who always use for service the things entrusted to them as trustees, to the children who have new zeal and new enthusiasm, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting groups Kumaris:
What will this army do? An army always attains victory. An army is for attaining victory. An army is kept to fight the enemy. So, to gain victory over Maya, your enemy, is the task of all of you. Always know this task of yours and continue to move forward as quickly as you can because time is moving ahead at a fast speed. If the speed of time is fast and your speed is slow, you won't arrive on time. Therefore, quicken your speed. Those who are slow become the prey. Those who are powerful are always victorious. So, are all of you victorious?
Always have the aim to be serviceable and to continue move forward in service, because kumaris don't have any bondages. You can do as much service as you want. Always continue to move forward considering yourself to belong to the Father and that you are for the Father. Those who become instruments for service automatically attain happiness and power. Only a handful out of multimillions receive the fortune of service. Kumaris are always worthyofworship souls. Perform every action whilst keeping in your awareness your worthyofworship form and before performing any action, check whether that action befits a worthyofworship soul. If not, then change it. Worthyofworship souls are never ordinary; they are great. One kumari is greater than 100 brahmins. So, each of you kumaris has to prepare a 100 Brahmins. You have to serve them. What plans of wonder have you kumaris thought of? What is greater than benefitting a soul? You are those who remain in your own pleasure, are you not? Sometimes, you have the pleasure of knowledge, sometimes, the pleasure of remembrance, sometimes the pleasure of love. There is nothing but pleasure and more pleasure. The confluence age is the age of pleasure. Achcha.
BapDada's vision is always on the kumaris. What the kumaris make themselves into depends on themselves, but BapDada has come to make all of you into the masters of the world. Let there always be the happiness and intoxication of being a master of the world. Always continue to move forward tirelessly in service. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be cheerful and happyhearted by always remaining full of all attainments.
Whenever an idol of a deity is made, the face is always shown to be smiling. This also portrays the memorial of your remaining cheerful at this time. To be cheerful means to be full of all attainments. Only those who are full are able to remain cheerful. If anything is lacking, you won't be cheerful. No matter how cheerful someone tries to remain, externally they might be laughing, but not in their heart. You smile from your heart because you have a happy heart that is full with all attainments.
Slogan: In order to pass with honours, let the account of accumulation of your every treasure be full.
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