11-12-85 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Signs of a true server
Today, BapDada, the Ocean of Love, is seeing all His loving children. He is seeing three specialities in each child. To what extent has each child become complete in all three specialities? These three specialities are: love, cooperation, that is, easy yoga, and an embodiment of power, that is, being a living lightandmight house whilst moving along. Anyone should be able to experience three forms through your every thought, word and deed in a practical way. These specialities should not be just for the self, but others should also experience these three specialities. Just as the Father is the Ocean of Love, so too, any soul either with or without knowledge, who comes in front of the master oceans should experience that the master oceans of love are giving them the experience of waves of love. Just as anyone who goes to the shores of a physical ocean, an ocean of the elements, would automatically experience coolness and peace, so too, let them experience spiritual love through the master oceans of love, and that they have reached a place where they can attain true love. Spiritual love should be experienced as the spiritual fragrance in the atmosphere. All of you say that you are loving to the Father and the Father also knows that you have true love for Him. However, you now have to spread the fragrance of love into the world. You have to give every soul the experience of this fragrance. Every soul should say: This one is an elevated soul. Be loving, not just to the Father, but always be constantly loving to everyone. When everyone experiences both of these specialities all the time, you would then be called a master ocean of love. Today's world is hungry for true soul conscious love. Seeing selfish love everywhere, their hearts have gone beyond that love. This is why they consider the experience of even a few moments of soul conscious love to be the support of their life. BapDada was seeing to what extent you have attained success in putting the speciality of love for others into your deeds and service. You aren't just pleased with yourself in your own mind, are you, thinking, "I am very loving"? If you didn't have love, how would you have belonged to the Father and how would you have moved forward in Brahmin life? BapDada also knows that you are content in your own mind. You have enough for yourself, and that is fine, but all of you children are servers of the Father. The Father has made all of you trustees and given you that body, mind and wealth for service. What is the duty of a server? It is to use every speciality for service. If your speciality is not used for service, then that speciality will never grow. It will remain just to that limit. This is why although some children experience now belonging to the Father, going to class every day, moving along in their efforts, observing all disciplines, they are unable to experience the progress in effort that they should. They are moving along, but they are not progressing. What is the reason for this? They are not using their specialities for service. Service isn't just giving knowledge and the seven days' course. Relating knowledge has continued from the beginning of the copper age. However, the speciality of this Brahmin life is to relate something, that is, to give something. On the path of devotion, relating means receiving something, whereas relating at this time means giving something because you are children of the Bestower. You are children of the Ocean. Anyone who comes into connection with you should experience going back having taken something. Not that they are going back just having heard something. They are going back with knowledge, with the wealth of love, the wealth of the power of remembrance, with the wealth of powers and the wealth of cooperation, that is, they are going back with their hands, that is, their intellect, full of these. This is called true service. With a second's drishti, with a few words, with the vibrations of your powerful attitude and with your connection, you have to be a bestower and just give. Such servers are true servers. Those who give in this way will always experience that they are growing at every moment, that is, they are progressing at every moment. Otherwise, you would feel that, although you are not moving back, you are also not moving forward to the extent that you should. Therefore, become bestowers and give an experience. In the same way, are you only cooperative and easy yogis for yourself? The waves of your zeal, enthusiasm and cooperation should also make others cooperative. With the speciality of your cooperation, all souls should experience you helping them; that at any time they have a weak stage or an adverse situation, you are the one who gives them help as a means of moving forward. Everyone should experience you souls to have that speciality of cooperation. This is called using your speciality for service. You are cooperative with the Father, but the Father is cooperative with the world. The words of this experience should emerge about all the children, that this one too, like the Father, is cooperative with everyone. Don't be cooperative with just one or two personally. That is being cooperative selfishly. That would be cooperative in a limited way. True, cooperative souls are cooperative in an unlimited way. What is the title of all of you? Are you world benefactors, or just benefactors of your centre? Are you benefactors of your country or just benefactors of the students of your class? You don't have such a title, do you? Are you world benefactors going to become the masters of the world or just the masters of your own palaces? Those who remain within the limits of their own centres will only become masters of their own palace. However, you are now receiving an unlimited inheritance from the unlimited Father, not a limited one. So, to use the speciality of cooperation for everyone is called being a cooperative soul. With this method, a powerful soul uses all powers, not just for the self, but for everyone, in service. If someone doesn't have the power to tolerate, but you do, then to give that one this power is called using it for service. Don’t think: I remain tolerant. However, the light and might of your virtue of tolerance should reach others. The light of a lighthouse is not just for itself. It is also for giving others light and showing them the path. Become such a form of power, that is, become a lighthouse and mighthouse and give others the experience of its benefit. They should experience themselves having come into the light of power from the darkness of weakness. They should feel that this soul will help me become powerful with his own power. That you will enable that soul to forge a connection with the Father, just by being an instrument. Not that you would give cooperation to someone and trap that one in you. Such souls would use their specialities in service with the awareness and power that they are giving others the Father's gift. The sign of a true server is that in every action the Father would be visible through him. His every word would remind others of the Father. Their every speciality should be a signal to point them towards the Bestower. They would always see only the Father. They would not see you but would always see the Father. The sign of your being a true server is not that someone is cooperative with you. Never ever have even the slightest thought that, because of your speciality, someone is very cooperative with you. It is my duty to give co operation to a cooperative soul. If they see you and not the Father, that is not service. That is turning souls away from the Father just as the copperaged gurus do. You made them forget the Father and you didn't do any service. That is making souls fall, not making them climb. That is not charity, but sin, because when the Father is not there, there is sin. Therefore, the true servers enable souls to forge a relationship with the Truth.
Sometimes, BapDada is amused with you children, over what your aim is and what qualifications you have for that aim. You have to enable souls to reach the Father, but instead of that you make them reach you. You say of the other divine fathers that they bring souls down from up above that they don't take souls up. Do not become divine fathers. BapDada was seeing that, in some cases, instead of you souls taking a straight path, you sometimes become trapped in the side streets. Your path changes. This is why, although you continue to move along, you don't come close to your destination. So, do you understand who is called a true server? Use all these three specialities in service with an unlimited vision and an unlimited attitude. Achcha.
To those who are always bestowers, children of the Bestower, who make every soul full, to those who always use every treasure for service and thereby progress, to those who consider everything to be a gift from God and give God’s holy offering to others, to those who always signal towards the One and who make others constant, to the true servers who always cooperate with everyone, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
To a group: Always continue to donate to others by being an embodiment of virtues. Give weak souls the donation of powers, virtues and knowledge and you will become a constantly great donor. You are bestowers, children of the Bestower, not those who take. If you think, “I will do this when the other one does it,” that is becoming one who takes. If you think, "I should do this", that is being one who gives. Therefore, do not become those who take, but become deities, those who give. Continue to give whatever you have received. The more you continue to give, the more it will continue to grow. Always be a goddess, one who gives. Achcha.
Blessing: May you become a spiritual lover who becomes free from labour by being attracted to the attraction of the spiritual Beloved.
The Beloved is pleased to see His lovers who were lost. You have been attracted to the spiritual attraction and come to know the true Beloved. You have attained Him and reached your right destination. When such souls who are the lovers come inside the line of love, they become free from many types of effort, because here, the waves of the Ocean of Love and the Ocean of Power refresh you for all time. This is a special place for entertainment, a meeting place for you lovers that the Beloved has created.
Slogan: Together with being in solitude, also become those who remember the One and are economical.
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