14-12-94 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The means of earning an income through your time, thoughts and words is to apply the three dots.
In which gathering has BapDada come today? Of which souls is this entire gathering? BapDada is seeing that each one is the highest and the richest. People of the world speak of being the richest in the world, but all of you are the richest in the kalpa. The treasures that you have accumulated at this time are with you throughout the entire kalpa. Throughout the entire kalpa, you would never find anyone who thinks that not only is he the richest in this birth, but that he will also remain the richest of all in his many future births. They have no guarantee of even their next birth, whereas all of you say with faith and intoxication that these treasures of yours will be with you for many births. You have this guarantee, do you not? Or, will they only remain with you for one birth? So, have you ever seen or heard of such people who are the richest in the entire kalpa? So, today BapDada is seeing His children who are the emperors of the emperors, the kings of kings. How much income do you earn in each day? Just calculate this. With how much speed is your account of accumulation increasing? How much is it increasing? It is increasing, is it not? And the method to increase it is so easy! Does it take any effort? No. The easiest method for increasing your income and your account of accumulation, and to continue to increase them, is to apply a dot. You are a dot, Baba is also a dot and you must continue to apply a dot to the past; to whatever has happened in the drama. So, the basis for earning an income is to apply a dot. There is no other punctuation: simply a dot. There is no need to use any question or exclamation marks of why, what, how etc. because you have become master knowledgefull. So the word "how" has changed to "like this". Not "how", but "like this". So, has it changed, or do you even now say, "how"? The words "I don't know" have changed even in your thoughts. Someone who is trikaldarshi cannot think of the words "I don't know" even in his dreams. So then, there is no question of speaking these words through the lips. At the confluence age, the entire game is of the three dots. What is the easiest of all? A dot, is it not? Or, is a question mark easy? It is easy to apply a dot. How long does it take to apply a dot? Even less than one second. Do you know how to apply it or does your pen slip? Many times, instead of applying a dot, the pen draws a long line. By applying a dot, so many of your treasures are saved in just one second. You know this list, do you not? Do you know your list of treasures or do you forget it? If you apply any other mark instead of a dot, or if any other mark is accidentally applied even when you do not put that sign purposely, then just think about it: you lose your treasures of knowledge, you lose your treasures of powers, you lose your treasures of virtues, you lose your treasures of thoughts and you waste energy. Instead of your breath being used in a worthwhile way, it is used wastefully; your thoughts are wasted and your time is wasted; so you lose so much. It is a long list. So do not ever think that you only lost one or two seconds, but just think how much you lost in one second. So, even one second is so important. Continue to increase your account of accumulation at every moment. What did you earn and what did you lose? Out of all these treasures, how many treasures did you lose? BapDada also continues to check the children's account of accumulation. When He sees this account, He smiles. Why does He smile? What does He see that makes Him smile? You know this. You celebrate a meeting at amrit vela; you have a hearttoheart conversation, you make many big promises we will do this, we will do this you speak of many good things. But, whilst moving along, you also lose one or another treasure throughout the day. Then, what do you use as your support? You begin to tell very good stories to BapDada. If you have had any wasteful thoughts, then did you accumulate something or lose something? What do you then say? "I just had this thought. It will be all right." You continue to reassure the Father that everything will be all right, that you are still effortmakers and that you haven't become complete as yet; that you will become this.
So BapDada hears this song of "ga, ga" (I will become) a lot throughout the day; but for how long will this continue? Do you wish to become complete at the end? Or, do you wish to claim an inheritance for a long period of time through having this practice over a long period of time? Do you wish to claim the imperishable and full inheritance or will only half do? It will not do, will it? Then, would it do to make only half the effort? So, at the time of making effort, you say, "We will do it, we will see it, we will become it, we will do it, it will happen", but would you also say the same at the time of attaining something? You would not, would you? In that, you wish to claim the full attainment. You want the full inheritance. You all raised your hand for becoming Lakshmi or Narayan. You also know that there will be eight thrones of Lakshmi and Narayan, and yet what do you raise your hand for? For becoming Lakshmi or Narayan. To become Lakshmi or Narayan means to become number one and pass with honour. BapDada is happy on seeing the courage of the children, that at least no one is raising his hand for becoming Rama or Sita, and that you have good courage. Of course, those who maintain courage receive help. Just as you have a thought in front of the Father, in the same way, at the time of making effort, put that into your words and actions.
BapDada saw that many children do not give as much importance to the treasure of time as they should. If you check your chart of one day, it appears that for the majority, it goes towards the account of waste. The reason for this is that from the copper age the habit of listening to, seeing and thinking of wasteful matters has been attracting you even against your conscious wish, and because of this, the treasure of time goes towards the account of waste. This is why you were also told earlier that even a second has so much importance. Secondly, the majority of you waste your time in speaking wasteful words. Check your words in one hour: was there the consciousness of the soul and pure feelings in every word you spoke? Your intentions and feelings are both experienced through your words. If you do not have pure and elevated feelings in your words, then those words are definitely filled with the feelings of Maya. There are many of them. You know of them: jealousy, envy, dislike. These feelings are merged to some percentage. Many times, BapDada hears the tape recording of your words. Each one's tape is recorded automatically, and, if He so wishes, BapDada can hear anyone's tape at any moment. So what does He hear sometimes? That there isn't any strength in their words. Many times, you even say: My intention, my feeling was not bad, but it just came out, or that you just said it without meaning it. But in which account will those words which do not have any soulconscious or pure feeling be accumulated? In the account of waste or best? It is accumulated in the waste, is it not? Then, will the account of accumulation be greater or the account of losing be greater? You lost that, did you not? So, even in your words, the account of losing is greater. Check your words. Now change the language of saying, "I just said it like that without meaning it". "Powerful words" means words in which other souls experience the feeling and strength of attainment. If there is no strength in them, then there would not be anything in their account of accumulation, would there? According to how much you are able to accumulate in one day, BapDada saw that in this regard, you do not accumulate to the extent that you should. So what will you have to do? You have to become Lakshmi and Narayan, do you not? This is firm, is it not? Or, does it not matter if you do not become this? Do you wish to claim thee elevated reward from the first birth, or will you begin it from the second or third birth? You would not, would you? Would you like it if you did not come in the first birth, but in the second or third birth? You wouldn't, would you? So, have you so much in your account of accumulation? If you do not accumulate so much in your account now, what reward would you have? You would only have as much as you have accumulated. So today, BapDada saw everyone's account of accumulation. You tell others of the importance of time very well, and you praise the confluence age so well. You do this, do you not? So you should also place the importance of time in front of yourself. On the basis of your elevated fortune, accumulate in your account of attainment beforehand.
The speciality of the time of the confluence age is that you have all three forms of attainment. One is in the form of the inheritance. The second, which is the study, is said to be the source of income; so the second attainment is on the basis of your study. And the third is in the form of blessings. You have the inheritance, an income and also the blessings. You have so many forms of attainment. The attainment is very great; it is very huge. Simply be the ones who are able to look after it. You have an unlimited inheritance, the income is unlimited and the blessings are also unlimited. Did you ever think that you would receive God's blessings every day? No one could ever receive so many blessings. But what do you say? That it is your right. You have a right to the inheritance, the study and also the blessings. You have such a huge right! It is not a little thing; it is very big. You have claimed your right over all three relations in all three forms, have you not? All of you say with intoxication that Baba belongs to you. Do you ever say, "He is not mine, He is yours"? So you have a right, do you not? Baba comes here in order to teach you. You think this, and so you have a right to the study. The blessings from the Bestower of Blessings: who are they for? What would you say? "They are for me", would you not? Each of you thinks that the Bestower of Blessings is yours. So you have a right over all three. It is very ordinary to say this in words. This is why people of the world laugh at you and say: Look at what you are and what you say! So constantly keep your rights in your awareness before you take any step. Keep them in an emerged form, not in a merged form. "I am a Brahma Kumar, I belong to Baba". Do not just think this. Let it be in an emerged form; let it be in an emerged form in your mind, in your intellect and in your actions. Let there be this thought in your mind in an emerged form: "I am this". Let there be this awareness in your intellect, and let your every action be filled with the intoxication and faith of being one who has a right. It should not be that it remains in an emerged form at amrit vela, and then it becomes merged throughout the day; no. Let it constantly be in an emerged form. So what do you have to do? Increase your account of accumulation. Increase it with a fast speed, not slowly, because time is waiting for you, the master creators. So if we were to order the elements now, what could they not do? What would not be possible if all the five elements were to begin to create upheaval now? And how long would it take? Time, the elements and Maya are waiting for you to bid farewell. If you celebrate your completion and perfection, then they would bid you farewell as they go. Maya also sees that you are not yet ready and so she continues to take her chance. Should we order the elements? Are the beings, the people, ready? The elements will then be ready. Should we order them? Or should we order them after Gyan Sarovar is ready? Are you everready to this extent? Or are you only ready, not everready? Are the Shaktis everready? If only a few are ready, that is not being everready, is it? Just think about this and check: if the great destruction were to take place now, and you looked at your picture in the mirror of knowledge, what would you become? All of you have a mirror, do you not? It is not broken, is it? So look at the picture. Look at the picture of your fortune. Would it take some time for Baba to look at this? Since it is remembered for Brahma that he created a world with just one thought, then can destruction not take place with just one thought? Baba knows that the kingdom has to continue, but what would Brahma alone do in a kingdom? He needs companions, does he not? So father Brahma is also waiting for his companions. Baba is asking the children a question. Children have already asked Baba many questions. Now Baba is asking the children a question: to fix the date. You fix a date for everything, do you not? You have fixed a date, have you not? So now fix the date for this. The inauguration for this also has to take place. The date for Gyan Sarovar is fixed, the date for the hospital is fixed; so what is the date for this? Who has to fix this? Does anyone want to fix it? Baba does not have to fix it. Baba has left this in your hands. You will also do something, will you not? Or, will Baba do everything? You will create a programme, will you not? Make a programme to fix the date. Achcha.
(Looking at the new children): Look, everyone has so much love for all of you new ones who have come. Everyone has so much love for all of you. You have been given the first chance. Are all of you happy and content? Achcha, how many feet of land have you been given? Two or three? Two feet. You haven't been given even two feet of land. You are happy with even two feet, are you not? You do not have any difficulty, do you? You are receiving good food and drink, are you not? They are the best you could get, are they not? No one else could be sustained in this way in a mela. You have seen melas, have you not? Did you ever receive such Brahma bhojan anywhere else? Can you find such a Godly family anywhere else? Are you feeling cold? There is the sweetness of the climate. So, this cold is also the sweetness of the climate, and so you should eat the sweet, should you not? Each of you receives a shawl as a gift, do you not? Do you ever receive such a gift in any mela? Do you receive such a gift or do you comeback empty? Achcha, the desires of the new ones have been fulfilled. Have you seen Madhuban? Previously, it was only in your dreams; now it has taken a physical form. No matter how large you make this place, it will still be small. Why? Just think: have you gathered together nine hundred thousand? You have not even prepared the population of the first number birth. They have to be prepared, do they not? How many buildings will you build? How many Gyan Sarovars will you build? All of you say: Increase the numbers, increase the numbers; but no matter how much you increase the numbers, the next year they will increase by just the same number. What will you do then? Remain contented with whatever you receive. You are going to have a mela, are you not (At Talheti)? Not all of you are going to go to the mela. You have already come here. So, do you like this for the others? Would you like such a huge mela? Will ten thousand be able to sleep there? Will there not be a huge rush? You know that you are not going to get another chance. The moments of anticipation are also lovely. You keep waiting in anticipation, thinking that you are going to go there again after one year. You are able to make such good effort whilst waiting. And then, when you go back having been here, you will have then seen everything; so what happens then? Will you become careless then? Will carelessness not come? Will you move forward even further? The method that has been created within the drama is very beneficial. You become strong in one year. Otherwise, you come here whilst still weak, and then you have to battle.
How many international melas do you have here in Madhuban every year? What is this mela even now? It is an international mela. Those present here are from this land and abroad. People of the world think that if they have one international programme in five years, they have done a lot. But, can you tell how many international programmes take place in Madhuban? This is an international mela, and everyone is happy. You enjoy this, do you not? But come in your turn. Now, you will get a tent for ten thousand, will you not? Ultimately, all these facilities will finish. Even if you were to make the whole of Abu into a place for sleeping, how many would be able to stay here? Achcha. Which zones have come?
Delhi: First of all, those from Delhi have to fix the date. Why? Where will you rule? You have to make Delhi into Paristhan. The kingdom is going to be in Delhi, is it not? So, those from Delhi have to make the preparations first; only then will you be able to rule. You have taken a good chance in sitting at the front. What preparations will those from Delhi make? Those from Delhi will have to do extra service, because firstly, you have to make the souls worthy, you have to make them yogi, and secondly, you also have to prepare the land. So, together with your words, you have to make your attitude even more powerful, because the atmosphere is created through your attitude and the atmosphere will influence the elements; only then will they be ready. Those from Delhi constantly pay attention to doing double service and they have to pay attention to this. So, your words and attitude should both be engaged in service at the same time. Those from Delhi have a powerful attitude, do they not?
Do not make weak effort, because if you take time, it would take time for the kingdom to be established. Therefore, those from Delhi constantly have to make preparations with a fast speed by doing double service. You have to create a kingdom. If you create it, then you would also remain close, would you not? So what will those from Delhi do? Double service. Create such a powerful atmosphere that the elements become your servants; instead of creating upheaval, they will serve you as your servants. Those from Delhi are those who transform the world, but you are the special instruments to transform the kingdom in the world. Do those from Delhi have this intoxication? You said "Ha ji" very well in this. So what do you have to do? Double service. Only then will you receive the double crown. You want to be those who wear the crown, do you not? Those who are servers also have a crown. Is this all right? Is this firm for the Shaktis? Achcha.
Bombay, Maharashtra: What will those from Bombay do? They will make preparations for the kingdom. They will prepare the subjects. They will prepare the kings and queens. Those from Bombay have a special blessing from father Brahma. What is that? (Newness.) Say more. Ramesh is sitting here. What blessing do you have? (Nardesavar) Nardesavar means to constantly be full and overflowing. There will never be anything lacking. Those from Bombay have a special blessing. Do those from Bombay remember this? Nardesavar means those who are constantly earning; those who are clever in earning. Are you such Nardesavars? Are you overflowing or do you sometimes become empty? Are you overflowing to the extent that you are able to make others overflowing? So those from Bombay will create the kings, queens and subjects of the kingdom. Is this all right? Those from Bombay have to perform a huge task. Those from Delhi will also have to create those who have a right to the kingdom. Even now, if you look, in the last birth, those who have a right to the kingdom exist in Delhi. What do those of you from Delhi and Bombay have to do together? You have to create the kingdom very quickly. Is this all right? Do you like this? Achcha, you will also fix a date, will you not? Do not forget the date. Everything will be accomplished when those from Delhi and Bombay say that the kingdom has been created. How is it possible for the kingdom to be created when those who have a right to the kingdom are not ready? It is good. There are good serviceable jewels in Bombay. Are you good or the best of all? Speak. Baba says: You are the best of all. Look, if you count each old jewel, if you count them, they are so good. They exist in Delhi and also in Bombay, because they have been instruments for service from the beginning. Gujarat is no less either. Gujarat has come last and is going fast and these have existed from the beginning. Gujarat has expanded very quickly.
Nagpur, Poona: Achcha, what will those from Nagpur do especially in the kingdom? You are part of Maharashtra, and so what will you do? Will you decorate the kingdom? Maharashtra takes up the duty of decorations a great deal, does it not? No matter how ready people are, if they haven't put on any decorations, it is nothing. Those from Maharashtra will decorate the kingdom. What do you have to do to decorate something? You have to prepare all the facilities. Those from Maharashtra will constantly make cooperative souls instrumental with their cooperation. The further you progress, the more the cooperative souls will come forward and give their hand of cooperation for bringing about transformation. Maharashtra covers a large area. In the zones of Brahmins, Maharashtra is vast. So, even now, they are cooperative in service in all four directions, and in the future also, many cooperative souls will cooperate in decorating the kingdom. Those from Maharashtra are very good instruments in giving cooperation and making others souls co operative, and they will remain good instruments too. It is like this, is it not? Where do the maximum number of people come from for the yoga camps? From Maharashtra. Where do the large numbers within the Brahmin family come from? Maharashtra. It is good. There is good expansion and, with the method of cooperation, you will continue to receive success. Whether you are from Poona or Nagpur or anywhere else, did those from Maharashtra understand? Achcha.
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): What preparations will those from Bhopal make for the kingdom? Speak. Those from Bhopal will beat the drums. How can all preparations be complete unless the drums are beaten? Those from Bhopal will beat the drums very loudly in all four directions. What drums will you beat? "The Father has come, come and claim your inheritance". You will beat these drums. Geographically, on the map, it is in the middle. If you want to spread any sound, where would you stand and spread the sound? In the middle; so beat a lot of drums. Do you have the drums? You are beating them and you will continue to beat them. You will give everyone the good news of becoming fortunate. You are clever in giving good news, are you not? To give everyone the greatest good news is the most elevated task, because in all four directions, they only hear news of sorrow. What news do the people of the world hear throughout the day? That of peacelessness and sorrow. How much happiness would such souls experience on hearing the good news? It would emerge from everyone's heart: Wah! It is the wonder of the Godly children. Wah! So you have to perform such an elevated task. It is already accomplished; you simply have to be an instrument. The kingdom is already ready, the subjects are also ready; what do you have to do? Simply put the seal. Those from Bhopal like this, do they not?
Karnataka: What will those from Karnataka do? What is the speciality of the land of Karnataka? Those from Karnataka, speak. They have a lot of bhavna (faith and loving devotion). What would the souls who have such bhavna do? They would be instrumental to create such elevated feelings in souls. As is the speciality of that land, in the same way, not only to prepare Karnataka, but in order to prepare the whole world, you have to create elevated and pure feelings in everyone. What are the elevated feelings? "We belong to Baba and Baba belongs to us". With these elevated feelings, you will easily attain the fruit of all your bhavna. You receive the fruit of bhavna very quickly. Do this easy service in such a way that you create these feelings in them and also easily attain the fruit of such loving devotional feelings. Do you know how to do this service? Or don't you? Do you not understand the language? Even though you do not understand the language, you sit at the front. It is a wonder! You have become angels now because you understand the signals. So do those from Karnataka understand what they have to do? Let them eat the fruit easily; do not allow them to labour. Expansion takes place very easily on the land of Karnataka. By how much have your numbers increased? As is your land, also prepare the land of others in the same way and attain the fruit of that.
Andhra Pradesh: What will those from Andhra Pradesh do? Just as the scientists create inventions, so too, those from Andhra Pradesh have to create a new plan; so that you have a lot of attainment in a short time. So those from Andhra have to create such inventions that, in a short time, souls are able to experience greater attainments. What is the method for this, so that it takes little time but they have greater attainment? The method for this is that every Brahmin soul from Andhra Pradesh has to become a lighthouse and a mighthouse. A lighthouse spreads its light so quickly and it spreads it in all four directions. Andhra Pradesh has to become lighthouses and mighthouses and spread light in such a way that all are able to see themselves as souls and also see the Father. In the light, you are able to see who you are, are you not? So become such light and might houses and spread light and might.
Double foreigners: Double foreigners have made one of Baba's titles practical. Which one is it? That of omnipresence. There is never any programme in which there are no double foreigners. You have become present in all tasks, and so BapDada is happy. When the double foreigners are present, it becomes international. And Baba's title is World Benefactor. It is not Bharat Benefactor. When double foreigners come, they also prove the title of the Father being the World Benefactor. There is then a lot of sparkle and beauty. The speciality of the double foreigners is to bring sparkle to every occasion.
What will they do in the golden world? They will spread sparkle in all four directions. In foreign lands, they have a lot of decorations made of lights. The spiritual sparkle of the Brahmin family are the double foreigners. Where have the double foreigners come from? (London, Nairobi, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Mexico). Those from Mexico are dancing. The courage of those from Mexico is very good. Their country is very far away and their economic system is also very different. But even so, their love and devotion and faith enables them to reach here. Therefore, congratulations to those from Mexico. (Everyone said: They belong to one Baba and none other.) Look, they have given everyone the sweet of happiness.
Achcha, look London is making everyone move forward very fast. Baba has received the news that we have now got the key. (We now have a place in the heart of London for a museum.) This proves that the determined thoughts of Brahmins are such that they can do whatever they desire. You can become the intellect of the wise and make them change their intellect. Where benefit is visible within the law, the law can be made to be beneficial. The laws of the foreign lands are so strict, but the benefits gain victory over the laws. (Baba was told that He is Karankaravanhar, and Baba replied.) Brahmin children are the arms. Nothing can be accomplished without the arms. (Baba then spoke to Jitubhai's daughter.) Are you the arms? Are you Baba's arms? (We are right hands). Congratulations. Congratulations for being the right hand. You are good; you have good sanskars. It is like this, is it not? BapDada makes everyone happy. He makes the children happy and He also makes the seniors happy. He makes them both happy. It is such great fortune to become the arms of God. To be cooperative in service means to be the arms.
(Speaking to the family of Jitubhai the contractor for Gyan Sarovar): You have good love for the Father and the Father also has love for you. You have love for the Father, do you not? Or, do you have greater love for your family? Do you have greater love for the family or for the Father? Do you have love for both? You are clever in giving an answer. It is good. How many shares have you accumulated? Have you seen your account? How many shares have the entire family received? If you receive shares whilst sitting at home without having to make any effort, this would be called fortune, would it not? It is good. You have come with the special aim of celebrating with Baba. You have met the Father and also celebrated with Him. You are clever. This one is also master clever. The family is good.
(To Dr. Ashok Mehta.) What has this one come to celebrate? He has come to celebrate his birthday. From the moment of birth, you have come with an elevated line of fortune. There is a song: I have come having awakened my fortune. So, did you have to make effort from when you took birth or are you moving forward with easy attainments? You have all the attainments easily, do you not? So you have come with your fortune. And you have the pen in your hand anyway. You have it, do you not? It is good; you have attained all three: the power of service, the cooperation of the family and the love of the Father. You are attaining all three easily and will continue to do so. You are close to the family. It did not take you long to come close to the family, did it? You came close to the Father very quickly and so you are also coming close to the family with a fast speed. Have you celebrated your birthday? Both families celebrated the function. Look, you are loved by everyone so much. Those who have love for the Father and for service automatically receive love from the Father and the family. It is like this, is it not? All of you look very familiar. Wherever you go, everyone will recognise you very quickly, will they not? It is good. All of you are happy. Did all of you eat the Dilkhush sweet? Achcha.
Teachers: Look, how would all of you come if it were not for the teachers? So the teachers are also important. The teachers are the instruments. They are instrumental in making a lesson firm for all of you, are they not? Teachers are the instruments to increase everyone's zeal and enthusiasm. The special task of the teachers is to give wings of zeal and enthusiasm, to fly and to make others fly. The speciality of a worthy teacher is that the students who come constantly continue to fly ahead through easy effort. In fact, the teachers within the Brahmin family have extra fortune, because it is an extra lift to become an instrument; to have a right to do service. This extra right gives you a lot of help internally. BapDada always considers the teachers to be the instruments and equal servers. Whatever is the Father's task is the task of the instrument teachers. BapDada constantly sees the teachers in the form of being equal. Baba constantly gives so much love and regard and He sees you with the vision of your being equal servers. Did the teachers hear this? Nothing would be accomplished without the teachers. All of you have to have a signature from the teachers, do you not? Would you come if your teachers did not put a signature on your form? So, the teachers do have some service.
To the highest and richest elevated souls in all four directions; to the souls who are the masters of all treasures; to the intense effortmaking souls who constantly keep themselves everready; to the extremely close souls who, with their time, thoughts and words, constantly accumulate in their account of elevated income, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
Speaking to Dadiji: Is everything being done easily? Is a mela taking place or is it just a game? A game of contentment is being played. Those who make others content are doing this, and those who become content are becoming contented. Everyone loves this game of contentment. Is everything else all right? (We have thought of having two turns in Talheti). First of all, look at the list, and then it does not matter if you have to have two turns. Baba fulfills all the desires of the children. Baba does not have any difficulty in coming. Whether He comes in Madhuban, Pandav Bhavan or in Talheti, He has no difficulty in coming. It is the children who have difficulties, but it does not seem to be a difficulty if the children maintain the courage that nothing is difficult for them, that it is just entertainment. Baba only has to come into a body. That is all. What else do you have to do at the confluence age? A mela and a game. Service is just a game. Create a mela, play the games of service, what else do you have to do? Eat and drink; eat Brahma bhojan. Achcha.
Jayantiben: (Baba was presented with a book being prepared on values.) Children have made good effort. They have made good effort for the book also. The pictures are few, the quality is less, and there is greater art of the external world. Let there be this art and also let there be spirituality. Include this addition. However, you have made good effort. If someone gives advice, then do that. But otherwise it is good. It does not matter. With everyone's finger being given, the task is filled with power. This is why you have to do this and make yourselves move forward. You have to take cooperation, but whilst taking cooperation, also move forward. The plans made for the museum are good. The layout has to be suitable to the country. Pandavs are always shown in an incognito form. They carry on with their task but keep their form incognito. They stayed with the king in an incognito way. So here also, the capital of London means that there are kings there. So you also have to remain in an incognito form. Our kingdom is to be established in an incognito way. Achcha.
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