23-12-94 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Constantly keep your three forms in your awareness:
1) Confluence aged Brahmin,
2) A Brahmin who is to become an angel,
3) An angel who is to become a deity.Today, BapDada is seeing the three forms of the children in all four directions. The most elevated form is that of a Brahmin and then a Brahmin who is to become an angel, and then an angel who is to become a deity; the Brahmin form, the angelic form and the deity form. The speciality of the Brahmin form is of being complete with all the powers, because to be a Brahmin means to be a conqueror of Maya. So, in order to become a conqueror of Maya, you have to become complete with all powers. This is what it means to become a conqueror of Maya. The first form is of a Brahmin. Check yourself and see whether you have imbibed all the powers, which, as you were just told, is the speciality of the Brahmin form. Do you have all the powers? Or do you only have some powers? If you are weak in even one power, or you are lacking one power, then again and again, instead of having the Brahmin form, you become the warrior, that is, one who is constantly battling. The duty of a warrior is to battle and the duty of a Brahmin is to constantly and easily be a conqueror of Maya. A Brahmin means to be victorious, because you are constantly complete with all powers, that is, complete with all weapons. And a warrior means one who is sometimes victorious and sometimes defeated, because even though he receives the powers, he is not able to imbibe them. This is why he is not constantly able to be victorious according to the time and the circumstances. A Brahmin form means one who constantly has a crown, a tilak and is seated on the throne; one who has the crown of the responsibility of world benefit; one who constantly and naturally has the tilak of awareness; one who is constantly seated on Baba's heartthrone. Because a warrior is not constant, unshakeable and immovable, he is sometimes unshakeable and sometimes there is fluctuation; sometimes he has all rights and sometimes he is a royal beggar who asks Baba for the powers. A Brahmin means one who constantly lives a life of alokik pleasure. A Brahmin is one who constantly has a spiritual face and character. A warrior means sometimes like this and sometimes like that. So ask yourself: Who am I? Am I sometimes a Brahmin and sometimes a warrior, or am I constantly complete with all the specialities of Brahmin life? You have the aim of a Brahmin life, but you do not have the qualifications of sometimes being a Brahmin and sometimes a warrior, do you? Are your aim and qualifications the same or is there a difference? Are you words and actions the same or is there a difference? You are all called Brahma Kumars and Kumaris, are you not? Or, are you called the warriors? You are not called this, are you? You do not even like to be called the moon dynasty. If someone were to call you the moon dynasty, would you like it? You would not, would you? And, what about your actions? Take a picture of yourself when you are engaged in battling. You have a keen interest in taking pictures, do you not? You take pictures whilst walking along. Do you know how to take your own picture or do you know how to take the pictures of others? So take your own picture of who you are. What do you do when someone's picture is not good? Do you carefully keep it? You do not like it, do you? Throughout the entire day, how many times do you become a warrior instead of being a Brahmin? Check this and then, afterwards, change it. You must not just check, but you check in order to change. Do all of you have the power of transformation? Or, do some of you not have it? Achcha, it is good that everyone has this power. There isn't anyone here who does not have this power, is there? All of you have said "yes" to this. It is a matter of great happiness. Now, do you know how to use it at the time of need or are you not able to use it then? Because if you have the power, it should be useful at the time of need. When there are no enemies, you have many good weapons, and when the enemies come, your weapons are of no use. Would you call that being powerful? So, do not just check whether you have the powers, but check whether you know how to use the power that you need for a particular action according to the time.
Or, do you remember the power after the enemy has attacked you? So check the specialities of Brahmin life. A Brahmin will become an angel; a warrior will not become an angel; a Brahmin will become an angel.
The second form is that of an angel. All of you have to become an angel, do you not? Or is it difficult to become an angel? Is it easy or difficult to become an angel? Or is it sometimes difficult and sometimes easy? All of you know the speciality of the angelic form: an angel means one who is doublelight. You know this, do you not? So are you doublelight? Or do you sometimes have a desire to carry a burden and so you carry it? Or, is it that you do not wish to carry the burden, but Maya places the basketload on your head? Maya shows her artificial and temporary power in such a way that even though you do not wish to carry a burden, you still carry it out of compulsion, because you are weak. Anyone who is weak is always dependent on others. So Maya also makes you dependent. You forget that you have all rights and instead you become dependent. And what is your language at that time? "I did not wish it, but I don't know how it happened". You say "I don't know" in every aspect. To be one who has all rights means to be constantly free, and to be dependent means to be under the influence of others. So one who is under another influence can never have a life of pleasure. And you were told about Brahmins, that a Brahmin means one who has a life of pleasure. If, at any time, instead of experiencing pleasure, you become confused such as: "What is this, how is this, why is this, is this what is going to happen?", then this is not pleasure, this is a life of confusion. If, at any time, you experience a lack of pleasure, then remember the first lesson of "Who am I?" I am not just a soul, but what type of soul? How many replies would there be to the question: What type of soul am I? It is a long list, is it not? How long is the list of "Who am I?" You study and hear of many different lessons of "Who am I?" in the murli every day. So to be an angel means to be doublelight. To be light means to experience lightness. Lightness doesn't just mean being light when any difficulty arises. But, throughout the entire day, you have to remain light in your nature, sanskars, relationships and connections. Generally, you may be all right, but if there isn't any lightness in your nature and sanskars, would you be called an angel? And the sign of being light is that anything light is constantly loved by everyone. Would you like it if someone gave you something heavy? But you would like it if someone gave you something light and beautiful, would you not? The sign of those who are light in their nature, sanskars, relationships and connections is that they will be loving to and detached from everyone, because they have a Brahmin nature, not a different nature. Brahmin means to have a nature, sanskars, relationships and connections that are liked by everyone. You were told earlier also that the majority should be liked by at least 95% of everyone. There should be this much result. You are even now being given a margin of 5%. This will not be till the end, but you are being given this now. You have to be liked by at least 95% of everyone, that is, you have to remain light with everyone. And this lightness should be experienced through your words, actions and attitude. It should not be that you think, "I am light, but others are not able to understand me." Generally, many of you think that others do not recognise you. If they do not recognise you, give them your recognition through your own willpower. Your actions and your attitude should transform the other person. For this transformation, you just need the power to tolerate. And, what else do you say is the sign of an angel? An angel means one who does not have any relationship with the old body and the old world. You say this, do you not? All of you remember this, do you not? If all of you were asked what it means to be an angel, all of you would say with intoxication, that you do not have any relationships, would you not? You have become detached from the old body and bodily relations and the old corporeal world, have you not? Or, does that still remain? Do you still have attachment to the old body? Have you become light (free) of the relationships of the body? Your paternal uncle, your maternal uncle and aunts: have you become free from them or do you still have paternal uncles and maternal uncles? Are you loving and detached? You are loving, but you have to be detached and loving.You make the mistake that when you become loving, you miss out on being as much detached as you are loving. You either find it easy to be detached or you find it easy to be loving. However, it is still easy to be free of the bodily relationships. Is it easy or do they sometimes enter your dreams or thoughts? Do you remember your maternal or paternal uncles when any difficulty arises within the Brahmin family? However, BapDada sees that, at the time of such situations, many souls remember their lokik relations much more quickly than they remember Brahmin souls. The situations make you experience the things you have left behind to be your support. When you have died alive, do you still remember the relations of the previous birth: your maternal and paternal uncles, your mother and father? Do you have any connection with them? Do they come in your dreams? So, when your birth changes, your relations also change. So, an angel means one who doesn't have any connection with the old (past). This is the definition you give, it is not? So, where do they emerge from at such times? Do the broken relationships become forged again? Do you become alive from having died? So, an angel means not to have any relationship with the old, but everything new.
BapDada saw that the first step causing obstructions in becoming an angel is the renunciation of body consciousness. And the second step, which is more subtle, is to let go of the arrogance of the body. Body consciousness and the arrogance of the body. Body consciousness is something common, but the more knowledgeable and yogi you become, the more the arrogance of the body causes obstructions. And there are many types of arrogance that emerge: The arrogance of your own intellect, the arrogance of your elevated sanskars, the arrogance of your good nature, the arrogance of your specialities, the arrogance of your special talent, the arrogance of the success in your service. This subtle arrogance is even deeper than body consciousness. You know what the door of arrogance is, do you not? The consciousness of "I and mine" is the door of arrogance. So, an angel does not just mean to be beyond body consciousness or the attraction of the body, or to be beyond the physical relations of the body, but an angel means to be beyond and detached from the connection of the subtle arrogance of the body. And the sign of those who have arrogance is that where there is arrogance, they also very quickly feel insulted. Where there is arrogance, the feeling of being insulted comes very quickly, because the door of "I and mine" is open. The correct form of an angel is to be beyond body consciousness and, in terms of the body, beyond the arrogance of the body. If you have any virtue or any power, why do you forget the Bestower? And, secondly, the easy method to become detached from this is very easy; it is of just one word. This one word has so much power that body consciousness and the arrogance of the body can be finished for all time. What is this one word? Baba who is Karankaravanhar is inspiring you to do it. The word Karankaravanhar finishes both that consciousness and arrogance. It is easy to remember one word, is it not? Or is it difficult? O.K., even if you forget all the points, in fact, you must not forget them, but, if you do sometimes forget them, you can still remember just the one word, can you not? This is easy, is it not? Baba is Karankaravanhar. So, look how easily you experience the angelic life! On what basis did father Brahma become an angel? He became powerful and an angel by constantly having the awareness of Karankaravanhar Baba. So you have to follow the father, do you not? Or, are you going to follow Maya? No, you have to follow the father. Sometimes, even Maya becomes your mother and father. She gives very good sustenance and attainment. However, all of that is deceptive attainment. First of all, there is attainment and then there is deception. You do have the power to discriminate, do you not? You have to recognise at the right time whether it is Maya or the Father. To discriminate after having been deceived is not an act of being sensible. Everyone can understand after having been deceived. However, knowledgeable souls are able to discriminate in advance and save themselves. So, do you understand who is called an angel?
The third is an angel who is to become a deity. Are you going to become a deity now or in the future? Will you become this in the future?
Or, do you wish to become this now? You have to become this now. Achcha. A deity means one who is adorned with all the virtues. These divine virtues are the adornments of the divine life of the confluence age. You are adorned with the divine virtues at this time, for only then will you be adorned with the physical adornments in the future. To be a deity means to be adorned with the divine virtues. And, secondly, a deity means one who gives, not one who takes but one who gives. So are you the master bestowers? Or, are you sometimes those who take and sometimes those who give? So check whether you constantly have the adornments of the divine virtues or whether you sometimes forget some adornments. Do you sometimes forget some adornments? To be completely full of all the virtues is the sign of the deity life. These virtues are your jewellery. So check whether you have become those who have all the powers of the Brahmin form, whether you have the doublelight stage of being an angel, whether you have the sign of the deities, that is, of being a bestower, and whether you have become complete with all the divine virtues. Do you experience all three forms? Just as you constantly remember the three relationships of the Father: The Father, Teacher and Satguru, in the same way, constantly remember these three forms of yours. Do you understand what you have to do? You have to become this, do you not? Or, is someone else going to come here to become this? You have to become this, do you not? Today, a Brahmin; tomorrow an angel and then a deity. Just see your angelic form in the mirror of gyan. Angels always fly and give messages. Whenever they show this, they show an angel just comes, gives their message and flies away. So who are these angels? Are you these angels? Achcha. Are you sure that you are this? Is no one else this? Say with intoxication: We were this, we are this and we will be this. Are you sure? This is known as having victory through an intellect which has faith. So, are you victorious or are you warriors? Who are you? You are victorious, not warriors. Some will have to become warriors, will they not? Or will others become that? Do not ever become a warrior whilst moving along. If you become a warrior again and again, if you keep on battling, then where would the sanskars of battling take you? The sun dynasty or the moon dynasty? But you do not like being part of the moon dynasty, do you? Or does it not matter if you sometimes become this? So, who are all of you? Brahmins? Are you the real Brahmins or are you a little weak? Are the Shaktis strong? Are the Pandavs strong? Achcha, now Baba should not receive any more such letters. If you are strong, then Baba should constantly receive letters of good news. "Maya came and this happened. What has happened? How has it happened?" You should not have this even in your thoughts. Baba says: You must not even have it in your dreams. There should be no "why or what" even in your dreams. Are you strong to this extent? You have already said yes. And the Shaktis, are you even more strong?
Or are you still a little weak? Say, "If the Pandavs are strong, we are even stronger." Because, the Shaktis have been made the instruments. If the instruments themselves are weak or strong, what would the condition of the others be? The Pandavs are the backbone. Do you like being the backbone? Or do you like causing opposition? It is good to be the backbone. You remain very safe, otherwise, you are beaten.
Achcha, you have now reached your sweet home. You had the thought "We have to go, we have to go." What is the thought you have now? Even now, you still have to go, do you not? You are going for the sake of service and this is why you are going with happiness. You are going for service, are you not? Or will you go to your shop, to your home or your workplace? You are going on service. Whether it is your workplace or your home, all places are service places. There is service at every place for those who are serviceable. So, to come to Madhuban, fill your treasure store with zeal and enthusiasm and then to go on service; it is like this, is it not? You go with great happiness, do you not? Or, do you go out of compulsion? Service means happiness. It should not be that you feel that you have karmic accounts or that you are going to settle some debts. You are going to fulfil your responsibilities. "There are many storks in the family." If there were no storks, to whom would you give this knowledge? Would you make the swans into swans?
You have to change the storks into swans. What will you remember? To be a Brahmin who is to become an angel and then an angel who is to become a deity. You will definitely remain this, will you not? Or, will you forget one of them when you travel on the trains? And, whilst going to your respective places, will only one remain? It will not belike this, will it?
Are all of you staying comfortably? Do you have any difficulties? The double foreigners are still the queens of the beds. And the Bharatwasis are the queens of the floor. You like this, do you not? It is easy to sleep on the floor, is it not? Is it easy or do you remember your beds? You do not remember your beds, do you? Yes, a time will come when all of you will have a bed, but when will that be? When you have made the whole of Abu belong to you. The happiness of this gathering is even greater than that of the beds and Dunlop beds. Just as you sleep comfortably on the Dunlop beds, in the same way, you are able to sleep comfortably here also, are you not? You go to sleep whilst drinking the nectar of knowledge and so you sleep well. To drink the nectar of knowledge and to eat Brahma bhojan; what else is there? All of you receive ready prepared food, do you not? Double foreigners receive ready prepared food, do you not? There, you have to prepare it yourself. The mothers also receive ready prepared food, do you not? Achcha. All of you are happy. You have the fortune of happiness and you have a happy face. Or does your face sometimes become something else? Do you constantly have a happy face or is it sometimes serious and sometimes happy? It is not like this, is it? You have the fortune of happiness and you are those who constantly have a happy face. There should never be a difference visible on your face. When you become angry or when, internally, you have a lot of anger, then is your face happy or is it red or yellow? So your face should constantly be cheerful. This is known as constantly having a happy face. Your face should always be happy. It should not sometimes be like one thing and another thing at other times. To the extent that all of you remember Baba and have love for Him in your heart, so accordingly, Baba remembers and loves each of you multimillion times. You ask Baba: What do you do throughout the whole day? So what does Baba say? That He only remembers the children throughout the whole day. What else does He have to do? You have this intoxication, do you not? People of the world remember the Father and the Father is remembering you. Achcha.
Gujarat: What blessing has Gujarat received? Of being everready. Of saying "Ha ji". Is Gujarat like this? So, Gujarat is even now visible as having the sign of two specialities; and you have to reveal these two in the future also. The two signs, the two specialities, are to constantly remain satisfied; and only when you are content can you remain satisfied. So, you especially have the two specialities of being satisfied and content and you will always have these specialities. Do you understand? Those from Gujarat will never be dissatisfied nor will they make others dissatisfied. Because of these two specialities, you will constantly continue to fly. Gujarat has especially been established by the thought of father Brahma. And, as soon as you took birth, you constantly became cooperative and you are this even now. Did those from Gujarat understand? You constantly have the finger of co operation. Look, whenever there is any programme or even during the season, who is especially remembered? The mothers of Gujarat are remembered. No matter how many chapatis others make, they are not able to make them like those from Gujarat make them. This is your speciality. You are those who remain ever ready in every task. Achcha.
Eastern: The sun has risen in the Eastern Zone. The souls from the Eastern Zone are constantly those who give others the inspirations to make the self and others into worshipworthy souls, because a lot of worshipping takes place in the Eastern Zone, and so there are a lot of worshippers. The Eastern Zone has a lot of chances to carry out the service of making worshippers into worshipworthy souls.
Those who make the most number of worshippersouls into worshipworthy souls are worshipped for many births and accurately according to the right method. So, because the souls from the Eastern Zone make other souls into worshipworthy souls, they are going to become the worshipworthy souls for many births. You do this service, do you not? Do worshipworthy souls become worshipworthy from being worshippers or do they simply become those who have a glimpse? What happens? Those from the Eastern Zone should speak. You change the worshippers into worshipworthy souls. So the Eastern Zone has received the special blessing of making souls worshipworthy. So you have a special chance and also the blessing. Do you have the intoxication that you are the worshipworthy souls who will be instruments to make others the same? Do you understand? Achcha. The teachers have renounced something; they are sitting at the back, they have given others the chance to sit at the front. It is good. The speciality of the Eastern Zone is that it is the land of revelation of father Brahma. So even the land has this blessing. So, in the Eastern Zone also, there was the revelation of father Brahma. So, it is such an elevated land! The land is elevated, the service is elevated and the servers are also constantly elevated. Achcha, constantly clap your hands in happiness in the same way. What are the claps of happiness? Do you know how to clap in happiness? This clapping is physical. What is the clap of happiness? The clap of happiness is to smile. You may clap your hands here, but when you return home, constantly clap in happiness. Not just the Eastern Zone, but all of you should do this. Whoever sees you should start to clap. Your happiness and smile should be such that others begin to clap.
Bombay, Poona: The mothers of Poona are sitting at the front. You are clever in taking a chance. So Poona and Bombay is the land of those who are the carefree emperors who are free from any worry. Bombay is the place of the carefree emperors and Poona is also the place of the carefree emperors. So, are you free from any kind of worry? You are not saying yes to this. Are you carefree: Are Bombay and Poona free from any worry or do you have a little worry? You yourselves are the carefree emperors and you are those who finish the worries of others. You are those who make everyone into carefree emperors. So, you are clever in giving the kingdom to others, are you not? Do youk now how to make the poor ones into emperors? What type of emperor will you make them? Into carefree emperors. So you are those who constantly remain carefree and who make others carefree. This is the speciality of the elevated souls of the confluence age: to be a carefree emperor. So, are you the emperors or do you sometimes even become the subjects? It is good. Whether it is Bombay or Poona, you are moving forward in service and will continue to do so. How many service centres have those from Poona created? (22) Achcha. And how many Gita Pathshalas are there? (300). Look, you are clever in service, are you not? And how many service centres are there in Bombay?(36). And how many Gita Pathshalas? They are countless. It is good. In fact, service is expanding in four directions. However, with the blessings from service, make your speed of the flying stage of the self and of others fast. This is why BapDada is constantly happy with your service. You are happy, are you not? You are also happy, are you not? You have not yet created 900,000. You still have to do this. You are still doing this, and so BapDada is happy to see what you are doing. But you still have a margin to do this. It has not yet been completed. How much population do you say there is? How many have been prepared? (300,000). At present, there are still double that amount left. You have only created one third, and twothirds still remain. So, you speak of 900,000, do you not? So we shall see who puts this around Baba. We shall see who prepares this rosary. Will those from Bombay and Poona do this? You are both in Maharashtra, are you not? So those from Maharashtra will put the garland of 900,000around Baba's neck. It is good.
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh: The majority of souls in Karnataka are loving souls. The majority are loving to the Father. So, love is the easy method for remembrance. And those who themselves are loving easily make others into loving souls.
So those from Karnataka have this special blessing and speciality. You have love and, because of love, there is also expansion. Now, you put this love into the practical form, and with the power of greater love, continue to move forward even more. You do not forget the Father so much because of love, but when you do forget, you forget Him very much. Why? Baba sometimes receives news of children forgetting. However, Karnataka should never let go of the speciality of being loving. Karnataka has received this speciality according to the drama. You are using it, but underline it for the future and continue to move forward. Baba should not receive any such news from Karnataka any more. Are you ready in this way? Teachers, raise your hand. Achcha. Do the teachers think that after today there will not be any news apart from that of love from Karnataka? Do the teachers have this courage?
Say yes or no! Achcha, Dadi Chandermani has been given Karnataka. So, do you have such a guarantee? Achcha, those who think that you have to put this speciality into its practical form, raise your hand. Whether you are teachers or students, raise your hand. So, is it Ha ji or Na Ji? (Ha ji). Now look, there will not be any such letters. Is this all right? You agree to this. It is good. You are very loving. You have so much love for drishti. You may not understand the language, but you have a lot of love. So BapDada is happy to see this love. However, you have to become complete. There shouldn't be the slightest obstacle amidst the loving souls, because Karnataka has constantly showed plays. Karnataka are those who perform the play. So what play will you perform? The play of love. Even so, BapDada sees that you are clever in expanding. So what play will you show? That of love. To be loving and to remain loving. Do you understand? Achcha.
Andhra Pradesh: Andhra Pradesh is in connection with those from Karnataka. Look, Andhra has surrounded all four directions. It is towards Maharashtra and also towards Orissa. So what wonders will those from Andhra perform? To claim the number one in service and in selfprogress. Is this all right? You have to become number one.
The double foreigners: Achcha, the double foreigners have come to celebrate Christmas and the New Year. So, first of all, greetings to all double foreigners for Christmas, because many cards and letters have come from all four directions. So these reach BapDada even before the post arrives. You send it by Air Mail and they reach BapDada via "Air Fly". And the wave of service and selfprogress is very good in the foreign lands. And the majority have this very good zeal and enthusiasm. Day and night, you have the one concern that the flag of Baba's glorification should be raised everywhere. It is the duty of the foreigners to awaken those in Bharat. Only when you hoist the flag high will everyone's vision go there. BapDada even calls the double foreigners those who perform wonders. So what wonders have you performed? You have performed the wonder of experiencing the distant to be close. The more distant the land is, the closer you are to the heart. You have come from all four directions. Achcha. The group from Russia has especially come. Those from Russia, raise your hand. Where has the largest number come from? (Australia). Those from Australia, raise your hand. Even this one goes there, that is enough. Achcha, BapDada gives the double foreigners the special blessings to be constantly seated on the heart throne. You are in Baba's heart and Baba is in your heart. Those from Russia are also performing wonders. You continue to move forward. In which aspect are those from Russia especially happy? For which aspect do you have special happiness? Speak. (That of a meeting.) Everyone has this happiness. However, those from Russia have this special blessing. (We have found Baba.) Everyone has found Baba. However, those from Russia have the special happiness that the pure desire they had of true independence is now fulfilled. Do you understand? In terms of the world and in terms of the condition of the soul, you were dependent on others for a long time, and you have now become free, have you not? Now, the flag of independence is being hoisted in Russia. Together with Shiv Baba's flag, there is the flag of independence hoisted everywhere. And you have become so happy. You have become liberated from all the bondages of being dependent.
And you have attained all attainments so easily. You have attained all attainments, have you not? Are they fulfilled? Say Ha ji. It is good. You have good courage. Double foreigners have the courage to move forward themselves and you also have good courage in making others move along. It is because of courage that the foreign lands are moving forward in service. You are souls who are worthy to receive special courage and special help. Look, those from London also maintained courage and got the museum. You have got the key, have you not? Before you receive the key to heaven, you have received the key for service. You have performed good wonders. Everyone's vision is drawn to this "What are these Raja Yogis? What are they doing in an incognito way?" All those who have come from Australia and all the other places, BapDada is giving all children a special gift for Christmas. May you constantly continue to eat the Dilkhush (happy heart) toli and feed it to others also. All of you have received the gift of the kingdom of heaven, have you not? All of you have the globe of the new world, of heaven, in your hands, do you not? You are those who have a fast speed in terms of writing letters and cards. BapDada feels that you are clever in giving a sign or proof of your remembrance. Are you all right? You are those who live in pleasure, are you not? (Some foreigners were listening to the murli whilst on the floor with the FM radio). Achcha, all those sitting at the front are sitting with their own equipment, are they not? It is good. This is also a sign of cleverness. In the same way, you are also close to the heart. Achcha. This is an international group. To all the longlost and nowfoundbeloved souls, from all places, BapDada is especially seeing you personally in front of Him and you will constantly continue to move forward with the speciality of remaining personally in front of Baba. Do you understand?
To all the Brahmins who are to become angels and the angels who are to become the deities, to the souls who are the embodiment of remembrance of all three forms; to the elevated souls who make themselves doublelight with the awareness of the one word "Karankaravanhar"; to those who constantly give as the deities, the bestowers; to the souls who are complete with all treasures; to the karma yogi souls who put all the blessings into practical action, BapDada's love, remembrances, Christmas greetings and namaste.
Speaking to Dadi Janki: It is good. You have become clever in flying. You have received the donation of life and the more service you do, the more your health improves, because everyone's blessings make you healthy. You have the Father's help anyway, but the blessings are making you younger. It is good.
Dadi Chandermani: This one has also been on a tour. Your name has become fixed amongst those who are the rulers of the globe. It is good. Your service is revealing the future. It is doing this, is it not? Baba would not mention any names, that this one is this, but service itself is revealing this. How many rulers of the globe have been prepared? Many souls become content in the one tour, and so that tour was filled with the blessing of being a ruler of the globe. So how many souls become content? Many. The more your life increases, the more you have to tour around.
Dadi Janki (again): When someone receives blessings, or when anyone has the attainment of happiness and peace, the blessings that emerge from their lips is that they give you their life. What do they send in the cards? That they are giving you their life. You serve thousands in one tour and so you receive blessings a thousandfold. It is good. All of you are continuing to do your own service very well.
All of you have pure attachment to the Dadis, do you not? You do not have ordinary attachment, do you? You do not have the attachment that gives sorrow, but attachment that gives happiness. Do you have a lot of this? The more attachment you have, the more free from attachment you are. You are loving and detached. You are like this, are you not? Or, are you just loving and not detached.
You are those who keep the balance of being both loving and detached. It is also a part of the souls of the beginning to be special instruments. You have taken a lot of sustenance. These people have not had the direct sustenance from Baba that you received. So, you have also received the part of sustaining others to the same extent that you have taken sustenance. May everyone's life become as long as a thousand years. A thousand years. Do you not wish to go back home? Do you just wish to remain in the old world? It is good. This museum will also work wonders. This is the practical form of determination. Determination changes even the impossible to possible and makes you attain success.
It is good. You have courage. So, give special love and remembrances to all those who have become special instruments. It is a good means of service. One or another becomes an instrument and creates his fortune. Those who are to give are already fixed in the drama. Achcha.
Speaking to Dadiji Is everything all right? Are you now thinking about the mela? Those from Delhi and Bombay are also sitting here. You will definitely show wonders. Delhi and Bombay are instruments anyway. They are instruments for the establishment and also for the revelation. In the same way, in foreign lands, London is instrumental for the establishment and the revelation. Achcha.
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