09-01-95 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The sign of having faith in the intellect is to have guaranteed victory and to experience a constantly carefree stage.
Today, BapDada, the Protector and Teacher of all the children, is seeing the foundation of all His Brahmin children. All of you know that the foundation of the present elevated life is faith. From the beginning until now, to the extent that your foundation of faith is firm, to that extent you constantly experience in a natural form being an easy yogi, having a gentle and pure nature, an attitude of good wishes and soulconscious vision. At every moment, this is experienced from the sparkle on your face and from your activity. Because, in Brahmin life, it's not just a question of knowing: "I am this, the Father is this", but to know means that you accept whatever you know and move along according to that. This is why your face and activity give the experience of this. BapDada was seeing that all those children who call themselves Brahmins say with intoxication that they have faith in the intellect. Are all of you those who have faith in the intellect or are some of you not this? BapDada is asking all those children who have faith in the intellect: All of you speak of being those who are victorious through having faith in the intellect. Are you firm in this? So then, why is there sometimes victory and sometimes defeat? Do you not have faith at that time? Because, the sign of having faith in the intellect is to be victorious. So, are you constantly victorious? Or is it that you are sometimes victorious and sometimes there is fluctuation? Is there a little fluctuation? You are not saying yes now. What happens at that time? Does your faith finish at that time? Are you those who constantly have faith in the intellect? Are you constantly victorious? Or are you choking or dosing off every now and then? The foundation of faith has to be strong on all four sides. Or, it it that sometimes, instead of all four sides being strong, one or two sides become weak? When anything is to be made strong, it is tightened from all four sides. If even one side has even a little fluctuation, would it remain strong? It would shake, would it not? So, you know about all four types of faith. Faith in the Father, faith in the self, faith in the drama and faith in the Brahmin family. You must not just have faith in knowing all four of them, but in accepting and moving along with them. If even one side is known but you are not moving along according to it, then there would be fluctuation in your victory. At the time when there is fluctuation in your victory, check which of the four sides is fluctuating. Many times, BapDada sees that the children have passed in having faith in the Father, but sometimes, although they know about themselves, they even say, "I am this and I am this". However, there is a difference in accepting and moving along according to it, in being the embodiment of all that you know and accept, and in it being in your activity and actions. On the one hand, you think that you are a master almighty authority, that you are a world benefactor, and on the other hand, you are not able to attain victory over a small situation. You are the master almighty authorities, but then you say that the situation is very big, that the circumstance is like this. So, is this faith? Or, is it just knowing and not accepting and moving along according to it? You say and think that you are the world benefactors, but, let alone the world, you are weak even in bringing benefit to the self. If, at that time, you are told that, by not bringing about transformation in the self, you are not a selftransformer, then what response do you give? You are world benefactors but you find selftransformation very difficult. "It is difficult to change this". What would you call this? One who brings benefit to the world (vishwa kalyankari) or one who weakens the world (vishwa kamzorkari)? So, in terms of the self also, according to the circumstances, according to the time, according to your connections and relations, you should be the embodiment of that faith. For souls who have such faith in the intellect, victory is guaranteed. You have the faith that you are an elevated soul. This is firm in everyone, is it not? Or, are you weak in even this lesson? Is it firm? Achcha. If any scientist of the world tries to make you fluctuate in the fact that you are not a soul but a body, would you believe him?
Or, would you try to convince him? Just as you have made it firm that you are not a body but a soul, and that you have also made it firm what type of soul you are, so too, for souls who have such faith in the intellect, their victory is also guaranteed to that extent. Defeat is impossible and victory is guaranteed. When any type of situation comes in front of you, and it is also certain that things will come in front of you till the end, there should be a faithful intellect in all four aspects. The faith should be firm in all four aspects simultaneously. If you have faith in three and not in one, then victory is not guaranteed, but you would attain victory through having to make effort. Those who have guaranteed victory will not have to make any effort. Many times, many of you say: BapDada is very good. It is fixed that there is Baba and there are we children, and we have a relationship with the Father alone, but that there is conflict with the divine family. Your faith fluctuates in this and therefore you leave the family aside. You become slack in that and make the relationship with the Father very strong. But, one side has become slack. Do you wish to come into the rosary without the family? Do you wish to come into the rosary? Do all of you wish to come? Achcha. Do you wish to come into the 108 or 16,000? You wish to come into the 108 and there are 3,000 of you sitting here. So, out of the 3,000, who will come into the 108? All of you will come! Then the numbers within the rosary will increase. When is a rosary created? When a bead is close to another bead and they are threaded on the one thread. If they are separate beads on separate threads, would you call that a rosary? So the family is a rosary. If you leave the family aside and become strong in the other three types of faith, then also, victory is not guaranteed. "Let me move away from the conflict of the family. Baba is my Support." If you move away from the family, will this do? Will it not do? Are you concerned with the Father or the brothers? You are concerned with the Father. You are to receive the inheritance from the Father, what would you receive from the brothers and sisters? However, it is the uniqueness within Brahmin life that both the religion and the kingdom are established. It is not just a religion that is established. All other religious founders simply establish a religion. The Father's speciality is that He establishes both a religion and a kingdom. This is why you call it Easy Raja Yoga. What would one king do alone in a kingdom? Even if he has a very good throne and crown, what could he do? A kingdom is needed. A kingdom means a Brahmin family and so the ruling family. You have faith in the intellect in every situation within the Brahmin family and so in terms of the fortune of the kingdom also, you constantly have a right to the kingdom. Do not think that it does not matter if you are not able to get along well with the family, but that you are getting on fine with the Father. "What does it matter if you forget the drama, because you remember the Father anyway?" If you become weak in your own stage, that is, when you are weak in having faith in the self, when any weakness comes at any time, then, instead of your victory being guaranteed, there is fluctuation in it.
BapDada was checking the foundation of faith. What did He see? You are not constantly able to have all four types of faith at the same time. Sometimes, you have this and sometimes there is fluctuation and you are therefore not able to have the experience of constantly being victorious. Then you think: "This should have happened, and I don't know why it didn't happen. I made a lot of effort. I thought about it very carefully, but..." There is then a "but". There is difference in your thinking and in it actually happening. This means that all four sides of faith are not strong. And the amusing thing is that you say that it is the drama, "It is the drama, it is the drama", and yet, at the same time, you are also fluctuating a great deal. Sometimes there is fluctuation in your thoughts, sometimes there is fluctuation in your words and sometimes there is even fluctuation in your actions. What would it seem like at that time. Just bring this scene in front of you: you are saying that it is the drama, it is the drama and yet you are also fluctuating. So what were you told is the sign of having faith in the intellect? Guaranteed victory. If the method is accurate, it impossible for you not to attain success.
Whenever you do not attain success in any task, then understand that you are lacking in faith. Check all four sides, not just one side. And, secondly, just as the sign of having faith in the intellect is guaranteed victory, in the same way, such souls will be carefree. They cannot have any type of wasteful thinking. Apart from having pure thoughts, there will be no type of name or trace of any wasteful thoughts. It would not be that waste thoughts came and that they had to be chased away. No waste can come to those who have faith in the intellect. After all, what is wasteful thinking? How? why? what? etc. these are the wasteful thoughts that are created. When you know the significance of the drama, when you are those who know the beginning, the middle and the end, then can those who know the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama not know the beginning, the middle and the end of a small situation? Because of not knowing, you have the wasteful thoughts of how? why? what? etc. If you have unshakeable faith in the drama, if you are knowledgeful and powerful, then would wasteful thoughts have any courage to make you fluctuate? Could they have this courage? But they do have this courage, do they not? Then you think: I don't know what happened. Then BapDada is amused that you know the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama, that you know your eightyfour births and you do not know this one small thing. You are very clever! From time to time, you show your cleverness. You know all the leaves of the tree, you know all the leaves of the kalpa tree, do you not? Or don't you? Are all of you sitting at the foundation of the tree? Or are only seven or eight of you sitting there? So, do those who are sitting at the roots know the tree? How is it possible that you know every leaf and yet you do not know this? So experience the sign of having faith which is the carefree stage. "Will it happen? Will it not happen? What will happen. We are doing it, but we shall see what happens". Would you call this being carefree? Then, when you are not able to do anything, what do you do in front of the Father? You complain and beg, saying: You are our Helper. You are our Protector. You are this, You are this. To beg means to lose your right. Those who have all rights would never beg and say: "Do this, or let this happen". To have an intellect that has faith means to be carefree. So check whether you have these practical signs in yourself. Do not remain careless thinking: I have faith in the intellect anyway. Check which faith you are weak in and then change it. Do not just check yourself. BapDada had told you that together with being a checker, you are also a maker. You are not just a checker. To check means to be able to change yourself in one second. If you check yourself and do not change yourself, what would happen? Over a long period of time the sanskars of being disheartened would become very strong. And the sanskars of a long period of time will come to oppose you at the end. Some may think: No, I will only remember Baba and think of nothing else at the end. However, this is not possible. You need to practise over a long period of time. Otherwise, one second, you will think: Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba, Shiv Baba, and then the next second, Maya will say: No, you do not have any power, you are weak. Then there will be a battle taking place. You know what the aim of Brahmin life is, of what your final moments should be like, do you not? Only when you are carefree will the final moments that you speak of be easy. Otherwise, wasteful thoughts will come to you in the form of evil spirits and demons of death. No other demons of death come, but these wasteful thoughts and your own weaknesses come in the form of demons of death. What do demons of death do? They eat you. They scare you. And for others you say that they will go in the flying vehicles, that is, they will go across with the flying stage. There is no flying vehicle etc., but they have the experience of the flying stage. So what do you have to do? Will you check and change yourself in advance or will you just check yourself? Will you do both? When will you do this? You please BapDada by saying that you will do it. Even now, Madhuban niwasis have written a promise; so is that just on paper or is it in your practical life? Today, it is their turn. BapDada has special love for the Madhuban niwasis. Baba has love for everyone, but even then, Baba has special love for the Madhuban niwasis because they are the instruments. Look, when you come, they (Madhuban niwasis) look after you very well, do they not? They have passed in offering hospitality to everyone, have they not?
To offer hospitality to guests is their greatness. Those who know how to offer hospitality to guests and look after them well automatically become great. Not just in terms of providing food and drink, but the hospitality of love from the heart is the most elevated. No matter how many picnics you give them, if they haven't received love from the heart, they will say that they have received nothing. So, Madhuban niwasis offer hospitality with love from their heart. They do this, do they not? Or will you say, "BapDada said this" when someone creates upheaval? Do not do this. You are the children of the Ocean of Love. You are not the children of an urn of love, are you? You are the children of the Ocean. "Until when will we give love? How long do we have to give love for..?" No. You are not the children of an urn, you are the children of the Ocean of Love, unlimited. Do all of you have a stock of love?
Mothers have this. Kumaris have this. The Pandavs also have this. Do you have an ocean or only a little? Do you have an oceanfull? Achcha. So you do not ever get angry, do you? When you are the oceans of love, where does anger come from? When you are not able to satisfy someone, though they might be wrong, you know their sanskars because you are knowledgefull are you not? You know what they are like, but what do you say at that time? "This one did this and so I also did the same." You did something wrong when someone else did something wrong, so what wonder did you perform? That one did something wrong and you gave a wrong response. Many say that it does not matter if someone becomes angry once, but that he becomes angry again and again! So, you know that that one has an angry nature; what else would he do if he did not become angry? His task to become angry and what is your task? To give love or to become angry once? He may become angry ten times, but you would give a response once, would you not? Would you not give a response? Then he will become angry twenty times. Do you have this much power to tolerate? Or, does it not matter when that one becomes angry with you ten times, and you become a little angry? If that one lied and you became angry, that is all right, is it? Then you say with great courage, "Well, you lied and therefore I became angry". However, because you did not like the other person telling a lie, you think it is good to become angry. So, you are the master oceans of love who belong to the Ocean of Love. The eyes, features, vision and attitude of one who is a master ocean of love cannot have any other feelings, even the slightest. Would you call someone who becomes a little forceful an ocean of love? Or just an urn? No matter what happens, even if the whole world becomes angry with you, one who is a master ocean of love will not be concerned about the world. You are carefree emperors. You will not be concerned about anything else. You attained whatever you were concerned about. You attained it, did you not? Now, you are carefree emperors of these wasteful things. Be concerned about checking yourselves, be concerned about changing yourselves, but now become carefree of the wasteful. Can you do this, or when you return home will there be other feelings instead of love when your children or grandchildren or greatgrandchildren become a little angry or create upheaval? When you go to work or to business, when you have such a servant, when you have such an atmosphere, you must still remain carefree emperors of the wasteful. Do not be carefree in terms of the powerful. Be a carefree emperor of the wasteful. Some take it wrongly when it comes to the code of conduct; they say: BapDada has said: Become a carefree emperor. However, do not become carefree in the code of conduct. What is your title? Those who are the most elevated beings through following the most elevated code of conduct. These codes of conduct are the steps of Brahmin life. If you do not place your steps in the footsteps, how would you reach your destination? Place your steps in father Brahma's footsteps. These maryadas are the footsteps. If you move away from following these steps even slightly, then you become distant from your destination and you then have to make effort. And BapDada does not like to see the children making effort. You call yourselves easy yogis and yet you labour! So, do you like this? Are all of you all right? You are sitting in a corner and so you think that BapDada has not seen you. At least you are sitting warmly wrapped even in the cold. It feels good, does it not?
(BapDada performed drill.) Are you everready? If BapDada were to tell you now to go, would you go? Or would you think: Let me make a phone call that I am going. Let me send a telegram. No? What if you do not get the line over the telephone? Then the people at your home will wonder where you have gone. But it is good. The soul just flies within one second. Or will you remember that you are weak in a particular subject? Will you remember that you have to place all your things in their place and then go? Will you not think: Let me just inform them that I am going? Will you have a little thought to just inform them? No. All of you will become free from bondage. This is why check from now that there are still no golden or silver strings remaining. Iron is gross and so it is visible, but gold and silver attract you. To be everready means you go as soon as you receive an order. Are you free from the consciousness of "mine" to this extent? You have already been told that, together with body consciousness, the greatest consciousness of "mine", is that there are many golden and silver strings of the arrogance of the self. Therefore, check with a subtle intellect, not with a gross intellect thinking that nothing belongs to you, nothing belongs to you, but with a subtle and refined intellect, check that no type of temporary intoxication is a cord that becomes instrumental in holding you back. In terms of following, constantly follow father Brahma. To pick up virtues from everyone is a different thing, but follow the father. Many think that they have to follow their brothers and sisters, but whom are they following? They are following father Brahma, and you follow them. It should not be like this. Why do you not follow Brahma Baba directly? All of you are Brahma Kumars, are you not? Or, are you suchandsuch a brother Kumar or suchandsuch a sister Kumar? It is not like this. So who is the father? Brahma. So, is follow the father remembered or follow the brother or sister remembered? You may see their specialities, but follow the father. Have regard for them but the one Father is the Guide. No brother or sister can be the Guide. The Guide is only one. Only God is the Guide. And the sakar example is father Brahma. So, do you follow the father or do you think that you have not even seen father Brahma? We have not seen father Brahma, we do not know him, so how can we follow him? To follow means to place your footsteps in his footsteps. You know this, do you not? Or, don't you? Do you now know him? Have you not seen him? You do not think that you have seen the teachers, you have seen your brothers and sisters, but that you have not seen the father, do you? Anyone may be an instrument, but who made them the instrument? They have not become instruments by themselves, have they? The Father has made them the instruments. So what is there inbetween? The Father.
Achcha. Are all of you settled comfortably? Is your sleeping and eating all right? It is not that you have been sent off to faraway corners, is it? On the pilgrimages of the path of bhakti, people walk so much, whereas even if you come from far away, the buses come to fetch you, do they not? Or do you come walking? You come comfortably, do you not? And look at yourself now, in the days of Brahma Baba, there were no coaches or chairs. Now, you have become those who have coaches and chairs. You are sitting so comfortably. Why? BapDada knows that your bodies have become old and so the old bodies also need the facilities. However, you now definitely have to have such a practice that whenever you do not have any facilities, it would not create an obstacle in your spiritual endeavour. Whatever you get is good. If you get a chair, that is good and if you get the floor, that is also good. Are all of you living comfortably? Or does anyone have any difficulty? The Pandavs are courageous. Are the mothers all right? Or do you need your bed? At home, you sleep on your bed. If you get beds here also, then what does it matter? People need change. They spend so much just to get some change. There, you sleep on beds and here you sleep on the floor and so that is a change, is it not? You have already been told that however much you increase the facilities, the numbers will double or triple themselves. This will continue all the time. At present, you are constructing Gyan Sarovar and then, next year, you will say that it has become small. It has to become small.
You also have to complete the service or do you just wish to continue? You have to complete it and finish it. It will be completed when a rosary of at least 900,000 is created. Achcha.
Punjab, Hariyana and Himachal: Achcha, how much of the rosary will you prepare? How much of the rosary will you prepare? Yes, speak! Do not remain quiet. How much of the rosary will you bring? One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand? (Four hundred thousand). Then it is good. All the other zones will enjoy themselves and Punjab will create the rosary. Achcha, which zone has already prepared 50,000 Brahmins? Not a single zone has 50,000 yet. How many are there in Maharashtra? Even if there are 35 to 40 thousand, you still have to prepare 10,000 more. So, each zone should prepare at least 50,000. How many are there in Punjab? (12,000). So, Punjab has not yet even reached 50,000. It is good that you have kept the aim of reaching four hundred thousand. So there are four: Punjab, Hariyana, Himachal and Jammu Kashmir and so it is nothing difficult if each one prepares one hundred thousand. But when will you prepare them? By the beginning of the golden age or now? Those from Punjab will bring closeness very close. Perfection is the basis of closeness. The speciality of Punjab is to make themselves complete and to bring the final time close. Do you have this courage? Those from Punjab, raise your hands. The more complete you make yourselves, the closer perfection and closeness will come to you. So, you are those who constantly remain close and those who bring the time close. Achcha. Teachers speak: Ha ji or na ji?Look, those from Punjab have attained victory in one thing. You have transformed the atmosphere. The atmosphere of the terrorists has now changed. Therefore, now become just as courageous in bringing about the end. All those from Punjab, whether new or old, are all good. Punjab means courageous; in terms of the body and also in terms of the soul. So what will you remember? Those who bring the time of completion close through your perfection. Constantly remain this. You are the elevated souls who remain close. Who can remain close? Those who are like the Father can remain close to the Father. So you are the souls who remain close in this way. With the power of this awareness, constantly continue to move forward. Achcha.
Bombay, Nagpur, Poona (Maharashtra): How much of the rosary will Maharashtra prepare? Those from Punjab will prepare four hundred thousand, and this is firm, so do not forget it. What will Maharashtra do? Five hundred thousand. It is good. Bombay is also included in Maharashtra and Bombay has already received the title of being "Nar Desavar" (those who are constantly overflowing); so you will not be Nar Desavar only in terms of money, you are Nar Desavar also in terms of preparing the beads of the rosary. Is this OK? You will prepare 500,000! No one should then think that the 900,000 are already prepared. You will bring 400,000 and Maharashtra will bring 500,000.Then there will also be a selection, will there not? Some will be the subjects of the silver age and some will be the objects of the golden age and therefore, you may create 500,000. And Punjab should remember their 400,000. So the greatness of Maharashtra is to constantly be victorious. The greatness is in the victory. So you are constantly the victorious souls who constantly have a stage that is free from obstacles. Just as victory is guaranteed, so too, you are the victorious souls who have faith in the intellect. Are those from Maharashtra like this? Or, are you simply saying Han ji whilst you are here and then, when you return home, you will write letters: "What can I do? How can I do this?" No, you are victorious. Because if you don't become victorious, who else would? You have to become this. Is this firm? Or is it extra firm for those from Maharashtra? The stronger you become in this, the stronger the subjects you prepare will be. Otherwise, the subjects will be weak. So it is good that Maharashtra will prepare great subjects. Do not just make ordinary subjects. And, those from Punjab, create courageous subjects, not weak ones.
Karnataka: Those from Karnataka are in a hurry. Maybe they want to prepare the rosary and so they are thinking that the rosary should not be completed before them. Achcha, those from Karnataka speak: how much of the rosary will you prepare? (200,000). Achcha, just as you were quick in giving your name, so too, prepare the rosary quickly. It is good. Those from Karnataka are very quickly spellbound with the magic of love. Whether they understand the knowledge or not, they are number one in love. Because of their language, they would only understand half the knowledge, but they are number one in love. Is it like this? You are number one in love. The sign of love is that many centre are being opened. Now, simply make the addition that you have to create subjects who are free from obstacles and a kingdom that is free from obstacles. So, what do those from Karnataka have to remember? You are those who have a right to the kingdom that is free from obstacles and you have to create companions who are free from obstacles. You are very good in your expansion. So what will you remember? That you are the loving souls who are free from obstacles. Simply maintain a balance. You become free from obstacles, but your stage should be free from obstacles to the same extent that you have love. Those from Karnataka will constantly continue to receive blessings by keeping a balance of both these. Did those from Karnataka understand? Have you underlined this? Let your expansion be free from obstacles. Achcha.
Gujarat: BapDada and the Dadis have many rights over Gujarat. You have this, do you not? Whenever any task is to be performed, whom do you claim a right over? You consider it your right over Gujarat. So what is the speciality of Gujarat? To have a right in service also. Those who have a right over service will of course have a right to the kingdom. You say Ha ji, ha ji in service, and so what will you have in the kingdom? "Yes, my Lord Yes, my Lord". Is the number of Gujarat less than that of Maharashtra? It is a little less. Now, do not let it be any less. In fact you are number one in giving co operation, because according to the drama, you have received the fortune of being close. Now, if Gujarat is told to prepare a bus from each centre, how many buses would come? Many would come, would they not? So you are everready, are you not? If you call those from Maharashtra who are faraway; they will come with great difficulty. Because of being far away, they find it difficult. However, Gujarat has the fortune and they are also very good in taking responsibility for service. They are not those who constantly ask questions. They are good in taking up any responsibility. So this is also the fortune you have automatically received within the drama. Those who are ready, however many a reordered, will all come. (Speaking to Dadiji): Look, you are now carefree about the mela, are you not? Because Gujarat has taken the responsibility. So BapDada is also happy; He is happy to see the children who wear the crown of responsibility.
Bhopal: How many are there in Bhopal? (5,000). Is that all? Only 5,000! It is very little. What are you thinking? Those from Bhopal, raise your hands. What will you do? Simply add a point (zero) infront of 5,000. Will you do this? You will bring a good number of subjects, will you not? It is good. You are the elevated souls who constantly attain expansion by adopting the right method. You will expand very quickly, will you not? Say yes or no. You are giving a very weak response. No, you still have good means of service. If you prepare two to four "mikes", it would not be difficult to add the zeros. You also have a chance. Look at the "mikes" in the States and the "mikes" in the Central Government, those from the Central Government give time with great difficulty whereas those from the States come easily. They can come into contact and connection. And those from the Central Government take time in looking after their seat. This is why you must now prepare "mikes". By your preparing the "mikes", many souls will easily come. Many can benefit through the sound from one. o not just make them into loving souls, do not just make them into those who are in your connection, but bring them into close relationship. So, what will those from Bhopal do? Whom will you bring? Will you prepare the "mikes" and bring them, or are they already ready? You can bring them, there is a good margin for this. You have a relationship with them, but let your relationship be even closer. So you are those who constantly expand with the elevated method. Do you understand what your speciality is? You are those who expand easily. Mothers from Bhopal, raise your hands. You mothers have courage, do you not? Say yes or no. You have become introverted. You have begun to think who to bring from now. Achcha.
Rajasthan: Are those from Abu included in Rajasthan or are they separate? You are central and that is a centre. You are clever. You do not wish to be mixed with them (Rajasthan). It is good. Those from Rajasthan have performed a wonder that the main centre is in Rajasthan. The main centre is in Rajasthan. This is a wonder of Rajasthan. So, the lighthouse is in Rajasthan, is it not? Now the lighthouse is in the central place. And what is there at the centres? Is there just the light or are there the mighthouses? Those from Rajasthan, speak: Is there just the light or the mighthouses? Achcha. Which cities have come from Rajasthan? (Jaipur) Those from Jaipur, raise your hands. Does Jaipur simply have light or is it a lighthouse? Speak. What are you? You are a lighthouse. How many places have you given light to? What is the task of a lighthouse? To give light in all four directions or only to those close by? You give light in all four directions, do you not? So, Rajasthan has to give light in all four directions of Rajasthan. You have awakened them, you have awakened them in Jaipur, you have awakened Jodhpur, you have also awakened Udaipur. However, you now have to create lighthouses from just being light. Not a single area should remain dry. Rajasthan is said to be the driest place (in India) but in Brahmin life, Rajasthan has the most greenery. People say that there is only sand in Rajasthan, and so instead of the sand, let them become palaces of gold. They will become this. So now, change the sand into gold. What will Rajasthan do? Will you prepare palaces of gold? You will prepare souls like gold and palaces of gold. Look, the capital will be in Delhi and so Rajasthan is so close. So the palaces will be built there also, will they not? Will everyone come in Delhi or will they also live close by? So what will Rajasthan do? You will change the dust into gold. You have this much enthusiasm, do you not? Rajasthan means those who change Rajasthan into Paristhan (the land of angels.) The fragrance of Paristhan should be visible in all four directions. Increase the numbers and together with the numbers, prepare such souls. You have already been told that each state can bring a "mike" easily. Whether he is a small "mike" or a big one, if not a big "mike" then even a small "mike" is all right. Look, the small "mike" of Rajasthan performed wonders, did he not? Today, it is the "mike" who carried out the work for Gyan Sarovar. So, each state, Maharashtra, Karnataka or whichever state, each state has to prepare a "mike". And if all the "mikes" from all the states come together, a gathering will be created. And the sound from a gathering will spread very easily. So will Rajasthan prepare the rosary or the "mikes"? What will you do? You have to prepare both. A rosary and also the "mikes". Achcha.
Agra: What will those from Agra do? Now, create such a place, so that just as the Taj Mahal of cement and bricks attracts everyone, in the same way, it should be well known that the Taj Mahal is here, but also those wearing the crown are also here in an incognito form. So they should not just come to seethe Taj Mahal, but they should also come to see those who are wearing the crown. They should come to look for you. Let there be such an attraction of the souls who are wearing the crown. They should receive the vibrations that some elevated souls are hidden in an incognito form. It should be just as when the rishis and munis were in their satopradhan stage in the copper age and were able to spread their influence into the distance. People would search for them and provide for their livelihood. The rishis and munis themselves did not call anyone. When they, who only have the knowledge of the soul, are able to attract people, what can those, who have the supreme knowledge, not do? So each of you should consider yourself to be one who has such a crown, that is, each of you should consider yourself to be responsible for attracting people and making them belong to the Father. Do not make them belong to you, but to the Father. So did those from Agra understand what they have to do? Bring about more newness. Show this newness so that everyone's vision is drawn. Do you understand? Prepare the diamonds. What is there in a crown? False diamonds. And what do you have to do? Prepare true diamonds. Achcha.
Nepal: Their hats are not visible. They are not sitting together. They are sitting individually. It isgood. Nepal is said to be part of this land as well as a foreign land. You take double benefit. When itis the foreigners' turn, you say that you are foreigners and when it is India's turn, you say that you are Indians. You take a double chance. It is good. Many people of Nepal have a lot of bhavna. You are very good in listening with great love. The land of Nepal also has good bhavna. And your second speciality seen is that you do not get involved in too many other things. You remain busy with yourself.
You do not create much conflict. This is why there is very good expansion and why the quality is also good. One would not say that it is very good, but that it is good. Those from Nepal also have not created a "mike". There are cooperative souls who give their cooperation when needed, but bring them into close relationship and the sound will spread very loudly and very far. Now, the sound created is very soft. And so it only spreads as far as Nepal itself. That is all. Now prepare those who can spread the sound far and loudly. If each state prepares two to three "mikes", then there would be such splendour. There would be this splendour, would there not? Then you would not have to make any effort to do service. You will become the might and they will become the "mike". You will simply continue to give them might. At present, you give them light and you also become the "mikes". Then, they will become the "mikes" and you will continue to give light. So, now bring about a new turn in service. Bring some newness. This programme has been created for this, so that even from the foreign lands, someone from every country should come and from here also, someone should come from every state. But prepare the "mikes". So there will then be a court of the "mikes", and when so many "mikes" gather together, the sound will also spread very far and loudly. So create a programme of such newness. Until then, prepare the "mikes". Prepare them and then fix a date. However, no corner or state should be left out. If you have to create a loud sound, what do you do? You put up speakers in all four directions, do you not? By speakers being put up in all four directions, the sound becomes very loud. All the "mikes" should speak the same sound and so the same sound would emerge from all four directions. This is the flag of revelation. So make these preparations now. Do you understand? Those from the zones should not simply become happy that they have received this blessing. Go and do service. Baba is not mentioning any names, but each of you should consider yourself for this. Those from Delhi and Bombay have to do this first. Delhi and Bombay are both those who glorify the name. Is this correct, those from Delhi? It is good. The instrument of Delhi is sitting here. (Jagdishbhai was sitting in front of Baba). It would be a wonder when it emerges from everyone's lips that you are truly the only transformers. They should not say that you are also one of them, but that you are the only ones. What do they say at present? That you are also one of many; that you too are good. When the sound emerges that only these people are good, then the flag will be hoisted. You are the only one, there are not many. So all of you from all the zones are ready, are you not? Are you ready to do this? All of you will do this, will you not? Some of you can do service through the mind and some of you can do service through words. Everyone can do service through the mind. Therefore, spread those vibrations. If not through words, then give the donation of yoga through your mind. Everyone's finger is needed. Do you understand? Achcha.
Double foreigners: Double foreigners have also taken a chance in every group. Not a single group has been without double foreigners. They are present in all the groups. It is good. BapDada is pleased. At least every group becomes an international group. To be a foreigner means to be a resident of the faraway land and also farsighted. In Bharat, those who carry a message are called inland messengers. The double foreigners are good in having a far sighted intellect. To have a farsighted intellect means to know and see every situation in the three aspects of times: its beginning, its middle and its end. In other words, you would call them trikaldarshi. Whatever task you perform, do it whilst being trikaldarshi. Do not just see one aspect of time. You are those who know, understand and move along according to the understanding of the three aspects of time. This is known as having a farsighted intellect and farsighted vision. Those who do everything whilst knowing the three aspects of time never wander or stumble around. Those who do everything whilst knowing the three aspects of time are constantly victorious. They are easily victorious; not those who are victorious after having to labour. When you attain victory after having to labour, half the pleasure is lost in having to make effort. And when you attain victory easily, then you have intoxication, happiness and pleasure in that. So what are the double foreigners? Are you trikaldarshi? Or those who only know one aspect of time? What are you? Are you trikaldarshi? You do not do everything hurriedly only seeing one aspect of time, do you? This is known as those who do everything after thinking and carefully considering everything. If you do every thing hurriedly whilst only seeing the present time, then you would be deceived. If you do everything whilst being trikaldarshi, then you receive success easily. You are trikaldarshi souls who easily attain success, that is, those who have a farsighted intellect. Do you understand who you are?
Madhuban Niwasis: Are all of you Madhuban niwasis? Are those in Talheti Madhuban niwasis? Those from Talheti, raise your hands. Achcha, those from Madhuban, raise your hands. Those from the Hospital, raise your hands. Achcha, Those from Gyan Sarovar, raise your hands. There are a lot more from Gyan Sarovar. Achcha. Sevadharis in Madhuban, raise your hands. To be a sevadhari means to be fortunate. Achcha. Those from the Peace Park, raise your hands. (Kishorbhai's family). They are a trimurti. It is good. Peace Park is no less. Everyone forgets London and America. Whoever sees the Peace Park tries to copy it. But no matter how much they copy it, they cannot have that sparkle of spirituality. They cannot have that sparkle of love. This is why your speciality is good. You are receiving the fruit of your effort. You have made a lot of effort. You have made effort with a lot of love. You have not just watered it, you have given it the water of love and this is why the atmosphere is lovely and unique. And those from Gyan Sarovar are also working hard with a lot of love. The result is good. And you are number one in having faith in the intellect. No matter how much someone tries to shake you, saying: "No, it will not be ready on time", the more they say it won't be ready, the more you say, "Yes, it will be ready". Therefore, there is victory when there is faith. It has to be ready and the Father has to come. This is why, even when all the Madhuban niwasis and all the parties that come say that it will not be ready, Baba says that He has to come. Therefore, congratulations for your faith. Achcha. Those in Talheti are also experiencing pleasure. You are making the preparations for celebrating at the mela. It is good. There has to be sparkle and splendour. There has to be some newness. You always sit in the Om Shanti Bhavan Hall anyway. But there has to be some newness also. And the thoughts of so many souls will be fulfilled. The complaints will be reduced. Are those from Talheti engaged in this?
Is everything going well? Achcha. Preparations are being made. You do not think it is a big task, do you? It feels easy. You have happiness. In happiness, even the difficult becomes easy. The museum is also doing good service, and what are the Abu niwasis doing? You are giving the company of your cooperation. Whenever any task is to be accomplished, the Abu niwasis do that. It is good. All the children at the museum are also working hard. The museum is a mobile place of service. How many centres would this museum have opened? How many souls were transformed through this? The influence created here is very useful when they go back. When they are free here, because their intellect is free here, they are very impressed, and so this is what is useful when they get back to their homes. So the service of the museum is no less either. The service at all the places is good. All those who explain to the groups here are also good. Whether it is the museum, whether it is Om Shanti Bhavan, whether it is Talheti or the Peace Park, you are all doing service, are you not? At every place, the service is being carried out easily and the influence is being spread. It is good.
Achcha. What will those from Madhuban do? Madhuban niwasis should constantly consider themselves to be the image of support and the examples. In practical action, the Madhuban niwasis are the example and also the image of support, because all the facilities that are needed are provided by Madhuban; the spiritual facilities. This is why the Madhuban niwasis should not think that they are just in a room of Madhuban, or that they are in Pandav Bhavan, but that they are the image of support in every action, every thought and every word. Whatever specialities anyone sees in practical actions and words, they are seen in Madhuban. So, you are constantly the image of support at every moment, and you are also the image of an example. If you do something good, you become an example and even if you do something mixed, then also you become an example. Everyone gives the example of Madhuban. This is why the Madhuban niwasis have such a huge crown of responsibility. The hospital is also included in Madhuban. Talhetiis included, the museum is included, Gyan Sarovar is included, Sangam Bhavan is included. There are few at Sangam Bhavan but you do service tirelessly. The residents at Sangam Bhavan do very good running around. Residents of Sangam Bhavan, raise your hands.
Achcha. How's everything at the hospital? Is it all right? It is OK? Is the Hospital very good or only good? What is the speciality of the hospital? On one side, you think that no one should be a patient, and the hospital thinks it should have patients. They become unhappy if they have no patients. You bring patience to the patients. So, not only do the patients come to the hospital, but even those who wish to imbibe patience come to the hospital. It is good. The Brahmins have the maximum benefit from the hospital. You just sit in the ambulance and you arrive there. It provides good help. Firstly, it helps the Brahmins and secondly, people used to wonder and say that you do not do anything, and now they think, "Yes, they do do something. They do a lot". So the hospital has increased the service. You have transformed the people's saying "They do not do anything" to "Yes, they do do something". It is like this, is it not? Those from the hospital, raise your hands. Achcha. Those from the Health Care (next to Talheti) have also come. It is good. When those at the hospital have time, you should do a lot of service through the mind. Then you cannot become free from that. Achcha.
To all the elevated souls in all four directions who have faith in the intellect; to the souls who have guaranteed victory; to the constantly carefree souls; to the elevated souls who become the instruments to bring about expansion through the accurate method; to the close souls who constantly remain unshakeable and immovable in belonging to the one Father and in having the strength of One and the support of One, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
BapDada meeting the Dadis: (Dadiji had gone to Bombay and Ahmedabad and Dadi Janki had gone to Poona for service): You have toured and come back? You are the jewels of contentment who give contentment to others. What will the jewels of contentment do wherever they go? They will make everyone content, will they not? Whether in terms of the body or in terms of the mind, you make both types of souls ready. This is why BapDada constantly calls you the jewels of contentment. It is good. You have come carrying a basket of remembrances, haven't you? (Everyone's remembrances were given to Baba.) It is good that all were refreshed. You have multimillions merged in your every step. This is why, when each of you goes on a tour, the spinning of many souls is finished. They are all able to receive whatever they need, and this is why the wasteful spinning of many souls is finished. You experience it to be like this, do you not? Everyone has love for the Dadis. Everyone has love for all those who are the instruments.
Dadi Janki: It is good. Everything becomes all right with determined faith. No matter how bitter someone's sanskars are, where there is determination, everything finishes like wax.
Jagdishbhai: What newness will you now bring? (Of a large programme of creating "mikes".) When the sound comes from all corners together from everywhere, then the sound will be spread far and loudly. Continue to say Hanji, ha ji and everyone says Ha ji. Those from the foreign lands should say Ha ji to those from this land and those from this land should say ha ji to those from the foreign lands. What will there be when everyone says Ha ji? The task is already accomplished.
The facilities are very good. Simply learn how to become a master and a child. Be a child at the right time and be a master at the right time. Do all of you know how to become this? Do you know how to become this? Or, do you become a master when you have to become a child? Achcha. Your group is one that says Ha ji, is it not? It is good. BapDada will see who has made the lesson of Ha ji firm. You do do this. It is not that you don't, but Baba will see this at the time of a particular task. Achcha.
Dadi Chandermani will go to inaugurate the Kumbh Mela: You have received a very good seat. Continue to tour around. Continue to experience pleasure and bring pleasure to others. Look, were you able to tour around when you were sitting in a corner of Punjab? Now that you have become a Madhuban
niwasi, you are able to tour around.The gathering of the Pandavs and Shaktis together is very good. The Pandavs cannot move without the Shaktis and the Shaktis cannot move without the Pandavs. Both are needed. Both have been needed from the beginning and they will be needed till the end.
Are all of you happy? How happy are you? 100% or only a percentage? Wherever all of you have come from, you are the ones who have the best fortune of all. You are elevated. You are loved by the Father. Whether you have come from the foreign lands or from this land, each one of you is loved by the Father. A variety of souls have come. Achcha, where is the largest number of souls in the foreign countries? You are the decoration. Whether you have come from Canada or from Brazil, you are the Father's decoration. The Father cannot do anything without you. This is why BapDada says: The children are first. Do you think this? Does each one think that he is loved by the Father? Only the one unlimited Father can give love to everyone. Souls cannot give this, only the Father can give this, because He is unlimited. So each one feels himself to be loved by the Father. Whether anyone's name is mentioned or not, each one is loved. Achcha.
It is good that those who bring the "mikes", and those who give light give happiness; even those who make the toli and feed others. When you are given toli, you become so happy. Whatever each of you does, you give happiness to one another. You do not just give toli, you give happiness. It is not just a "mike" you give, you give happiness. Achcha. Look, each one has become clever. Did you know about the "mikes" before? But, by coming here, you have received a degree in this. Some for the light, some for the "mike", some for engineering, some for being a director, some for driving. Driving is very good. Everyone's life is in your hands. All the departments are those that give happiness. It is good. Congratulations! It is good that you renounce something and create the fortune of many, and so, congratulations! All departments are essential and they are number one. All those who cut the vegetables are also essential. If the vegetables are not cut, they cannot be cooked; if they cannot be cooked, you cannot eat them. Those who clean the grains are picking up diamonds. All are very essential. Whatever each of you is doing, do it as a bestower of happiness. You have to give happiness to everyone. It is not work that you are doing. To do work means to give happiness. People of the world work whereas you give happiness. So, you gave happiness and claimed blessings. It is such good work. Achcha.
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