31-03-95 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The signs of the mela of a meeting with God are the crown, the throne and the tilak.
Today, the unlimited Father is seeing all the children in the unlimited form. The Father is unlimited and all of you are also the unlimited masters and also the children. BapDada is happy to see all the loving and cooperative children, and the children are also happy to see the Father. Does the Father have greater happiness or do the children? What would you say? Both! This is known as the mela of a meeting with God. Many melas take place, but the mela of a meeting with God only takes place at the confluence age. It cannot take place at any other time throughout the kalpa. It is happening now and it will happen again. All of you are enjoying the mela, are you not? BapDada is happy to seethe fortune of the children, and He sings the song in His heart: Wah children! Wah!. You never dreamt of this fortune, you never even thought of this fortune, but you are now experiencing the elevated fortune in a practical form. The line of elevated fortune is sparkling on the forehead of each one of you. All of you are sparkling stars, are you not? Speak! Yes or no? You have this elevated fortune of yours in your awareness, do you not? Do you have an elevated fortune? All of you fortunate souls have taken a divine Brahmin birth through the Bestower of Fortune. Baba is called the Bestower of Fortune and Brahma is also called the bestower of fortune. The birth of all of you has taken place through BapDada. The fortune of one whose Father is the Bestower of Fortune Himself would have such an elevated fortune! It isn't that it would be, but that it is! It is, is it not? Do those sitting at the back have this fortune? You are celebrating a meeting with God, are you not? Are those sitting here on the side celebrating a meeting? (Speaking to the double foreigners.) You are also celebrating. It is very good. If the double foreigners were not present in the unlimited mela, it would not be an unlimited mela. So, all of you also have a special part so that the Father and all the children are happy to see you. And so the number one fortune is to take a birth through the Bestower of Fortune. As well as this, from the golden age to the iron age, has anyone ever received in any birth the fortune of having the Supreme Soul as the Father, the Teacher and the Satguru and also the One who fulfils the responsibility of all relationships? However, you have received it now. You say with faith and intoxication that the One who is sustaining you is the Supreme Soul. People of the world just say that God is sustaining them, whereas you say with practical experience that God is your Father and that He is your Sustainer. He is sustaining you! Do you have this intoxication? Or do you sometimes forget it a little? What happens is that whilst moving along, you consider your fortune to be ordinary. It is elevated but you consider it to be ordinary. So, because of thinking it to be ordinary, the sparkle of intoxication and happiness that you should constantly have, that you shouldn't forget for even one second disappears, because having found the Father, and knowing that He belongs to you and that you also belong to Him, you take it for granted. He does belong to you. Since He belongs to you, you should have this intoxication; you should have this spiritual intoxication. So is there any fluctuation? You have it, but sometimes it is elevated, sometimes of the middle level, and sometimes ordinary. Just think: Our Father is the Supreme Soul. And the Supreme Soul is also directly your Teacher. What teachings did He give? What did He make you? Trinetri, Trikaldarshi, Trilokinath. Does anyone study such an education? Until now, have you ever heard of this degree? You know of the degrees of becoming a judge, a barrister, a doctor or an engineer, but have you heard of the degree of becoming Trilokinath, Trikaldarshi, Trinetri and knowledgefull? Has anyone from the copper age through to their on age ever received it? Did you receive it? You have also taken sixtythree births. Neither has anyone received it nor will anyone receive it. Such is your Teacher! No matter how much experimentation scientists do, they still cannot reach Trilok.
They cannot attain the knowledge of all three worlds. And amongst you, even a five year old child gives the knowledge of the three worlds. He gives this, does he not? He would also say with intoxication: Yes, there is the subtle region and the incorporeal world. So, the Supreme Soul is also the Teacher. He enabled you to attain this degree with His elevated teachings, but the greatest status in the world is the ruling status. Therefore, you also receive a status through your study. So He has made you into kings. Are you a king or do you still have to become one? Are you a king now? You are a king and yet you are sitting on the floor! You do not even have a proper building. You are sitting in a tent. So just see, the most elevated status is the ruling status; so you are a selfsovereignat this time and in the future also. You have to become a world ruler in the future also. This is firm, is it not? Who has to rule? Who will rule? Will you? Or will another king rule over you? No. All of you will become kings. Will all of you rule? Have you also prepared the subjects, or will you rule over your own self? So just look at your fortune: the Supreme Soul is your Teacher, the One who gives you the ruling status. And then, as the Satguru; what does a guru do? He gives you a mantra. So what mantra did the Satguru give you? Manmanabhav. You received the great mantra from the Satguru and you also received all blessings. How many blessings have you received? Looked your list of blessings. It is so long. You receive a blessing every day. You have been receiving it for so long. No guru can give so many blessings to his followers. Have you ever seen such a guru like the Satguru who gives you a blessing every day? You have this intoxication now, do you not? Very good. Constantly keep it with you. It should not be that your intoxication begins to reduce as soon as you get into the bus from here. It should constantly keep on increasing.
BapDada constantly wishes to see each child as number one in every subject. So, are you number one, or do you still have to become that? Say with intoxication: If I don't become this, who would? Double foreigners have double the intoxication, do they not? It is good. Baba is also happy that each child of His is a crown prince, not part of the subjects. The subjects are to come later. All of you are still lucky that you have a chance to have this meeting. What does it matter if you have to stay in a tent? At least you are not sleeping in the mud! You are sleeping on mattresses. You are receiving good Brahma bhojan; not that filled with dust. You eat with love, do you not? There will be some difficulties; there has to be. Why? The game between Maya and God takes place at the same time. If you have a mela with God, Maya will also definitely create a confusion (jamela). Your duty is to have a mela and her duty is to create a jamela. So you had a jamela and also a mela. (There was a cyclone there.) That does not matter. This is the cyclone (intense speed) of your effort and that is the physical cyclone. You are not afraid about what happened, are you? Whether storms come or whether rains come; no matter how much fluctuation there is, your mind is unshakeable, is it not? The mothers are not afraid, are you? The tents have blown away; what shall we do? Were you a little afraid wondering what is going to happen and whether your health would remain good or not? No matter what it is, it is less stumbling and effort than in bhakti, is it not? You are not stumbling like on the path of bhakti, are you? You are living comfortably, are you not? So, did you enjoy this mela, or were you afraid seeing the jamela? Was no one afraid? One or two must have been afraid. You are enjoying yourselves, are you not? Should we continue this mela for two more days? Achcha, BapDada also tours around seeing the jamela of Maya. He sees the game of what the children do and what Maya does.
BapDada is happy to see the love of the children. Their love has created this mela. There is the love of the Father, there is the love of the children. What happens when both come together? It becomes a mela. The scene is so enjoyable. Did you ever think that you would find such a huge family? Who would have such a large family? How many homes do you have? (One). How many service places do you have? (Countless.) So that is also Baba's home, is it not? Baba's home is your home.
People say that you make people leave their homes, whereas you have actually created so many homes. How many homes have you created? You are not able to count them. You have to remember all of them. So, this is not leaving your home, but creating more homes. And did you leave your family, or did you extend your family so much that it is difficult to even meet everyone? Can all the Brahmins, however many there are, meet in one place? It would be difficult, would it not? Because it is someone else's kingdom. It is not your kingdom. However, you have found the Father and an unlimited family. So, by remembering the unlimited, you have unlimited happiness and unlimited intoxication. If you look at it in a limited way, thinking: I am from this country, I am from this zone, that is limited. However, you just say that in namesake to identify yourselves. This is this zone, this is this place. But you consider yourself to be of the unlimited, do you not? You have to observe the disciplines. Some even think: What is this that you will only get some food when you put on a badge? They create trouble over the meals, do they not? But you have to do this, because there is benefit in the regulations. This is a not a bondage, but it is a means to make you free from obstacles where there are obstacles. Do not think: What is this new system? Your thoughts reach the Father. However, you are the ones who are marayada purshottam (ones who follow the most elevated code of conduct). Or, is it just the senior Dadis who are maryada purshottam and you are free from this? So, to be maryada purshottam means to be one who follows all the maryadas and stays within the line of conduct; one who always say "Ha ji". The lesson of "Ha ji" is made firm, is it not? And when something happens, are you able to say, "Ha ji", or do you even say, "Na ji"? When something happens, then from saying "Ha ji", you become so firm in "Na ji" that even if Baba were to tell you something, you would not listen to Him. When the little children came at the beginning of the establishment, to make this lesson firm for them, BapDada always used to say: To say no means to be an atheist and to say yes means to be a theist. So, who are all of you? Are you theists? You are not atheists, are you? Do you sometimes become this? You play games. You have become knowledgefull of Maya, because Maya is also knowledgefull. Maya is knowledgefull in making you fall and you are knowledgefull in flying. So, Maya also sees when your flight is fluctuating a little, and when she sees this, she attacks you. However, because you are knowledgefull, you know in advance and so are not defeated; you are garlanded with the garland of victory. Is there a garland of victory around everyone's neck? Do you have it or do you sometimes take it off? Achcha.
Are those sitting at the back enjoying themselves? Those sitting at the back have chairs. The ones at the back are also visible. This is also Madhuban's area, is it not? And so, can such a huge mela take place anywhere else except in Madhuban? It cannot, can it? So, what is Madhuban. It is the unlimited home. Here, everything is unlimited, and everywhere else, everything has to be considered. Here, when you have a thought, it happens practically. It happened, did it not? So each of you has arrived at the Godly mela through your own fortune. All those who have come here for the first time this kalpa, raise your hands. It is good. You are seeing all this on the T.V. Look, the majority of the facilities of science have been invented recently. A few years ago, these facilities of science did not exist. For whom have they been invented? For you. BapDada is congratulating the scientists, because Baba's children are experiencing happiness from that, and it seems so good. However, what does BapDada wish now? How many years is it since the establishment? You are now making preparations for celebrating the diamond jubilee. BapDada has called all of you children the crown princes. All of you are kings. So, where do you sit every day? On the throne. A king is seated on a throne, is he not? So, all of you are crown princes. So, the signs of a kingdom are a crown, a throne and a tilak. So this year, whether you are new or old, the time for completion is close for the new ones as well as the old. Do not think that perhaps you will also get sixty years. No, you have to make up that time. If you have come last, you have to go fast.
However, whether you are new or old, the time for completion and becoming perfect is the same for all. I am a selfsovereign soul; the tilak of this awareness is constantly applied. It is not that it is sometimes erased and sometimes applied. No. To be a ruler means to have a tilak. The tilak of this awareness should remain eternally. It should not be ordinary. I am one who has a tilak; I am wearing the crown of responsibility of being a world benefactor. The world is so huge and all of you are world benefactors. The Father alone is not this; together with the Father, all of you are this. So, you are the ones who have the crown of responsibility of world benefit and are constantly seated on Baba's heartthrone. Do not ever come down, constantly be seated on the throne. Generally also, parents do no tallow their beloved, most loved children to go into the dirt. They do not allow them to step on the ground. So, you are all so beloved. Or, are there others to come? No, you are this. So, do not get off the throne and put your feet on the ground of having an ordinary form and ordinary thoughts. The foot of the intellect should always be seated on the throne. You are the children of the Supreme Father. You are not the children of any mahatma or any dharmatma, but of the Parmatma. All of you are in very good intoxication at the moment; it is visible, but this will remain eternally, will it not? Or, will it remain for a little while and then you will battle and attain victory? It is not like that, is it? Are you Brahmins or warriors? What are you? You are Brahmins. You are not warriors. Do you battle? Or, do you sometimes become a Brahmin and sometimes a warrior? If you have to battle with Maya, then understand: To be a Brahmin means to be victorious and to be a warrior means to battle. BapDada sometimes has a lot of mercy for the children. They sit down for yoga and are battling at that time. They say that they had yoga for one hour, but in that one hour for how long did you battle and for how long did you have yoga? If you do not experience anything for any reason, it is definitely the stage of battling. BapDada says that you are the yogi children and instead you become the warriors. For how long will you battle? Till the end? Will you battle till the end? Should Baba give you permission to battle? Do you want this permission? Do you? Then why are you battling? You become so weak, and so Maya makes you so dependent that you battle even when you do not wish to, just like a weak servant. Nowadays, most of them are very brave, but some servants are very innocent. Some masters tell the servants to do something which they are not able to do. Otherwise, they say: What are you doing here? They make them dependent. So Maya also does the same. You do not wish this, but because of being weak, you have to remain dependent on Maya. At that time, are you yogis or warriors? You cannot be called yogis. So BapDada wishes that each child becomes a yogi child, not a child who battles. BapDada does not like to see the children labouring in battling. You are the Godly children who constantly stay in enjoyment and pleasure, not those who have to labour in battling. So what will you become? Yogi children or warrior children? You will become yogis, will you not? What will those at the back become? You will become yogis. And what will the Shaktis become? Will you become yogis or do you like battling a little? And what about the Pandavs? Are you yogis or do you battle a little also? At the moment, you are saying, "Yes, yes". And when you say this, a photograph is being taken. And so this year, everyone's chart should be one of being a ruler. Your dependence should finish. You remained subservient for sixtythree births. Now you have received this one birth to claim all rights, and so will you remain subservient even in this one birth? Should you be given one more birth, so that you experience the pleasure of being subservient? Do you not want this? You have been given all rights; simply look after your rights. Do not become careless. Do not become weak. What do you say? "I am a master almighty authority". Does anyone ever say: I am a master weak one? But what do you become? Master almighty authority and weak. Do you like this? You do not like this, do you? You do not like to even hear of it. So what will you do? What will be the result of this year? Only then will you be said to have changed from golden to diamond. So you are making preparations to celebrate the diamond jubilee, are you not? Will you also celebrate it or will only those who have been here for sixty years celebrate it?
This is the diamond jubilee of the establishment. So, are all of you part of the establishment or not? There are some who are only two to four months old. At present, mixed ages have come. So, those who are two to four years have come, those who are two to four months have come, but it is everyone's diamond jubilee, because it is the diamond jubilee of the establishment. So you will celebrate it with a lot of splendour, will you not? What does it mean to celebrate? To have a conference, to have a programme, or to become something? To celebrate means to become and to make others the same also. Do not simply celebrate, but become the same also. Look, all of you are the souls who are offering bhog at the end of the season. You have received such a good chance. Achcha, are there souls sitting till the very end of the tent or is there still some space? There is a little space.
So, did you enjoy the mela? Now, the complaints of all of you have finished, have they not? Now the complaint of not being given a chance is finished, is it not? Look, because of love for the children, Baba had to come where the children are, because Baba knows that children have been remembering Him for half a kalpa: Come, come. Baba came at His own time. He did not come when you cried out for Him, but at least He heard you. So, for half a kalpa, you said to Baba: Come, come. And Baba has now said to all of you to come to the mela at this time. Are all of you happy? Are all of you in good health, or are there some in the tents who are ill? You are sitting here, but what about your companions? There is no one. This proves that all of you have such good health, which means that you have received very good Brahma bhojan. Now, at least you have the facilities of sleeping on the ground, but at the time of destruction, it is possible that you may have to make your arms your pillows. You will be able to sleep comfortably on the ground. If there are any stones or pebbles, you will clear that space, you will move it aside. At present, BapDada went around and saw that very good arrangements have been made. And for that, multimillion times congratulations to those from Gujarat. You have done this very well. You have worked hard from your heart. So BapDada is giving multimillionfold love to all those who have worked hard. All those who have served as instruments, raise your hands! Those from Gujarat have done this, have they not? Those from Gujarat, raise your hands. You have done very well. Look, at least you get very thin chapatis. You are not getting burnt chapatis. BapDada has heard the result that very good Brahma bhojan is prepared. It is good; at least you have developed the practice of sleeping on the floor. If, in the hot season, the tents fly away or the roof of the tent flies away, it is to provide some air for you. It becomes a natural window for you. However, the next group will not get this. For them, better facilities will be made. And all those from Madhuban who have given a lot of cooperation, raise your hands! They must be sitting at the back. They did a lot of hard work. (Dadi made a lot of effort.) Dadi is instrumental. How many garlands does Dadi receive each day? The garlands of blessings are being put on, one after another, and they do not have to be taken off either. If there were ten garlands of flowers around the neck, the neck would become tired, and these garlands of blessings are so light and so lovely. You who have done service and, in fact, everyone has cooperated, nothing takes place without cooperation, everyone has to say, "Ha ji" and when you do this, you extend the hand of cooperation, for only then is this task possible. If even two or four cooperative people had said" No", the mela could not have taken place. But those from Madhuban, Talheti, the Hospital, those from all other lands, and from Gyan Sarovar have helped a lot. The greatness is of Gyan Sarovar that you received good food. (The steam system and the huge pots of Gyan Sarovar are being used for the mela.) All of you have created Gyan Sarovar and so you are eating the fruit of the seed you have sown. This is practical, visible fruit. You have received visible fruit and you are eating it with a lot of love. There is not the slightest sign of tiredness on anyone's face. This is the wonder! To do something and to do it with love. To do something whilst choking is not worth anything. When you go to a mela, you definitely take one or another sign of it with you. What symbol will you take from this Godly mela.
Take the crown, the throne and the tilak; take them all with you. Let it not be that out of the three things, you take two things with you and forget the third. You will not leave it behind, will you? Do you know how to take it back? During the season, "lost property" is announced every day, and so make sure you do not leave anything behind. I am a Brahmin soul. I am a most elevated fortunate soul. Constantly have this faith and intoxication: not just in your intellect, but in your practical activity and on your face. All those who come into contact with you should experience that you are not ordinary, but unique. And this uniqueness is most lovely. There should be spiritual uniqueness. Do you know how to become unique?
People from all sides of Bharat have come. Have people come from everywhere or is there any place left out? Souls have come from everywhere. All zones are here. Just as you are everready in coming here, you became everready and arrived here, in the same way, if BapDada were to order you to make preparations to return home in one second, would you be able to do it? Or, would you remember that you have to telephone someone to say that you are now going? Will your family remember you? Have such a practice that the soul becomes everready to become separated from the body in one second. You have all made the promise that you will all return together. Is this the promise that you made or not? Or that Baba returns home and you are left to watch? No, you will stay together and return together. You also need to make preparations to return. You do not have any golden, silver or copper strings, do you? You may try to fly but the string would bring you down. So check, and have this practice: Am I able to become bodiless in one second? To be bodiless means that no physical attraction should attract the soul towards itself. Even if you are alive, it is as though you have died alive. In fact, all of you do not have a body of your own. Would you say: "This is my body."? Or, is it something entrusted to you by the Father? Since it is Baba's valuable property, why is it difficult to become bodiless? Is it difficult or is it easy? It is easy. It is easy to say it. You should not have to battle: I am a soul, I am a soul. Where would you reach if one second is finished in battling? You should do it the moment Baba tells you. If you think about it even a little: "It should not be like this, but like this. I do not have this much practice. There is still more time, it will happen." The moment you think in this way, you have gone. Where have you gone? To the silver age. If you say "Ha ji", you become Braham Baba's companion. Achcha.
The teachers who have come, raise your hands! All the teachers are sitting at the front. You are clever. Very good. BapDada is congratulating you for doing service as instruments. At least, you have made effort to enable everyone to come on the pilgrimage.
Achcha, kumars, raise your hands! And householders, raise your hands! There will be a larger number of Shaktis. What will the householders do? Householders should always remember the blessing: We are the most beautiful, number one showpiece in the showcase of the world. The more beautiful, you showpieces are, that is the samples, then the more people will come to make a bargain with the Father. Seeing a sample, they will want to come and buy. And what will kumars do? Kumars are constantly everready for one or another form of transformation in the world. Kumars are responsible for any type of revolution. So, this is the revolution for peace. All kumars should constantly remember: Our every action is instrumental for transformation. So, kumars means world transformers. It is like this, is it not? You are not simply clapping, are you? There are very good kumars here. Look, BapDada always says that for a centre to go ahead in service, kumars are needed. Where there are no kumars, there will be less plans for service. So, you are such server kumars who are free from obstacles. Do not be ones who create conflict, but be server kumars who are free from obstacles. Kumars are the beauty of service. This is why BapDada loves the kumars. It is good. Everyone has to become free from obstacles this year. There will be no letter of obstacles that this happened and this happened. Maya loves kumars a lot also. Maya also thinks that you should belong to her, and so you have to pay double the attention. Do not belong to Maya.
And what will the kumaris do? Kumaris have great fortune. A kumar may be of twentyfive years, but no one could call him dada. However, kumaris will be called dadis and didis. When a kumari becomes a teacher, she receives the title of dadi or didi. They are called didi and many good ones also become this. However, to be didi means to be big. And so, to be a didi means to make effort for the self and to inspire others with a big heart. Do not become happy with just the name "didi". You also have to do some work. It has been seen that Maya has extra love for kumars and kumaris. However, this is not love, it is deception. First of all, Maya loves you a great deal, but merged within that is deceit. There should now not be any report of Maya from any kumar or kumari. There are these reports at present. Some do play games: kumars and kumaris. Now do not play games any more. Now, become world transformers, be cooperative with one another and continue to move forward. Is this all right?
So, the householders are also playing a very good part of their own. If it were not for householders, BapDada would have to accept the insults even now. He was insulted so much in the beginning. However, seeing the sample of you householders, others had courage. So this is the speciality of the householders, but what does it mean to be a householder? Those who remain in an attitude beyond. Householder does not mean to have the consciousness, "My grandson, my grandson", but to be those who have an attitude of remaining beyond. What happens is that because BapDada says "Remain loving and detached", you become loving, but not detached and loving. You make this mistake. Become loving, but first, become detached and then become loving. You become loving but you forget to become detached. So, you are loving and detached. You householders know how to become this, do you not? You are clever, are you not? In being loving and also in being detached? Now, do not write: What can I do, but Maya came? Write a letter that you have chased Maya away for all time. Why should you write a letter? Everything reaches Baba. There is no need to write anything. When you write, you write fourpage letters and your economy is finished. There is then expense incurred. Whose expense was that? Yours or Baba's? So you incurred unnecessary expense, did you not? And so much time is wasted of those who read the letters. What type of handwriting is it? Some words go towards the East and some go towards the West. Just write two words; do not write in detail. Letters of good news are not long. When there is news of something wrong, they will be four page letters, and now the letters are to be of good news, are they not? Or are they going to be long and complicated? No matter how many letters and how much news someone brings to you, what should you do? You have to remain unshakeable and immovable and put them into the waste paper basket. Do not take an interest in it. What is this? What has happened? No. Let those who want to say something say it. You are listening to what Baba says. Or, do you also wish to listen to others? What promise did you make? That you will only listen to the One. Or, will you listen to others also? No matter what someone says some may say: I am the Father; someone else will say something else let them say it, let them experience that pleasure. You belong to the Father and you are going to remain belonging to the Father. Do you agree? Or do you wish to experience a little pleasure? Those who remain under Baba's influence cannot come under the influence of any soul. Can they? No. You are saying something good: what does it matter if I heard it? But what has Baba said? Listen to the One and only listen to everything about the One. Do you like this or do you enjoy listening to the Ramayana or the Mahabharata? No, you feel there should be a little entertainment every now and again. If others are doing something, let them enjoy themselves, but give them good wishes and keep yourself safe. Do you know how to remain safe or do you get a little of that heat also? You should not be affected by the heat but should constantly keep yourself safe.
Achcha. All of you have now received blessings; the blessing everyday. You have so much Godly love. You sing the song: Who else would love you as much? No one else can give you Godly love. It is impossible. Achcha. Maya is also trying to create a jamela. However, all of you are unshakeable. So, are all your desires fulfilled? You have to continue to meet whilst you are alive. Do not ever be afraid of Maya's jamela. Come, we are also victorious. Challenge her even more. It does not matter. You have a jamela, but we also have a mela. Achcha.
Can such a huge mela take place in Gyan Sarovar? (Yes, it is possible.) Show it to BapDada. Where will you do it? It is good. Gyan Sarovar has become a sample for the world. You have made it well. What is not possible? Since you wish to claim the kingdom of the world, this is not a big thing. An asylum has to be created eventually. You have seen it now. When there is any fluctuation, come here. You have seen the place, have you not? There will be a mela of mikes from everywhere at Gyan Sarovar, will there not? Mikes from everywhere will come, will they not? This is a mela for Brahmins and that will be a mela of the mikes. Gyan Sarovar has been created with a drop from everyone and everyone has given their every drop with a lot of love, from deep within their heart. This is why Gyan Sarovar is a sample of the cooperation of all of you. Those from Talheti have also done a lot of tapasya. Their tapasya is also now completed. Achcha.
To all the souls from every direction of this land and abroad who are observing this scene in their subtle form; to the souls who are sustained by the elevated sustenance and those who are claiming a ruling status through the most elevated study; to the souls who attain all blessings from the Satguru; to the constantly victorious souls who are the conquerors of Maya; to the most elevated souls who have stopped constantly battling and are stabilised in the stage of being Raja Yogi souls, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
Achcha, did the double foreigners enjoy the mela? Will all of you sleep like this in the tents? Or will you not be able to sleep? Are you ready to sleep like this? You (Bharatwasis) do not allow them (double foreigners) to sleep in this way, but they are ready. You are very courageous. You are everready. If you are given the Dunlop pillow, that is all right and if you are given the floor, that is all right too. Achcha, in this season, BapDada saw double foreigners with great zeal and enthusiasm also. BapDada saw expansion; there is expansion in numbers and progress in the stage also. Now, the childhood games have finished. You have now grown up. Achcha, is everyone all right? Did you enjoy the mela? You do not think: "What is this jamela etc.", do you? No, it is very good. Whatever happens in the drama is good and it will remain good.
(The stage was decorated very beautifully. A scene of the subtle region and the golden age were created. BapDada saw all the scenes.) It is very good. All of you worked very hard. It is also a wonder of those from Gujarat. You are not tired, are you? All of you did very well. Achcha. All those Pandavs who have been cooperative. Come. In fact, everyone has done something, but BapDada is calling the few instrument souls. In fact, all of you have done something. (All brothers and sisters instruments in service came in front of BapDada.) All of you did the number one work. (Speaking to all the brothers and sisters who had come to celebrate a meeting.) All of you are the most cooperative. How could the mela have taken place if it hadn't been for you. The result is very good.
Speaking to Bhopalbhai (Main instrument at Talheti): All your desires are now fulfilled. Make this place even more free from obstacles by fulfilling all the regulations and it will be more useful. Do you understand?
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