06-04-95 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Become the conquerors of Maya by being the embodiment of the awareness of the spiritual personality of purity.
Today, BapDada, the Ocean of Love, is seeing all His loving children everywhere. He is seeing the sparkle of the spiritual personality in the image of each loving child. Externally, you are those who have an ordinary personality, but you are number one in the spiritual personality. All types of personalities are remembered in the world. There are the personalities of the physical bodies, the personalities of particular specialities and personalities of a special position. However, what is the personality on the faces and in the activities of you children? The personality of purity. Purity is a personality. The purer someone is, not only is that one's personality visible, but it is also experienced by others. Are all of you able to experience your spiritual personality? Has there been any other personality similar to yours from the golden age until now? Does anyone have this personality? Go around the whole cycle and see if there is any such personality. Yes or no? There isn't, is there? And you have the intoxication of your spiritual personality. Eternally also, in Paramdham, the personality of you special souls is the most elevated. Even though all souls are sparkling lights, the sparkle of you souls who have a spiritual personality is lovely and unique compared to that of others. Bring the personality of your eternal form into your awareness. Has it come into your awareness? Can you see it? You are visible with BapDada in your spiritual personality. Do you see yourself? Are you seeing yourself? Go into your eternal form; in how much time are you able to do this? How long would it take you to go there? Less than one second! Or, do you want one day or one hour? In less than one second, you can reach wherever you want. So, have you seen the personality of your eternal form? Have you seen it? Have those sitting at the back seen it or have only those at the front seen it? Have those at the back seen it? You are raising your hands. Have the Pandavs seen it? Have the double foreigners seen it? Very good. Now, from the eternal form, come into your original form. Have you come into this form? Or, are you still doing this? You have reached this form. Have the Shaktis reached this form? So, from the eternal form to the original form, look at your spiritual personality. How elevated your personality is! Of the body, of the mind, of wealth and of relationships. All types of personalities are so elevated. You are looking at your original personality now. You appear so beautiful. You are decorated so well and you are the embodiment of happiness, peace, love and bliss. Look at your personality of the beginning. Have you seen it? Can you see it clearly or is it that it is now 5,000 years ago and so you are not able to see it clearly? Is it clear? It is clear to all of you. You are all clever. So you have seen your beginning also. Now come into the middle period, and what is your personality in the middle period? Your nonliving images are worshipped and remembered so accurately. No matter how many religious souls, great souls or great leaders with such a personality are remembered, compared to the personality of your nonliving images, their personality is nothing. Justas you are worshipped so accurately, is any religious soul or any great soul worshipped as accurately in the someway? Have you seen it? Is anyone else decorated in the same way as your nonliving images? So, even in the middle period, the speciality of the personality of purity of you souls is so elevated. Have you seen your image? Are you worshipped or not? Or, are just the seniors worshipped and you are not? Are there temples to the double foreigners? Are there your images in them? Have the double foreigners seen them? You are in them, are you not? Or, are you just saying that you must be in there because you have heard this? Do you have these memories? So your middle period is also extremely elevated, and now, in your last birth, which is the Brahmin birth in which you have died alive, look how great your personality is! You are praised so much. Even today, it is only brahmins in name only who carry out any elevated task.
Even though the brahmins of today are no longer brahmins (in activity), they are brahmins by name, it is because of your name and your personality that they are praised as being elevated even today. So the personality of Brahmin life is so elevated! Eternally, at the beginning, in the middle period and also at the end, your personality throughout the kalpa has always been great. If the name of anyone with a lokik personality is mentioned, it would be mentioned in books; it would be mentioned in a special book soandso. (Who's Who.) But what is your name mentioned in? It is not mentioned in any ordinary book, it is mentioned in the scriptures. Whose activities, praise and stories are therein the scriptures that have been created from the beginning? The names of those with a lokik personality are mentioned in the special books, and you are praised in the scriptures, and people give so much regard to the scriptures. They look after the scriptures very accurately. They see them as something very worshipworthy. Those who are true bhagats keep the scriptures according to the system and also read them. They do not keep the scriptures like ordinary books. Therefore, keep the personality of your purity in your awareness in an emerged form. Do not keep it in a merged form and think: if anyone is this, it is us. Let the awareness be in an emerged form. Those who have this awareness in their intellect in an emerged way have it as the basis of power. Can Maya come where there is power? It is impossible for Maya to come to a powerful soul. There is no need to labour. It is Maya's duty to come. However, according to the time, it is not your duty to chase her away. It should not be that Maya comes and you chase her away. Your duty is to constantly be the conquerors of Maya. Are you the conquerors of Maya or those who chase Maya away again and again? Those who are the conquerors of Maya do not have to chase her away. Are you such conquerors of Maya? Are the mothers like this? Are the Shaktis like this? Are you like this? Or, do you still have to chase her away when she comes to grant you a vision every now and then? It is not like this, is it? Have the double foreigners chased Maya away for all time? Or, do you still continue to chase her away? What is it? Has Maya gone away for all time? She will not come now, will she? Or, does it not matter if she comes a little? After all, you have had her friendship for half a kalpa; she is your friend. Will you leave her alone just like that, so that she does not come again? You were told earlier that before the end of time, you need the practice of being a conqueror of Maya over a long period of time. This will not be possible at the end. If you make the effort to become a conqueror of Maya at the end, what would happen then? BapDada often relates the story of the parrot: The parrot was told not to sit on the tap, and so he repeated the same thing whilst sitting on the tap. In the same way, if, at the end, you have not had the practice over a long period of time, you would keep on thinking in your mind, "No, really, I am a soul, I am a soul". However, there will also be the influence of Maya. Even when you try to stabilise yourself in the stage of a soul, it will not be possible. So what do you have to do? Practise being a conqueror of Maya from now. And the easy method for this is to keep your spiritual personality in your awareness. What is the sign of those with such a personality? The vision of those who have an elevated personality will never be drawn towards anything or anyone. Their vision will not be drawn towards others by thinking, "This one is like this, this one is like that, this one is doing this, this one is doing that, why should I not do this? Why can I not do this?" Why? Those who have a spiritual personality are complete with all attainments. They are complete in their nature, they are complete in their sanskars and complete in their relationships and connections; they are overflowing. They will never experience a lack of anything in the treasure store of their attainments. Why? Because of having a spiritual personality and because of constantly being overflowing, they remain content. The vision is drawn towards the attainment of others when you lack something in your own self. So, do you lack anything? Are you lacking anything? What songs do you sing? Nothing is lacking in whose treasures? In the treasurestore of Brahmins. You sing this song, do you not? Do them others sing this song, not through your lips, but in your mind? Achcha, all those sitting on chairs, do you sing this song?
Achcha. The Shaktis are also sitting on chairs. It is good that at least you have a chair. And what are those on the couches doing? Those on the couches have become the most elevated of all because they have got a couch. Those people got chairs, those people got a chance to be queens of the floor. You are good; the kings and queens of the floor are good.
Today, BapDada was checking the personality of purity of the children everywhere. You know the definition of purity very well. Purity is not simply the vow of celibacy. Nowadays, many people who do not have any knowledge lead a celibate life according to circumstances. Not because of knowledge, but because of their situation. Even many bhagats remain celibate. That is not a big thing. But check your purity throughout the day. The sign of purity is cleanliness and honesty. Throughout the day, in sitting, standing, speaking, doing service, whether physical or subtle, if it is not done according to the system, if there is the slightest difference in doing it according to the system, then that is not cleanliness, that is, it is not purity. Waste thoughts are also impurity. Why? You would have a waste thought, but you would not think that you have committed any sin nor that you have given sorrow to anyone. However, if you did have waste thoughts, and your time was spent in that, if your thoughts were wasted and you lost your contentment, then there would be a slight difference in the degree of your purity in your final stage. You would not be able to become sixteen celestial degrees complete. You would either be fifteen celestial degrees, fourteen or fifteen and a half degrees; you would be numberwise. Impurity is not simply giving sorrow to someone or committing a sin, but if you experience cleanliness and honesty within yourself according to the system, then you are pure. If words just emerge when you do not wish to speak them, what would you call this? Are you the masters then? Therefore, from amrit vela until night, check your thoughts, words, actions and service. Do not check the gross form. If you only check the gross form, then the sign of this is the moon dynasty with the huge bow and arrow, whereas the sun dynasty sign is just a little flute. The flute is so light, and the bow and arrow takes so much labour. First of all, you have to aim at the target and you also have to carry a burden. And look at the flute: just dance, sing, laugh and play. Therefore, do not adopt the gross form of effort nor in your checking. Now, have a refined intellect, because the time is going to finish suddenly; it will not warn you in advance. BapDada has already told you in advance that you must not complain and say: Baba, why did You not tell us in advance? Baba will never make you time conscious. You now have to become a complete diamond. You have made this promise, have you not? Do you wish to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee or to become a diamond? What do you wish to do? Do you wish to celebrate or to become? You have to become and you have to celebrate. You have to do both together. Next year, Baba will check whether you fulfilled your promise or whether you just sweetened your mouth by saying, "Yes, yes". So who are you? Are you those who just say this or those who also fulfil it? Are you those who fulfil this? Achcha. Look, the picture of all of you is being recorded on the T.V. Do not later change by saying that it wasn't you, that you didn't say it. It is good to become this, and so what should you do about something that is good? Should you do that quickly or take time over it? You should do it quickly, should you not?
Can you become everready in one second? Can you become bodiless in one second? Or, will you have to battle, thinking, "No, I am not a body, I am not a body". It is not like that, is it? It should happen the minute you think about it. (BapDada performed a drill for some minutes.) It feels good, does it not? So, every now and again, throughout the day, practise this. No matter how busy you are, definitely practise being bodiless for even one second again and again. For this, none of you can say that you are busy. You have to take out one second. You have to practise this. If you are talking to someone, if you are carrying out a task with someone, make them perform this drill for one second also. Because according to the time, those who have greater experience and the practice of being bodiless in one second will be able to claim a high number.
Because you have already been told that the completion of time will be sudden. Once you have the practice of being bodiless, you will instantly have the vibrations of the completion of time. Therefore, practise this from now. Do not think that the Diamond Jubilee is next year and so you will do this next year, that you will do it later. The more time you add to the period of a long time, the higher the number you will claim in the attainment of the fortune of the kingdom. If you practise this every now and again, you will easily and automatically experience a powerful stage. And then the effort that you have to make over trivial matters will finish.
Achcha, are all of you happy and content, or will you have to be asked? There is no need to ask the question, "Are you happy?" Is it like this? Are the mothers happy? Very good. You have reached the mela from everywhere. You have received a good chance, have you not? Otherwise, you have to wait for your date and wonder when your turn will come, when your turn will come. This time, it was an open invitation. Is everyone all right? Are you living comfortably? You are experiencing the unlimited, are you not? Or are there some difficulties? Did the mothers have any difficulties? Did the old mothers not experience any difficulties? "You will only get some food when you stand in a queue!" Do you not get tired standing in a queue? Do you enjoy it? When would you ever find such a huge family? So you are happy on seeing your family, are you not? This mela is better than the melas of the path of bhakti, is it not? It is very good. Are the Pandavs all right? Should we increase this mela two more days? Or will there be the expense of the buses? Will you not remember your homes and your jobs? There had to be some newness and so this mela was something new. You have now experienced newness. The same old things will not continue, there has to be something new. Do you like something new or something old? You like new things, do you not? Achcha.
To the kumaris: Achcha, all those who are kumaris, raise your hands! What will the kumaris do? You will perform wonders. Kumaris will become teachers. Through their faces and their activities, kumaris will give lectures of the definition of purity. Everyone gives lectures in words, but anyone who comes into relationship with you or in front of you should experience the greatness of purity from your face and your activity. Whenever any kumari goes in front of anyone, she should not be visible as an ordinary kumari. She should be experienced as a goddess of purity. In the beginning, when the sisters went on service, having done tapasya, in what form did everyone see them? They used to consider them to be goddesses. They would not be able to see the ordinary form, they used to see the form of a goddess. "Goddesses have come, not kumaris." Every kumari should experience herself as a goddess and give others this experience also. No one can have wasteful vision for a goddess. She will save others and save herself also. She cannot say, "This one had bad vision; I am pure, but the other person had bad vision. If you have powerful and pure vision, then, like the sun which does not allow darkness to remain, it finishes it, darkness changes into light, in the same way, your pure vision, your form of a goddess will finish devilish sanskars. So, who are kumaris? The pure goddesses. Are you like this? Do the kumaris consider themselves to be this? If you say yes, then raise your hand. If not, then do not raise your hand. Are you pure kumaris? Kumars and kumaris.
To the kumars: Kumars are also pure deities. Do not think: They have become the pure goddesses. Kumars are also pure deities. Let alone impure vision, you cannot have an impure attitude, even in your dreams, towards anyone. Kumars, raise your hands! There are many kumars also. Who are the kumars? Pure deities. I am a deity soul; not that I am soandso. No, I am a deity soul, I am a pure soul.
To the mothers: Mothers, raise your hands! Only the mothers who are householders, raise your hands! There are many mothers. What wonder will the mothers perform? You have to perform a wonder, do you not? Mothers have to awaken everyone from the sleep of ignorance through Godly love. Just as you awaken a small child, "Wake up, get ready, go to school", in the same way, become world mothers and awaken the children who are sleeping in the sleep of ignorance. Because you are world mothers, awaken the souls. Just as you consider yourselves responsible because you are mothers of the limited; no matter how many children you have, whether 6 or 8, you consider it your responsibility; so in the same way, become unlimited world mothers. Have mercy on the children, on the souls. A child means a child of the Father. You hear of many stories, and they say that they do not have bad vision, but that they consider this one to be their mother. However, no soul except father Brahma can be the mother. Do not make anyone your child, but a child of the father. Are the mothers ready? Do you wish to do service? Achcha, you are waving your hands! You play many games. Throughout the day, somewhere or another, there is always one or another game taking place. You also make up many good stories. You make up such good new stories with the intoxication that you hear the murli with. For how long will these childhood games continue? These are childhood games. You create dolls, you make them grow up, you make them have a family and then you finish them off. Those who make up stories also do the same thing. They first give birth to a story, then they expand it, and then they add salt, pepper and spices to make it very tasty; and then they feed it to others. Is it still the childhood of all of you or your stage of retirement? You have reached your stage of retirement, have you not? It is now the time to go beyond sound. Those who are in their stage of retirement do not play childhood games. But the wonder you perform is that when you engage yourselves in these games, you do not realise what games you are playing. You become so busy in the games. So now experience the stage of going beyond sound and of giving others this experience also. You have played the games of childhood for so long. Achcha, this year's season is now finishing. BapDada has one thought. All of you have adopted the vow of celibacy very well, but next year, only those who do not get angry should come in the season. Is this possible or will you fail? You will speak the truth, will you not? And so, automatically, the numbers for the season will be reduced. Should we do this? On your form, you will not only have to write about celibacy for six months or six years, but for how long you have not been angry. Should you keep a strict eye on anger? What do you think? You are not saying yes or no. You are still thinking about it. Do you like this? Do the Pandavs agree? Do those who are on the couches agree? Your names will then be announced: "Why did this one not come this season?" Should we do this? Mothers, speak! Teachers, speak! Should we do this? Say Ha ji. Even the teachers will not be able to come. No matter who it is, whether a maharathi, part of the cavalry or the infantry, no one will be allowed to come. Those from Madhuban will say that they are in Madhuban anyway, but they will not be allowed to sit in front of Baba. They can go and listen and watch on the T.V. This is also an insult, is it not? Why did they not come in front of Baba? So those from Madhuban will have to tie a very firm bracelet. First of all, are those from Madhuban saying yes? First, Madhuban has to do this. It should not be that this happens in Madhuban and then others say: Look at Madhuban. This is not good. Will those from the Hospital do this? Achcha, are all of you ready? Those who think that this is very difficult, stand up, because the hands of those who are sitting at the back are not visible. They would then say: We did not raise our hands. Dadis speak! Should we do this? Achcha. Look! All of you are saying yes today, but tomorrow, do not start thinking about what happened. With introversion, keep your mouth shut. Only when you open your mouth would there be anger. So next season, there will be a mela of those souls who are free from anger. Do you all like this? You agree. BapDada understands that some have very strong sanskars, and that even when they are speaking ordinary words, it seems like they are getting angry. Their words are such because it has become their habit.
Therefore, until the season begins, if you become angry by mistake, you will be forgiven three times. You are allowed this three times. (Everyone clapped.) Is it that you want permission to get angry three times that you clapped? BapDada just had a trial. You all failed. Say: We will definitely do this. We will definitely be victorious. This is what you should say. There should be some newness. It is the same form that comes: Did you eat outside? Did you observe celibacy? Now, we shall change the form. You like newness, do you not? Even the teachers will have to stay within these disciplines.
Teachers will not be given mercy in this. Students will be allowed three times and teachers will be allowed two times.
To the Pandavs: Achcha, now, Pandavs who are part of the couple of a household, raise your hands! So what will the Pandavs do? What wonders will you show? Pandavs are remembered as the victorious Pandavs. Whenever anyone mentions the Pandavs, two things of the Pandavs appear, One is: to be the companions of the Father. And the other is: Pandav means victorious. All of you who are Pandavs should have the thought that you must not be defeated in anything; that you must constantly be victorious. And you must have the faith that you Pandavs have a part in the rosary of victory. "I am a victorious jewel, I am a victorious jewel." Every day at amrit vela, freshen the tilak of victory on your forehead. From amrit vela, see the tilak of victory on your forehead in an emerged form. Do not think: I am this anyway. No. If you are this, then check: Did you attain victory throughout the day or not? To be a Pandav means to be victorious.
To the teachers: Achcha, what will the teachers do? Teachers have made a lot of effort. You have brought buses full. So what wonder will the teachers perform? Teachers should keep the special aim that no matter what the circumstances are, they may change, but your stage will not change. Your stage should constantly be full of all treasures and you remain content. Circumstances will come and go. But what power do the circumstances have that they take your contentment with them? You may observe the games of the circumstances, but observe them whilst being seated on the seat of being a contented and detached observer. So, a teacher means one who is constantly full and content. The title for the teachers is: The jewels of contentment. It is like this, is it not? Constantly, a jewel of contentment.
To the Madhuban niwasis: What will those from Madhuban do? BapDada constantly gives multimillionfold congratulations from His heart to the Madhuban niwasis for their service. Baba is also giving it now. What do the Madhuban niwasis have to do now, for the future? You have to make this lesson firm: A Madhuban niwasi is a special hero actor in every action and every thought. You are a hero actor in every thought, word and action on the stage of the world, not on the Madhuban stage. Everyone's vision is on the hero actor, even against their conscious wish; when a hero actor fluctuates even a little, there is a lot of upheaval, whereas if he does something good, there is a lot of praise. Madhuban niwasis are those who constantly stay with the Zero and play a hero part. Madhuban includes everyone: the Hospital, Gyan Sarovar, Talheti; all the eight arms are included in this. Do you understand? Everyone has so much love for you when they hear the name, "Madhuban niwasis". Wherever you go, when they ask, "Where have you come from?", you are Madhuban niwasis. Just as Baba of Madhuban is very well known, in the same way, Madhuban niwasis are also very well known. You think about yourselves in this way, do you not? It is good. The Madhuban niwasis at least have this intoxication.
Achcha, has the mela been free from obstacles? Tomorrow, the departure mela will begin. The mela of celebrating a meeting has now finished. Now, there will be the departure mela. Look, what can you not do? You are able to do whatever you wish. You have seen it, have you not? Those who were hearing of this were wondering: What will happen? How will it happen? And what do they say now? This is nothing. This is now something common.
Or, did those from Gujarat have to make a lot of effort? Did you have to work hard? No. You enjoyed it. You carried out a task worthy of receiving a prize. BapDada is giving Gujarat the prize of love and remembrances from His heart. Those mothers who must have been rolling the chapatis from morning till night, your hands must be tired. BapDada is massaging the arms of such serviceable mothers. In sitting here, they would be sitting so far away. Are they making chapatis even now? Do they not come to listen to the murli? Are they here in the gathering now? Those who make the chapatis, stand up! Yes, you may clap a lot more. Even those who cut the vegetables. Those who cut the vegetables, stand up. The most difficult task is to cook the chapatis: in such hot weather to stand beside the gas for so many hours and cook the chapatis. Those who cooked the chapatis, stand up. There are also Pandavs in this. Congratulations, congratulations. If there weren't the people to eat them, what would these people do? There is this beauty and splendour because of all those who eat this. Just as the bells are rung in the temples, anyone who goes to a temple rings the bell, so in this mela, there are the bells of the dishes. It is a very good scene. When the dishes are being washed, many bells are rung of the dishes. So, it is the wonder of all those who eat this.
Those from Madhuban have also worked very hard. It is Madhuban that has given cooperation to Gujarat. You have given a lot of cooperation. Everyone has done everything with a lot of love. You have done a lot with the determined thought that the mela should be completed without any obstacles. Have those from Madhuban given you cooperation or harassed you? Those from Madhuban do not harass anyone, they make everyone happy.
Are the mothers happy? Are the mothers sitting at the back happy? Say yes or no. Ha ji, we are happy. You did everything with great happiness. BapDada sees everything on the T.V. He saw that the pose of no one's face changed a great deal. The majority were all right. Everyone served with great happiness. If something did happen a little, then you used the power to tolerate and the power to accommodate very well and therefore, congratulations. Achcha, did you feel the heat? Or, were you not even aware of it, because you were moving along with the waves of BapDada's remembrance? Do you sleep in the tents or in BapDada's lap? You do not sleep in the tents, do you? Even if the tents fly away, it does not matter because you have the lap. First, you were frightened a little, but now, even the elements have understood that you are not going to be shaken. If the roof of the tent flies away, another one will come.
Achcha, what will the double foreigners do? Now, there are few of you. You are the longlost and nowfound ones. What will you do? Double foreigners will constantly make their face a walking, moving museum. When others look at your eyes, from your eyes, they should be able to see the spiritual image of attraction. They should not just see ordinary eyes, but divine eyes. And through these divine eyes, Baba, the Dot, should constantly be visible. Your eyes should become the walking, moving museum. Your forehead should grant the vision of the soul. Your lips should teach others how to smile. In this way, the living museums should continue to do service everywhere. You are those who will do this, are you not? It is good. You have good zeal and enthusiasm. And you will constantly continue to move forward with zeal and enthusiasm.
Did the double foreigners enjoy meeting Baba in the mela? You often see the season of just the foreigners, but you do not get a chance to see such a huge family, and so this was double benefit. You received a chance to meet BapDada and also the family. So you are lucky. It is good; the flag is flying. The flags should fly. Achcha. Those who are living at the centres in the foreign lands, raise your hands! Teachers living at any centre in the foreign lands, raise your hands fully, not just half! Achcha, BapDada considers all those in different directions who are instruments for service to be the ones with the elevated fortune of service. To receive the fortune to serve is a huge fortune.
You very easily experience the practical, instant fruit of service. The moment you do service, your stage continues to move forward, but only if you do service altruistically. If there is any selfish motive, there is no fruit. If it is selfless, you receive the fruit of service. By being selfish, you do not receive fruit. However, all of you are servers, and therefore, you definitely receive the fruit of service. The future is nothing. The instant, practical fruit now gives the soul strength to go into the flying stage. This is why BapDada is happy to see the instrument servers. You are the souls with an elevated fortune, and with your elevated fortune you will constantly continue to awaken the fortune of many others. It is good; you do tireless service. BapDada has everyone's record. Do not think: We do not ever go to BapDada. We do not ever go there; He does not know anything. You do not think in this way, do you? Those who are incognito are constantly in Baba's eyes. You cannot remain incognito, you are revealed to the Father. Whether your name is mentioned or not, whether you come in front of Baba or not, instead of being in front, you are merged in His eyes. Do you understand?
To the special souls in all four directions who have the spiritual personality of purity; to the elevated souls who reveal the sparkle of their personality from the beginning till the end; to the worldtransformer souls who transform themselves and the world through the powers of purity, cleanliness and honesty; to the experienced souls who experience the practical instant fruit of doing service as an instrument, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
Avyakt BapDada speaking to Dadis: Was the mela all right? There weren't any difficulties, were there? There definitely is success with everyone's pure thoughts and zeal and enthusiasm. The thoughts of this gathering are such that they finish any lack of success. A fort is weak when any one brick in the fort is shaking, whereas when all the bricks are strong, the fort can never shake. You have victory then. So here, too, you have guaranteed success because of the gathering, because of your zeal and enthusiasm, your elevated thoughts and cooperation. It was very good and from time to time, you continue to experience this. Previously, you used to have the question as to whether it would be possible or not. The power of the gathering definitely gives you the blessing of being the embodiments of success.
BapDada always says good morning and good night. Achcha, the double foreign lands are flying, are they not? It is good.
(Speaking to Dadi Chandramani): Now let there be zeal and enthusiasm in Gyan Sarovar. Do not let it become weak. It has become a little slack. Now have some courage and create some plans. Do not think: What should we do? How should we do it? No. Look at this one (Dadi Kumarka). She is the instrument and so she has many thoughts. Did you create any thoughts? Now create thoughts for it. Once you create them, you will continue to have them. To receive the seat for service numberwise, according to the drama, is also revealing the future. Do not become a little king; you have to become a great king. Here, you receive the seat for service and there, you will receive the seat of the kingdom. Look after your seat very well. The vision of the entire Brahmin family is here. What is happening? What is happening? What will happen? It is good. The gathering is good. BapDada is happy. Baba is happy to see you all of you. Achcha. You are listening as a detachedobserver. You are a companion also, but, at present, you area detached observer.
To Bhopalbhai: Achcha, this one has the greatest happiness of all. This much has happened. All this was very useful. The land was very useful. Achcha.
To Nirwairbhai: It is good. All tasks are being accomplished easily. The easier and lighter the instrument souls become, the easier the task becomes and success is achieved easily also. It is now the season to easily attain success. You make effort just in namesake and you receive greater success.
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