13-02-2003 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
At the present time, reveal your merciful and bestower form.
Today, the Father, the Bestower of Blessings, is seeing His children who are bestowers of knowledge, bestowers of power, bestowers of virtues and messengers of God. Each child has become a master bestower and is making effort from his heart to bring souls close to the Father. There are many types of souls in the world. Some souls want the nectar of knowledge, some souls want power and virtues, whereas you children constantly have all treasures. You are those who fulfil the desires of all souls. Day by day, because the time of completion is coming close, souls are now looking for some new support. Therefore, you souls have become instruments to give souls a new support. BapDada is pleased to see the zeal and enthusiasm of you children. On the one hand, there is a need, and on the other hand, there is zeal and enthusiasm. At a time of need, even one drop is very important. So, at this time, there is importance of the drop you give, of the message you give.
The present time is the time for the form of all of you children to be revealed as merciful bestowers. Even in your eternal form, you Brahmin souls have the sanskars of bestowers. This is why, in the picture of the kalpa tree, you are shown amongst the roots of the tree, for everything reaches the tree through the roots. The meaning of your original deity form of devta (deity, bestower) is one who gives. Your form in the middle period is the image of being worthy of worship. Even in the middle period, you are bestowers who give blessings through your worthy- of-worship form. You are bestowers who give good wishes and blessings. The special form of you souls is that of a bestower. So, even now, you have become God's messengers and are spreading the message of the Father's revelation. Therefore, let each Brahmin child check: Do the original and eternal sanskars of a bestower constantly remain in your life in an emerged form? The sign of souls who have the sanskars of a bestower are: They never have even the slightest thought that only if someone gives to them will they give, or that they will do something only if someone else does it. No! They are constantly an open treasure-store. So, BapDada was looking at the sanskars of a bestower of all the children everywhere. What would He have seen? It is numberwise, is it not? Never have the thought: If this is like this, then I will also do this. Those who have the sanskars of a bestower automatically receive co-operation from everywhere. Not only from souls, but even nature becomes co-operative according to the time. It is a subtle account that, when someone becomes a bestower, the fruit of that charity is that that soul easily receives co-operation and success at the right time. Therefore, always keep the sanskars of a bestower in an emerged form. In the account of charity, you receive ten-fold fruit for one. So, note how much you accumulated throughout the day in your account of charity through your thoughts, words, relationships and connections as a charitable soul. Even by serving through the mind you accumulate in the account of charity. You can accumulate in your account of charity by bringing happiness to weak souls through your words, by making distressed souls aware of their honour, by putting zeal and enthusiasm into disheartened souls through your words, and enabling souls in relationship or connection with you to experience the colour of your elevated company. You accumulate so much charity in this birth that you eat the fruit of that charity for half the cycle, and for the other half cycle you liberate sinful souls from their sins through the atmosphere created by your non-living images. You become purifiers. Therefore, BapDada continues to look at every child's account of charity that has accumulated.
Seeing the zeal and enthusiasm of the children for service, BapDada is pleased. The majority of children have very good enthusiasm for service. Everyone is putting plans of service into a practical form in their own way. BapDada is congratulating you all for this from His heart. You are doing well and will continue to do well. The best thing of all is that everyone's thoughts and time have become busy in this. Everyone has the aim to serve everywhere, so that all the complaints definitely have to end. Dadi says that there has to be 900,000. If a hundred thousand come at 3 to 4 places, then what would happen? You are already 600,000, and so you only need 300,000 more. However, you are giving the message to so many in this land and abroad. BapDada has heard that you have very good enthusiasm. You are having very good programmes there also, are you not? Each place has its own method, but everyone has enthusiasm for service. So, let alone 900,000, you only have to increase the number by 300,000 and that is not a big thing. Is it a big thing? Gujarat is the first one to take this initiative. That is good. How many centres are there in Gujarat? (200 centres, 1000 sub-centres.) If 10 were to come from each centre, how many would that be? It is the same in Delhi, Bombay, Madras. They are flying in Madras. There is also Calcutta, Hyderabad, the foreign lands. 300,000 is not a big thing. Is it a big thing? Teachers speak! Is it a big thing? So, there will be 900,000, won't there? You are not waving your hands for this! The Pandavas are waving their hands. The thoughts of Brahmins filled with determination have a lot of power. If Brahmins have determination, then what is not possible? Everything would be accomplished. Simply let your yoga take the form of powerful flames. When your yoga takes on the form of powerful flames, souls will automatically follow the powerful flames, because when they receive light, they will be able to see the path. You are having yoga now, but it has to take on the form of powerful flames. Zeal and enthusiasm for service is increasing very well, but you now have to underline yoga for it to take on the form of powerful flames. Your drishti should have such a sparkle that others definitely experience something or another through your drishti.
BapDada liked the method of service that people abroad did, of the Call of the Time; the bringing of a small gathering close. Every centre in every zone is doing their individual service, but now create a gathering of all the professions. BapDada had told you that service spreads everywhere. So now select a gathering of worthy souls who will come close from those who have been served everywhere. Then, from time to time, continue to bring that gathering close. Enable their zeal and enthusiasm for service to increase. BapDada sees that there are such souls, but that they are not receiving sustenance in a powerful way collectively. They are receiving sustenance individually according to their capacity. In a gathering, they can have enthusiasm when they see one another. "If that one can do this, then I can also do it. I will also do it." Thereby, there is enthusiasm. BapDada now wants to see the practical collective form of service. BapDada is pleased to see that each one of you is making very good effort to serve your professions, your areas, your zones and your centres. Now, bring some of those in front of Baba. The enthusiasm of the householders also reaches BapDada. BapDada is also pleased to see the double foreigners doing a double task, of living at home and making effort in service and on themselves. Seeing the atmosphere abroad at the present time, you Brahmin souls are not afraid, are you? You are not worrying about what will happen tomorrow, are you? Tomorrow, it will be good. It is good and anything that happens will be good. To the extent that there is upheaval in the world, to that extent the stage of you Brahmin souls will remain unshakeable. Is it like this? Are you double foreigners shaking or are you unshakeable? Are you unshakeable? You are not fluctuating, are you? Those who are unshakeable, raise your hands! You are unshakeable. What if something happens tomorrow? You will still be unshakeable, will you not? What will happen? Nothing will happen. You Brahmins have the canopy of God's protection over you. When something is waterproof, then, no matter how much water comes, because it is waterproof, you remain waterproof. In the same way, no matter how much upheaval there is, Brahmin souls are constantly proof (safe) under the canopy of God's protection. You are carefree emperors, are you not? Or, are you a little worried about what will happen? No. Carefree! Be a self-sovereign, be a carefree emperor and remain set on the unshakeable and immovable seat. Don't get off the seat. To become upset means that you are not set on the seat, for this is why you become upset. Those who are set on their seat cannot become upset even in their dreams.
What do you mothers think? Do you know how to set yourself and sit on the seat? There isn't fluctuation, is there? BapDada is combined with you. Since the Almighty Authority is combined with you, why should you be afraid? If you consider yourself to be alone, there would be fluctuation. If you remain combined, then no matter how much fluctuation there is, you would remain unshakeable. Is this right, mothers? Are you all right? You are combined, are you not? You are not alone, are you? It is the Father's responsibility. If you are set on the seat, it is the Father's responsibility. If you become upset, it is your responsibility.
If you continue to give souls a drop through a message, you will remain stable in the form of a bestower, and you will continue to receive power as the fruit of the charity for being a bestower. Whilst walking and moving around let there always be in the emerged form the awareness of being a soul, the one who makes others act, and that those physical senses are your workers that do the work. Don't think: I am a soul anyway. Let this be in your awareness in an emerged form. It is there in the merged form. However, when it is in the emerged form, you have that intoxication, happiness and controlling power. You also enjoy yourself. Why? Just as a king keeps all his workers under his control and makes them work according to his orders, in the same way, when you have the awareness of the soul as karavanhar (one who gets things done through others), all your physical senses will remain in order. They will not come under Maya's orders, they will remain under your orders. Otherwise, Maya sees that the soul who is making others do everything has become careless, and so Maya begins to give orders. Sometimes, the power of your mind and sometimes the power of your mouth moves under the orders of Maya. Therefore, constantly make your physical senses work under your orders. Don't say: I didn't want it to happen, but it happened. Only that which you want should happen. Only if you fill yourselves with the sanskars of a self-sovereign from now, will you be able to rule the kingdom there. Never get off the seat of being a self-sovereign. If your physical senses are under your orders, then all the powers will remain under your orders. Whatever power you need at a particular time, will present itself at that time. It should not be that you order the power of tolerance to come and it comes when the task has been accomplished. Every power should be ready according to your orders because each power is a gift from God. Therefore, God's gift has become something that belongs to you. So you can use anything that belongs to you as you like and whenever you like. In this way, all of those powers will remain under your orders. All your physical senses will remain under your orders. This is known as being a self-sovereign, a master almighty authority. Are the Pandavas like this? You are master almighty authorities and also self-sovereigns. Don't say that it just came out of your mouth! Who ordered it to emerge like that? "I didn't want to look at it, but I looked at it. I didn't want to do it, but it happened." According to whose orders does this happen? Would you call this having a right or being controlled? So, become someone who has a right, not someone who is controlled. Achcha.
All of you have arrived here. This gathering is so lovely. The Father also loves the gathering of the children. At least you have a chance to meet your family. You can at least tell someone that you have seen your extended family. You are given all facilities in Madhuban, are you not? Did you get water? You are getting water, are you not? Eating, sleeping, meeting, you are getting everything. BapDada says: Just as all of you are very happy in Madhuban, in the same way, always remain happy and content. You are spiritual roses. Look, look everywhere! All of you are spiritual roses, roses in bloom. You are not wilted, you are roses in bloom. Therefore, always remain fortunate and cheerful. Anyone who sees your face should ask you what you have received because you look very happy. Each one's face should give the Father's introduction. Just as a picture gives an introduction, in the same way, your face should give the Father's introduction; that you have found the Father. Achcha. Is everything OK? Those from abroad have also arrived here. You like it here, do you not? (To Mohiniben of New York.) At least you have been saved from having to hear about the upheaval! It is good that all of you have come together. You did very well in coming here together. Achcha.
Double foreigners: You have double intoxication, do you not? You have so much intoxication that your heart says: If anyone is this, then it is we double foreigners who are this. You have double intoxication of being self- sovereigns and of the ones who have a right to the world. You have double intoxication, do you not? Even BapDada likes this. If there aren't any double foreigners in a group, it doesn't feel good. Baba is the Father of the World and so those from the world have to be here as well. All are required. There isn't any splendour even if the mothers are not here. Even if there aren't any Pandavas, the splendour is reduced. Just look, if a centre doesn't have any Pandavas, but only mothers, would you like it? And, if there were only Pandavas and no Shaktis, then too the centre wouldn't have that beauty. Both are needed. Children are also needed. Children say: Why is our name not mentioned? There is the splendour of children too.
This time, it was the turn of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh to serve: It is good. This too is a chance to come close. Otherwise, when you come in your groups, you don't get a chance to meet the Dadis specially. When you come for service, you also especially meet the Dadis. Achcha, those from Maharashtra, stand up! There are many arms of Maharashtra. So, just as you have the name Maharashtra, you are great (maha) in number too. BapDada has heard that even Maharashtra is taking this chance. Achcha. If just this many centres do this, then the 300,000 needed will be complete. Maharashtra is doing this, Gujarat is doing this, Punjab is also doing this (having a gathering of 100,000). Other places are also doing this. So, 300,000 is not a big thing. Will you complete the figure up to 300,000? Will Punjab do this? Gujarat will also do this. Other places are also doing this. When next season comes, BapDada should receive the good news that there are now 900,000 Brahmins. Is this OK? Will you be able to do this? Now there are only 900,000, but you have to reach 9,000,000. Achcha. At the beginning of the golden age, there will be 900,000. So, would they increase by the silver age or would they not increase at all? Therefore, you have to prepare them, do you not? Very good. Maharashtra are those who are always stable in an elevated stage. Achcha.
Bhopal: There is growth in Bhopal too. So, how many will Bhopal add to the 300,000? (Bhopal will bring 50,000.) Congratulations! Very good. It is not a big thing. You are world benefactors and so why should you not benefit at least 50,000? It will happen! You have taken a very good chance, and this is why you have become chancellors. There are mothers and also Pandavas. Very good. You should always move forward in taking a chance. Take a chance in good things, not in something wrong. Bhopal has also been a good instrument from the beginning. BapDada is congratulating every zone. Congratulations and constantly continue to grow. Achcha.
Transport wing: Very good. Those of the transport department will make everyone fly higher than planes, will you not? Planes only go so high, but you will make souls fly up to Paramdham. You have the transport to take them on a tour of all three worlds. It is good that you have created groups of different professions. Each profession maintains very good zeal and enthusiasm to awaken those of their own profession. You also race. The Pandavas showed BapDada a scene. What was that? Baba saw the scene of Shantivan. A table was set up for each profession and those of each profession were racing with one another. We will go ahead! We will go ahead! BapDada especially saw on TV how you have decorated the tables etc. It is good. You have good zeal and enthusiasm. However, don't compete, but you may definitely race. Those from the transport department also have good zeal and enthusiasm. You must have made some new plans. It is good. BapDada is pleased.
Engineers & Scientists Wing: Scientists and engineers, you must have made many plans. Make such plans that the buildings of establishment become ready very quickly, just as science is now moving very fast nowadays. Only then will destruction take place. The buildings of establishment should be prepared very quickly. Engineers as well as scientists can do this. Now create a plan of a fast speed. You just give drishti and the world changes through drishti. It has to happen like that. At the end, your one second's drishti will perform wonders. You won't have to labour. Create such a new invention. It is good. The service of the different wings is happening anyway. Achcha.
Gujarat has taken a good leap. (A special programme is being held in Gujarat, on 23rd February for a gathering of 100,000.) Teachers and Pandavas of Gujarat, stand up! Only a few have come. They are making preparations! It is good. Now everyone will follow Gujarat. Seeing one another, others will also continue to become enthusiastic. Achcha. Sit down. You have had very good courage. BapDada is giving congratulations in advance to Gujarat for having courage. Achcha. Now, in a second, become an incorporeal soul and absorbed in the love and remembrance of the incorporeal Father. (Baba conducted drill.)
To all the self-sovereigns everywhere, to the unshakeable and immovable souls who remain constantly set on the seat of a detached observer; to the merciful souls who constantly maintain the awareness of being a bestower and who bestow on everyone knowledge, power and virtues; to the elevated souls who constantly show the image of the Father through their face; to the children who are spiritual roses and who constantly remain happy and fortunate, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada speaking to the Dadis: The flames of destruction will only become forceful through this volcanic fire. Programmes are being made and then they begin to think about it. With yoga the sins will be absolved and the burden of sinful actions will burn, and through service the account of charity will accumulate. So, you are accumulating the account of charity. However, only with the fire of yoga, not with ordinary yoga will the burden of the sanskars of the past burn. At the moment, you have yoga, but it isn't the volcanic fire through which sins can be burnt. This is why they are destroyed for a short time, but they then emerge again. Also, just look at Ravan! He is killed and burnt and his bones are thrown away in the water. Everything has to be completely incinerated, the sanskars of the past, weak sanskars should all be completely incinerated. They are not yet burnt. They are killed, but not yet burnt, so they come back to life after dying. The world will be transformed through the transformation of sanskars. The game of sanskars is now taking place. Sanskars emerge in-between every now and again. All name and trace has to be destroyed. The transformation of sanskars is a matter to be specially underlined. Because the sanskars are not transformed, there are also waste thoughts. There is time wasted and wasteful loss incurred. This has to happen. (Someone said: Time make you do it and it will happen through your own efforts.) Both together will make it happen. Time and your own efforts will make it happen. The maharaas (great dance) of the harmonising of sanskars is remembered. The memorial of the maharaas is the memorial of the great dance of harmonising sanskars. Just the raas now takes place, but the maharaas has not yet taken place. (Why doesn't the maharaas take place?) It isn't underlined, there isn't that determination, there are various types of carelessness. Achcha. All of you are fine, are you not?
BapDada speaking to Dadiji: Was the checking all right? (Everything is fine.) It has to be fine. Nevertheless, you are moving along very well, and will continue to do so. Everyone's blessings are making you move along. Seeing the age of your bodies, everyone is happy. You are doing so much, and you are moving along so well. And, you have to move along. It is fixed that you have to move along.
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