15-12-2004 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
BapDada's special hope is that each of you children gives good wishes and receives good wishes
Today, BapDada was looking at the gathering of all His carefree emperors in all directions. This royal gathering only exists at this time in the whole cycle. Because you stay in spiritual intoxication you are carefree emperors. When you wake up in the morning, you are carefree; whilst walking, moving around and performing actions you are carefree; and when you are sleeping, you sleep in a carefree state. You experience this, do you not? Are you carefree? Have you become this or are you becoming this? You have become this, have you not? You are carefree and emperors; you are the carefree emperors, masters of the self who rule over your physical organs, that is, you have self-sovereignty. So, such a gathering is only of you children. Do you have any worries? Are there any worries? This is because you have given all your worries to the Father. So, all the burden has been removed, has it not? Worries are finished, you have become carefree emperors and you are experiencing this invaluable life. The light of purity is automatically sparkling on everyone's head. There is a crown of light on those who are carefree. If you are worrying about anything, if you are carrying any burden with yourself, do you know what appears on your head? The baskets of burden (porter's basket) come on your head. Therefore, just think: bring both the crown and the basket in front of you. Which do you prefer? Do you prefer the basket or the crown of light? Speak teachers, which do you like? You like the crown, do you not? You are the emperors who rule all the physical organs. Purity enables you to adopt a crown of light and this is why a double crown is shown in the memorial of your non-living images. From the copper age, many have become emperors and many have become kings, but none have become double-crowned. No one has become a carefree emperor, a master of the self, because the power of purity makes you a conqueror of Maya and a conqueror of the physical organs; it makes you victorious. The sign of a carefree emperor is that he is always content with himself and also makes others content. There is never any lack of attainment to make him discontented. Where there is a lack of attainment, there is discontentment. Where there is attainment, there is contentment. Have you become like this? Check yourself: Am I always an embodiment of all attainments and always content? There is the praise: There is nothing lacking in the treasure-store of, not the deities, but the Brahmins. Contentment is the elevated decoration of life. It has great value. So, you are contented souls, are you not?
BapDada is pleased to see such carefree emperor children. Wah, My carefree emperors, wah! You are wonderful, are you not? Those who are carefree, raise your hands! Are you carefree? You don't worry about anything? Is there a little worry sometimes? No? It is good. The method to become carefree is very easy; it is not difficult. There is the difference of just one letter. It is so easy. That letter is: transform mine (mera) into Yours (tera). It is not mine, but Yours. So, when you write "mera" and "tera" in the Hindi language, then the difference is just the "m" and "t", but it makes so much difference. So, are all of you those who say, "mine" or those who say, "Yours"? Have you transformed mine into Yours? If you haven't done this, then do so. To say "mine, mine" means to be a servant, to be unhappy. You become servants of Maya, and so, of course you will become unhappy. Unhappiness means to become servants of Maya. So, you are conquerors of Maya, not servants of Maya. If unhappiness comes, and it does come, because you have had the practice of being unhappy for 63 births, then you taste it. So, it sometimes emerges. What has BapDada therefore said? That each one of you children is a carefree emperor. If even now, you have kept some worry somewhere in a corner, then give it away. Why do you keep a burden on yourself? Is it that you have developed the habit of keeping a burden? Since the Father is telling you, give Him the burden and make yourself light; double-light. Is it better to be double-light or to carry a burden? So, check yourself very carefully. When you wake up at amrit vela, check especially in your subconscious, that you don't have any burdens at the present time. Let alone the subconscious, there shouldn't be any experience of a burden even in your dreams. You prefer to be double-light, do you not? So, Baba is especially giving you this homework to check yourself at amrit vela. You know how to check, do you not? However, together with checking, don't just check, but also change it. Change "mine" into "Yours". Mine, Yours. So check and change because, as BapDada is repeatedly telling you, look at both the time and the self. Look at the speed of time and the speed of the self. Then, afterwards, do not say that you were not even aware of it and time passed by so fast. Some children think that even if their effort is a little slack now, they will make it fast by the end. However, it is the practice over a long period of time that will be helpful at the end. Become emperors and see this. You have become this, but others have not. "We are moving along, we are doing it, we will become complete..." You mustn't now be walking, or be doing, but flying. You now need the flying speed. You have received wings, have you not? Everyone has received wings of zeal and enthusiasm and courage and you also have the Father's blessing. Do you remember the blessing? You take one step of courage and you receive a thousand steps of help from the Father, because the Father has love for you children in His heart. So, the Father cannot bear to see the children He loves labouring. Stay lost in love and the labour will end. Is it that you like making effort? You have become tired! You have been wandering around for 63 births and by wandering around and labouring you became tired. And because of love, instead of your wandering around, the Father has made you into the masters of three thrones. You know the three thrones. You not only know them, but you reside on them. You are seated on the immortal throne, you are seated on BapDada's heart- throne and you will also be seated on the future royal throne. So, BapDada is seeing all His children seated on the throne. You won't be able to experience such a heart-throne in the whole cycle. What do you Pandavas think? Are you emperors? You are raising your hands. Do not let go of your throne. When you become body conscious, it means you step in the mud. This body is also mud, whereas when you remain seated on the throne, you become emperors.
BapDada is checking the chart of effort of all the children and seeing where each one of you has reached in all four subjects. So, BapDada checked the chart of each child to see to what extent each of you has accumulated all the treasures that BapDada has given. So, BapDada checked your account of accumulation. The Father has given equal treasure to all, He has given the same amount to everyone; He hasn't given less to some and more to others. What is the sign of accumulating treasures? You know about the treasures, do you not? The greatest treasure is the treasure of elevated thoughts. Thoughts are also a treasure. So, it is a great treasure at the present time because whatever you want to attain, whatever blessings you want to receive, to the extent that you wish to make yourself elevated, you are able to do that at this time. If not now, then never! To waste the treasure of your thoughts means to waste your attainments. Similarly, to waste even one second of your time - if that is not used in a worthwhile way, then you have lost a lot. Together with that, there are the treasures of knowledge, virtues and powers. There is also the treasure of good wishes from every soul and from God. The easiest thing of all in your efforts is to give good wishes and receive good wishes. Give happiness and receive happiness. Do not cause sorrow and do not take sorrow. Don't think that you did not cause sorrow, for if you even take sorrow, you would be unhappy, would you not? So, give good wishes. Give happiness and receive happiness. Do you know how to give good wishes? Do you know? Do you also know how to receive them? Those who know how to give and receive good wishes, raise your hands! Achcha, all of you know? All of you know it. Achcha. Do the double foreigners know? Congratulations. Congratulations for knowing how to give and receive good wishes. Congratulations to everyone. If you know how to receive and how to give, what more do you need? Continue to give good wishes and continue to receive them and you will become complete. What will you do if someone sends you bad wishes? Will you take them? If someone gives you bad wishes, what will you do? Will you take them? Just consider: if you take those bad wishes, will there be cleanliness in yourself? Bad wishes are something bad, is it not? If you take them into yourself, then there wouldn't be that cleanliness in yourself any more, would there? If the slightest defect remains, you won't be able to become perfect. If someone gives you something that is spoilt, would you take it? If someone gives you some very beautiful but rotten fruit, would you take it? Would you take it or not? Or, would you say, "It is good, and you have given it..." Whenever anyone gives bad wishes, do not imbibe that in your mind. You understand that those are bad wishes, and so do not imbibe those bad wishes in yourself, for otherwise, it will become a defect. So, this year, and there are a few more days left of this old year, make a determined thought in your heart. Even now, if there are any bad wishes for anyone in your mind, then remove them. And, from tomorrow, only give good wishes and receive good wishes. Do you agree with this? Do you like it? Is it that you just like it or are you also going to do it? You like it, but those of you who think that you have to do it, that no matter what happens, you have to do it, raise your hands! You have to do it.
All the loving and co-operative souls who have come today, raise your hands! Those who have come for the first time. Achcha, all of you are sitting in one line. BapDada is congratulating all you loving and co-operative souls who have come. Because you are co-operative, you are also loving. However, today, you have taken one more step and have come to the Father's home, that is, to your home. So, congratulations for coming home! Achcha, do all you loving and co- operative souls who have come think that you will give good wishes and receive good wishes? Are you considering this? Do you have this courage? All the loving and co-operative souls who will maintain courage and receive help, raise your hands high! Achcha. Then you will also become complete. Congratulations. If you are a regular Godly student, even if you have come to meet BapDada for the first time in this Brahmin life, and you consider yourself to be a Brahmin, a regular student - if you think that you have to do this, then raise your hand! Will you give good wishes and receive good wishes? Will you do this? Are the teachers raising their hands? Those sitting in the cabin are not raising their hands. They think that they are always giving good wishes. You now have to do this. No matter what happens, maintain courage. Have the determined thought. If there is ever an influence of bad wishes, then give tenfold more good wishes and finish that influence. Reduce the influence of one bad wish with tenfold good wishes and you will then have courage. After all, it is you who incurs a loss. The other person gives bad wishes and goes away, but if someone imbibes those bad wishes, who experiences sorrow? The one who takes or the one who gives? The one who gives does experience sorrow, but the one who receives experiences greater sorrow. The one who is giving is careless.
Today, BapDada is especially telling you about His heart's desire. BapDada has one desire for each of you children, whether you are from this land or from abroad, or even if you are a co- operative soul, because even the co-operative souls have received the introduction. Since you have received the introduction, you should also experience some attainment through that introduction. So, BapDada's desire is that every child should continue to give good wishes. Continue to accumulate an account of good wishes as much as you want because however many good wishes you collect and accumulate at this time, to that extent you will be able to give blessings to souls when you become worthy of worship. It isn't just at this time that you have to give blessings; you also have to give blessings to the devotees from the copper age onwards. So, you have to accumulate such a stock of blessings. You are the royal children, are you not? BapDada sees each of you children as one who will become a king. You are no less. Achcha.
Today, it is the turn of the Delhi Zone to serve everyone. Achcha, all those from Delhi, stand up! Achcha. All of you are happy to hear the name Delhi, are you not? It is because it is your capital every cycle. Delhi is the capital in the drama, but service also first began in Delhi. From the beginning, the new inventions of different types of service have been invented by those from Delhi. Others have also invented some, and those from Delhi have invented some. You have received this chance of service, of serving the yagya. The fruit of serving the yagya is very great because to serve the yagya means to serve Brahmin souls. On the path of devotion, when they feed 8 to 10 brahmins, they think that they have performed great charity, whereas here, you receive a chance to serve 10,000, 12,000, 8,000 Brahmins. It is service and Brahma bhojan of the yagya of the Father of the yagya. Every grain of the yagya is very valuable, and you Brahmins receive this Brahma bhojan with so much love. This Brahma bhojan is no less. Those who have Brahma bhojan in their fortune are not aware of how much fruit they will receive from this, but they definitely do receive the fruit. This is why, even on the path of devotion, they say, "The bhandara (kitchen, treasure-store) of Shiva is full and all sorrow and suffering is removed." So, how much fruit would those who eat from this receive? It is good that you continue to make plans in Delhi, but BapDada has heard of one speciality which He liked, that those from Delhi have served the President very well, and that he has become an instrument and continues to give the message to others too. So, you have prepared a very good, powerful mike. Now, those from Delhi have to make another new plan for service. Or any other zone, even Bombay, can do this. There is someone who can invent one plan or another in every zone. The mega programmes have now also taken place. That too has become common. Look, that was a special invention of your Dadi. And it is happening so easily. Previously, you used to think that to gather 100,000 together was something that required a lot of effort, but now, wherever it has happened, they have done it with a big heart and received success accordingly. You are definitely going to receive success. Success is the garland around the neck of Brahmin souls. It is your birthright. So, those from Delhi should now do something new. Is this OK? Yes, those from Delhi, there are many there who can create inventions. It is good. All those from all the professions, whatever service you have done until now, that has been good. Now, you will do even better than that. You have done good service and even better service will now continue to take place. Ultimately, the power of silence has to become victorious over the power of science. Now scientists too are coming into contact. Whoever comes into contact or relationship or receives the introduction believes that this work is good. They have also accepted a few grains of knowledge into their intellect and they will definitely receive the fruit of that. Even a few grains of knowledge are never destroyed; the fruit of that is imperishable. So, do those of you from Delhi now understand what you have to do? Now prepare more mikes. You have prepared four or five. This list has reached BapDada. Now prepare a few more. All the zones that have come today have come with the proof of service, have they not?
All the loving and co-operative souls who have come, stand up! Stand up for a little while. You must have become tired sitting for so long. So, stand up for a little while. Achcha. Many good souls have come. Do you know whose messengers you have become? You have become Godly messengers. You give God's introduction, do you not? So you are Godly messengers. Even if you do very little service, the fruit of that is guaranteed for you; no one can prevent that. The good news is that when you become Godly messengers and give the message to others, they receive a gate-pass to the new world. They only received a gate-pass though; they now have to claim their seat-pass. It is good that you show the path to whomever you meet. So, you are doing charitable work. The account of charity never comes to an end. So, you have become charitable souls, but you mustn't now just become charitable souls. Are you those who are going to be content with just a little? Are you those who are content with just a little or do you want to claim everything? You have to claim everything. You have become charitable souls because you are performing charity. You are doing it and will continue to do it, but the Father wishes His children to become royal children, to become self-sovereigns. So, you will become that, will you not? You want to become that, do you not? At least nod in agreement! You have done very well. You are not guests. You are not guests, you are hosts. You have come to your home. You liked such a big home of yours, did you not? If you liked your home, then continue to come again. The system here is that when anyone who comes has to leave, then when they are leaving, Dadiji gives them "go soon, come soon toli". You will also receive that. So, go soon and come soon! Continue to come to your home, because you have to come here. You have to come here, do you not? Very good. All those who brought you are also happy. Congratulations. Congratulations to you from 10,000 Brahmin souls. Are you all OK? Are you comfortable? Welcome! You have come in the first group. The first group also has its importance. Achcha. You may sit down. You must be tired now.
Business Wing: Those from the Business Wing, stand up! Which mike has the Business Wing prepared? Have you done this? You have done this, have you not? Those in business have the habit of doing business and making others do business, and so it is easy for the Business group to enable others to do business with the Father. It is good. BapDada has seen that from the time when groups were created to serve the different professions, everyone has had very good zeal and enthusiasm to make service grow. Now, BapDada has said, in every aspect, there has to be a greater speed in everything, in effort as well as service. You are running around. BapDada continues to receive news of that, but now, according to the speed of time, make your speed faster because anything can happen suddenly. Therefore, there should then be no complaints. BapDada feels that there should be no complaint from any soul that he didn't know. BapDada continues to receive service news. You are doing well. You must be holding one or another programme in your own areas. Now create this enthusiasm everywhere. Create enthusiasm everywhere to spread God's message. Achcha.
Social Wing: Has the Social Wing given the message to all the places of all the social workers? Whatever city anyone comes from, it is your duty that no one from your city should be left out from receiving the message from that wing. You are doing this, BapDada knows this. There are programmes made for this everywhere. However, those from every profession from every city have to at least make sure that no one is left out in their city. So, you are doing this at every place. It continues to take place. BapDada said that the report reaches Him. You are doing this, but now make this happen a little faster because BapDada is signalling you on seeing the speed of time. However, you are doing good service. Congratulations. You will continue to do even better service.
Transport Wing: How many souls have you enabled to reach their destination? It is the responsibility of the transport people to make souls reach their destination. BapDada is pleased. You have good enthusiasm for service. All of you receive a good chance. There is a meeting for service and you also have a gathering, and so there is a double income. Those from all the wings are very clever. You take a double chance. Now, serve through your mind at a faster speed because it will take time to reach all souls of the world by serving through words. However, serving through the mind is fast service; it is also powerful and it takes less effort. You simply have to create a powerful stage. So, you can always serve through your thoughts, words and deeds at the same time. To serve through deeds means to come into relationship with whomsoever you come into contact with. A lot of service is done through relationships. So, those from all the wings - just as you make other plans and create methods of service, so too, create a method in your own wing, to serve through the mind, so that you especially serve the minds of souls. Achcha. Congratulations. It is good service. BapDada has already said that the result of all the different professions is good.
Youth Group: Congratulations to the Youth Group. Look, you received an order at such short notice and you arrived here. Special congratulations for that. Achcha, you have come here, but have you served through the mind? Whilst sitting here, have you served through your mind those special souls who were to come? For one reason or another, they were unable to come, but did you enable something to reach them by serving through your mind or did you just have a meeting? Those souls must also be remembering you: "I had to go there, I should have gone there." It is good that the Youth Group continues to grow. Then the problems of Bharat will end. The duty of the Youth is to make youth at their own places into Brahmin youth. Save them from corruption and make them elevated. Look, the sound has even reached the Government, but the result should become clear in their intellect; and for that, you have to bring them even closer. In every city or place you should create some method to serve the youth, who are corrupt and are fighting. Demonstrate this by bringing about such transformation in one of those youths. In every city, there is a youth group. So, those from every city should demonstrate this by transforming two or three such youth groups, so that they come to everyone's attention. For instance, when you served in the prisons, many were transformed and they relate their experiences wherever they go. Similarly, demonstrate this by bringing about transformation in one of those youth group associations. Then, those youths would relate their experiences to other youths. You are doing this, and it is good. However, you should now make such an example emerge, someone who was always fighting, transform him, someone who is well-known amongst them. You have this courage, do you not? Demonstrate this by bringing about such transformation (of someone). Just as BapDada says "create mikes", so too, show an example of making someone who is always fighting become very peaceful. Bring such a group here. Create such a group and bring them here. Look how many youths have come! There are many. They are very good and they have come from all directions. There are also some foreigners. It is good. Now spread the sound. You are doing a little service. You are not sitting idle, but now ignite the soul-bomb, just as there is a lot of sound spread everywhere when someone throws a bomb. Not an atomic bomb, but an atam (soul) bomb. Achcha. Many congratulations. Congratulations for arriving here on time. Achcha.
Double foreigners: Wave your hands! Everyone saw you. BapDada always gives double congratulations to the double foreigners, because the speciality of the majority of double foreigners is that you are doing double work. You are doing your worldly work and also running a centre. Whether you are running a centre or helping at a centre, the majority of you are doing double work. There are such ones in Bharat too, but the majority there (abroad) is of such ones. BapDada purposely sometimes watches those scenes - BapDada has a natural TV, not this TV. BapDada watches how you run around; you have breakfast, you do this and that and you run. He likes it. In the same way, claim double marks in your efforts. You are those who will claim them. You have brought about transformation and you have good enthusiasm to do this further. BapDada very much likes one natural nature of the double foreigners and that is that you have a clean heart. Whatever happens, you do not hide anything, you will be clear. You are clear if you fall and clear if you ascend. So, BapDada loves a clean heart. It is good. Double congratulations. Everyone is happy to see you all. If there are no double foreigners in any one of the meetings, it feels as though something is missing, and this is why it is very good that you come in every turn. This is the beauty. Each child is a decoration of this court. So, continue to fly. Do not walk, do not run, do not take a high jump, but fly. You are those who fly. Look, even physically, double foreigners cannot arrive here without flying. You have to come here by flying. So, in order to reach the destination of becoming perfect, always stay in the flying stage. Congratulations. Achcha.
It isn't that those who haven't stood up with any of the professions have not received congratulations. Multimillion fold congratulations to you. To those who are listening whilst sitting at a distance or seeing from a distance - some are listening and others are listening and seeing - so, to all the children from all directions who are seeing and hearing, many, many, many congratulations to you, and also accept remembrances because in every season, in every turn, all of you send many letters. So, those letters reach BapDada; they don't go no where, they do arrive here. Some send love letters, some send letters of their efforts, some send service-news letters, some send letters of their promises, and you make many very good promises. So, all types of letters reach BapDada from all directions. BapDada doesn't sit and read the letters like you do, but they do reach His heart. The post office for the letters is in BapDada's heart, and so they arrive there.
Achcha. Was BapDada's desire underlined? Those who have done this, raise your hands to show you have done this! Achcha. Do you remember that BapDada gave you some homework to be done in 6 months? Do the teachers remember? The New Year will be beginning soon, and so, this month, BapDada will see the result of your determined thought. The homework to be done in 6 months is separate, but Baba will see the result of this determined thought of one month. Is that all right? Teachers, is one month OK? Pandavas, is it OK? Achcha. Those who have come to Madhuban for the first time, raise your hands! Very good. BapDada always loves the new children. However, just as new leaves on a tree are loved very much by the birds, similarly, Maya too loves the new children very much. Therefore, all of you new ones, check your newness: What newness did I bring in myself today? What special virtue or what special power did I specially imbibe in myself today? If you continue to check yourself and make yourself strong and mature in this way, you will remain safe. You will remain immortal. So, remain immortal and you definitely have to claim an immortal status. Achcha.
To all the carefree emperors from all directions, to all the elevated souls who always stay in spiritual intoxication, to the intense effort-making souls who always continue to increase their account of accumulation of their treasures, to the elevated-server children who serve in all three ways at the same time, BapDada's love and remembrance, multi-multi-multimillion fold love, remembrance and namaste.
News of a huge programme to be held in Jaipur on 19th December was shared with BapDada: BapDada heard the news that a mega programme is to take place in Rajasthan. The programme in Pune was very good. The programme in Mangalore was also very good. All other places, Baba has already been told that they were very good. All the programmes that are still to take place will also be very good. Achcha. The mela in Jaipur will spread the sound throughout Rajasthan even more because wherever the headquarters are, the sound of the headquarters has to be at the head. So, it is good that you are having meetings amongst yourselves. If you all do it together, success is already the garland around the neck. So, you have courage and you also have special help from Madhuban. You already have BapDada's help anyway. So, there is always success; continue to move forward with this guaranteed faith. Is this OK? Congratulations to those from Pune and also all the little ones in Mangalore who showed wonders. So, the little ones showed the practical example of young ones being equal to God. Therefore, congratulations to everyone. Congratulations. Achcha.
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